A1C, S6, S10, S11, S12, S15–S16, S19, S27, S39, S40, S50-S52, S61, S67, S69, S70, S78, S87, S88, S89, S91, S92, S93, S94, S96, S97, S98, S99, S101, S102, S106, S111, S112, S113, S133, S134, S136, S140, S147, S148, S149, S150–S152, S153, S154, S155, S156, S157, S171, S176, S208, S243, S244, S247, S252, S253, S267, S268, S269, S270, S271, S274, S275

  • correlation with BGM and CGM, S129–S130

  • equivalent eAG levels, S129

  • glycemic assessment with, S129, S130, S131

  • in children and adolescents, S284, S289, S290, S292, S293, S294–S296, S298

  • in gestational diabetes mellitus, S40–S45

  • in hospitalized patients, S321, S322, S327, S329, S330

  • in screening and diagnosis, S28–S30, S31

  • in prediabetes, S34–S36

  • in pregnancy, S306, S307, S310–S311, S312, S315

  • in type 1 diabetes, S33, S64, S65, S108–S110, S182, S186

  • in type 2 diabetes, S36–S39, S53–S54, S60, S103, S109, S187–S189, S192, S193

  • serum glycated protein assays versus, S129

  • use and interpretation of, S29

AABBCC approach, S32

acarbose, S77, S100, S171, S176

access to care, S18–S19

access to insulin, S141, S155

ACCORD study, S65, S220, S268

Accountable care organizations, S6, S16

ACE inhibitors, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S64, S212–S213, S214, S223, S225, S226, S230, S239, S240, S242, S243, S244, S246, S248, S284–S285, S291, S292, S297, S309, S314

acellular matrix tissues, S261, S262

acute kidney injury, S172, S189, S200, S210

ADA Advocacy Statements, S13, S335–S336

ADA consensus reports, S4, S89, S102, S224, S267,

ADA evidence-grading system, S3

ADA Professional Practice Committee, S1

ADA scientific reviews, S4

ADA statements, S4, S336

ADAG study, S129

Addison disease, S33, S63, S290

adolescents. see children and adolescents.

ADOPT trial, S189

adrenal insufficiency, primary, S63, S290

adult-onset diabetes. see Type 2 diabetes.

ADVANCE trial, S69, S132, S133, S134, S136, S210

ADVANCE-ON trial, S134

advocacy statements, S13, S335–S336

  • care of young children with diabetes in the childcare setting, S336

  • diabetes and driving, S336

  • diabetes and employment, S336

  • diabetes care in the school setting, S335–336

  • in detention facilities, S13, S336

  • insulin access and affordability, S336

affordability, of insulin, S6, S10, S189, S196, S335

Affordable Care Act, S18, S19, S299

African Americans, S30, S35, S36, S101, S241

Age, S11

  • aspirin use and, S221

  • in diabetes diagnosis and classification, S30–S32, S35

  • risk factor for diabetes, S38

agricultural workers, migrant, S21

AIM-HIGH trial, S220

albiglutide, S226, S228

albuminuria, S11, S94, S136, S187, S191, S211, S212, S213, S214, S221, S223, S226, S228, S229, S230, S239, S240, S241–S247, S290, S292, S298

alcohol intake, S29, S62, S73, S77, S90, S93, S95, S113, S136, S139, S140, S176, S200, S212, S219, S256, S298–S299, S307


  • for DKA and HHS, S329

  • for MASLD diagnosis and treatment, S8, S74, S76

  • for risk of type 2 diabetes, S37

  • glucose-lowering, in type 2 diabetes, S190

  • improving outcomes with diabetes and CKD, S245

  • insulin dosing, S274, S322

  • intensifying to injectable therapies in type 2 diabetes, S192

  • open-source AID, S157–S158

  • to predict hypoglycemia, S326

alirocumab, S217, S218

alogliptin, S191, S325

alpelisib, S198

ambulatory glucose profile (AGP), S9, S130, S132, S147, S152, S310

amputation, foot, S70, S225, S255, S258–S259, S261

analogs. see insulin analogs.

angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), S10, S64, S191, S211, S212, S213, S223, S226, S239, S242, S243, S245, S284–S285, S291, S292, S296–S297, S309, S314

anti-VEGF agents, S253–S255

antiepileptics, with sympathomimetic amin anorectics, S172, S174

antiplatelet agents, S220, S221–S222, S225, S229, S230, S270

antipsychotics, S35, S36, S38, S112, S140, S171

antiretroviral therapies, S35, S38

anxiety disorders, S7, S8, S20, S63, S70, S72, S106–S108, S110, S136, S155, S176, S255, S257, S288

ARRIVE trial, S221

artificial intelligence algorithms, for diabetic retinopathy, S253

ASCEND trial, S94, S221

Asian Americans, S35, S36, S53, S96, S175, S176

aspart, S196, S274

aspirin therapy, S220, S221, S254, S272, S314

ASPREE trial, S221

Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES), S61

atenolol, S171, S258

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, S55

atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), S10, S61, S65, S94, S133, S187, S188, S190, S214, S216, S217, S226, S229, S245, S246, S272, S274, S291, S314, S315

atorvastatin, S218

autoimmune diseases, S7, S30, S32, S33, S42, S62, S63–S64, S77, S186, S198, S290–S291, S314

autoimmune type 1 diabetes, S30, S32–S33, S40, S41, S42, S291

autologous blood products, S259

automated insulin delivery (AID) systems, S9, S10, S12, S13, S146, S147, S150, S152, S153, S154–S158, S183, S185, S269, S287, S289, S312–S313

autonomic neuropathy, diabetic, S11, S67, S70, S71, S102, S104, S137, S209, S255–S257, S308, S327

balloons, implanted gastric, S175

bariatric surgery. see metabolic surgery.

basal insulin, S10, S99, S100, S136, S140, S149, S151, S153, S154, S156, S158, S181, S182, S183, S185, S192, S193, S194–S195, S196, S269, S274, S275, S276, S277, S278, S287, S289, S290, S309, S312, S324, S325, S326, S327, S328

becaplermin, S262

bedtime dosing

  • of antihypertensives, S214, S258

  • of insulin, S10, S184, S192, S195, S196, S274, S289, S310

behavioral therapy, S8, S90, S109, S169

behaviors, changes in, S6, S86–S114

  • diabetes self-management education and support, S86–S89

  • for diabetes prevention, S51–S53

  • medical nutrition therapy, S89–S100

  • physical activity, S100–S104

  • in gestational diabetes, S311

  • psychosocial care, S106–S114

  • smoking cessation, S104–S105

  • supporting positive health behaviors, S105–S106

bempedoic acid, S215, S216, S218, S315

beta-carotene, S90, S95

beta-cell replacement therapy, S186, S187

biguanides, S198

bioengineered allogeneic cellular therapies, S261

bladder dysfunction, S256, S308

Blood Glucose Awareness Training, S138, S139

blood glucose monitoring (BGM), S12, S60, S147–S149

  • in hospitalized patients, S323

  • continuous glucose monitoring, S147–S148

  • correlation with A1C, S129

  • during pregnancy, S309, S312

  • glycemic assessment by, S130

  • in children and adolescents, S287, S290, S295, S296

  • in older adults, S275, S278

  • optimizing device use, S148–S149

blood pressure control. see also hypertension, S12, S15, S65, S103, S209

body mass index (BMI), S9, S12, S30, S31, S32, S35, S39, S52, S53, S54, S55, S63, S101, S102, S112, S168, S171, S175, S176, S230, S243, S293, S296, S313, S314, S316

bolus insulin patch, S10, S196

bone fracture risk, S7, S64–S68, S76, S273, S276

bone health, S64–S65, S67–S68

bone-strengthening activities, S101, S288, S295

breastfeeding. see lactation.

bromocriptine, S171

calcium channel blockers, S212, S213, S214, S244, S245, S257

canagliflozin, S68, S189, S191, S194, S225, S226, S227, S228


  • risk in diabetics, S68–S69

  • therapeutic strategies when receiving treatment for, S198–S199

cannabis, S8, S12, S104, S105, S298, S299

CANVAS study, S68, S228, S246

capsaicin, topical, S258

carbamazepine, S258

carbohydrate intake, S8, S26, S34, S90, S92–S93, S95, S100, S182, S183, S184, S287, S297, S310

cardiac autonomic neuropathy, diabetic, S256

cardiac function testing, S297–S298

cardiovascular disease, S10–S11, S207–S238

  • antiplatelet agents, S220–S222

  • cardiac testing, S223–S224

  • hypertension/blood pressure management, S209–S214

  • lifestyle and pharmacologic interventions, S225–S226

  • lipid management, S214–S215

  • prevention of heart failure, S226

  • screening, S222, S224–S225

  • statin treatment, S215–S220

  • treatment, S222–S223, S226–S230

cardiovascular risk, S11, S19, S22, S35, S41, S53, S54–S55, S61, S65, S71, S75, S76, S77, S94, S102, S132, S133, S168, S171, S175, S176, S187, S189, S207–S238, S241, S242, S243, S245, S246, S256, S267, S268, S270, S272, S284, S286, S287, S291, S292

care delivery systems, S15

  • access to care and quality improvement, S18–S19

  • behaviors and well-being, S18

  • chronic care model, S16

  • medication cost considerations, S18

  • quality improvement, S19

  • six core elements, S16

  • system-level improvement strategies, S18

  • telehealth, S16–S17

CARMELINA trial, S227–S228

CAROLINA trial, S225

celiac disease, S33, S34, S63–S64, S67, S290–S291

certified diabetes care and education specialist, S17, S88

CHAP trial, S211, S314 S184, S289

Charcot neuropathy, S102, S104, S258–S261

childbearing potential, individuals with, S10

  • care considerations for, S197, S211, S212, S240, S253, S288, S291, S292, S296, S297, S298, S307, S314, S315

  • lipid-lowering considerations for, S219

childcare, S138, S286, S335, S336

children and adolescents, S283–S299

  • A1C in, S284, S289, S290, S292, S293, S294–S296, S298

  • autoimmune conditions, S291

  • cardiovascular risk factors, S291–S292

  • celiac disease, S290–S291

  • cystic fibrosis-related diabetes in, S10, S28, S39, S128, S157, S200, S283, S293

  • diabetes care in childcare settings, S138, S286, S335, S336

  • diabetes care in school setting, S13, S17, S63, S135, S138, S147, S196, S286, S287–S28, S293, S335–S336

  • glycemic monitoring, insulin delivery, and goals, S289–S290

  • insulin pumps in, S155, S157, S287, S289, S294

  • maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), S32, S40–S42

  • microvascular complications, S292–S293

  • monogenic diabetes syndromes, S7, S27, S30, S31, S40–S42

  • neonatal diabetes, S10, S40–S41, S200, S283

  • nutrition therapy, S286

  • physical activity in, S286–S287

  • psychosocial care, S287–S289

  • school and child care, S287

  • screening

  • for type 1, S35, S38–S39, S284, S285

  • for prediabetes and type 2, S35, S285

  • substance use, S298–S299

  • thyroid disease, S290

  • transition from pediatric to adult care, S299

  • type 1 diabetes in, S284, S286–S293

  • type 2 diabetes in, S285, S293–S98

CHIPS trial, S211, S314

cholesterol lowering therapy, S11, S64, S215–S218

chronic care model, S16, S22, S294

chronic kidney disease, diabetic, S10, S11, S60, S70, S71, S73, S94, S105, S187, S188, S190, S191, S193–S194, S208, S211, S213, S214, S221, S222, S223, S225, S226, S227, S228, S229, S230, S239–S251, S274

  • acute kidney injury, S242

  • diagnosis, S241

  • epidemiology, S241

  • interventions for, S243–S248

  • referral to nephrologist, S248

  • risk of progression, S240

  • screening, S239, S243

  • staging, S41–S242

  • surveillance, S242–S243

  • treatment, S239–S41

chrononutrition, S97

classification, S6–S7, S31–S32

clonidine, S258, S315

clopidogrel, S220, S222

closed-loop systems, S9, S88

  • hybrid, S156–S158, S183, S185, S269

  • open source, S9, S157–S158

  • partial, S155, S157, S312

coaching, online, S9, S88, S158

cognitive capacity/impairment, S112, S113

colesevelam, S171

collaborative care, S59–S61, S86, S107, S110, S111

collagen vascular diseases, S63

combination therapy, S7, S75, S76, S187, S188, S189, S193, S194, S217, S220, S222, S226, S273

community health workers, S19, S53, S59, S88, S106, S197

community screening, S38

community support, S19, S112, S287, S298

comorbidities, S6, S7–S8, S17, S32, S50–S58,S59–S85, S99, S135, S169, S187, S188, S194, S208, S269, S271, S275, S277, S296, S308

  • assessment of, S7–S8, S59–S85, S63-73

  • autoimmune diseases, S63–S64

  • bone health and fractures, S64–S65, S67–S68

  • cancer, S68–S69

  • cognitive impairment/dementia, S69

  • dental care, S69

  • disability, S70–S71

  • erectile dysfunction, S71–S72

  • female sexual dysfunction, S72–S73

  • hepatitis C, S71

  • in children, S297–S298

  • low testosterone in men, S71

  • MASH and MASLD, S73–S78

  • obstructive sleep apnea, S78

  • pancreatitis, S78

  • prevention or delay of, S7, S50–S58

  • sensory impairment, S78

COMPASS trial, S222

compounded diabetes drugs, S197

computerized provider order entry (CPOE), S322

CONCEPTT study, S310, S311

connected insulin pens, S146, S147, S150, S152, S153, S154, S185, S191, S269

continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), S9, S10, S11, S12, S28, S60, S62, S88, S91, S93, S98, S104, S128–S130, S146–S147, S149–S153, S185

  • ambulatory glucose profile in, S132

  • benefits of, S150–S152

  • BGM use with, S148

  • devices for, S149–S153

  • glycemic assessment by, S130

  • in children with type 1 diabetes, S287, S289–S290

  • in children with type 2 diabetes, S294, S295, S296

  • in hospitalized patients, S158–S159, S323–S324, S326, S327, S330

  • in hypoglycemia prevention, S138

  • in older adults, S268–S269, S271, S276–S277

  • in pregnancy, S152, S309–S310, S312

  • intermittent use of, S152–S153

  • metrics for, S131

  • professional devices, S152–S153

  • real-time, S9, S138, S149, S150, S152, S176, S276, S289, S290, S294, S309, S310

  • side effects, S153

  • substances and factors affecting accuracy, S153

  • with insulin pump therapy, S154, S155, S156, S157

continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII), S147, S154, S182, S185

contraception, S10, S11, S171, S173, S197, S212, S215, S219, S240, S284, S285, S288, S291, S292, S296, S297, S298, S306, S307, S308, S314, S315

coronary artery disease, S11, S70, S102, S208, S212, S213, S222, S224, S225, S226

cost considerations, S6, S10, S15, S18, S20, S29, S38, S43, S44, S50, S51, S52, S54, S60, S73, S74, S75, S76, S77, S90, S106, S138, S153, S154, S155, S166, S174, S175, S176, S182, S185, S188, S192, S196–S197, S199, S217, S248, S253, S270, S273, S288, S307, S313, S328, S336

counterfeit test strips, S148, S197

COVID-19, S7, S34, S36, S61–S62, S140, S323

COVID-19 vaccines, S7, S62, S66

CREDENCE study, S68, S228, S246–S247

cystatin C, S242

cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, S10, S28, S39, S128, S157, S200, S283, S293

Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Outcome Study, S51

DAPA-CKD study, S246, S247

DAPA-HF study, S228

dapagliflozin, S68, S191, S194, S225, S226, S227, S228, S246

DASH diet, S52, S90, S91, S94, S212, S214

dasiglucagon, S138

DECLARE-TIMI 58 study, S225, S227, S228, S247

degludec, S100, S182, S195–S196, S274, S324, S159, S170, S172, S174, S250, S298


  • of symptomatic type 1 diabetes, S56

  • of type 2 diabetes, S7, S55–S56

DELIVER study, S228

dementia, in diabetics, S69, S112, S136, S220, S267–S268

demographics, of diabetes care, S2, S20, S88

dental care, S7, S61, S62, S69–S70

dental practices, screening in, S38

depression, S7, S8, S9, S20, S60, S63, S70, S71, S72, S102, S103, S106, S107, S108, S109, S110–S111, S113, S137, S140, S155, S172, S175, S255, S257, S266, S267, S268, S270, S271, S275, S288, S298

detemir, S183, S195, S274

detention facilities, S13, S336

devices. see technology.

Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), S28, S29, S69, S78, S131, S133, D135, D137, S182, S243, S269, S289, S292

Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC), S69, S78, S135, S137, S269

diabetes distress, S8, S16, S20, S63, S72, S106, S107–S110, S111, S151, S182, S267, S287–S288, S330

diabetes medical management plan (DMMP), for students, S147

Diabetes Prevention Impact Tool Kit, S52

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), S36, S51–S55, S169, S188,

Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS), S38, S51, S54, S55, S95

Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (DPRP), S53

diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES), S8, S15, S16, S18, S21, S22, S60, S87–S89, S96, S109, S112, S188, S190, S192, S286, S294

diabetes technology. see technology, diabetes.

diabetic ketoacidosis, S8, S10, S27, S30, S32, S36, S69, S91, S93, S97, S98, S100, S104, S105, S107, S138–S139, S151, S182, S185, S186, S191, S197, S223, S228–S229, S276, S286, S290, S295, S308, S313, S324, S328–S329

diabetic kidney disease. see also chronic kidney disease. S131, S135, S292

  • finerenone in, S225, S227, S229–S230, S247–S248

Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS), S255

diagnosis, S6–S7, S27–S49

  • confirmation of, S31

  • criteria for, S28

  • cystic fibrosis-related, S39–S40

  • diagnostic tests, S27–S30

  • gestational diabetes, S42–S44

  • maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), S41–S42

  • monogenic diabetes syndromes, S40

  • neonatal diabetes, S40–S41

  • pancreatic diabetes, S39

  • posttransplantation diabetes mellitus, S40

  • prediabetes and type 2, S34–S39

  • type 1, S32–S34

diagnostic tests, S27–S30

  • A1C use as, S28–S30

  • fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test, S27–S28, S29, S30, S32, S33, S34, S35, S38, S40, S42, S43, S44, S192

  • oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), S27, S28, S29, S34, S35, S39, S40, S41, S42–S44, S51, S53, S308, S315–S316

  • plasma glucose test, 2-h, S27–S28, S29, S32, S33, S34, S35, S38, S41, S43, S44, S50, S55, S293, S309, S310, S316

diet, see Medical nutrition therapy.

Dietary Reference Intakes, S311

dietitian, registered nutritionist, S17, S65, S90, S175, S176, S286, S290, S295, S296, S307, S308, S330

DIAMOND trial, S269

digital health technology, S88, S106, S107, S158

dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors, S100, S188, S189, S191, S193, S194, S195, S198, S200, S226, S227, S273

disability, S70–S71

disordered eating behavior, S8, S63, S93, S96, S106, S107, S111, S286, S287, S288, S298

domperidone, S258

Dose Adjusted for Normal Eating (DAFNE), S121

DRCR Retina Network, S254

driving, and diabetes, S138, S147, S149, S289, S336

droxidopa, S258

dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), S67

dual GLP-1/glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor agonist, S7, S10, S13, S76, S77, S78, S113, S171, S187, S188, S189, S191, S193, S194, S195, S197, S200, S328

dulaglutide, S191, S194, S226, S228, S252

duloxetine, S257

dyslipidemia, S12, S13, S27, S28, S47, S56, S66, S87, S96, S97, S148, S179, S180, S191, S192, S193, S202, S231, S234, S236, S248, S259–S260, S266–S267, S270, S272

e-cigarettes, S104–S105

EAGLES trial, S105

eating disorders, S96–S97, S111, S140, S288

eating patterns, S7, S8, S51, S52, S60, S75, S89, S90–S93, S94, S95, S96, S108, S111, S170, S243, S286, S317

education, see also diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES).

  • patient, S8, S9, S15, S16, S22, S31, S34, S60, S62, S65, S260, S295, S299, S313, S322, S323, S328

  • preconception, S307–S308

  • staff, S21, S54, S61

education specialists, S17, S54, S65, S330

electrical stimulation, gastric, S258

EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial, S227, S228, S246

empagliflozin, S68, S191, S194, S225, S226, S227, S228, S246, S294, S296

EMPEROR-Preserved trial, S228, S247

EMPEROR-Reduced trial, S228, S247

employment, diabetes and, S135, S3336

enalapril, S226, S258

end-of-life care, S270, S278

enteral/parenteral feedings, S322, S324, S326–S327

erectile dysfunction, S7, S71–S72, S255, S256, S258

ertugliflozin, S68, S191, S225–S226, S325

erythromycin, S258

erythropoietin therapy, A1C and, S29, S30, S270

ESSENSE trial, S76

estimated average glucose (eAG), S129

ETDRS study, S254–S255

ethnicity, S2, S19, S20, S31, S35, S71, S129, S170

European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), S67

evidence-grading system, S3

evolocumab, S217, S218

EXAMINE trial, S227

exenatide, S191, S194, S226, S228, S257

exercise. see physical activity.

exocrine pancreas diseases, S30, S78

eye exam, S11, S12, S62, S65, S253, S292, S297, S298, S253, S309

ezetimibe, statins and, S215, S216, S217, S218, S220

family history, S7, S30, S31, S32, S34, S35, S36, S40, S62, S69, S110, S173, S221, S293, S296

farmworkers, migrant and seasonal, S21

fasting, S8, S8, S51

  • nonreligious, S97–S98

  • religious, S97, S98, S99

fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test, S27–S28, S29, S30, S32, S33, S34, S35, S38, S40, S42, S43, S44, S192

fat bias, S9, S168

fats, dietary, S8, S89, S91, S92, S94, S176, S219, S291, S297, S311

FDA standards, for glucose meters, S148

fear, of hypoglycemia, S8, S9, S63, S72, S106, S107, S110, S111, S135, S137, S182, S266, S267, S268, S288

Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), S72

female sexual dysfunction, S7, S72–S73, S256

fenofibrate, S219, S220, S255

fibrate, S219, S285, S297

  • plus statin therapy, S219, S220

fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4), S7, S64, S73, S74

FIDELIO-DKD trial, S227, S247, S248

FIGARO-DKD trial, S227, S229, S247, S248

finerenone, S225, S227, S229–S230, S247–S248

fish skin graft, S262

FLOW trial, S246

fluvastatin, S215

food insecurity, S19, S20–S21, S99–S100, S169, S298

foot care, S11, S255, S258–S262

footwear, S104, S259, S260–S261

Four Ms (4Ms) framework, S11, S267, S277

FOURIER trial, S218

fracture risk, S7, S64–S68, S76, S273, S276

gastrectomy, vertical sleeve, S175, S194, S296

gastric aspiration therapy, S175

gastric bypass, Roux-en-Y gastric, S175, S194

gastric electrical stimulation, S258

gastrointestinal neuropathies, S256

gastroparesis, S191, S256, S258, S274

gemfibrozil, S220

genetic testing, S31, S40, S41, S73

genitourinary disturbances, S256

gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), S7, S12, S35, S42–S44, S52, S53, S54, S55, S152, S306, S307, S308, 310, S311, S312, S313, S314, S315–S316

glargine, S100, S182, S183, S189, S193, S194, S195, S196, S199, S274, S324

glibenclamide, S99

gliclazide, S99, S100

glimepiride, S99, S100, S189, S191, S193, S194, S225, S169, S172, S196, S202

glipizide, S191, S273

glomerular filtration rate, estimated, S68, S94, S100, S136, S187, S189, S190, S191, S213, S223, S229, S239, S240, S241, S242, S243, S245, S273, S274, S292, S297, S315

glucagon, S40, S70, S135, S138, S139, S171, S196–S197, S228, S330

glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RA), S7, S32, S68, S75, S76, S77, S96, S100, S133, S170, S172, S173, S174, S186, S187, S191, S192, S193, S198, S199, S208, S222, S229, S240, S243, S245, S252, S267, S274, S294, S295, S325

glucocorticoid therapy, S194, S327

glucose meters, S9, S88, S137, S147–S149

  • counterfeit strips, S148

  • inaccuracy, S149

  • interfering substances, S150

  • optimizing use of, S148

  • point of care, in hospital, S323

  • standards, S148

glucose monitoring. see blood glucose monitoring.

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, A1C and, S29, S30, S129

glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). see dual GLP-1/glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP).

glucose-lowering therapy, S7, S9, S10, S12, S18, S39, S40, S61, S64, S65, S68, S69, S71, S75, S76, S77, S92, S113, S134, S141, S153, S167, S170–S174, S187, S188–S189, S190, S193, S198

  • and cardiovascular outcomes, S225–S226

  • and heart failure outcome, S227–S230

  • direct kidney effects of, S244–S245

  • in hospitalized people, S324–S325

  • in older adults, S273–S277

  • with cancer treatment, S198–S199

  • with cardiovascular disease or risk factors, S193

  • with child-bearing potential, S197

  • with chronic kidney disease, 193–S194, S245–S247

  • with medication unavailability, S197

  • with metabolic comorbidities, S195

glulisine, S199, S274

glutamic acid decarboxylase, S30, S32, S33

glyburide, S12, S99, S100, S189, S191, S198, S273, S311, S313

glycemic goals, S9, S12, S13, S128–S145

  • ambulatory glucose profile, S132

  • assessment of glycemic status, S128–S130

  • based on individual health and function, S133

  • continuous glucose monitoring, S131, S132

  • for nonpregnant adults, S134

  • in diabetic kidney disease, S243–S244

  • in hospitalized patients, S322–S323

  • in pregnancy, S309–S310

  • hyperglycemic crises, S139–S141

  • hypoglycemia prevention and treatment, S135–S138

  • intercurrent illness, S138–S139

  • in older adults, S269–S272

  • in pediatric type 1 diabetes, S289–S290

  • in pediatric type 2 diabetes, S294–S296

  • setting and modifying, S134–S145

glycemic treatment, S10, S181–S206

  • for adults with type 1 diabetes, S181–S186

  • for adults with type 2 diabetes, S186–S197

  • other recommendations for all patients, S196–S197

  • special circumstances and populations, S197–S200

Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE), S61, S66–S67

GRADE trial, S189, S193, S194, S243

growth factors, S261, S262

guanfacine, S258

gut microbiome, S7, S36, S93

health literacy, S21–S22, S92, S136, S185, S194, S270, S287, S298

health numeracy, S21–S22, S92, S185, S194

health promotion, S6, S14–S26

hearing impairment, S78, S267

heart failure, S10, S11, S19, S60, S61, S65, S76, S89, S101, S134, S135, S168, S171, S186, S187, S190, S191, S208, S209, S210, S211, S221, S222–S224, S225, S246–S248, S270, S271, S273, S325

  • glucose-lowering medications and, S227–S230

  • prevention and treatment of, S226–S227

hemodialysis, A1C and, S29, S30, S71

hemoglobinopathies, A1C and, S43, S51, S62, S293

hepatitis B, S62, S66

hepatitis B vaccines, S62, S66, S242

hepatitis C infection, S71

hepatitis, autoimmune, S33, S77, S290

high-intensity interval training, S215, S216, S217, S218, S219

Hispanic/Latino population, S15, S30, S37, S88, S101

homelessness, S63

homeostatic modeling assessment (HOMA), S39, S55

hospital care, S12–S13, S321–S334

  • admissions, S321–S322

  • care delivery standards, S322–S322

  • continuous glucose monitoring, S323–S324

  • critical care setting, S324

  • diabetes care specialists in, S322

  • diabetic ketoacidosis, S328, S329

  • enteral/parenteral feedings, S326–S327

  • glucocorticoid therapy, S327

  • glucose abnormality definitions, S322

  • glucose-lowering treatment in, S324–S325

  • glucose monitoring, S323–S324

  • glycemic goals in, S322–S323

  • hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, S328, S329

  • hypoglycemia, S325–S326

  • insulin therapy, S324–S325

  • medical nutrition therapy in, S326

  • medication reconciliation, S329

  • noninsulin therapies, S325

  • perioperative care, S327–S328

  • preventing admissions and readmissions, S330

  • self-management in, S326

  • standards for special situations, S326

  • structured discharge communication, S329–S330

  • transition to ambulatory setting, S328–S329

  • type 1 diabetes, S324–S325

HOT trial, S210

housing insecurity, S19, S25

HPS2-THRIVE trial, S220

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), S29, S30, S35, S38, S256

human regular insulin, S195, S199, S327, S328

hybrid closed-loop systems. see automated insulin delivery systems.

hyperbaric oxygen therapy, S261

hyperglycemia, S7, S12, S20, S27, S28, S29, S30, S31, S32, S33, S36, S38, S40, S41, S52, S55, S70, S72, S75, S93, S95, S98, S102, S113, S129, S130, S131, S133, S139–S140, S148, S151, S152, S155, S168, S175, S181, S189, S192, S194–S195, S197–S199, S208, S209, S227, S241, S252, S253, S277

  • in children, S286, S287, S288, S289, S294, S298

  • in gestational diabetes mellitus, S42–S44, S309, S316

  • in hospitalized patients, S321–S325, S327, S328, S329, S330

  • in MASH and MASLD, S75–S77, S188, S194

  • in pregnancy, S306, S307, S308–S310, S316

  • in older adults, S269, S270, S271, S272, S273, S275, S277, S278

Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) study, S43, S44, S309

hyperglycemic crises, S9, S139–S141

hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state, S9, S12, S27, S69, S100, S138, S139, S294, S295, S324, S328, S329

hypertension, S10, S11, S12, S15, S16, S35, S36, S52, S54, S65, S71, S72, S73, S89, S90, S100, S102, S113, S134, S168, S172, S207, S225, S226, S240, S41, S243, S244, S245, S248, S253, S257, S266, S269, S270, S271, S272, S273, S278, S284, S286, S291, S295, S296–S297, S306, S308, S314

blood pressure management and, S209–S214

hypertriglyceridemia, S29, S94, S182, S189, S219

hypoglycemia, S8, S9, S10, S12, S13, S19, S20, S41, S60, S61, S63, S64, S65, S68, S69, S70, S72, S90, S91, S93, S95, S97, S98–S100, S101, S102, S103–S104, S106–S107, S110, S112, S147–S149, S150–S153, S154–S157, S158, S172, S175–S176, S182–S185, S186, S188–S189, S191, S193–S195, S196, S225, S244, S245, S256

  • classification, S136

  • definitions and event rates, S135–S136

  • glycemic goals and, S128–S145

  • in children, S286–S290, S294, S298

  • in hospitalized patients, S322–S326, S327–S328, S330

  • in older adults, S266, S268–S270, S271, S272–S275, S276, S277, S278

  • in pregnancy, S306, S308, S309–S310, S311, S313, S315

  • prevention, S138–S139

  • risk assessment, S136–S137

  • treatment, S137–S138

hypogonadism, S7, S71, S77, S258

hypokalemia, S10, S11, S212, S214, S240, S242

icosapent ethyl, S219

idiopathic type 1 diabetes, S34

illness, intercurrent, glycemic targets in, S138, S139, S149

immune checkpoint inhibitors, S7, S23, S32, S33, S26

immune-mediated diabetes, S32–S34

immunizations, S12, S61–S63, S66, S283

impaired fasting glucose (IFG), S28, S33, S35, S51, S55

impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), S28, S33, S35, S36, S39, S44, S51, S53, S55

inclisiran, S215, S217, S218

incretin-based therapies, S8, S53, S78, S98, S111, S197, S200

Indian Diabetes Prevention Program (IDPP-1), S54

infections, S7, S33, S34, S36, S39, S40, S62, S66, S71, S72, S104, S140, S155, S158, S183, S185, S191, S200, S241, S257, S261, S275, S276, S315, S327, S328

influenza vaccines, S62, S66

inhaled insulin, S10, S153, S154, S181, S184, S185, S192, S196

injection techniques, S153–S154, S186, S191, S290

inpatient care. see hospital care.

Ipswich touch test, S11, S258

islet transplantation, S186

insulin analogs, S155, S181-184, S195, S276, S289, S324, S327, S328

insulin delivery, S153–S158

  • automated systems, S155–S158

  • injection techniques, S153–S154, S186, S191, S290

  • IV, transitioning to SC, S13, S325, S328

  • pens and syringes, S153–S154

  • pumps, S154–S155

insulin physiology, S309

insulin pump therapy, S15, S17, S148, S154–S155, S183, S200, S289, S295

insulin resistance, S30, S31, S32, S35, S36, S38, S39, S40, S54, S55, S70, S73, S75, S101, S113, S195, S198, S199, S294, S298, S308, S309, S311, S312, S313, S315, S324,

insulin secretagogues, S90, S98, S103, S104, S137, S171, S273

insulin therapy, S9, S17, S39, S40, S41, S75, S91, S129, S136, S140, S149, S157, S181–S186, S189, S193, S194–S196

  • access to, S141, S155

  • alternative routes, S196

  • basal, S10, S99, S100, S136, S140, S149, S151, S153, S154, S156, S158, S181, S182, S183, S185, S192, S193, S194–S195, S196, S269, S274, S275, S276, S277, S278, S287, S289, S290, S309, S312, S324, S325, S326, S327, S328

  • cost considerations, S196, S198, S199

  • dosing algorithms using machine learning, S322

  • combination injectable, S195

  • concentrated insulins, S196–S195

  • inhaled insulin, S10, S153, S154, S181, S184, S185, S192, S196

  • prandial, S10, S100, S148, S156, S181, S182, S185, S192, S195, S196, S274, S287, S295, S312, S324, S325, S325, S327

  • insulin:carbohydrate ratio (ICR), S183–S184

  • simplification of, in older adults, S274

integrated CGM devices, S150


  • of behavior change, S16, S223

  • of diabetes therapy, S185, S188, S189, S192, S193, S195

intermittent fasting, S8, S51, S97–S98

intermittently scanned CGM devices, S9, S88, S129, S149, S150, S153, S289, S290, S294, S310

International Association of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG), S42–S44

INTERPRET-DD trial, S258

IRIS trial, S55

islet transplantation, S137, S186

isradipine, S258

juvenile-onset diabetes. see immune-mediated diabetes.

KDIGO study, S89, S242, S245

ketoacidosis, diabetic, S8, S10, S27, S30, S31, S32, S36, S69, S91, S93, S97, S98, S100, S104, S105, S106, S138, S139–S141, S151, S182, S185, S191, S197, S223, S228, S229, S276, S286, S290, S294, S295, S309, S313, S324, S328–S329

ketogenic eating pattern, S10, S91, S92, S93, S197, S223, S311

kidney disease. see chronic kidney disease.

kidney transplantation, S186, S187, S200, S241, S246

Kumamoto study, S132

lactation, S17, S315

language, S8, S59, S60–S61, S87, S167, S168

language barriers, S21

latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), S32

Latino/Hispanic population, S15, S30, S37, S88, S101

LEADER trial, S226, S246

lifestyle behavior changes, S7, S44, S60, S61, S65, S72, S74, S75, S78, S96, S101, S158, S208

  • delivery and dissemination of, S52

  • Diabetes Prevention Program, S51

  • for cardiovascular disease risk management, S212, S213, S215, S217, S225

  • for diabetes prevention, S51–S53, S54

  • for lipid management, S214

  • for weight management, S169–S170, S257

  • in older adults, S272

  • in pediatric type 1 diabetes, S284, S286–S287, S291

  • in pediatric type 2 diabetes, S285, S294–S296

  • in pregnancy, S308, S311–S312, S316

  • nutrition, S52

  • physical activity, S52

  • sleep, S52

  • type 1 diabetes progression and, S55

linagliptin, S191, S225, S273, S296

lipid management, S168, S207, S208, S214–S215, S216, S217, S256, S257, S270, S277

lipid profiles, S63, S71, S214–S215, S284, S285, S291–S292

liraglutide, S54, S53, S77, S171, S172, S174, S186, S189, S191, S193, S194, S198, S199, S226, S228, S246, S252

lispro, S196, S199, S274

lixisenatide, S191, S199, S226, S228

long-acting insulin, S182, S184, S185, S192, S193, S195, S199, S213, S276, S287, S289, S294, S295, S306, S307, S315, S327

long-term care settings, S277

Look AHEAD trial, S72, S78, S97, S169, S225, S257, S272

loss of protective sensation, S11, S256, S259, S260

lovastatin, S215

machine learning, insulin dosing algorithms using, S322

macular edema, diabetic, S253, S254–S255, S273

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), S99, S174

marijuana. see cannabis.

maternal history, in screening children/adolescents, S35

maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), S32, S40–S42

meal planning, S89, S90, S91–S92, S93, S97, S326

Medicaid expansion, S18, S52–S53, S89

medical devices, for weight loss, S175

medical evaluation, S6, S59–S86

  • autoimmune diseases, S63

  • bone health, S64–S65, S67–S68

  • cancer, S68–S69

  • cognitive impairment/dementia, S70

  • comorbidities, S63–S78

  • components of comprehensive exam, S62–S63

  • dental care, S69–S70

  • disability, S71

  • erectile dysfunction, S71

  • female sexual dysfunction, S72–S73

  • immunizations, S61–S63, S66

  • low testosterone in men, S71

  • metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis (MASH), S7, S10, S65, S73–S77, S169, S171, S175, S187–S188, S189, S190, S191, S194

  • metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), S7, S10, S65, S73–S77, S169, S171, S189, S190, S191, S194

  • obstructive sleep apnea, S78

  • pancreatitis, S78

  • periodontal disease, S70

  • sensory impairment, S78

medical nutrition therapy, S8, S53, S61, S65, S86, S89–S100, S130, S148, S175, S176, S214, S284, S285, S308

  • in children and adolescents, S287

  • in the hospital, S326

  • in pregnancy, S311

Mediterranean style eating, S51, S52, S75, S90, S91, S92, S94, S214

meglitinides, S10, S70, S130, S135, S136, S171, S188, S195, S268, S272, S273, S275

mental health. see Psychosocial care.

mental illness, serious, S108, S111–S112

metabolic dysfunction–associated steatohepatitis (MASH), S7, S10, S65, S73–S77, S169, S171, S175, S187–S188, S189, S190, S191, S194,

metabolic dysfunction–associated liver disease (MASLD), S7, S10, S65, S73–S77, S169, S171, S189, S190, S191, S194

metabolic surgery, S8, S10, S62, S65, S67, S75, S77, S90, S96, S99–S100, S102, S107, S167, S168, S171, S175–S177, S188, S194, S257, S296

metformin, S7, S12, S53, S54, S64, S68, S69, S76, S77, S95, S101, S134, S171, S186, S189, S191, S193, S194, S195, S196, S197, S198, S199, S200, S223, S227, S229, S230, S245, S273–S274, S285, S294–S295, S297, S311, S313, S315, S316, S327

metoclopramide, S258

metoprolol, S258, S171, S227

microbiome, gut, S7, S36, S93

micronutrients, S89, S90, S92, S95, S97

microvascular complications, S36, S39, S41, S55, S64, S104, S108–S109, S112, S132–S135, S182, S186, S189, S209, S255, S292, S293, S295, S309

midodrine, S258

miglitol, S198

migrant farmworkers, S21

mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist therapy, S10, S11, S211, S212, S213, S240, S242, S243, S245, S247, S314

monogenic diabetes syndromes, S7, S27, S30, S31, S40–S42

multiple daily injections (MDI), S62, S64, S148, S150, S151, S152, S153, S154, S155, S157, S182, S183, S184, S295

myasthenia gravis, S33, S63, S290

naltrexone/bupropion ER, S171, S172, S174

nateglinide, S9, S53, S273

National Diabetes Data Group, S44

National Diabetes Prevention Program, S52

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), S15, S78, S293

National Kidney Foundation KDOQI, S243

neonatal diabetes, S10, S40–S41, S200, S283

nephrologist, referral to, S17, S240–S241, S248

nephropathy, diabetic, S38, S65, S67, S68, S113, S131–S132, S186, S214, S246, S252, S259, S284, S285, S292, S296, S308

neurocognitive function, S267–S268, S286, S289

neuropathic pain, S11, S70, S257–S258, S293

neuropathy, diabetic, S11, S53, S54, S61, S64, S65, S67, S104, S132, S136, S137, S189, S225, S256–S258, S267, S284, S285, S293, S297, S298, S308, S327

  • auditory, S78

  • autonomic, S70, S71, S102, S104, S209, S256,

  • cardiac autonomic, S256

  • gastrointestinal, S256

  • genitourinary disturbances due to, S256

    peripheral, S70, S71, S95, S102, S104, S155, S256, S259

new-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT), S40

niacin + statin therapy, S220

NICE-SUGAR trial, S323

nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), S7, S73

nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), S7, S73

noninsulin treatments, S31, S32, S40, S77, S107, S147, S149, S151, S153, S187, S189, S193, S194, S196–S198, S200, S219, S273, S274, S294, S295, S311, S324, S325, S330

noninsulin-dependent diabetes. see type 2 diabetes.

nonnutritive sweeteners, S8, S90, S95–S96

NPH insulin, S182, S184, S195, S276, S327

nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, S38

nursing homes, S276, 277

nutrition, S7, S8, S11, S12, S15, S29, S42, S51, S65, S71, S75, S137, S214, S272

  • for diabetes prevention/delay, S52, S53

  • in CKD management, S243

  • in children and adolescents, S286, S293, S294, S295

  • in hospital, S322, S324, S326–S327

  • in older adults, S277

  • in pregnancy, S308, S310, S311, 326

  • in weight management, S169–S170

  • medical nutrition therapy, S89–S100, S130

nutritionist, registered dietitian, S17, S65, S90, S175, S176, S286, S290, S295, S296, S307, S308, S330

obesity, S7, S8, S9–S10, S11, S32, S33, S34–S36, S38, S40, S42, S43, S44, S51, S55, S62, S67, S69, S71, S72, S73, S74, S75–S77, S78, S90, S94, S95, S96–S97, S98, S99, S102, S103, S110, S113, S167–S180, S186, S187, S194, S208, S214, S219, S223, S229, S230, S256, S257, S270, S272, S293, S294, S295, S296, S298, S306, S307, S308, S313, S315

  • assessment and monitoring, S167–S169

  • medical devices for weight loss, S175

  • metabolic surgery, S8, S10, S62, S65, S67, S75, S77, S90, S96, S99–S100, S102, S107, S167, S168, S171, S175–S177, S188, S194, S257, S286, S287

  • nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral therapy, S169–S170

  • pharmacotherapy, S170–S174

obstructive sleep apnea, S64, S78, S103, S113, S214, S171, S224, S285, S297


older adults, S11, S15, S57, S58, S266–S282

  • 4Ms framework, S11, S267, S277

  • bone health in, S64–S69

  • end-of-life care, S277–S288

  • hypoglycemia, S268–S269

  • lifestyle management, S272

  • neurocognitive function, S267–S268

  • pharmacologic therapy, S272–S275

  • in post-acute and long-term care settings, S277

  • treatment goals, S269–S272

  • with type 1 diabetes, S276–S277

one-step strategy, for GDM, S43–S44

open source automated insulin dosing, S9, S157–S158

opioid antagonist/antidepressant combination, S172, S174

opioids, S71, S257, S258

ophthalmologist, referral to, S11, S104, S253, S254

oral agents. see also specific drugs. S77, S149, S277, S278, S313

oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), S27, S28, S29, S34, S35, S39, S40, S41, S42–S44, S51, S53, S308, S315–S316

organ transplantation, posttransplantation diabetes mellitus, S28, S40, S200

orlistat, S53, S172, S174

orthostatic hypotension, S102, S209, S211, S255, S256, S258

overweight, S7, S8, S34, S35, S36, S38, S51, S52, S55, S75, S77, S90, S94, S95, S96, S101, S102, S134, S167–S180, S187, S214, S272, S293, S294, S295, S307, S308, S314

oxygen, glucose monitors and, S149

oxygen therapy, S150

hyperbaric, S261, S262

topical, S259, S261, S262

P2Y12 receptor antagonists, S220, S221–S222

palliative care, S270, S276, S277–S278

pancreas transplantation, S186, S187

pancreatectomy, S39, S78, S157

pancreatic diabetes, S39–S40

pancreatitis, S35, S39, S69, S78, S172, S191, S200, S219, S297

paramedics, S22, S59, S197

patch, bolus insulin, S10, S196

patient-centered medical home model, S16

pens, insulin, S146, S147, S150, S152, S153–S154, S183, S185, S191, S196, S199, S268, S276, S289, S324,

parenteral feeding, S322, S324, S326–S327

periodontal disease, S35, S38, S69

perioperative care, S327–S328

peripheral arterial disease, S11, S259–S260

peripheral neuropathy, S70, S71, S95, S102, S104, S155, S256, S259

pernicious anemia, S33, S63

person-centered care goals, S6, S14, S15, S17, S37, S54, S55, S59–S61, S86, S87, S96, S106, S110, S130, S167, S168, S174, S187, S188, S193, S197, S260, S278, S330

pharmacologic approaches. see also specific medications, medication classes.

  • for adults with type 1 diabetes, S181–S186

  • for adults with type 2 diabetes, S186–S196

  • for cardiovascular and renal disease, S212–S214, S225

  • for neuropathy, S257–S258

  • for obesity, S170–S174

  • for pediatric type 2 diabetes, S294–S296

  • for retinopathy, S255–S256

  • for smoking cessation, S105

  • in older adults, S272–S275

  • in pregnancy, S312–S314

  • interfering substances for glucose meter readings, S150

  • medication costs and affordability, S196–S197, S198–S199

  • to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes, S7, S53–S54

  • to delay type 1 progression, S53

  • to glycemic treatment, S10, S181–S206

phentermine, S53, S171, S172–S173, S174

phentermine/topiramate ER, S171, S172, S174, S296

phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, S71, S258

photocoagulation surgery, S254, S255

physical activity, S7, S8, S12, S15, S16, S28, S36, S62, S65, S67, S70, S75, S90, S96, S100–S104, S158, S212, S214, S225, S226, S258

  • for type 1 diabetes prevention or delay, S55–S56

  • for type 2 diabetes prevention, S51–S52, S53

  • frequency and type of, S101–S102

  • glycemic management and, S102, S130, S137, S147, S148–S149

  • high-intensity interval training, S102–S013

  • hypoglycemia and, S103–S104

  • in children with type 1 diabetes, S101–S102, S286–S287

  • in children with type 2 diabetes, S101–S102, S293–S295

  • in obesity management, S168–S170

  • in older adults, S272

  • in pregnancy, S307, S311, S312

  • pre-exercise evaluation, S102

  • with microvascular complications, S104

pioglitazone, S7, S10, S54, S55, S69, S75–S77, S100, S168, S187, S188, S191, S194, S195, S198, S200, S273

pitavastatin, S215

plasma glucose test, 2-h, S27–S28, S29, S32, S33, S34, S35, S38, S41, S43, S44, S50, S55, S293, S309, S310, S316

pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine, S7, S62

point-of-care assays

  • A1c, S29, S129

  • blood glucose monitoring, S9, S158, S323

polycystic ovary syndrome, S35, S36, S285, S297, S298, S308, S311, S313

population health, S6, S14–S26

  • access to care, S18–S19

  • chronic care model, S16

  • cost considerations, S18

  • evidence care-based models to improve, S16

  • person-centered diabetes care team, S17–S18

  • quality improvement, S19

  • tailoring treatment for social context, S19–S22

  • state of diabetes care, S15–S16

  • system level improvement strategies, S18

  • telehealth, S16

post-acute settings, S277

postpartum care, in diabetic women, S12, S17, S29, S42, S157, S212, S253, S307, S308, S312, S315–S316

posttransplantation diabetes mellitus, S28, S40, S200

pramlintide, S186, S198, S258

prandial insulin, S10, S100, S148, S156, S181, S182, S185, S192, S195, S196, S274, S287, S295, S312, S324, S325, S325, S327

pravastatin, S12, S215, S219, S315

prediabetes, S7, S8, S9, S12, S22, S28, S34–S39, S42, S43, S44, S71, S72, S79

  • criteria defining, S28

  • diagnosis, S35–S36

  • lifestyle changes for prevention of diabetes, S52–S53

  • nutrition therapy recommendations for, S90

  • person-centered care goals in, S55

  • pharmacologic interventions, S53–S54

  • prevention of vascular disease and mortality, S54–S55

  • prevention or delay of diabetes in, S50–S51

  • risk of MASH and MASLD in, S73–S75

  • screening in adults, S35

  • screening in children and adolescents, S38–S39

predictive low-glucose suspend (PGLS) technology, S312

preeclampsia, S12, S42, S43, S211, S212, S219, S306, S307, S309, S310, S313, S315,

  • aspirin and, S314

pregabalin, S171, S257

pregnancy, S12, S283–S305

  • A1C and, S29, S309–S310

  • continuous glucose monitoring in, S311

  • contraception after, S315

  • drug considerations in, S314

  • gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), S7, S12, S35, S42–S44, S52, S53, S54, S55, S152, S306, S307, S308, 310, S311, S312, S313, S314, S315–S316

  • glucose monitoring in, S309

  • glycemic goals in, S309–S310

  • insulin, S309, S312

  • lactation, S315

  • lifestyle and behavior management, S311

  • medical nutrition therapy, S311

  • metformin in, S313

  • pharmacologic therapy, S312–S314

  • physical activity in, S312

  • postpartum care, S315–S316

  • pre-existing type 1 and 2 diabetes in, S307–S314

  • preconception care, S307–S309

  • preconception counseling, S306–S307

  • preeclampsia and aspirin, S314

  • real-time CGM device use in, S152, S309, S311

  • retinopathy during, S307, S308, S309, S313–S314

  • sulfonylureas, S313

prevention, type 2 diabetes, S7, S8, S9, S11, S50–S58

  • lifestyle behavior change for, S51–S53

  • person-centered care goals, S55

  • pharmacologic interventions, S53–S54

  • of vascular disease and mortality, S54–S55

  • weight management for, S9–S10, S167–S180

prevention, type 1 diabetes, S55–S56

proliferative diabetic retinopathy, S19, S102, S104, S254,

proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors, S215, S216–S218, S220, S315

protease inhibitors, S38

protein intake, S93–S94, S99, S138, S171, S181, S240, S243, S272

psychosocial care, S8, S19, S86, S106–S114

  • anxiety disorders, S110

  • assessment and treatment, S107

  • cognitive capacity/impairment, S112–S113

  • depression, S110–S111

  • diabetes distress, S107–S110

  • disordered eating behavior, S111

  • in pediatric type 1 diabetes, S287–S289

  • in pediatric type 2 diabetes, S298

  • referral to mental health specialist, S107–S108, S110, S268, S288, S299

  • screening, S106–S107

  • serious mental illness, S111–S112

  • sleep health, S113_S114

pumps, insulin, S13, S15, S17, S63, S88, S93, S99, S104, S146, S148, S151, S152, S154–S158, S182, S183, S185, S196, S200, S228, S269, S276

  • automated systems, S155

  • in pregnancy, S311–S313

  • in youth, S155, S289–S290, S295

  • in hospitalized patients, S158–S159, S323, S325, S326, S328

  • open-source automated dosing with, S157

  • sensor augmented, S155–S157

quality improvement, S6, S14, S15, S19, S321, S326

RAAS inhibitors, S184

race, S19, S20, S30, S35, S71, S129, S170, S242

Ramadan, fasting during, S8, S98, S99

rapid-acting insulin analog, S154, S157, S182, S184, S192, S195, S199, S274, S310, S324, S326, S327

real-time CGM devices, S9, S138, S149, S150, S152, S176, S276, S289, S290, S294, S309, S310

REDUCE-IT trial, S94, S219

referrals, S7, S11

  • for behavioral health professionals, S107–S108, S110, S268, S288, S299

  • for cognitive assessment, S270

  • for community screening, S39

  • for comprehensive eye exam, S53, S292, S297, S309

  • for dental care, A70

  • for disability, S70

  • for DSME, S88, S89, S267

  • for initial care management, S65

  • for local community resources, S19

  • for medical nutrition therapy, S89

  • for tobacco cessation, S54

  • from dentist to primary care, S38

  • to a liver specialist, S74

  • to a specialized center, S32, S34, S73, S308

  • to foot care specialist, S261

  • to gastroenterologist, S297

  • to nephrologist, S40, S241, S242, S248, S297

  • to neurologist, S256, S284, S285

  • to ophthalmologist, S11, S104, S253, S254

  • to sleep specialist, S114, S297

  • to registered dietitian nutritionist, S17, S65, S90, S175, S176, S286, S290, S295, S296, S307, S308, S330

refugees, S21

registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), S17, S65, S90, S175, S176, S286, S295, S296, S307, S308, S330

reimbursement, S20, S52

  • for DSMES, S8, S87, S88–S89

religious fasting, S8, S97, S98, S136

repaglinide, S99, S198, S273

resistance training, S52, S75, S99, S102, S171, S272

respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, S63, S66

retinopathy, diabetic, S11, S65, S67, S70, S71, S72, S73, S101, S102, S104, S113, S131, S136, S155, S186, S191, S229, S241, S247, S252–S255, S259, S284, S285,

  • in children and adolescents, S290, S292–S293, S297

  • in pregnancy, S307, S308, S309, S313–S314

  • screening, S253–S254

  • treatment, S254–S255

  • visual rehabilitation, S255

risk calculators, S34, S98

for diabetics fasting during Ramadan, S99

risk management

  • cardiovascular disease, S10–S11, S207–S238

  • chronic kidney disease, S11, S239–S251

risk, screening for

  • type 1 diabetes, S32–S34, S284

  • prediabetes and type 2, S27–S30, S34, S35–S38, S293

rivaroxaban, S220, S222

rosiglitazone, S189

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, S175, S194

sarcopenic obesity, S8, S102

SAVOR-TIMI trial, S227, S228

saxagliptin, S191, S198, S227, S325

schizophrenia, S108, S109, S112

schools, diabetes care in, S13, S17, S63, S135, S138, S147, S196, S286, S287–S28, S293, S335–S336

SCORED trial, S227

screening, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S15

  • after organ transplantation, S40

  • by age, S38

  • community, S38

  • for cardiovascular risk factors, S35, S54, S209, S222–S225, S291–S292, S297

  • for celiac disease, S64, S290–S291

  • for chronic kidney disease, S239–S241, S242–S243

  • for cystic fibrosis -related diabetes, S39–S40

  • for disordered eating behavior, S112

  • for food insecurity, S20, S99

  • for fracture risk, S65, S67

  • for gestational diabetes mellitus, S42–S44, S315–S316

  • for MASLD and MASH, S73–S74

  • for nephropathy, S292

  • for neuropathy, S255–S256

  • for peripheral arterial disease, S259–S260

  • for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, S27–S30, S34, S35–S38, S293

  • for psychosocial concerns, S18, S19, S106–S107, S110, S288

  • for retinopathy, S253, S292–S293, S297

  • for sleep health, S113

  • for sexual dysfunction, S71, S72

  • for substance use, S298

  • for thyroid dysfunction, S64, S290

  • for type 1 diabetes, S32–S34, S284

  • genetic, S41

  • in children/adolescents, S35, S38–S39, S284, S285

  • in dental practices, S38

  • in older adults, S266–S269

  • in people with HIV, S38

  • in people with pancreatitis, S39

  • medications and, S38

  • preconception, S307–S308

  • testing interval, S38

  • use of A1C for, S28–S30

seasonal farmworkers, S21

self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG). see blood glucose monitoring (BGM)

semaglutide, S53, S76, S77, S170, S171, S173, S174, S186, S189, S191, S193, S194, S198, S226, S228, S230, S245, S247, S252, S274

sensor-augmented pumps, S110, S155, S185, S269, S289, S312, S313

sensory impairment, S78

setmelanotide, S171

sexual dysfunction

  • female, S7, S72, S256

  • male, S71–S72, S256

sickle cell disease, S30, S129, S308

simvastatin, S215, S220

sitagliptin, S189, S191, S193, S194, S198, S227

sitting, prolonged, S8, S100, S103

skilled nursing facilities, S276, S277, S329

sleep apnea. see Obstructive sleep apnea.

sleep health, S7, S113–S114

smart pens. see connected insulin pens

smoking cessation, S8, S54, S61, S72, S104–S105, S213, S226, S243, S298–S299

Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ), S99, S174

social capital, S19, S22

social context, S19–S22

social determinants of health (SDOH), S15, S18, S19, S20, S22, S88, S106, S191, S12, S13, S14–S15, S16, S79, S92, S166

sodium channel blockers, S257, S258

sodium intake, S94, S212

sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, S10, S11, S68, S76, S77, S93, S98, S100, S113, S133, S134, S135, S139, S140, S186, S187, S191, S193–S194, S195, S198, S200, S208, S222–S223, S226–S230, S240, S242, S243, S244–S248, S267, S268, S274, S276, S295, S325, S327

SOLOIST-WHF trial, S228

sotagliflozin, S186, S227, S228

SPRINT trial, S210–S211, S226


  • of diabetic kidney disease, S65, S241–S242

  • of liver disease risk, S10

  • of type 1 diabetes, S33

statin therapy, S11, S12, S35, S38, S54–S55, S76, S77, S78, S133, S214–S220, S284, S285, S292, S314

stem cell therapies, for wounds, S261, S262

STEP-HFpEF trial, S230

strength training, S51, S99, S291

substance use, S63, S136, S140, S150, S176

  • pediatric, S298–S299

sulfonylureas, S10, S20, S41, S64, S67, S68, S70, S77, S98, S99, S113, S130, S131, S134, S135, S136, S139, S171, S188, S189, S191, S194, S195, S196, S198, S200, S272, S273, S275, S276, S313

supplements, dietary, S8, S67, S90, S94–S95, S153, S169, S170, S176, S308

surgery, in patients with diabetes, S327

surgical treatment, for type 1 diabetes, S186


  • behavioral risk factor surveillance system, S110

  • BGM system, S148

  • for foot problems, S259, S260

  • for hypoglycemia, S326

  • for prediabetes, S74

  • of chronic kidney disease, S242–S243

survodutide, S77

SUSTAIN-6 trial, S246

sweeteners, nonnutritive, S8, S90, S95–S96

sympathomimetic amine anorectics, S172, S174

  • in combination with antiepileptic, S172, S174

syringes, insulin, S153–S154S196, S197, S276, S330

tapentadol, S257, S258

technology, diabetes, S9, S17, S88, S146–S166

  • assessment of patient’s use of, S62, S88

  • blood glucose monitoring, S147–S149

  • continuous glucose monitoring devices, S149–S153

  • digital health, S158–S159

  • during fasting, S98

  • general device principles, S146–S147

  • insulin delivery, S153–S158

technology-assisted prevention programs, S51, S53

TECOS trial, S227

TEDDY study, S34, S55

telehealth, S15, S16, S18, S21, S53, S87–S89, S311


  • of glucose monitor, S149

  • of room, for optimum sleep, S113

  • perception of, S255, S256, S258, S259

teplizumab, S7, S56, S186

testing interval, S38


  • in diabetes prevention, S53

  • low, in men, S7, S71

tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (TDAP) vaccine, S66

thiazide-like diuretics, S212, S213, S214, S244

thiazolidinediones, S53, S64, S65, S67, S171, S194, S196, S227, S267

thyroid disease, S284, S308

  • autoimmune, S7, S41, S63, S290

  • in pediatric type 1 diabetes, S290

ticagrelor, S222

time-restricted eating, S97

tirzepatide, S53, S68, S77, S78, S170–S171, S173, S186, S189, S194, S197, S198, S274, S46, S62, S68, S148, S149, S152, S165, S168, S169, S172, S252

tobacco use/cessation, S8, S54, S61, S72, S104–S105, S213, S226, S243, S298–S299


  • blood glucose awareness, S138, S139

  • diabetes self-management, S88, S89

  • for family and other caregivers, S112, S146

  • for school personnel, S287, S335

  • health professionals/staff, S88, S106, S176, S276, S277, S322, S323–S324

  • high-intensity interval, S215, S216, S217, S218, S219

  • in detention facilities, S336

  • on device use, S146, S147, S158

  • resistance, S52, S75, S99, S102, S171, S272

  • self-care, S21, S109

  • strength, S51, S99, S291

tramadol, S257, S258

transfusion, A1C and, S29, S129, S270


  • from hospital to ambulatory setting, S275, S328–S330

  • from IV to SC insulin, S13, S325, S328

  • from obstetric care to primary care, S17

  • from pediatric to adult care, S299

transplantation, S62, S200

  • islet, S137, S186, S187

  • liver, S73

  • organ, post-transplant diabetes mellitus after, S28, S40, S200

  • pancreas, S186, S187

  • renal, S186, S187, S200, S241, S246

tricyclic antidepressants, S171, S257–S258

TWILIGHT trial, S222

two-hour plasma glucose (2-h PG) test, S27–S28, S32, S33, S34, S35, S41, S43, S44, S50, S53, S55, S309–S310, S316

two-step strategy, for GDM, S42, S43–S44

type 1 diabetes, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S15, S16, S17, S19, S20, S32

  • autoimmune, S32–S33, S63–S64

  • automated insulin delivery systems for, S154–S157

  • bone health with, S64–S69

  • cognitive capacity in, S112–S113

  • in children/adolescents, S284, S286–S293

  • classification, S30–S32

  • continuous glucose monitoring in, S146–S147, S149–S154

  • diagnosis, S31

  • disability in, S70

  • female sexual dysfunction in, S72

  • idiopathic, S34

  • immune-mediated, S32–S33

  • in hospitalized patients, S325–S326

  • insulin pumps for, S154–S157

  • MASH and MASLD in, S73

  • neonatal, S40

  • noninsulin treatments, S187

  • in older adults, S276–S277

  • pharmacologic therapy for, S181–S186

  • physical activity in, S100–S104

  • pregnancy in women with preexisting, S17, S310, S313

  • prevention or delay of, S55–S56

  • psychosocial concerns in, S108–S112

  • retinopathy in, S292

  • screening, S32–S34, S284

  • SGLT inhibition and ketosis in, S200

  • sleep health in, S113

  • staging, S33, S51

  • surgical treatment of, S186

  • surgical treatment, S164

  • teplizumab to delay symptoms, S7, S56, S186

type 2 diabetes, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S15, S16, S19, S30

  • ADA risk test for, S37

  • benefits of continuous glucose monitoring in, S130, S131, S151

  • bone health with, S64–S69

  • classification, S31–S32

  • combination therapy, S189, S193

  • decision cycle for care, S60

  • diagnosis, S34–S39

  • in children/adolescents, S36, S285, S293–S298

  • in children/adolescents, S36, S285, S293–S298

  • insulin pump use in, S154–S155, S157

  • MASH and MASLD in, S73–S78

  • monitoring for, S50–S51

  • obesity and weight management, S167–S180

  • obstructive sleep apnea and, S78

  • pharmacologic interventions to delay, S53–S54

  • pharmacologic treatment in adults, S186–S196

  • physical activity and, S100–S104

  • pregnancy in women with preexisting, S307–S314

  • prevention or delay, S50–S58

  • preventing vascular disease and mortality in, S54–S55

  • psychosocial concerns in, S109

  • retinopathy in, S253

  • screening in asymptomatic adults, S35, S36–S38

  • screening in children/adolescents, S36, S38–S39

  • sleep characteristics associated with, S52

  • surgical treatment for, S186

type 3c diabetes, S39

UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), S131, S133, S134, S135, S226

ulcers, foot, S1, S64, S102, S104, S255, S258, S259, S260

ultra-rapid-acting insulin analogs, S182, S184, S192

ultrasound wound debridement, S261, S262

urinary tract infections, S7, S72, S276

urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UCAR), S239

vaccines. see immunizations.

vagus nerve stimulator, S175

vaping, S104–S105

vascular disease, S11, S71, S104, S133–S134, S210, S222, S223, S224, S225, S259, S315

  • prevention of, in prediabetes, S54–S55

vertical sleeve gastrectomy, S175, S296

VERTIS CV trial, S225

Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT), S69, S132, S133, S134, S268

visual rehabilitation, S255

vitamin D supplementation, S7, S53–S54, S64, S67–S68, S95, S170

VOYAGER PAD trial, S222

weight gain, S39

weight loss surgery. see metabolic surgery.

weight loss/management, S7, S8, S9–S10, S96–S97, S167–S180

  • assessment and monitoring, S167–S169

  • in children/adolescents, S291, S296

  • in diabetes prevention, S9–S10, S51–S53, S54, S55, S96–S97, S167–S180

  • in older adults, S272

  • in prediabetes, S96–S97

  • in pregnancy, S307, S315

  • in type 1 diabetes, S96

  • in type 2 diabetes, S31, S96, S188, S192, S194

  • medical devices for weight loss, S175

  • metabolic surgery, S8, S10, S62, S65, S67, S75, S77, S90, S96, S99–S100, S102, S107, S167, S168, S171, S175–S177, S188, S194, S257, S286, S287

  • nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral therapy, S169–S170

  • pharmacotherapy, S170–S174

  • with MASH and MASLD, S75–S77

  • with neuropathy, S257

  • unexplained, S27, S28, S30, S32, S36, S168, S186, S274, S288

weight stigma, S9, S168

well-being, S15, S17, S60, S71, S72, S86–S87, S96, S101, S102, S106, S113, S186, S255, S288, S289, S298

white coat hypertension, S209, S214

whites, non-Hispanic, S15, S30, S36, S129

WISDM trial, S268

wound therapy, advanced, S261–S262

xenograft acellular matrices, S262

xenograft dermis, S262

Youth. see Children and adolescents.

zoster vaccine, S67

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