Harmer AR, Chisholm DJ, McKenna MJ, Hunter SK, Ruell PA, Naylor JM, Maxwell LJ, Flack JR: Sprint training increases muscle oxidative metabolism during high-intensity exercise in patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 31:2097–2102, 2008
In the article listed above, two typographical errors appear within the text that affect the interpretation of the results. In the conclusions section, third paragraph (p. 2100), the sentence should read “In contrast to the present study, Crowther et al.'s (9) subjects had eaten and administered insulin before exercise and were not matched for V̇o2peak with control subjects.” Also in the conclusions section, sixth paragraph (p. 2101), the sentence should read “During intense exercise after training, reduced metabolic destabilization was evident (i.e., less increase in ventilation, V̇co2, plasma lactate and [H+], muscle pyruvate and lactate, and less ATP degradation; the glycogenolytic and glycolytic rates were lower; and citrate synthase activity increased in both groups).” The online version reflects these changes.