In the general population, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) provides convenient and less-invasive glucose measurements than conventional self-monitored blood glucose and results in reduced hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and increased time in target glucose range. However, accuracy of CGM versus blood glucose is not well established in hemodialysis patients.


Among 31 maintenance hemodialysis patients with diabetes hospitalized from October 2020 to May 2021, we conducted protocolized glucose measurements using Dexcom G6 CGM versus blood glucose, with the latter measured before each meal and at night, plus every 30-min during hemodialysis. We examined CGM-blood glucose correlations and agreement between CGM versus blood glucose using Bland-Altman plots, percentage of agreement, mean and median absolute relative differences (ARDs), and consensus error grids.


Pearson and Spearman correlations for averaged CGM versus blood glucose levels were 0.84 and 0.79, respectively; Bland-Altman showed the mean difference between CGM and blood glucose was ∼+15 mg/dL. Agreement rates using %20/20 criteria were 48.7%, 47.2%, and 50.2% during the overall, hemodialysis, and nonhemodialysis periods, respectively. Mean ARD (MARD) was ∼20% across all time periods; median ARD was 19.4% during the overall period and was slightly lower during nonhemodialysis (18.2%) versus hemodialysis periods (22.0%). Consensus error grids showed nearly all CGM values were in clinically acceptable zones A (no harm) and B (unlikely to cause significant harm).


In hemodialysis patients with diabetes, although MARD values were higher than traditional optimal analytic performance thresholds, error grids showed nearly all CGM values were in clinically acceptable zones. Further studies are needed to determine whether CGM improves outcomes in hemodialysis patients.

This article contains supplementary material online at https://doi.org/10.2337/figshare.26527738.

Received 26 March 2024 and accepted 1 August 2024

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