Modern insulin pumps are complex, multifaceted devices that continue to advance and evolve. A pump—particulary with integrated continuous glucose monitoring—is a powerful tool when prescribed to appropriate and motivated individuals, and can help people achieve their best possible level of glycemic control.
This comprehensive, fully updated edition guides practitioners through all aspects of initiating and maintaining effective pump therapy. Topics include:
Pump therapy advantages and disadvantages
Pump, infusion set, insulin options, and selection
Pump candidate basics
Getting the patient ready
Pump start-up
Pump therapy management
Case studies and guidelines
"Copyright", Putting Your Patients on the Pump, Nicholas B. Argento, MD, FACE, Karen M. Bolderman, RD, LDN, CDCES
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Director, Book Operations, Victor Van Beuren; Associate Director/Managing Editor, John Clark; Director, Book Marketing, Annette Reape; Editorial Services, Absolute Services; Printer, Lightning Source.
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DOI: 10.2337/9781580408363
Library of Congress Control Number: 2024930426