The American Diabetes Association offers a variety of continuing education opportunities and materials for health care professionals. Educational offerings include live and free online programs. For more information, including a complete list of American Diabetes Association programs, please visit

The 79th annual American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions will be held in San Francisco, California, on 7–11 June 2019, at the Moscone Center. The largest of its kind, this meeting brings together scientists and health care professionals from around the world who are involved in diabetes research and care. Attendees choose from over 3,000 original presentations given by leading experts in the field. For more information, please visit

Webcasts from the latest Diabetes is Primary event are available. Held in conjunction with the 78th annual Scientific Sessions, the American Diabetes Association brought together health care professionals interested in the clinical management of diabetes and its complications for an innovative educational initiative developed specifically for the primary care community. The presentations offer information and tools needed to improve patient outcomes through patient engagement. To access the webcasts, please visit

The 66th annual American Diabetes Association Advanced Postgraduate Course will be held in New York, New York, on 22–24 February 2019. Join your colleagues and diabetes experts for presentations and discussions on cutting-edge clinical research in diabetes. The course will cover the latest clinical research translated into evidence-based treatment strategies to improve outcomes in your patients with diabetes. Discuss clinical cases with world-renowned faculty, and take home practical patient management tools that you can use immediately in your practice. For more information, please visit

The 34th Annual Clinical Conference on Diabetes will be held in Orlando, Florida, on 23–26 May 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando. It will provide a comprehensive update on the treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and comorbidities. The ADA Clinical Conference is developed specifically to provide current clinical information utilizing different teaching methods, including didactic general sessions and small-group, interactive learning opportunities. For more information, please visit

Diabetes Core Update is a monthly audio podcast devoted to presenting and discussing the latest clinically relevant articles from the American Diabetes Association’s scholarly journals. Diabetes Core Update audio podcasts are free and can be accessed through iTunes or RSS feed. For more information, please visit

The American Diabetes Association is pleased to open the Call for Nominations for Pathway to Stop Diabetes Awards. Pathway provides substantial support to exceptional scientists who are early in their diabetes research careers or who are established in other disciplines but are interested in applying their expertise to diabetes research. Applications are due by 1 July 2019. For more information, please visit

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