Special Podcast: A Focus on Obesity
In a special seven-episode series of Diabetes Core Update, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) podcast for primary care clinicians, and Diabetes Day by Day, the ADA podcast for people with diabetes and their caregivers, Drs. Sara Wettergreen and Neil Skolnik meet with the foremost experts in the world on obesity research, medicine, and treatment to discuss a wide array of topics related to the effective management of overweight and obesity. This series is a collaborative effort of the ADA and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Access the podcast at diabetesjournals.org/journals/pages/podcasts_obesity.
New Podcast: Diabetesbio
DiabetesBio is a new monthly podcast of ADA’s flagship research journal, Diabetes. The podcast is intended for diabetes researchers who are interested in the physiology and pathophysiology of diabetes. Hosts Drs. Kirk Habegger, Darleen Sandoval, and Kevin Williams explore the latest cutting-edge research on diabetes and related complications. Access the podcast at diabetesjournals.org/diabetes/pages/diabetesbio.
84th Scientific Sessions: Registration is Open
The 84th annual ADA Scientific Sessions will be held in Orlando, Florida, 21–24 June 2024, at the Orange County Convention Center. Registration and housing are now open. For more information, please visit professional.diabetes.org/scientific-sessions.
Special Article Collection: Reports from the Grade Study
The Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE) compared several classes of glucose-lowering agents for people with type 2 diabetes already being treated with lifestyle intervention and metformin. This recently published collection of articles in Diabetes Care prepared by the GRADE investigators may aid decisions in clinical practice on how to best match treatment options to the needs of each person. View this collection at diabetesjournals.org/collection/2066/Reports-from-the-GRADE-Study.
2024 Abridged Standards of Care
This collection provides an abridged version of the ADA’s Standards of Care in Diabetes—2024 designed especially for primary care providers. Developed by the ADA’s Primary Care Advisory Group, this new resource contains the evidence-based clinical practice recommendations most pertinent to primary care. Access the collection at diabetesjournals.org/collection/2018/2024-Abridged-Standards-of-Care.
Article Collection: Role of CGM in Transforming Diabetes Management
The global diabetes pandemic necessitates a shift in care practices for an expanding population with the disease. In a Diabetes Spectrum article collection “Roadmaps to Continuous Glucose Monitoring’s Role in Transforming Diabetes Management,” experts, led by guest editor Dr. Richard M. Bergenstal, explore how continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) can revolutionize diabetes care. The collection outlines step-by-step processes for CGM implementation in key areas, emphasizing recent advances, addressing barriers, and envisioning a future where all can access transformative diabetes therapies. Access the collection at diabetesjournals.org/spectrum/pages/cgm_roadmaps.
Submit Artwork for the Cover of Diabetes Care
If diabetes has had an impact on your life, whether you have diabetes or care for someone who has diabetes, please consider submitting your original artwork for publication on the cover of an issue of Diabetes Care. Artwork submission and selection are completely independent from manuscript submission and the peer review process—artwork is not required to be related to an article submitted to or published in the journal. Diabetes Care will consider images of artwork of any subject or medium. For more information, please visit diabetesjournals.org/care/pages/submit_a_cover_image.