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1 January 1998
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 1. doi:
Original Articles
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
The Effect of Short Periods of Caloric Restriction on Weight Loss and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 2-8. doi:
Effects of a Monounsaturated Fatty Acid–Enriched Hypocaloric Diet on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 9-15. doi:
Stimulation of Insulin Secretion by Fructose Ingested With Protein in People With Untreated Type 2 Diabetes
Mary C Gannon, MD; Frank Q Nuttall, MD, PHD; Charles T Grant, MD; Sean Ercan-Fang, MD; Nacide Ercan-Fang, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 16-22. doi:
Evaluation of a Self-Administered Sensory Testing Tool to Identify Patients at Risk of Diabetes-Related Foot Problems
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 23-25. doi:
Optimal Time of Administration of Insulin Lispro. Importance of meal composition
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 26-31. doi:
The Effect of the Insulin Analog Lispro on Nighttime Blood Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 32-37. doi:
Long-Term Follow-Up of Diabetes in Two Patients With Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 38-41. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
The Epidemiology and Cost of Inpatient Care for Peripheral Vascular Disease, Infection, Neuropathy, and Ulceration in Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 42-48. doi:
Comparison of GAD and ICA512/IA-2 Antibodies at and After the Onset of IDDM
Ichiro Yokota, MD; Junko Matsuda, MD; Etsuo Naito, MD; Michinori Ito, MD; Kenji Shima, MD; Yasuhiro Kuroda, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 49-52. doi:
Incidence and Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy in Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites With Type 2 Diabetes. San Luis Valley Diabetes Study, Colorado
Stephanie M Tudor, MSPH; Richard F Hamman, MD, DRPH; Anna Baron, PHD; David W Johnson, MD; Susan M Shetterly, MS
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 53-61. doi:
Serum Ferritin as a Component of the Insulin Resistance Syndrome
José-Manuel Fernández-Real, MD; Wifredo Ricart-Engel, MD; Enric Arroyo; Rafael Balançá; Roser Casamitjana-Abella, MD; Dolores Cabrero, MD; Miquel Fernández-Castañer, MD; Joan Soler, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 62-68. doi:
Impact of Diabetes on Mortality After the First Myocardial Infarction
Heikki Miettinen, MD; Seppo Lehto, MD; Veikko Salomaa, MD; Markku Mähönen, MD; Matti Niemelä, MD; Steven M Haffner, MD; Kalevi Pyörälä, MD; Jaakko Tuomilehto, MD; The FINMONICA Myocardial Infarction Register Study Group
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 69-75. doi:
Study of Genetic Prediabetic South Indian Subjects: Importance of hyperinsulinemia and β-cell dysfunction
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 76-79. doi:
Early Presentation of Type 2 Diabetes in Mexican-American Youth
Naomi D Neufeld, MD; Leslie J Raffel, MD; Chris Landon, MD; Y -D Ida Chen, PHD; Constance M Vadheim, PHD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 80-86. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
UKPDS 28: A Randomized Trial of Efficacy of Early Addition of Metformin in Sulfonylurea-Treated Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 87-92. doi:
Counterregulatory Hormone Responses After Long-Term Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion With Lispro Insulin
Elaine Y L Tsui, MD; Jean-Louis Chiasson, MD; Hugh Tildesley, MD; Annette Barnie, RN; Sari Simkins, RD; Thomas Strack, PHD; Bernard Zinman, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 93-96. doi:
Clinical Evaluation of a Test for Immediate and Quantitative Determination of Urinary Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio: A brief report
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 97-98. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Carotid Artery Stiffness is Increased in Microalbuminuric IDDM Patients
Jan Lambert, MD, PHD; Ronald A Smulders, MD; Mieke Aarsen, RVT; Ab J M Donker, MD, PHD; Coen D A Stehouwer, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 99-103. doi:
Effects of Lisinopril and Nifedipine on the Progression to Overt Albuminuria in IDDM Patients With Incipient Nephropathy and Normal Blood Pressure
Gaetano Crepaldi, MD; Quirico Carta, MD; Giacomo Deferrari, MD; Ruggero Mangili, MD; Renzo Navalesi, MD; Fausto Santeusanio, MD; Antonio Spalluto, MD; Alessandro Vanasia, MD; G Marco Villa, MD; Romano Nosadini, MD; The Italian Microalbuminuria Study Group in IDDM
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 104-110. doi:
Association of Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Severity of Disease, Obesity, and Blood Pressure
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 111-115. doi:
Role of Glycemic Control and Blood Pressure in the Development and Progression of Nephropathy in Elderly Japanese NIDDM Patients
Yasushi Tanaka, MD; Yoshihito Atsumi, MD; Kenpei Matsuoka, MD; Tomio Onuma, MD; Toshio Tohjima, MD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 116-120. doi:
Platelet Resistance to Nitrates in Obesity and Obese NIDDM, and Normal Platelet Sensitivity to Both Insulin and Nitrates in Lean NIDDM
Giovanni Anfossi, MD; Elena M Mularoni, MD; Serenella Burzacca, MD; Maria C Ponziani, MD; Paola Massucco, MD; Luigi Mattiello, MS; Franco Cavalot, MD; Mariella Trovati, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 121-126. doi:
Intact Proinsulin, des 31,32 Proinsulin, and Specific Insulin Concentrations Among Nondiabetic and Diabetic Subjects in Populations at Varying Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Dinesh K Nagi, MRCP, PHD; William C Knowler, DRPH; Vidya Mohamed-Ali, PHD; Peter H Bennett, FRCP; John S Yudkin, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 127-133. doi:
Development and Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy in Koreans With NIDDM
Hong-Kyu Kim, MD; Chul-Hee Kim, MD; Sang-Wook Kim, MD; Joong-Yeol Park, MD; Sung-Kwan Hong, MD; Young-Hee Yoon, MD; Ki-Up Lee, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 134-138. doi:
Fractional Esterification Rate of HDL Particles in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Relation to coronary heart disease risk factors
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 139-142. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Technical Review
Diabetic Retinopathy
Lloyd Paul Aiello, MD, PHD; Thomas W Gardner, MD; George L King, MD; George Blankenship, MD; Jerry D Cavallerano, OD, PHD; Fredrick L Ferris, III, MD; Ronald Klein, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 143-156. doi:
Position Statement
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 157-159. doi:
Management of Dyslipidemia in Adults With Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 179-182. doi:
Perspectives on the News
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, 1997: Endothelial dysfunction, neuropathy and the diabetic foot, diabetic mastopathy and erectile dysfunction
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 183-189. doi:
Seasonality of Birth in Patients With Childhood Diabetes in The Netherlands
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 190-191. doi:
Response to Akhter
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 191. doi:
Infection of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Site With Mycobacterium peregrinum
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 191-192. doi:
Improved Glycemic Control in a Diabetic Patient After Discontinuation of Allopurinol Administration
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 192-193. doi:
Diabetes and Risk of Adverse Events With Calcium Antagonists
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 193-194. doi:
Can the Effectiveness of Physical Activity Programs Be Improved? Response to Clark
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 195. doi:
Integrating Community and Individual Levels to Improve the Effectiveness of Physical Activity Promotion
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 195-196. doi:
Transferring Aged Type 1 Diabetic Patients From Animal to Human Insulin: A randomized study
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 196-197. doi:
Failure to Find GAD Antibodies at Birth in Children With Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 197-198. doi:
Lack of Association of Factor V Leiden and Coronary Heart Disease in Individuals With and Without Diabetes
Raelene E Maser, PHD; Mary E Miele, PHD; M James Lenhard, MD; G Stephen Decherney, MD; Kathleen W McNicholas, MD; A Jorge Serra, MD; Gerald M Lemole, MD
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 198. doi:
Response to Maser et al.
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 199. doi:
Response to Rosenn et al.
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 199-200. doi:
Response to Gold et al.
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 200. doi:
Issues and Updates
Issues and Updates
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 201-202. doi:
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 203-206. doi:
Table 1—Système International (SI) units for plasma, serum, or blood concentrations
Table 1—Système International (SI) units for plasma, serum, or blood concentrations
Diabetes Care January 1998, Vol.21, 207. doi: