Urinary excretion of albumin, IgG, and β2-microglobulin was examined in 132 (69 men, 63 women) newly diagnosed, middle-aged type II diabetic patients and in 144 (62 men, 82 women) nondiabetic control subjects. Both male (N = 57) and female (N = 29)diabetic patients with normal urinary sediment showed an increased excretion of albumin compared with the respective nondiabetic subjects, and male diabetic patients also had an increased IgG excretion. No consistent difference was found in urinary (β2-microglobulin concentration between the diabetic and nondiabetic subjects. In all, 19.5% of the diabetic subjects with normal urinary sediment (12 men, 5 women) showed urinary albumin concentration exceeding the highest value (35 mg/24 h) found in nondiabetic subjects without renal disease. The urinary excretion of albumin in the diabetic subjects was not associated with the presence of hypertension or coronary heart disease or with thefasting blood glucose or serum insulin levels measured at diagnosis of diabetes. In male diabetic subjects with urinary albumin excretion >35 mg/ 24 h, a reduced creatinine clearance was found, suggesting the presence of structural damage associated with diabetic nephropathy. The early increase of urinary albumin excretion in type II diabetic patients may be mostly functional in nature. However, some patients may have structural renaldamage associated with diabetic nephropathy present at diagnosis.
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March 01 1987
Proteinuria in Newly Diagnosed Type II Diabetic Patients
Matti Uusitupa, MD;
Matti Uusitupa, MD
Departments of Medicine, Kuopio University Central Hospital
Kuopio, Finland
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Onni Siitonen, MD;
Onni Siitonen, MD
Departments of Medicine, Kuopio University Central Hospital
Kuopio, Finland
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Ilkka Penttilä, MD;
Ilkka Penttilä, MD
Clinical Chemistry, Kuopio University Central Hospital
Kuopio, Finland
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Antti Aro, MD;
Antti Aro, MD
Departments of Medicine, Kuopio University Central Hospital
Kuopio, Finland
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Kalevi Pyörälä, MD
Kalevi Pyörälä, MD
Departments of Medicine, Kuopio University Central Hospital
Kuopio, Finland
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Matti Uusitupa, Department of Medicine, University of Kuopio, 70210 Kuopio 21, Finland.
Matti Uusitupa, Onni Siitonen, Ilkka Penttilä, Antti Aro, Kalevi Pyörälä; Proteinuria in Newly Diagnosed Type II Diabetic Patients. Diabetes Care 1 March 1987; 10 (2): 191–194. https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.10.2.191
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