On page S73 of the article listed above, the sentence “U-300 glargine and U-200 degludec are three and two times as concentrated as their U-100 formulations, have longer durations of action, and allow higher doses of basal insulin administration per volume used” incorrectly stated that U-200 degludec has a longer duration of action than U-100 degludec. The duration of action for U-100 degludec and U-200 degludec is the same. The text has been changed to reflect this: “U-300 glargine and U-200 degludec are three and two times as concentrated as their U-100 formulations and allow higher doses of basal insulin administration per volume used. U-300 glargine has a longer duration of action than U-100 glargine.”

The online version reflects this change.

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