The 83rd annual American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions will be held in person in San Diego, California, 23–26 June 2023, at the San Diego Convention Center, as well as virtually. For more information, please visit

Diabetes Care periodically publishes special article collections related to a specific topic, study, or aspect of diabetes care, prevention, and treatment. These collections appear in the print and online editions of Diabetes Care. Learn more about previously published collections at

The American Diabetes Association, in partnership with Nevro, now offers “Diagnosis and Treatment of Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy” in Dutch and Italian. To access the translations, as well as the original compendium in English, please visit

If diabetes has had an impact on your life, whether you have diabetes or care for someone who has diabetes, please consider submitting your original artwork for publication on the cover of an issue of Diabetes Care. Artwork submission and selection are completely independent from manuscript submission and the peer review process—artwork sent for consideration on the cover is not required to be related to an article submitted to or published in the journal. Diabetes Care will consider images of artwork of any subject or medium. For more information, please visit

Diabetes Care “On Air” is the monthly podcast of the American Diabetes Association’s premier clinical research journal Diabetes Care. In each episode, co-hosts Alice Cheng, MD, FRCPC, and Michael Rickels, MD, MS, interview key authors of editor-selected feature articles and highlight the latest research presented in Diabetes Care. The podcast is intended for diabetes researchers and specialists, endocrinologists, and other health care professionals. Join Alice and Mike as they explore the latest high-impact research and information on diabetes care, treatment, and prevention. Access the most recent episode at

Diabetes Day by Day is the monthly podcast of the American diabetes Association’s premier original research journal Diabetes. In each episode, co-hosts Neil Skolnik, MD, and Sara Wettergreen, PharmD, BCACP, BC-ADM, discuss the everyday challenges of living with diabetes and will offer advice to overcome those challenges. The podcast is intended for people with diabetes as well as their caregivers.  Access the most recent episode at

In September 2022, the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes jointly published “Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes, 2022,” the latest update to a previously published consensus report last updated in 2019. Several companion resources are available including an infographic, a special episode of Diabetes Core Update featuring an interview with co-author Vanita Aroda, MD; and a slide deck presented at the 58th EASD Annual Meeting in September 2022 by co-chairs John B. Buse, MD, PhD, and Melanie J. Davies, MB ChB, MD. To access the resources, please visit

The American Diabetes Association offers a variety of continuing education opportunities and materials for health care professionals. Educational offerings include live and free online programs. For more information, including a complete list of American Diabetes Association programs, please visit

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