To estimate the prevalence of diabetes and related risk factors among Native Americans.


We used 1988–1989 data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to calculate the overall, age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes, obesity, sedentary life-style, hypertension, and smoking among Native Americans. The SESUDAAN software package was used to derive confidence intervals.


The prevalence of diabetes was 11.6% among the 768 Native American Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System respondents (95% confidence interval 7.8–15.4) and 4.7% among the 121,986 white respondents (95% confidence interval 4.6–4.8). The age-adju ted prevalence of diabetes was 2.5 times higher among Native Americans than among whites. The prevalence of obesity was higher among Native Americans (34.4; 95% confidence interval 31.7–37.1) than among whites (23.9%; confidence interval 23.7–24.1). The prevalences of sedentary lifestyle (58%), hypertension (16%), and smoking (28%) were similar among both populations.


The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System may prove as a useful tool for surveying Native Americans living on and off reservations for inclusion in national estimates of diabetes prevalences.

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