For many years, Diabetes Care has featured art as part of its cover. These pieces have typically been selected by the publisher from collections available online. This month we introduce a new approach to the journal’s cover.

The cover of this issue is a drawing by a young artist, Jaserah Chowdhury. This particular artwork is currently prominently displayed at the University of Washington Diabetes Institute. Ms. Chowdhury donated the art to the institute and with it included a note in which she stated, “I have a passion for diabetes because it is a disease that is growing and rapidly taking over our country—especially affecting youth and my generation.” She goes on to say, “My artwork looks into the problem of inflation in the health care industry—in particular with insulin. It compares the upcharged value of the medication with gold, as that is now its apparent value. This leaves many populations struggling as they fall into a financial problem trying to stay alive. I hope to bring awareness to the financial burden diabetes has become and urge for affordable insulin.”

We appreciate Ms. Chowdhury’s generosity in allowing us to feature her art on this month’s cover and to cite some of her words, which speak to the heart of the problem many people with diabetes face in affording their care. We hope this will provide her with additional incentive to continue her work and will motivate all of us to continue to address the high cost of insulin (and other medications) to make them affordable for all and not just those receiving Medicare.

Going forward, the editors and publishers of Diabetes Care would like the journal’s cover to feature original art created by a person with diabetes or a person whose life has been affected by this disease, including family members, friends, and health care professionals. However, submissions are not limited to these people alone; as with Ms. Chowdhury, art can be submitted by anyone who has an interest in portraying something related to the condition.

If you are interested in contributing artwork to the cover of Diabetes Care, please contact the American Diabetes Association at [email protected] or visit We would love to consider featuring your art.

Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.

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