Thirty insulin-treated diabetic individuals were interviewed in their homes 6–12 mo after having attended diabetic education classes at a community hospital. Self-report as well as direct observation were used to measure these patients' level of compliance with their insulin administration, urine testing, diet, hypoglycemia management, and foot care prescriptions. All patients were complying with at least 59% of the points measured. Over one-half of the group indicated compliance with at least 70% of the 61 points measured. However, only 7% complied with every one of the 45 points considered to be necessary for good control of their disease. The group was most compliant with regard to insulin administration and least compliant regarding urine testing. The level of these patients' beliefs regarding their disease (severity and susceptibility, treatment benefits, and barriers) and cues to action were also measured. A correlation of 0.5 occurred between these patients' overall compliance levels and a composit of their level of health belief motivation. The highest levels of correlations between the areas of compliance and the motivators occurred with cues to action.

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