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The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is leading the fight to find a cure to diabetes and its deadly consequences and fighting for those affected by diabetes. Founded in 1940, our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

We fund research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes. Last year, with the help of our donors, we provided more than $33.5 million in research funds to combat diabetes and supported 435 awards at 142 leading research institutions in the United States.

We deliver services to hundreds of communities, including children with diabetes and their families and high-risk populations. In addition, more than 300,000 people contact our Center for Information and Community Support each year to ask questions, voice concerns or seek support or direction regarding diabetes and diabetes management.

We set the standards for the latest in diabetes treatment protocols that are the focus of our consumer and technical publications. Our authors are recognized experts. Our goal is to provide the best in healthy outcomes for people with diabetes.

We give voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes. Last year, we obtained several victories in the fight against employment discrimination and student discrimination based on diabetes. We also fought to provide health insurance to 7 million children and to pass laws to improve nutrition and physical education.

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