Dhindsa S, Miller MG, McWhirter CL, Mager DE, Ghanim H, Chaudhuri A, Dandona P. Testosterone concentrations in diabetic and nondiabetic obese men. Diabetes Care 2010;33:1186

In the print version of the article listed above, Table 1 is missing the n values in row 1 for four categories: “Overweight Nondiabetic” should read “687”; “Overweight Diabetic” should read “135”; “Obese Nondiabetic” should read “489”; and “Obese Diabetic” should read “227.” In addition, the following acknowledgments were missing from the Acknowledgments section: “S.D. is supported by a grant from the American Diabetes Association (10-JF-13) and has received speaker's honoraria from Solvay Pharmaceuticals. C.L.M. and M.G.M. are employees of Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.” The online version reflects these changes.

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