In the article cited above, the content regarding the times to evaluate the need for diabetes self-management education (DSMES) has been reworded for better clarity.

The original Recommendation 5.2 appeared as follows:

“There are five critical times to evaluate the need for DSMES to promote skills acquisition to aid treatment plan implementation, medical nutrition therapy, and well-being: at diagnosis, when not meeting treatment goals, annually, when complicating factors develop (medical, physical, and psychosocial), and when transitions in life and care occur. E

The revised Recommendation 5.2 now reads:

“In addition to annually, there are critical times to evaluate the need for DSMES to promote skills acquisition to aid treatment plan implementation, medical nutrition therapy, and well-being: at diagnosis, when not meeting treatment goals, when complicating factors develop (medical, physical, and psychosocial), and when transitions in life and care occur. E

The original supporting text appeared as follows:

“There are five critical time points when the need for DSMES should be evaluated by the health care professional and/or interprofessional team, with referrals made as needed (2):

  1. At diagnosis

  2. Annually

  3. When not meeting treatment goals

  4. When complicating factors (e.g., health conditions, physical limitations,

    emotional factors, or basic living needs) that influence self-management


  5. When transitions in life and care occur”

The revised supporting text now reads:

“In addition to annually, there are critical time points when the need for DSMES should be evaluated by the health care professional and/or interprofessional team, with referrals made as needed (2):

  • At diagnosis

  • When not meeting treatment goals

  • When complicating factors (e.g., health conditions, physical limitations, emotional factors, or basic living needs) that influence self-management develop

  • When transitions in life and care occur”

The online version of Section 5 ( has been updated with the revised text.

The online version of the Summary of Revisions ( has also been updated to reflect these changes.


A complete list of members of the American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee can be found at

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