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1 January 2001
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
Promoting Behavioral Science Research in Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 1-2. doi:
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Diastolic Dysfunction in Normotensive Men with Well-Controlled Type 2 Diabetes: Importance of maneuvers in echocardiographic screening for preclinical diabetic cardiomyopathy
Paul Poirier, MD, FRCPC; Peter Bogaty, MD, FRCPC; Caroline Garneau, MSC; Louise Marois, RT; Jean-G. Dumesnil, MD, FRCPC, FACC
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 5-10. doi:
Flexible Meal-Related Dosing With Repaglinide Facilitates Glycemic Control in Therapy-Naive Type 2 Diabetes
Robert G. Moses, MD; Ramon Gomis, MD; Kirstine Brown Frandsen, MD; Jean-Louis Schlienger, MD; Ivan Dedov, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 11-15. doi:
The Starr County Diabetes Education Study: Development of the Spanish-language diabetes knowledge questionnaire
Alexandra A. Garcia, RN, MS; Evangelina T. Villagomez, MSN, RN, CS, FCCM, CDE; Sharon A. Brown, PHD, RN, FAAN; Kamiar Kouzekanani, PHD; Craig L. Hanis, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 16-21. doi:
Applying the Diabetes Quality Improvement Project Indicators in the Indian Health Service Primary Care Setting
Kelly J. Acton, MD, MPH; Ray Shields, MD; Stephen Rith-Najarian, MD; Bernadine Tolbert, MD; Jane Kelly, MD; Kelly Moore, MD; Lorraine Valdez, RN, CDE; Betty Skipper, PHD; Dorothy Gohdes, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 22-26. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Comparative Analysis of Organ-Specific Autoantibodies and Celiac Disease—Associated Antibodies in Type 1 Diabetic Patients, Their First-Degree Relatives, and Healthy Control Subjects
Clemens Jaeger, MD; Erifili Hatziagelaki, MD; Rüdiger Petzoldt, MD, PHD; Reinhard G. Bretzel, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 27-32. doi:
MICA Polymorphism Is Associated With Type 1 Diabetes in the Korean Population
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 33-38. doi:
Abnormal Glucose Tolerance and Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in Japanese-Americans With Normal Fasting Glucose
David Liao, MD; Jane B. Shofer, MS; Edward J. Boyko, MD; Marguerite J. McNeely, MD; Donna L. Leonetti, PHD; Steven E. Kahn, MB, CHB; Wilfred Y. Fujimoto, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 39-44. doi:
How Cost-Effective Is the Treatment of Dyslipidemia in Patients With Diabetes but Without Cardiovascular Disease?
Steven A. Grover, MD, MPA, FRCPC; Louis Coupal, MSC; Hanna Zowall, MSC; Charles M. Alexander, MD, FACP, FACE; Thomas W. Weiss, DRPH; Daniel R.J. Gomes, MSC
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 45-50. doi:
Potential Short-Term Economic Benefits of Improved Glycemic Control: A managed care perspective
Joseph Menzin, PHD; Clare Langley-Hawthorne, MA, LLM; Mark Friedman, MD; Luke Boulanger, MA; Robert Cavanaugh, MD, MBA
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 51-55. doi:
All-Cause Mortality in the Canterbury (New Zealand) Insulin-Treated Diabetic Registry Population
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 56-63. doi:
Impact of Diabetes on Employment and Income in Manitoba, Canada
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 64-68. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Efficacy, Safety, and Pump Compatibility of Insulin Aspart Used in Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 69-72. doi:
Mealtime Glucose Regulation With Nateglinide in Healthy Volunteers: Comparison with repaglinide and placebo
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 73-77. doi:
New Ulceration, New Major Amputation, and Survival Rates in Diabetic Subjects Hospitalized for Foot Ulceration From 1990 to 1993: A 6.5-year follow-up
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 78-83. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
A Comparison of Two Diabetic Foot Ulcer Classification Systems: The Wagner and the University of Texas wound classification systems
Samson O. Oyibo, MRCP; Edward B. Jude, MD; Ibrahim Tarawneh, MD; Hienvu C. Nguyen, DPM; Lawrence B. Harkless, DPM; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 84-88. doi:
Limited Joint Mobility in Type 1 Diabetic Patients: Associations with microangiopathy and subclinical macroangiopathy are different in men and women
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 95-99. doi:
Relationship Between Electroneurographic Changes and Serum Ubiquitin Levels in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Ersin Akarsu, MD; Ibrahim Pirim, MD; Ilyas Çapoğlu, MD; Orhan Deniz, MD; Güngör Akçay, MD; Necdet Ünüvar, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 100-103. doi:
Involvement of Peripheral Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes in Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Revital Shurtz-Swirski, PHD; Shifra Sela, DSC; Avraham T. Herskovits, MD; Shaul M. Shasha, MD; Galina Shapiro, MSC; Lubna Nasser, MSC; Batya Kristal, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 104-110. doi:
Sodium Sensitivity Related to Albuminuria Appearing Before Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Masahito Imanishi, MD; Katsunobu Yoshioka, MD; Michiaki Okumura, MD; Yoshio Konishi, MD; Noriyuki Okada, MD; Takashi Morikawa, MD; Toshihiko Sato, MD; Shiro Tanaka, MD; Satoru Fujii, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 111-116. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Behavioral Science Research in Diabetes: Lifestyle changes related to obesity, eating behavior, and physical activity
Rena R. Wing, PHD; Michael G. Goldstein, MD; Kelly J. Acton, MD, MPH, FACP; Leann L. Birch, PHD; John M. Jakicic, PHD; James F. Sallis, Jr., PHD; Delia Smith-West, PHD; Robert W. Jeffery, PHD; Richard S. Surwit, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 117-123. doi:
Report of the Health Care Delivery Work Group: Behavioral research related to the establishment of a chronic disease model for diabetes care
Russell E. Glasgow, PHD; Roland G. Hiss, MD; Robert M. Anderson, EDD; Neal M. Friedman, MD; Rodney A. Hayward, MD; David G. Marrero, PHD; C. Barr Taylor, MD; Frank Vinicor, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 124-130. doi:
Management of Hyperglycemic Crises in Patients With Diabetes
Abbas E. Kitabchi, PHD, MD; Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD; Mary Beth Murphy, RN, MS, CDE, MBA; Eugene J. Barrett, MD, PHD; Robert A. Kreisberg, MD; John I. Malone, MD; Barry M. Wall, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 131-153. doi:
American Diabetes Association 60th Scientific Sessions,2000: Thiazolidinediones, obesity, and related topics
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 162-166. doi:
Letters: Observations
Oxidative Stress in Families of Type 1 Diabetic Patients: Further evidence
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 167-168. doi:
Failure to Develop Hepatic Injury From Rosiglitazone in a Patient With a History of Troglitazone-Induced Hepatitis
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 168-169. doi:
Plasma Lipoprotein Subpopulation Distribution in Caucasian and African-American Women With Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 169-171. doi:
Thyrotoxicosis Masked by Diabetic Ketoacidosis: A fatal complication
Makoto Kunishige, MD; Etsuko Sekimoto, MD; Machiko Komatsu, MD; Yoshimi Bando, MD; Hisanori Uehara, MD; Keisuke Izumi, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 171. doi:
β-Cell Autoimmunity, Genetic Susceptibility, and Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in Unaffected Schoolchildren
Petri Kulmala, MD; Jukka Rahko, MD; Kaisa Savola, MB; Paula Vähäsalo, MD; Minna Sjöroos, MSC; Antti Reunanen, MD; Jorma Ilonen, MD; Mikael Knip, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 171-173. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes and Arterial Dysfunction in Asymptomatic Chinese Adults
Kam S. Woo, MD, FRACP; Ping Chook, MD; Wing B. Chan, MB, CHB; Woon Y. So, MB, CHB; Clive S. Cockram, MD, FRCP; David S. Celermajer, PHD, FRACP
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 173. doi:
Lipoatrophy Associated With Lispro Insulin in Insulin Pump Therapy: An old complication, a new cause?
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 174. doi:
Clinical Evaluation of a Newly Designed Compliant Side Port Catheter for an Insulin Implantable Pump: The EVADIAC experience
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 175. doi:
Efficacy of Tibetan Medicine as an Adjunct in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Tenzin Namdul, BTMS; Ajay Sood, DM; Lakshmy Ramakrishnan, PHD; Ravindra M. Pandey, PHD; Denish Moorthy, MBBS
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 176-177. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Rafael Simó, MD; Rosa Burgos, PHD; Carlos Mateo, PHD; Ana Canton, PHD; Cristina Hernández, MD; Jorge Mesa, MD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 177. doi:
Therapeutic Benefits of ACE Inhibitors and Other Antihypertensive Drugs in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 177-178. doi:
Meta-analysis of Hypertension Trials in Diabetic Patients: Response to Parving and Rossing
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 178-180. doi:
Environmental Factors and Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 180-181. doi:
Response to Dahlquist: Environmental factors and type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 181-182. doi:
Efficacy of Octreotide in the Therapy of Severe Nonproliferative and Early Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: A Randomized Controlled Study: Response to Gehrs
M.B. Grant, MD; R.N. Mames, MD; C. Fitzgerald, MD; K.M. Hazariwala, MD; R. Cooper-DeHoff, PHARM D; S. Caballero, BSC; K.S. Estes, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 182-183. doi:
4-g Monofilament Is Clinically Useful for Detecting Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Diabetes Care January 2001, Vol.24, 183-184. doi: