A1C, S14–S15, S61–S63. see also glycemic targets
advantages of, S15
age and, S15
cardiovascular disease and, S64, S65
in children and adolescents, S20, S62, S151, S156
continuous glucose monitoring reduction of, S76
discharge planning, S178–S179
ethnic variability in, S15, S62
glucose assessment, S62–S63
goals, S63–S64
goals, setting/modifying, S64–S66
hemoglobinopathies, S14, S15
HIV and, S41
limitations of, S62
microvascular complications and, S63–S65
in older adults, S141, S142
other conditions affecting, S15
performance of, S14–S15
physical activity benefits, S52
prediabetes, S17
pregnancy values, S14, S15, S166, S167
race/ethnicity, S15
recommendations, S14, S61, S63
testing frequency, S61–S62
acarbose, S96
ACCORD BP trial, S104–S106
ACCORD MIND trial, S140
ACCORD study, S40, S64, S65, S67, S127
ACE inhibitors
children and adolescents, S153, S154
chronic kidney disease, S128–S129
hypertension, S106–S108
pregnancy, S169
retinopathy, S131
acute kidney injury, S126
ADA evidence-grading system, S2
ADAG study, S62, S66
ADA statements, S1
adolescents. see children and adolescents
ADVANCE BP trial, S105
ADVANCE study, S64, S65, S67
advocacy position statements, S6, S182–S183
aerobic exercise, S52
Affordable Care Act, S9, S160
African Americans
A1C as predictive in, S17
A1C variability in, S15, S52, S62
BMI cut point, S20
exercise targets in, S52
food insecurity in, S10
hemoglobinopathies in, S15
hypoglycemia in, S67
idiopathic type 1 diabetes in, S16
risk-based screening, S18
agave syrup, S51
age, S15, S20
α-glucosidase inhibitors, S31, S96
AIM-HIGH trial, S112
albiglutide, S116
alcohol, S49, S51
alogliptin, S96, S117, S118, S176
American Indians, S18
amylin mimetics, S83, S96
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
children and adolescents, S153, S154
chronic kidney disease, S128–S129
hypertension, S106–S108
pregnancy, S169
retinopathy, S131
anorexia nervosa, S144, S145
anticholinergics, S83
anticonvulsants, S83
antidepressants, S83
antihistamines, S83
cardiovascular disease, S115–S119
heart failure, S118
hospital care, S175–S176
obesity management, S83
type 2 diabetes, S92, S93
cardiovascular disease, S104, S106–S108
chronic kidney disease, S128
pregnancy, S169
antioxidant supplementation, S51
antiplatelet agents, S113–S114
antipsychotics, S83
antiretroviral (ARV) therapies, S41
anti-VEGF, S129–S131
anxiety disorders evaluation, S42, S55
ARRIVE trial, S113
ASCEND trial, S113, S114
Asians Americans
BMI cut point, S17, S20
idiopathic type 1 diabetes in, S16
metabolic surgery, S85, S86
prediabetes/type 2 criteria, S18
risk-based screening, S18, S19
Aspart, S97
Aspart 70/30, S97
ASPIRE study, S76
cardiovascular disease and, S113–S114
preeclampsia, S167–S169
resistance, S114
retinopathy and, S129
ASPREE trial, S113
assisted living facilities, S144, S145
atorvastatin, S111
autoimmune diseases, S39, S152
automated insulin delivery, S77
autonomic neuropathy
cardiac, S131, S132
diagnosis, S132
genitourinary, S132
glycemic control, S132
physical activity and, S53
pre-exercise evaluation, S52–S53
prevention, S131
screening, S131
treatment, S131, S132
bariatric surgery referrals, S55
BARI 2D trial, S132
basal insulin analogs, S97–S99
bedside blood glucose monitoring, S175
behavioral therapy, S82–S83
β-blockers, S114
beverage consumption, S5
biguanides, S96
bile acid sequestrants, S96
blood glucose meter accuracy, S74
blood pressure control. see hypertension
blood pressure targets, S104
BMI, ethnicity and, S17, S20
board certified-advanced diabetes management (BC-ADM), S47
bromocriptine, S96
canagliflozin, S96, S98, S115–S116, S128
cancer evaluation, S39
CANVAS-Renal (CANVAS-R) trial, S115–S118
CANVAS trial, S115–S119, S127, S128
carbohydrates, S49, S50
cardiovascular disease, S103–S119
A1C and, S64, S65
antihyperglycemics, S115–S119
antiplatelet agents, S113–S114
atherosclerotic, defined, S103
atherosclerotic, pharmacology in type 2, S92, S98
cardiac testing, S114–S115
children and adolescents, S153–S155, S159
chronic kidney disease and, S128–S129
fats (dietary) and, S51
heart failure, S103, S114, S118–S119
hypertension, S104–S113
lifestyle interventions, S115
obesity management and, S82
pharmacology, S115–S119
pharmacology outcomes, S98
physical activity benefits, S52
prevention of, S31
primary prevention/aspirin, S113–S114
primary prevention/statins, S110
recommendations, S114
revisions summary, S5
risk assessment, S36, S103–S104
risk factors, S17, S20, S66
screening, S114, S115
secondary prevention/statins, S111
statins, S109–S113
stroke. see stroke
treatment, S114
care delivery systems
Affordable Care Act, S9, S160
background, S8
care team, S8
chronic care model, S8–S9, S34
social context in, S9–S10
system-level improvement strategies, S8
telemedicine, S4, S5, S8–S9, S31, S129
carotene, S51
A1C/mean glucose levels in, S52
BMI cut points in, S20
exercise levels in, S52
hemoglobinopathies in, S15
celiac disease, S152–S153
certified diabetes educator (CDE), S47
CGM. see continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
Charcot foot, S134
child care/school, S150
children and adolescents, S148–S160
A1C targets in, S151, S156
A1C validity in, S20, S62
autoimmune conditions in, S152
cardiac function testing, S159
cardiovascular risk factor management, S153–S155
celiac disease, S152–S153
complications prevention/management, S158–S160
continuous glucose monitoring in, S149, S151
diabetic ketoacidosis in, S149, S156, S157
dyslipidemia, S153–S154, S159
eating disorders in, S151
glycemic control/type 1, S151–S152
glycemic control/type 2, S156–S157
hypertension, S153
hypoglycemia in, S67
immune-mediated diabetes, S16
immunizations, S36
insulin pumps, S72–S73
lifestyle management, S156
metabolic surgery, S158
monogenic diabetes in, S25
nephropathy, S154
neuropathy, S155, S158
new-onset management algorithm, S157
nutrition therapy, S149, S156
obesity management, S150, S155, S156
pediatric to adult care transition, S160
pharmacology, S156–S158
physical activity/exercise, S51, S52, S149–S150, S156
preconception counseling, S150, S151
psychosocial issues, S150–S151, S159–S160
real-time CGM in, S75
retinopathy, S154–S155, S158–S159
revisions summary, S6
school/child care, S150
shared decision making, S150–S151
smoking, S154
thyroid disease, S152
type 2 diabetes in, S17, S18, S155–S160
type 1 diabetes in, S13–S14, S148–S155
chronic care model, S8–S9, S34
chronic kidney disease, S124–S129
acute kidney injury, S126
albuminuria screening, S125
albuminuria treatment, S128
antihypertensives, S128
cardiovascular disease and, S128–S129
children and adolescents, S154, S158–S159
complications of, S126
diagnosis of, S125
eGFR assessment, S125
epidemiology, S125
glucose-lowering medications, renal effects, S127
glycemic targets, S127
hypertension and, S124, S128–S129
nutrition therapy, S50, S53, S124, S127
pharmacology, S92, S97, S125, S127–S128
recommendations, S124–S125
referrals, S129
renal replacement treatment, S125, S129
screening, S124
staging of, S125–S126
surveillance, S126–S127
treatment, S124–S129
CKD. see chronic kidney disease
classification, S4, S13–S14
clopidogrel, S113, S114
closed-loop pump system, S91
clozapine, S83
cognitive impairment/dementia
evaluation, S39–S40
older adults, S140
risk factors, S67
statins and, S113
colesevelam, S96
community health workers, S10
community screening, S20
community support, S10
comorbidities, S4, S36, S39–S43
concentrated human regular insulin, S97, S99
consensus reports, S1–S2
contact dermatitis, S77
continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), S74–S77
accuracy, S74, S75
A1C measurement with, S15
A1C reduction, S76
A1C testing and, S62
basal insulin/oral agents, S73–S74
children and adolescents, S149, S151
as complementary method, S73
flash, S76–S77
function, applications of, S75
glucose assessment, S62–S63
glycemic control impacts, S75
hospital care, S175
hypoglycemia impacts, S67, S75, S76
intensive insulin regimens, S73
optimization, S73
pregnancy, S169
real-time, S75–S76
recommendations, S74–S76
continuous subcutaneous insulin injection (CSII), S72–S73
contraception, S170
counterfeit strips, S74
CREDENCE trial, S128
CVD. see cardiovascular disease
cystic fibrosis, S13
cystic fibrosis–related diabetes, S23
DAMOCLES trial, S135
dapagliflozin, S96, S128
Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Study, S30
DASH diet, S48, S109
degludec, S97
dental care, S20, S41
depression evaluation, S42, S55
detemir, S97
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) trial, S65, S66, S67, S72, S91, S127, S140, S152
diabetes distress, S54–S55
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), S17, S29, S30, S31
Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS), S30, S51, S96
Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (DPRP), S31
diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES), S9, S10
benefits of, S47
children and adolescents, S149
older adults, S141
principles of, S46–S47
psychosocial issues and, S54
recommendations, S32
reimbursement, S47
social determinants of health and, S9, S10
diabetic ketoacidosis
in children and adolescents, S149, S156, S157
epidemiology, S13–S14
glycemic targets and, S68
hospital care, S178
nutrition therapy, S48, S50
pregnancy, S169
as pump complication, S72, S73
referrals, S55
risk factors, S16
in type 2 diabetes, S18
diabetic kidney disease. see chronic kidney disease
diabetic macular edema, S129, S131
diabetic retinopathy. see retinopathy
Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS), S130–S131
A1C. see A1C
community screening, S20
confirming, S15–S16
criteria, S15
fasting plasma glucose (FPG), S14, S15, S20, S23
IFG, S17
MODY, S13, S25
monogenic diabetes syndromes, S13, S24–S25
neonatal diabetes, S24, S25
one-step strategy, GDM, S21–S22
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), S14, S20, S22
posttransplantation diabetes mellitus, S23–S24
revisions summary, S4
testing interval, S20
2-h plasma glucose (2-h PG), S14, S15
two-step strategy, GDM, S21, S22
type 1 diabetes, S15, S16–S17
type 2 diabetes, S17–S20
DIAMOND study, S76
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), S168
discharge planning, S178–S179
disordered eating behavior evaluation, S42–S43
DKA. see diabetic ketoacidosis
dopamine-2 agonists, S96
DPP-4 inhibitors
in combination therapy, S93–S94, S97–S98
costs, S96
heart failure, S118
hospital care, S176
indications, considerations, S93
older patients, S143–S145
in renal transplant recipients, S24
dulaglutide, S96
duloxetine, S132
dumping syndrome, S86
e-cigarettes, S5, S6, S53–S54, S154
economic costs of diabetes, S8
EDIC study, S64–S67, S127
ELIXA trial, S116–S118
empagliflozin, S96, S98, S115, S116, S119, S128
EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial, S115, S117–S119, S127, S128
end-of-life/palliative care, S141, S144, S146
enteral/parenteral feedings, S177
eplerenone, S129
erectile dysfunction, S133
ertugliflozin, S96
erythropoietin therapy, S15
ETDRS, S130–S131
ethnicity, S15, S20, S62. see also specific ethnicities
evolocumab, S111
EXAMINE trial, S117, S118
Exenatide, Exenatide ER, S96
exercise. see physical activity
EXSCEL trial, S116–S118
eye disease. see diabetic retinopathy
ezetimibe, S111, S113
fasting plasma glucose (FPG), S14, S15, S20, S23
fats (dietary), S49–S51
fenofibrate, S112
fibrates, S112
finerenone, S129
Finland study, S16
Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, S30
flash CGM, S76–S77
food insecurity, S10
foot care
hyperbaric oxygen therapy, S134–S135
infections, S134
loss of protective sensation, S131, S134
neuropathy, S133–S135
patient education, S134
peripheral arterial disease, S133, S134
recommendations, S133
revisions summary, S5
treatment, S134
ulcers/amputations risk, S133–S134
footwear, S134
FOURIER trial, S111
fractures, S40–S41
frailty, S141–S142
FRAX score, S41
gabapentin, S5, S83
gastrointestinal neuropathy, S132
gastroparesis, S133
genitourinary autonomic neuropathy, S132
German study, S16
gestational diabetes mellitus, S6, S13, S20–S23, S76, S167–S170
GI surgery. see metabolic surgery
glargine, glargine biosimilar, S97
glimepiride, S96
glipizide, S96
GLP-1 receptor agonists
cardiovascular disease outcomes, S65, S98, S114, S116
in CKD, S127, S128
in combination therapy, S93–S94, S97–S99
costs, S95, S97
heart failure, S118–S119
hospital care, S176
indications, considerations, S93
obesity management, S85
older patients, S143–S145
stroke and, S116
type 1 diabetes, S92
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S31
glucagon, S66–S68
glucocorticoids, S83, S177
glucose oxidase systems, S74
glulisine, S97
gluten-free diets, S152, S153
glyburide, S96, S167
glycemic index/glycemic load, S50
glycemic targets, S61–S68. see also A1C
cardiovascular disease and, S64, S65
continuous glucose monitoring impacts, S75
evaluation of, S36, S39, S61–S63
glucose assessment, S62–S63
hospital care, S174–S175
intercurrent illness and, S68
management algorithm, S35
moderate vs. tight control, S174–S175
nonpregnant adults, S66
physical activity and, S52
in pregnancy, S166–S167, S169
preprandial, S67
revisions summary, S5
G6PD deficiency, S4, S14, S15
HAPO study, S21, S167
Harmony Outcomes trial, S116
hearing impairment evaluation, S41
hemodialysis, S15
hemoglobinopathies, S14, S15
hepatitis B vaccine, S36, S38–S39, S127
herbal supplements, S49, S51
Hispanics. see Latinos
HIV evaluation, S41
homelessness, S10
honey, S51
hospital care, S173–S179
admission considerations, S173–S174
admission/readmission prevention, S179
antihyperglycemics, S175–S176
bedside blood glucose monitoring, S175
continuous glucose monitoring, S175
delivery standards, S173–S174
diabetes care providers in, S174
diabetic ketoacidosis, S178
discharge planning, S178–S179
enteral/parenteral feedings, S177
glucocorticoid therapy, S177
glucose abnormalities definitions, S174
glycemic targets, S174–S175
hyperglycemia management, S24
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, S178
hypoglycemia, S176–S177
insulin, IV to subcutaneous transition, S176
insulin therapy, S174–S176
medical nutrition therapy, S177
noninsulin therapies, S176
perioperative care, S177–S178
physician order entry, S174
quality assurance standards in, S174
revisions summary, S6
self-monitoring of blood glucose, S177
stroke, S174
type 1 diabetes, S176
HOT trial, S105
HPS2-THRIVE trial, S112
Human NPH, S97
human regular insulin, S97
hydralzine, S106
hyperbaric oxygen therapy, S134–S135
ARV-associated, S41
defined, S174
evaluation of, S40
exercise-induced, S149–S150
maternal, S22
postprandial as predictive, S66
posttransplant, S23
risk factors, S10
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, S178
hypertension, S104–S113
antihypertensives, S104, S106–S108
bedtime dosing, S107
blood pressure targets, S104
children and adolescents, S153
chronic kidney disease and, S124, S128–S129
defined, S104
hyperkalemia/acute kidney injury, S107–S108
lipid management, S109–S113
meta-analyses of trials, S106
multiple-drug therapy, S107, S108
in older adults, S141
pharmacologic interventions, S107–S113
in pregnancy, S104, S106
randomized clinical trials, S104–S106
resistant, S108, S109
screening/diagnosis, S104
treatment algorithm, S108
treatment goals, S104
treatment strategies, S107–S113
treatment targets individualization, S106
hypertriglyceridemia, S112
hypoglycemia, S66–S68
A1C testing and, S62
anxiety disorders and, S42
cardiovascular disease and, S65
continuous glucose monitoring impacts, S75, S76
definitions, S67
exercise-induced, S53, S149–S150
hospital care, S176–S177
insulin therapy and, S91
moderate vs. tight glycemic control, S174–S175
in older adults, S67, S140, S145
postprandial, post-RYGB, S86
predictors of, S176
prevention, S68, S176–S177
pumps and, S73
recommendations, S66–S67
risk, evaluation of, S39, S40
risk factors, S10, S64
symptoms of, S67
treatment of, S67–S68
triggering events, S176
hypoglycemia unawareness, S42, S66–S68
IADPSG criteria, S22–S23
idiopathic type 1 diabetes, S16
IFG, S17
immune-mediated diabetes, S16
immunizations, S36–S39
IMPROVE-IT trial, S111
improvement. see quality of care
incretin-based therapies, S143. see also DPP-4 inhibitors; GLP-1 receptor agonists
Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme (IDPP-1), S31
influenza vaccine, S36, S38
inhaled insulin, S91, S97, S99
injection-related anxiety, S42
insulin pumps, S72–S73, S76, S91
insulin resistance, S18
insulin secretagogues, S143. see also sulfonylureas
insulin syringes/pens, S71–S72
insulin therapy
automated delivery, S77
basal insulin, S98–S99
carbohydrates and, S49, S50
children and adolescents, S156, S157
concentrated products, S97, S99
costs, S97–S99
critical care setting, S175
delivery technology, S71–S73
gestational diabetes mellitus, S167, S168
hospital care, S174–S176
hypoglycemia and, S91
indications, considerations, S93, S96–S97
inhaled insulin, S91, S97, S99
injection technique, S91
intravenous to subcutaneous transition, S176
noncritical care setting, S175–S176
older adults, S142–S143, S145
prandial insulin, S99
premixed insulin, S97, S99
type 1 diabetes, S90–S92
type 2 diabetes, S96, S98–S99
insurance, S47, S77
intermediate-acting insulin analogs, S97
intermittently scanned CGM, S76–S77
Internet-based DSMES, S47
islet transplantation, S92
JDRF CGM trial, S75, S76
ketoacidosis. see diabetic ketoacidosis
kidney disease. see chronic kidney disease
Kumamoto Study, S64
labetalol, S106
language, S10, S35–S36
laropiprant, S112
A1C variability in, S62
exercise targets in, S52
food insecurity in, S10
risk-based screening, S17, S18
LEADER trial, S116–S118, S127, S128
legacy effect, S66
lifestyle management, S46–S55
cardiovascular disease, S115
children and adolescents, S156
cost effectiveness, S31
DSMES, S9, S10, S31–S32, S46–S47, S54
gestational diabetes mellitus, S167
hypertension, S107
medical nutrition therapy. see medical nutrition therapy
older adults, S141–S142
revisions summary, S4–S5
technology-assisted interventions, S31
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S29–S31
weight loss, S48–S51
linagliptin, S96
lipid management, S109–S113
children and adolescents, S153–S154, S159
combination treatment, S110–S112
HDL cholesterol, S109, S112, S159
LDL cholesterol, S109, S113, S159
lifestyle modification, S109
lipid profile/panel, S109
statins, S109–S113
triglycerides, S109, S112, S159
lipohypertrophy, S91
liraglutide, S85, S95, S97, S98, S116, S128
Lispro 50/50, S97
Lispro 75/25, S97
Lispro, Lispro biosimilar, S97
lixisenatide, S97, S116
long-term care facilities, S144, S145
Look AHEAD trial, S41, S82–S83
Lorcaserin, Lorcaserin XR, S84
loss of protective sensation (LOPS), S131, S134
low-carbohydrate diets, S30, S48, S50
macular edema, S129, S131
MAO inhibitors, S83
mature minor rule, S150–S151
meal planning, S5, S48, S49
medical evaluation, S36–S39
components of, S36–S38
immunizations, S36–S39
recommendations, S36
referrals, S40, S55
medical nutrition therapy, S47–S51. see also nutrition
alcohol, S49, S51
carbohydrates, S49, S50
children and adolescents, S149, S156
eating patterns, S48–S50
fats (dietary), S49–S51
gestational diabetes mellitus, S167–S168
goals of, S48
herbal supplements, S49, S51
hospital care, S177
macronutrient distribution, S48–S50
meal planning, S5, S48, S49
micronutrients, S49, S51
nonnutritive sweeteners, S5, S49, S51
protein, S49, S50
recommendations, S49
sodium, S49, S51
weight management, S48–S51
Medicare, S47, S77
medication adherence, S9
medication reconciliation, S178
Mediterranean diet, S30, S40, S48, S50, S51, S109
meglitinides, S96
mental health
children and adolescents, S150–S151, S159–S160
diabetes distress, S54–S55
evaluation of, S41–S42, S54–S55
homelessness, S10
illness, serious, S43, S55
issues, post-surgery, S86–S87
referrals, S40, S55
metabolic memory, S66
metabolic surgery
adverse effects, S86
benefits of, S86
children and adolescents, S158
indications, S86
obesity management, S85–S87
outcomes, S86
recommendations, S85–S86
referrals, S55
cardiovascular disease, S114, S116–S118
children and adolescents, S156–S158
in chronic kidney disease, S127
costs, S96
gestational diabetes mellitus, S167, S168
indications, considerations, S93
initial therapy, S92–S97
older patients, S143
type 1 diabetes, S92
type 2 diabetes, S92
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S31
vitamin B12 deficiency and, S51, S92
methyldopa, S106
metoclopramide, S133
micronutrients, S49, S51
microvascular complications, S5, S63–S65, S124–S135. see also specific conditions
miglitol, S95
MiG TOFU study, S168
mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, S109, S129
MODY, S13, S25
monogenic diabetes syndromes, S13, S24–S25
multiple daily injections (MDI), S72–S73, S76, S91
naltrexone/bupropion ER, S84
nateglinide, S96
neonatal diabetes, S24, S25
nephropathy. see chronic kidney disease
neuropathy, S131–S133. see also autonomic neuropathy; peripheral neuropathy
characterization, S131
children and adolescents, S155, S158
diagnosis, S131–S132
distal symmetric polyneuropathy, S131
erectile dysfunction, S133
foot care, S133–S135
gastrointestinal, S132
gastroparesis, S133
neuropathic pain, S132, S133
orthostatic hypotension, S133
pharmacology, S132–S133
recommendations, S131
screening, S131
treatment, S131, S132
niacin, S112
NICE-SUGAR study, S174
nifedipine, S106
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFDL), S4, S6, S40, S158–S159
non-Hispanic whites. see Caucasians
nonnutritive sweeteners, S5, S49, S51
nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, S53
NPH/Regular 70/30, S97, S99, S175
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), S41
nutrition. see also medical nutrition therapy
medical evaluation of, S40
micronutrients, S49
obesity management, S82–S83
revisions summary, S4
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S30
obesity management, S81–S87
antihyperglycemics, S83
approved medications, S83–S85
assessment, S81–S82
behavioral therapy, S82–S83
benefits of, S81
cardiovascular disease and, S82
children and adolescents, S150, S155, S156
concomitant medications, S83
hypertension, S107
lipohypertrophy, S91
medical devices, S85
medical nutrition therapy, S48–S51
metabolic surgery, S85–S87
nutrition, S82–S83
pharmacolotherapy, S83–S84
physical activity, S82–S83
pregnancy, S169
revisions summary, S5
treatment options, S82
type 2 diabetes, S82–S83
weight loss, S48–S51
obstructive sleep apnea, S41, S158, S159
olanzapine, S83
older adults, S139–S146
A1C in, S141, S142
aspirin and, S113–S114
complications, reduced functionality, S64, S141
frailty in, S141–S142
healthy, good functional status, S141, S142
hypertension in, S141
hypoglycemia in, S67, S140, S145
hypoglycemic admissions prevention, S179
insulin therapy, S142–S143, S145
lifestyle management, S141–S142
long-term care facilities, S144, S145
neurocognitive function, S140
palliative/end-of-life care, S141, S144, S146
pharmacology, S94, S96–S97, S142–S145
physical activity recommendations, S51
recommendations, S139
revisions summary, S6
screening, S139–S140
skilled nursing facilities, S144, S145
stroke in, S139, S142
treatment goals, S140–S142
treatment simplification/deintensification/deprescribing, S144
one-step strategy, GDM, S21–S22
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), S14, S20, S22
orlistat, S84
orthostatic hypotension, S133
oxygen in meter accuracy, S74
palliative/end-of-life care, S141, S144, S146
pancreas transplantation, S92
pancreatitis, S13, S40, S112, S116
parenteral/enteral feedings, S177
patient-centered care
collaborative model of, S34–S36
pharmacology, S92, S93
population health, S7–S8
PCSK9 inhibitors, S111, S113
pediatrics. see children and adolescents
periodontal disease screening, S41
peripheral arterial disease, S133, S134
peripheral neuropathy
characterization, S131
diagnosis, S131–S132
micronutrients/supplements, S51
pharmacology, S31
physical activity and, S53
pre-exercise evaluation, S52–S53
treatment, S131
pharmacology, S90–S99. see also specific medications, medication classes
cardiovascular disease, S115–S119
cardiovascular disease outcomes, S98
children and adolescents, S156–S158
combination injectable, S99
combination therapy, S93–S94, S97–S98
costs, S96, S98
dual therapy, S92
gestational diabetes mellitus, S168
hypertension, S107–S113
initial therapy, S92–S97
injectables, S5, S97–S98
medication adherence, S9
medications as risk factor, S20
obesity management, S83–S84
older adults, S94, S96–S97, S142–S145
patient-centered care, S92, S93
patient factors, S5
revisions summary, S5
type 1 diabetes, S90–S92
type 2 diabetes, S92–S98
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S31
phentermine, S84
phentermine/topiramate ER, S84
photocoagulation therapy, S129–S131
physical activity, S51–S53
autonomic neuropathy and (see autonomic neuropathy)
benefits, S52
children and adolescents, S51, S52, S149–S150, S156
DPP goals, S30
frequency/type of, S52
glycemic control and, S52
hypoglycemia and, S53
kidney disease, S50, S53
obesity management, S82–S83
peripheral neuropathy and (see peripheral neuropathy)
pre-exercise evaluation, S52–S53
recommendations, S51
retinopathy and, S53
revisions summary, S5
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S30–S31
physician order entry, S174
pioglitazone, S96
pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine, S36, S38
point-of-care meters, S175
polycystic ovary syndrome, S159, S167, S168
population health
care delivery systems, S8
community screening, S20
defined, S7
patient-centered care, S7–S8
recommendations, S7
posttransplantation diabetes mellitus, S23–S24
pramlintide, S92, S96
preconception counseling
children and adolescents, S150, S151
contraception, S170
pregnancy, S165–S166
diagnosis, S17–S20
gestational diabetes mellitus, S170
HIV and, S41
physical activity recommendations, S51
serious mental illness and, S43
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S30–S32
pregabalin, S132
pregnancy, S165–S170
A1C values in, S14, S15, S166, S167
antihypertensives and, S106
contraception, S170
diabetes, preexisting, S168–S169
diabetes risks in, S165
diabetic ketoacidosis, S169
drugs contraindicated, S106, S169
gestational diabetes mellitus, S6, S13, S20–S23, S76, S167–S170
glucose monitoring in, S166–S167
glycemic targets in, S166–S167, S169
hypertension in, S104, S106
insulin physiology in, S166
low-carbohydrate diets, S30, S48, S50
medical nutrition therapy, S48, S51
obesity management, S169
OGTT values in, S22, S169
postpartum care, S169–S170
preconception care, S166
preconception counseling, S165–S166
preeclampsia, S106, S167–S169
real-time CGM in, S76
retinopathy and, S129, S130
revisions summary, S6
premixed insulin products, S97, S99, S175
progestins, S83
proliferative diabetic retinopathy, S53
protease inhibitors (PIs), S41
protein, S49, S50
psychosocial/emotional disorders evaluation, S41–S42, S54–S55
P2Y12 inhibitors, S113, S114
pump. see insulin pump
quality of care
evaluation of, S9
hospital care delivery standards, S173–S174
quality assurance standards in, S174
scientific evidence-grading system, S2
system-level improvement strategies, S8
ranibizumab, S129, S130
rapid-acting insulin analogs, S97
real-time CGM, S75–S76
referrals, S40, S55, S129
repaglinide, S96
resistance exercise, S52
retinal photography, S130
retinal screening, S5
retinopathy, S129–S131
adjunctive therapy, S131
anti-VEGF, S129–S131
children and adolescents, S154–S155, S158–S159
epidemiology, S129–S130
macular edema, S129, S131
photocoagulation therapy, S129–S131
physical activity and, S53
pregnancy and, S129, S130, S166
proliferative, S130
recommendations, S129
screening, S129, S130
treatment, S129–S131
type 1 diabetes, S129, S130
type 2 diabetes, S129, S130
Risk Estimator Plus, S104
risperidone, S83
rosiglitazone, S96
rosuvastatin, S111
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, S86
SAVOR-TIMI trial, S117, S118
saxagliptin, S96
schizophrenia, S43
school/child care, S150
scientific evidence-grading system, S2
scientific reviews, S2
SEARCH study, S154
self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), S73–S74
accuracy, S74, S75
A1C testing and, S62
basal insulin/oral agents, S73–S74
glucose assessment by, S62–S63
hospital care, S177
intensive insulin regimens, S73
optimization, S73
recommendations, S73
semaglutide, S96, S98, S116
SGLT2 inhibitors
cardiovascular disease and, S65, S92, S98, S114–S116
in chronic kidney disease, S127, S128
in combination therapy, S93–S94, S97–S98
contraindications, S176
costs, S96
heart failure, S119
hospital care, S176
indications, considerations, S93
low-carbohydrate eating plans and, S50
older patients, S145
stroke and, S115–S116
type 1 diabetes, S92
shoes, S134
short-acting insulin analogs, S97
sickle cell disease, S14
simvastatin, S111
sitagliptin, S96
skilled nursing facilities, S144, S145
hypoglycemia prevention, S68, S170
obstructive sleep apnea, S41, S158, S159
pattern/duration assessment, S36
pregnancy and, S170
quality effects, S36
smoking, S31, S53–S54, S154
social determinants of health, S9–S10
sodium, S49, S51
sodium consumption, S5
sotagliflozin, S92
spironolactone, S106, S129
SPRINT trial, S105–S106
SSRIs, S83, S84
cognition, effects on, S40
cognitive function and, S113
in combination treatment, S111, S112
diabetes with, S112–S113
dosing strategies, S111
patients <40 years, S111–S112
primary prevention, S110
randomized trials, S110–S113
recommendations, S109–S110
risk-based therapy, S110
secondary prevention, S111
type 1 diabetes, S111–S112
type 2 diabetes, S110
in children and adolescents, S158
combination therapy and, S112
CVD outcomes trials, S115–S117
GLP-1 receptor agonists and, S116
hospital care, S174
hypertension treatment and, S105–S106
ischemic, S112, S114
in older adults, S139, S142
risk reduction, S65, S105–S106, S111, S113
screening, S114
SGLT2 inhibitors and, S115–S116
structured discharge communication, S178–S179
in combination therapy, S93–S94, S97–S98
costs, S96
gestational diabetes mellitus, S168
indications, considerations, S93
older patients, S143
SUSTAIN-6 trial, S116–S118, S127
sweeteners, S5
tai chi, S51
tapentadol, S132–S133
TCAs, S83
technology. see also continuous glucose monitoring (CGM); self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG)
definitions, S71
in diabetes management, S71–S77
in diabetes prevention, S29, S31
insulin pumps, S72–S73, S76, S91
point-of-care meters, S175
TECOS trial, S117, S118
telemedicine, S4, S5, S8–S9, S31, S129
temperature in meter accuracy, S74
testosterone level evaluation, S41
in combination therapy, S93–S94, S97–S98
costs, S96
heart failure, S118
indications, considerations, S93
older patients, S143
in renal transplant recipients, S24
type 2 diabetes prevention/delay, S31
thought disorders, S43
thyroid disease, S152
tobacco use, S31, S53–S54, S154
TODAY study, S157–S158, S160
2-h plasma glucose (2-h PG), S14, S15
two-step strategy, GDM, S21, S22
type 1 diabetes
albuminuria in, S127
autoimmune conditions in, S152
autoimmune diseases evaluation, S39
cardiovascular disease and, S65
celiac disease, S152–S153
CGM in, S76
in children and adolescents, S13–S14, S148–S155
classification, S13–S14
diagnosis, S15, S16–S17
eating patterns, S48
hospital care, S176
idiopathic, S16
noninsulin treatments, S91–S92
pathophysiology, S14
pharmacology, S90–S92
physical activity benefits, S52
preconception care, S166
pregnancy, S168–S169
recommendations, S16
retinopathy, S129, S130
risk screening, S16–S17
staging, S14
statins, S111–S112
surgical treatment, S92
thyroid disease, S152
type 2 diabetes
cancer evaluation, S39
cardiovascular disease and, S65
CGM in, S76
children and adolescents, S17, S18, S155–S160
chronic kidney disease and, S128
classification, S13–S14
combination therapy, S93–S94, S97–S98
diagnosis, S17–S20, S155–S156
DKA in, S18
dyslipidemia in, S112
insulin therapy, S95, S98–S99
Internet-based DSMES, S47
obesity management, S82–S83
pathophysiology, S18
pharmacology, S92–S98
pharmacology, algorithm, S94
pregnancy, S168–S169
prevention/delay, S29–S32, S52
retinopathy, S129, S130
risk factors, S18, S20, S30
screening/testing, S17–S20, S155
statins, S110
U-500 Human Regular insulin, S97
UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), S64, S66, S115
vaccinations, S36–S39
VADT study, S64, S65
vitamin B12 deficiency, S31, S92
vitamin C, S51
vitamin E, S51
water intake, S5
weight loss. see obesity management
whites. see Caucasians
yoga, S51