Objective— To increase health-care professionals′ awareness and knowledge of factitious illness by proxy, or Munchausen syndrome by proxy, in relatives of diabetic patients.

Research Design and Methods— A case report is described of a 14-yr-old male who has a 6-yr history of diet-controlled diabetes mellitus, and a 6-mo history of reported spontaneous hypoglycemia.

Results— Neither diabetes nor spontaneous hypoglycemia was present in this child on objective testing. The child was subjected to inappropriate use of a strict diabetic diet and daily glucometer measurements for at least 8 yr. The father had convinced his son and health-care professionals of these diagnoses, in spite of evidence of the contrary.

Conclusions— When confronted with history and clinical findings that contradict laboratory findings, health-care professionals should have a high index of suspicion for factitious illness and should pursue it aggressively with the help of legal services.

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