Feig DS, Razzaq A, Sykora K, Hux JE, Anderson GM: Trends in deliveries, prenatal care, and obstetrical complications in women with pregestational diabetes: a population-based study in Ontario, Canada, 1996–2001. Diabetes Care 29:232–235, 2006

In Table 2 of the above-listed article, the correct value for caesarean section (in 1996) for women with pregestational diabetes should be 36.6 (instead of 6.6) per 100 deliveries.

Matz K, Keresztes K, Tatschl C, Nowotny M, Dachenhausen A, Brainin M, Tuomilehto J: Disorders of glucose metabolism in acute stroke patients: an underrecognized problem. Diabetes Care 29:792–797, 2006

The fifth author’s last name was misspelled in the above-listed article. The correct spelling is shown here, and the online version reflects this change.