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February 1998
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Articles
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Slicing the Pie: Correlating HbA1c values with average blood glucose values in a pie chart form
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 209-212. doi:
Offering a Randomized Mai of Intensive Therapy for IDDM to Adolescents: Reasons for refusal, patient characteristics, and recruiter effects
Kenneth P Tercyak, Jr, BA; Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PHD; Kimberly A Kirkpatrick, BS; Janet H Silverstein, MD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 213-215. doi:
Estimation of the Glomerular Filtration Rate in NIDDM Patients From Plasma Creatinine Concentration After Cimetidine Administration
Frits AW Kemperman, MD; Joseph Silberbusch, MD, PHD; Eduard H Slaats, PHD; Ariël M Prins, PHD; Joop A Weber, PHD; Raymond T Krediet, MD, PHD; Lambertus Arisz, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 216-220. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
U-Shaped and J-Shaped Relationships Between Serum Insulin and Coronary Heart Disease in the General Population: The Bruneck Study
Enzo Bonora, MD, PHD; Johann Willeit, MD; Stefan Kiechl, MD; Friedrich Oberhollenzer, MD; Georg Egger, MD; Riccardo Bonadonna, MD; Michele Muggeo, MD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 221-230. doi:
Hospitalization and Mortality of Diabetes in Older Adults: A 3-year prospective study
Mark J Rosenthal, MD; Mercedes Fajardo, PHARMD; Stephanie Gilmore, BA; John E Morley, MD; Bruce D Naliboff, PHD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 231-235. doi:
Self-Rated Health and Diabetes of Long Duration: The Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 236-240. doi:
Family Environment, Glycemic Control, and the Psychosocial Adaptation of Adults With Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 241-245. doi:
Unrecognized Diabetes Among Hospitalized Patients
Claresa S Levetan, MD; Maureen Passaro, MD; Kathleen Jablonski, PHD; Mary Kass, MD; Robert E Ratner, MD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 246-249. doi:
Gender, Autoantibodies, and Obesity in Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Patients Aged 40–75 Years
Marek Wroblewski, MD, PHD; Anders Gottsater, MD, PHD; Folke Lindgarde, MD, PHD; Per Fernlund, MD, PHD; Goran Sundkvist, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 250-255. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Effects of Voglibose on Glycemic Excursions, Insulin Secretion, and Insulin Sensitivity in Non-lnsulin-ireated NIDDM Patients
Kazunari Matsumoto, MD; Mayumi Yano, MD; Seibei Miyake, MD; Yukitaka Ueki, MD; Yoshihiko Yamaguchi, MD; Shoichi Akazawa, MD; Yuko Tominaga, MD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 256-260. doi:
Biological Variation of Glycated Hemoglobin: Implications for diabetes screening and monitoring
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 261-264. doi:
Evaluation of GHb Assays in France by National Quality Control Surveys
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 265-270. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Preserved Endothelial Function in IDDM Patients, but Not in NIDDM Patients, Compared With Healthy Subjects
Markus-D Enderle, MD; Norbert Benda, PHD; Reinhold-M Schmuelling, MD; Hans U Haering, MD; Martin Pfohl, MD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 271-277. doi:
Insulin Secretion in Normal Glucose-Tolerant Relatives of Type 2 Diabetic Subjects: Assessments using hyperglycemic glucose clamps and oral glucose tolerance tests
Timon W van Haeften, MD, PHD; Suzanne Dubbeldam; Maria L Zonderland, PHD; D Willem Erkelens, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 278-282. doi:
Effects of Glycemic Control on Protective Responses Against Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes
Anna Korzon-Burakowska, MD; David Hopkins, MRCP; Krystyna Matyka, MRCP; Jill Lomas, RGN; Andrew Pernet, RGN; IAN Macdonald, PHD; Stephanie Amiel, FRCP
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 283-290. doi:
The Association Between Diabetic Complications and Exercise Capacity in NIDDM Patients
Raymond O Estacio, MD; Judith G Regensteiner, PHD; Eugene E Wolfel, MD; Barrett Jeffers, PHD; Matthew Dickenson, MD; Robert W Schrier, MD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 291-295. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Report from the American Diabetes Association
Economic Consequences of Diabetes Mellitus in the U.S. in 1997
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 296-309. doi:
Consensus Development Conference Report
Consensus Development Conference on Insulin Resistance: 5–6 November 1997
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 310-314. doi:
Perspectives on the News
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, 1997, and the Teczem Consultant Meeting: Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 315-319. doi:
Response to Tribute to Dr. Rifkin
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 320. doi:
Dr. Julio Santiago
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 320. doi:
Cifenline Succinate and Dementia in an Elderly NIDDM Patient
Naoki Sakane, MD; Naoki Onishi, MD; Maki Katamura, MD; Hitomi Sato, MD; Masahiko Takamasu, MD, PHD; Toshihide Yoshida, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 320-321. doi:
Hyperglycemia and Coronary Heart Disease
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 321-322. doi:
Diabetic Mastopathy: A frequent source of confusion with lobular breast carcinoma
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 322. doi:
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene, Dietary Folate, NIDDM, and Atherosclerosis in Canadian Oji-Cree
Robert A Hegele, MD; Thomas MS Wolever, MD, PHD; Anthony JG Hanley, MSC; Stewart B Harris, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 322-323. doi:
Carotid Arterial Intimal-Medial Thickening and Plaque Formation in NIDDM
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 323-324. doi:
Response to Minamikawa et al.
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 324. doi:
General Practitioners Are the Most Important Conveyors of Information to Their Patients Regarding Diabetic Retinopathy
PM Livingston, PHD; CA Wood, GRAD DIP MEDSTAT; M Butler, MD; J Oh; JE Keeffe, PHD; Hugh R Taylor, MD, FRACO
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 324-325. doi:
Local Adverse Events Associated With Long-Term Treatment by Implantable Insulin Pumps: The French EVADIAC Study Group experience
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 325-326. doi:
Increased Hydrogen Peroxide Formation in Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes of IDDM Patients
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 326-327. doi:
Response to Cantero
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 327. doi:
Issues and Updates
Issues and Updates
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 328-329. doi:
SI Units Table
Table 1—Système International (SI) units for plasma, serum, or blood concentrations
Diabetes Care February 1998, Vol.21, 330. doi: