About the Artist

Rohan Arora was born in India and was diagnosed with diabetes 14 years ago. Today he is a designer, a researcher, and a certified diabetes educator. Rohan is the head of the Delhi Chapter of the Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation, a nongovernmental organization in India committed to diabetes education and advocacy, where he uses his skills in storytelling to create graphics, narratives, and guides in multiple languages.

Rohan was initially misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes, then lived with LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, also known as type 1.5 diabetes) for 5 years, and now lives with type 1 diabetes. His interests include drawing and storytelling, and in his free time he enjoys drinking green tea and cycling. Rohan currently works as a user experience researcher and enjoys making surveys and polls for Diabetes Support Network India, which is the Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation Facebook community, one of the largest and most engaged patient-led support groups in India. Learn more at bluecircle.foundation, on Twitter (@bluecirclediab), and on Facebook (/bluecirclediabetesfoundation).

On the Cover: “Sugar Moon”

The following is a description of the artwork on the cover of this issue of Diabetes Care, titled “Sugar Moon,” as written by the artist, Rohan Arora:

This artwork highlights a mother’s empathy and how with love and joy in small things we can overcome all odds. Here, a kid living with type 1 diabetes complains to his mother, asking why he has to prick his finger multiple times a day. The mother creates a beautiful narrative where she asks her young son to believe the moon to be made of sugar and one day he will reach it by building a ladder of used glucometer strips. This uplifts her son’s mood and brings a smile to his face.

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