Position Statements
A position statement is an official point of view or belief of the ADA. Position statements are issued on scientific or medical issues related to diabetes. They are published in ADA journals and other scientific/medical publications as appropriate. Position statements must be reviewed and approved by the Professional Practice Committee and, subsequently, by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. ADA position statements are typically based on a technical review or other published review and are peer reviewed.
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S11–S14, 2004
Nutrition Principles and Recommendations in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S36–S46, 2004
Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S47–S54, 2004
Diabetes Nutrition Recommendations for Health Care Institutions
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S55–S57, 2004
Physical Activity/Exercise and Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S58–S62, 2004
Preventive Foot Care in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S63–S64, 2004
Hypertension Management in Adults With Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S65–S67, 2004
Dyslipidemia Management in Adults With Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S68–S71, 2004
Aspirin Therapy in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S72–S73, 2004
Smoking and Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S74–S75, 2004
Preconception Care of Women With Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S76–S78, 2004
Nephropathy in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S79–S83, 2004
Retinopathy in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27:S84–S87, 2004
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S88–S90, 2004
Tests of Glycemia in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S91–S93, 2004
Hyperglycemic Crises in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S94–S102, 2004
Hospital Admission Guidelines for Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S103, 2004
Bedside Blood Glucose Monitoring in Hospitals
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S104, 2004
Pancreas Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S105, 2004
Insulin Administration
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S106–S109, 2004
Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S110, 2004
Influenza and Pneumococcal Immunization in Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S111–S113, 2004
Concurrent Care
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S132, 2004
Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S133, 2004
Unproven Therapies
Diabetes Care 27 (Suppl. 1):S135, 2004
An ADA Statement is a focused review on a clinical topic with recommendations. It is authored, and the recommendations are those of the authors based on the evidence presented. ADA Statements are reviewed externally and also by the Professional Practice Committee for overall content. As noted above, the recommendations made are considered by the Professional Practice Committee as part of the review and updating of the “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes.”
Weight Management
Klein S, Sheard NF, Pi-Sunyer X, Daly A, Wylie-Rosett J, Kulkarni K, Clark NG: Weight management through lifestyle modification for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: rationale and strategies: a statement of the American Diabetes Association, the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, and the American Society for Clinical Nutrition. Diabetes Care 27:2067–2073, 2004
Dietary Carbohydrate
Sheard NF, Clark NG, Brand-Miller JC, Franz MJ, Pi-Sunyer FX, Mayer-Davis E, Kulkarni K, Geil P: Dietary carbohydrate (amount and type) in the prevention and management of diabetes: a statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 27:2266–2271, 2004
Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Silverstein J, Klingensmith G, Copeland K, Plotnick L, Kaufman F, Laffel L, Deeb L, Grey M, Anderson BJ, Holzmeister LA, Clark N: Care of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 28:186–212, 2005
Boulton AJM, Vinik AI, Arezzo JC, Bril V, Feldman EL, Freeman R, Malik RA, Maser RE, Sosenko JM, Ziegler D: Diabetic neuropathies: a statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 28:956–962, 2005
Metabolic Syndrome
Kahn R, Buse J, Ferrannini E, Stern M: The metabolic syndrome: time for a critical appraisal: joint statement from the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Diabetes Care 28:2289–2304, 2005