Expert Committee Reports
The “Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus” meets periodically to make recommendations to the American Diabetes Association.
The Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus: Report of the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 20:1183–1197, 1997
The Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus: Follow-up report on the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 26:3160–3167, 2003
Consensus Statements
A consensus statement is a comprehensive analysis by a panel of experts (i.e., consensus panel) of a scientific or medical issue related to diabetes. A consensus statement is developed immediately after a consensus conference at which presentations are made on the issue under review. The statement represents the panel’s collective analysis, evaluation, and opinion based, in part, on the conference proceedings. The need for a consensus statement arises when clinicians or scientists desire guidance on a subject for which there is a relative deficiency of comprehensive evidence that might otherwise allow for a more definitive statement to be made.
Consensus statements are published in American Diabetes Association journals and other scientific/medical journals, as appropriate. Once written by the panel, a consensus statement is not subject to subsequent review or approval and does not represent official association opinion. Listed below are recent consensus statements.
Peripheral Arterial Disease in People with Diabetes
Diabetes Care 26:3333–3341, 2003
Management of Dyslipidemia in Children and Adolescents with Diabetes
Diabetes Care 26:2194–2197, 2003
Postprandial Blood Glucose
Diabetes Care 24:775–778, 2001
Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents
Diabetes Care 23:381–389, 2000
Diabetic Foot Wound Care
Diabetes Care 22:1354–1360, 1999
Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease in People With Diabetes
Diabetes Care 21:1551–1559, 1998
Insulin Resistance
Diabetes Care 21:310–314, 1998
The Pharmacological Treatment of Hyperglycemia in NIDDM
Diabetes Care 18:1510–1518, 1995
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose
Diabetes Care 17:81–86, 1994
Consensus Development Conference on the Diagnosis and Management of Nephropathy in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Care 17:1357–1361, 1994
Detection and Management of Lipid Disorders in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 16:828–834, 1993
Treatment of Hypertension in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 16:1394–1401, 1993
Magnesium Supplementation in the Treatment of Diabetes
Diabetes Care 15:1065–1067, 1992
Proceedings of a Consensus Development Conference on Standardized Measures inDiabetic Neuropathy
Diabetes Care 15:1080–1107, 1992
Role of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Prevention and Treatment of Macrovascular Disease in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 12:573–579, 1989
Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetes Care 11:592–597, 1988