Although its gestation has been nearly a decade of devotion, my tenure as an associate editor of Diabetes Care has been a labor of love. During these years, I have been part of the legacy that has created the most important and highly respected journal in clinical obstetrics today in the field of diabetes and pregnancy. The reviewers have partnered in this process, with over 400 Diabetes Care experts now reviewing articles concerning diabetes and pregnancy. They have helped to adjudicate articles, select the best, and edit as needed to make sure that only the highest level of evidence and science is presented to the readers of Diabetes Care.
When I first took on the tasks of associate editor, under the guidance of then Editor-in-Chief Dr. Mayer Davidson, the field of diabetes and pregnancy was essentially devoted to obstetrics and pediatric care. The notion that the topic could cover internal medicine, metabolism, and even fetal origin of adult diseases was foreign. Under the leadership of our present Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Vivian Fonseca, who invited me to continue my role, the readers have endorsed articles about mothers and children and have selected Diabetes Care as the premier journal in which to publish their science. Although much of this forward trend would have probably happened spontaneously given the rising impact of Diabetes Care in general, I am proud to take complete ownership in the “nurturing and mothering” of landmark studies under my subspecialty and their publication in Diabetes Care.
That said, the time has come to pass the baton to a new associate editor in charge of articles regarding reproductive health, mothers, and children, as well as sex-specific aspects of diabetes. The maturation of my subspecialty necessitates fresh and creative oversight for the journal, and I am ready to let my “child” grow and take on new directions, thus cutting my apron strings.
However, I shall glow in my glory as “grandmother” to the offspring of my tenure. My own grandmother survived as one of the first recipients of insulin in 1922, and her legacy led me to use my diabetes diagnosis as inspiration to make a difference in the world. I thank Dr. Mayer Davidson for selecting me and Dr. Vivian Fonseca for allowing me to continue to put my mark on Diabetes Care. It has been difficult to reject any article, and my nature is to assist and help all authors to tell the world of their discoveries. Both Dr. Davidson and Dr. Fonseca took the heat off of me and signed all of the correspondence. Hence, I was allowed the luxury of anonymity, so my dearest friends would receive the best decisions on their manuscripts without concern about impacting our friendship. I also extend a special thank-you to Lyn Reynolds, Editorial Office Manager, who is a genius and a partner without whom I would not have been able to survive or appear so accomplished as an associate editor.
As for all who have contributed to Diabetes Care—my fellow associate editors, authors, and reviewers—I thank you for working with me to create the best journal in the field of diabetes and pregnancy. Congratulations to you all. Please continue in your quest to seek the truth and wisdom needed and to publish your brilliant observations in Diabetes Care. Now, it is my turn to sit back and relax while I read of your accomplishments, watching my legacy enlighten the world in the field of diabetes and pregnancy.
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