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1 August 1991
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
Original Articles
Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure in Normotensive NIDDM Subjects: Its Relationship to Microvascular Complications
Shigeru Nakano, MD; Kenzo Uchida, MD; Toshikazu Kigoshi, MD; Sadahide Azukizawa, MD; Ryoji Iwasaki, MD; Mihoko Kaneko, MD; Shinpei Morimoto, MD
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 707-711. doi:
Reported Practice Behaviors for Medical Care of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus by Primary-Care Physicians in Pennsylvania
CHM Jacques, MD, PhD; Robert L Jones, DEd; Peter Houts, PhD; Laurence C Bauer, MSW; Kathleen M Dwyer, PhD, RD; James C Lynch, MS; Toni San Maria Casale, DO
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 712-717. doi:
Relationship Between First-Phase Insulin Secretion and Age, HLA, Islet Cell Antibody Status, and Development of Type I Diabetes in 220 Juvenile First-Degree Relatives of Diabetic Patients
Jean-J Robert, MD, PhD; Ingeborg Deschamps, MD; Didier Chevenne, PhD; Marc Roger, MD; Agnès Mogenet, MD; Christian Boitard, MD
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 718-723. doi:
Dose-Dependent Effects of Glyburide on Insulin Secretion and Glucose Uptake in Humans
Leif C Groop, MD; Nir Barzilai, MD; Klaus Ratheiser, MD; Livio Luzi, MD; Elisabeth Wåhlin-Boll, PhD; Arne Melander, MD; Ralph A DeFronzo, MD
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 724-727. doi:
Does Insulin Species Modify Counterregulatory Hormone Response to Hypoglycemia?
Timothy W Jones; Sonia Caprio, MD; Michael P Diamond, MD; Lynn Hallarman, BS; Susan D Boulware, MD; Robert S Sherwin, MD; William V Tamborlane, MD
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 728-731. doi:
Therapeutic Potentials of Acarbose as First-Line Drug in NIDDM Insufficiently Treated With Diet Alone
Markolf Hanefeld, DSc; Sabine Fischer, DSc; Jan Schulze, DSc; Manfred Spengler, PhD; Manfred Wargenau, PhD; Karl Schollberg, PhD; Katja Fücker, DC
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 732-737. doi:
Randomized Trial Comparing Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion and Conventional Insulin Therapy in Type II Diabetic Patients Poorly Controlled With Sulfonylureas
Adrian M Jennings, MD; Kathryn S Lewis, BSc; Susan Murdoch, SRD; John F Talbot, FRCS; Clare Bradley, PhD; John D Ward, MD
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 738-744. doi:
Hypoglycemic Symptoms and Frequency of Severe Hypoglycemia in Patients Treated With Human and Animal Insulin Preparations
Ingrid Mühlhauser, MD; Lutz Heinemann, Dipl-Biol, Dipl-lng; Esther Fritsche; Katja von Lennep; Michael Berger, MD
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 745-749. doi:
Body Mass is a Poor Predictor of Peak Plantar Pressure in Diabetic Men
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 750-755. doi:
Short Reports
Effect of Meal on Retinal Blood Flow in IDDM Patients
Paul M Sullivan, MB, BS; Vernon J Parfitt, MRCP; Roger Jagoe, BSc; Richard Newsom, MB, BS; Eva M Kohner, FRCP
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 756-758. doi:
In-Hospital Prognosis of Ppatients With Fasting Hyperglycemia After First Myocardial Infarction
John J O'Sullivan, MRCPI; Ronan M Conroy, MusB; Killian Robinson, MRCP (UK); Noel Hickey, FRCPI; Risteard Mulcahy, FRCPI
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 758-760. doi:
Retrospective Analysis of Posttransplantation Diabetes Mellitus in Black Renal Allograft Recipients
Nabil B Sumrani, MD; Vera Delaney, MD; Paula Daskalakis, BSN; Robert Davis, MD; Eli A Friedman, MD; Joon H Hong, MD; Bruce G Sommer, MD
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 760-762. doi:
Laser Legerdemain and Other Sources of Editorial Headache: Advice to Authors
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 763-765. doi:
Letters and Comments
Heart-Rate Guidelines for Exercise
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 766. doi:
Filter Paper/Affinity Chromatography vs. Venipuncture/HbA1 Ion-Exchange Chromatography
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 767. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 772-775. doi:
Système International (SI) Units
Table 1 Système International (SI) Units
Diabetes Care August 1991, Vol.14, 776. doi: