Ley SH, Harris SB, Connelly PW, Mamakeesick M, Gittelsohn J, Hegele RA, Retnakaran R, Zinman B, Hanley AJG: Adipokines and incident type 2 diabetes in a Canadian Aborigine population: the Sandy Lake Health and Diabetes Project. Diabetes Care 31:1410–1415, 2008

In the printed and early versions of this study, the term “Canadian Aborigine” appeared in the title and throughout the text of the manuscript. The use of this term was based on a change to the manuscript that was made by the editorial staff without approval from or consultation with the authors. The authors and their community research partners do not use or support the use of this term in any way and regret the appearance of this term in the study. The term “ Canadian Aborigine” has been replaced in the title and the text of the online version with “Aboriginal Canadian,” which the authors feel is more appropriate and respectful terminology.

The Diabetes Care production staff extend their apologies to both the authors of the article and the Aboriginal Canadian community for any misunderstanding or offense caused by this error.