The objective of this study was to develop a third version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale (DAS-3) that is congruent with current scientific knowledge about diabetes, has improved subscale internal reliability scores, and is shorter than the earlier versions of this instrument.


The second DAS was revised and rewritten by a panel of diabetes experts, including patients, associated with the University of Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center. The revised version of the instrument was sent to physicians, nurses, dietitians, and patients with diabetes. Completed and usable questionnaires were obtained from 384 patients with diabetes, 321 physicians, 540 nurses, and 569 dietitians. The total number of surveys used for these analyses was 1,814.


The study resulted in a revised DAS with 33 items and five discrete subscales. The subscales were attitudes toward the following: 1) need for special training to provide diabetes care, 2) seriousness of type 2 diabetes, 3) value of tight glucose control, 4) pyschosocial impact of diabetes, and 5) attitude toward patient autonomy. Overall, the subscale reliabilities of the DAS-3 were superior to the earlier versions of the scale.


The DAS-3 is a valid and reliable general measure of diabetes-related attitudes and is most suitable for comparisons across different groups of health care professionals and/or patients. The DAS-3 is also suitable for the evaluation of patient and/or professional education programs if those programs focus on the specific topic areas measured by the five DAS-3 subscales.

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