A new era of diabetes in pregnancy care is here, one in which technology is very much interwoven with glucose management. In recognition of this, the fully revised seventh edition of this manual includes updates on how continuous glucose monitoring, sensors, and other technology have become tools for pregnant people to use in order to achieve the best outcomes.
Additionally, there is increased recognition of the vast disparities that exist in healthcare access and healthcare outcomes. Where possible, this edition provides updated data on management strategies with equipoise so that each patient can receive the most individualized, high-quality care.
Topics covered include:
Preparing for pregnancy
Lifestyle management for diabetes in pregnancy
Glycemic goals and assessment
Medications for diabetes in pregnancy
Risk assessment, fetal surveillance, and delivery
Postpartum care and contraception
Neonatal care
Chapter 4: Medications for Diabetes in Pregnancy
Chloe Zera, MD, MPH, "Medications for Diabetes in Pregnancy", Medical Management of Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes, Erika F. Werner, MD, MS
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