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1 May 1998
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Articles
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
The Effect of Magnesium Supplementation in Increasing Doses on the Control of Type 2 Diabetes
Maria de Lourdes Lima, MD, MSC; Thomaz Cruz, MD, PHD; Judith Carreiro Pousada, MD, PHD; Luiz Erlon Rodrigues, MD, PHD; Karyne Barbosa, MD; Valquiria Canguçu, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 682-686. doi:
The Determinants of Glycemic Responses to Diet Restriction and Weight Loss in Obesity and NIDDM
Tania P Markovic, FRACP; Arthur B Jenkins, PHD; Lesley V Campbell, FRACP; Stuart M Furler, PHD; Edward W Kraegen, PHD; Donald J Chisholm, FRACP
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 687-694. doi:
Beneficial Effect on Average Lipid Levels From Energy Restriction and Fat Loss in Obese Individuals With or Without Type 2 Diabetes
Tania P Markovic, FRACP; Lesley V Campbell, FRACP; Santhira Balasubramanian, PHD; Arthur B Jenkins, PHD; Adriana C Fleury, MNUTDIET; Leon A Simons, MD; Donald J Chisholm, FRACP
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 695-700. doi:
The Effects of Metformin on Glycemic Control and Serum Lipids in Insulin-Treated NIDDM Patients With Suboptimal Metabolic Control
Adam C Robinson, MRCP; John Burke, MD; Stephen Robinson, MD; Desmond G Johnston, PHD; Robert S Elkeles, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 701-705. doi:
The Reliability and Validity of a Brief Diabetes Knowledge Test
James T Fitzgerald, PHD; Martha M Funnell, MS, RN, CDE; George E Hess, MA; Patricia A Barr, BS; Robert M Anderson, EDD; Roland G Hiss, MD; Wayne K Davis, PHD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 706-710. doi:
Effect of Meal Dilution on the Postprandial Glycemic Response: Implications for glycemic testing
John L Sievenpiper, BASC; Vladimir Vuksan, PHD; Evelyn YY Wong, MSC; Rena A Mendelson, DSC; Charles Bruce-Thompson, BASC
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 711-716. doi:
Moderate Intake of n-3 Fatty Acids for 2 Months Has No Detrimental Effect on Glucose Metabolism and Could Ameliorate the Lipid Profile in Type 2 Diabetic Men: Results of a controlled study
Jing Luo, MD, PHD; Salwa W Rizkalla, MD, PHD; Hubert Vidal, PHD; Jean-Michel Oppert, MD, PHD; Claude Colas, MD; Abdelghani Boussairi, PHD; Michele Guerre-Millo, PHD; Anne-Sophie Chapuis, RN; Annie Chevalier; Georges Durand, PHD; Gérard Slama, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 717-724. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Development and Application of a Model to Estimate the Impact of Type 1 Diabetes on Health-Related Quality of Life
Shin-Yi Wu, MS; François Sainfort, PHD; Russell H Tomar, MD; James L Tollios, MA; Dennis G Fryback, PHD; Ronald Klein, MD, MPH; Barbara EK Klein, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 725-731. doi:
Prospective Study of Serum γ-Glutamyltransferase and Risk of NIDDM
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 732-737. doi:
Diabetes and Lower-Limb Amputations in the Community: A retrospective cohort study
Andrew D Morris, MD; Ritchie McAlpine, BSC; Douglas Steinke, BSC; Douglas IR Boyle, BSC; Abdul-Rahim Ebrahim; Naveen Vasudev; Colin PU Stewart, MD; Roland T Jung, MD; Graham P Leese, MD; Thomas M MacDonald, MD; Ray W Newton, FRCP; For the DARTS/MEMO Collaboration
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 738-743. doi:
Incidence of IDDM in Children Living in Puerto Rico
Teresa E Frazer de Llado, MD; Lilliam Gonzalez de Pijem, MD; Barbara Hawk, RN, CDE; The Puerto Rican IDDM Coalition
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 744-746. doi:
Patterns of Expenditures and Use of Services Among Older Adults With Diabetes: Implications for the transition to capitated managed care
Julie S Krop, MD; Neil R Powe, MD, MPH, MBA; Wendy E Weller, MHS; Thomas J Shaffer, BA; Christopher D Saudek, MD; Gerard F Anderson, PHD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 747-752. doi:
Codon 972 Polymorphism of the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Gene in Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Late-Onset NIDDM
Kentaro Yamada, MD; Xiaohong Yuan, MD; Satomi Ishiyama, MD; Singo Shoji, MD; Shusuke Kohno, MD; Ken-Ichi Koyama, MD; Atsuko Koyanagi, MD; Wasaku Koyama, MD; Kyohei Nonaka, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 753-756. doi:
Validation of a Diabetes-Specific Quality-of-Life Scale for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 757-769. doi:
Adaptation of the Dartmouth COOP Charts for Use Among American Indian People With Diabetes
Susan S Gilliland, MPH, RN; Adisa J Willmer, BA; Raylene McCalman, MS, RD; Sally M Davis, PHD; Martin E Hickey, MD; Georgia E Perez; Charles L Owen, MA; Janette S Carter, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 770-776. doi:
Use of the Therapeutic Footwear Benefit Among Diabetic Medicare Beneficiaries in Three States, 1995
Jonathan R Sugarman, MD, MPH; Gayle E Reiber, PHD, MPH; Greg Baumgardner, MS; Cecilia M Prela, PHARMD; Joseph Lowery, PHD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 777-781. doi:
Leptinemia Is Not a Risk Factor for Ischemic Heart Disease in Men: Prospective results from the Quebec Cardiovascular Study
Charles Couillard, MSC; Benoît Lamarche, PHD; Pascale Mauriège, PHD; Bernard Cantin, MD; Gilles R Dagenais, MD; Sital Moorjani, PHD; Paul-J Lupien, MD; Jean-Pierre Després, PHD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 782-786. doi:
Objective Assessment of Smoking Habits by Urinary Cotinine Measurement in Adolescents and Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Reliability of reported cigarette consumption and relationship to urinary albumin excretion
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 787-791. doi:
Development of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy in African-Americans and Whites With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 792-795. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Troglitazone Decreases the Proportion of Small, Dense LDL and Increases the Resistance of LDL to Oxidation in Obese Subjects
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 796-799. doi:
Time-Action Profiles of Novel Premixed Preparations of Insulin Lispro and NPL Insulin
Tim Heise, MD; Christian Weyer, MD; Andreas Serwas, MD; Sebastian Heinrichs, MD; Johannes Osinga, MD; Paris Roach, MD; Jim Woodworth, PHD; Uwe Gudat, MD; Lutz Heinemann, PHD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 800-803. doi:
Beneficial Impact of Ramipril on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Normotensive Nonalbummuric NIDDM Patients
Flemming S Nielsen, MD; Asako Sato, MD; Samir Ali, MD; Lise Tarnow, MD; Ulla M Smidt; Jens Kastrup, MD, DMSC; Hans-Henrik Parving, MD, DMSC
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 804-809. doi:
Changes in Amylin and Amylin-Like Peptide Concentrations ana (β-Cell Function in Response to Sulfonylurea or Insulin Therapy in NIDDM
Jonathan Rachman, DPHIL, MRCP; Martin J Payne, PHD; Jonathan C Levy, MD, MRCP; Beryl A Barrow, RGN; Rury R Holman, FRCP; Robert C Turner, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 810-816. doi:
Efficacy and Safely of a Topical Gel Formulation of Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB (Becaplermin) in Patients With Chronic Neuropathic Diabetic Ulcers: A phase III randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 822-827. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Do Postmenopausal Women With NIDDM Have a Reduced Capacity to Deposit and Conserve Lower-Body Fat?
Rachel M Stoney, MND; Karen Z Walker, PHD; James D Best, MD; Paul D Ireland, PHD; Graham G Giles, PHD; Kerin O'Dea, PHD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 828-830. doi:
Pubertal Growth in ID DM Is Determined by HbA1c Levels, Sex, and Bone Age
Marion L Ahmed, MPHIL; Matthew H Connors, MD; Nick M Drayer, MD; Jennifer S Jones, MLSO; David B Dunger, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 831-835. doi:
Hyperhomocyst(e)inemia and Endothelial Dysfunction in IDDM
Marion A Hofmann, MD; Brigitte Kohl, MD; Martina S Zumbach, MD; Valentin Borcea, MD; Angelika Bierhaus, PHD; Mechthild Henkels; Jean Amiral, MD; Ann Marie Schmidt, MD; Walter Fiehn, MD; Reinhard Ziegler, MD; Peter Wahl, MD; Peter P Nawroth, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 841-848. doi:
Variants of the Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 2 Gene Are Not Associated With Coronary Heart Disease in Nondiabetic Subjects and in Patients With NIDDM
Laura Saarinen; Arto Pulkkinen, MD; Anu Kareinen, MD; Sami Heikkinen, MSC; Seppo Lehto, MD; Markku Laakso, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 849-850. doi:
Absence of Association Between Genetic Variation of the β3-Adrenercjic Receptor and Metabolic Pnenotypes in Oji-Cree
Robert A Hegele, MD; Stewart B Harris, MD; Anthony JG Hanley, MSC; Husain Azouz; Philip W Connelly, PHD; Bernard Zinman, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 851-854. doi:
Validation of a Diabetic Wound Classification System: The contribution of depth, infection, and ischemia to risk of amputation
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 855-859. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Perspectives on the News
International Diabetes Federation Meeting, 1997: Type 2 diabetes: its prevalence, causes, and treatment
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 860-865. doi:
Lispro Insulin Is Suitable for External Pumps but Not for Implantable Pumps
Sylvie Demirdjian, PHD; Christophe Bardin, PHD; Sandrine Savin, PHD; Phédon Zirinis, PHD; François Chast, PHD; Gerard Slama, MD; Jean-Louis Sélam, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 867-868. doi:
Enhanced Subclinical Coagulation Activation During Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Yahya Büyükaşik, MD; Naciye ş İleri, MD; İbrahim C Haznedaroğlu, MD; Selma Karaahmetoğlu, MD; Osman Müftüoğlu, MD; şErafettin Kirazll, PHD; Semra Dündar, MD
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 868-870. doi:
Application of the Revised American Diabetes Association Criteria for the Diagnosis of Diabetes in a Canadian Native Population
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 870-871. doi:
Use of a Laser Skin Perforator for Determination of Capillary Blood Glucose Yields Reliable Results and High Patient Acceptability
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 871-873. doi:
Glucose Intolerance in Pregnant Women and Its Effects on Newborn Outcomes
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 873-874. doi:
Cannula Occlusion With Use of Insulin Lispro and Insulin Infusion System
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 874. doi:
Culturally Appropriate Lifestyle Interventions in Minority Populations
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 875. doi:
Response to Gregg and Narayan
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 876-877. doi:
Response to McGwin and Roseman
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 877-878. doi:
Response to Masse
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 878-879. doi:
Issues and Updates
Issues and Updates
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 880. doi:
SI Units Table
Table 1—Système International (SI) units for plasma, serum, or blood concentrations
Diabetes Care May 1998, Vol.21, 881. doi: