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Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition
Impact of Pramlintide on Glucose Fluctuations and Postprandial Glucose, Glucagon, and Triglyceride Excursions Among Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Intensively Treated With Insulin Pumps
Claresa Levetan, MD; Laura L. Want, MS; Christian Weyer, MD; Susan A. Strobel, PHD; John Crean, PHD; Yan Wang, PHD; David G. Maggs, MD; Orville G. Kolterman, MD; Manju Chandran, MD; Sunder R. Mudaliar, MD; Robert R. Henry, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 1-8. doi:
Impact of Bedtime Snack Composition on Prevention of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Undergoing Intensive Insulin Management Using Lispro Insulin Before Meals: A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial
Maria Kalergis, MSC, RD; Alicia Schiffrin, MD; Réjeanne Gougeon, PHD; Peter J.H. Jones, PHD; Jean-François Yale, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 9-15. doi:
Non-HDL Cholesterol as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: The Strong Heart Study
Weiquan Lu, MD; Helaine E. Resnick, PHD; Kathleen A. Jablonski, PHD; Kristina L. Jones, MPH; Arvind K. Jain, MS; Wm. James Howard, MD; David C. Robbins, MD; Barbara V. Howard, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 16-23. doi:
Randomized Controlled Community-Based Nutrition and Exercise Intervention Improves Glycemia and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Rural Costa Rica
Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert, AB; Sara N. Goldhaber-Fiebert, AB; Mario L. Tristán, PHD; David M. Nathan, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 24-29. doi:
Effect of Leptin Replacement on Intrahepatic and Intramyocellular Lipid Content in Patients With Generalized Lipodystrophy
Vinaya Simha, MD; Lidia S. Szczepaniak, PHD; Anthony J. Wagner, PHD; Alex M. DePaoli, MD; Abhimanyu Garg, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 30-35. doi:
Epidemiology/Health Services/Psychosocial Research
Costs Associated With the Primary Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Diabetes Prevention Program
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 36-47. doi:
Alcohol Consumption and Risk for Development of Impaired Fasting Glucose or Type 2 Diabetes in Middle-Aged Japanese Men
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 48-54. doi:
Prevalence of Diabetes Is Higher Among Female than Male Zuni Indians
Marina Scavini, MD; Christine A. Stidley, PHD; Vallabh O. Shah, PHD; Andrew S. Narva, MD; Francesca Tentori, MD; David S. Kessler, MD; Arlene Bobelu, BS; Carleton P. Albert, BS; Jeanette Bobelu, BSN; Eunice Jamon, LPN; Kathy Natachu; Donica Neha, BSN; Mildred Waikaniwa; Thomas K. Welty, MD; Jean W. MacCluer, PHD; Philip G. Zager, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 55-60. doi:
Age- and Sex-Specific Prevalences of Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation in 13 European Cohorts1
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 61-69. doi:
Progression of Lower-Extremity Disability in Older Women With Diabetes: The Women’s Health and Aging Study
Stefano Volpato, MD, MPH; Luigi Ferrucci, MD, PHD; Caroline Blaum, MD; Glenn Ostir, PHD; Anne Cappola, MD, SCM; Linda P. Fried, MD, MPH; Renato Fellin, MD, PHD; Jack M. Guralnik, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 70-75. doi:
Incidence of Retinopathy and Nephropathy in Youth-Onset Compared With Adult-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
Jonathan Krakoff, MD; Robert S. Lindsay, MB, PHD; Helen C. Looker, MB; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD; Robert L. Hanson, MD, MPH; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 76-81. doi:
Autoimmune Gastropathy in Type 1 Diabetic Patients With Parietal Cell Antibodies: Histological and clinical findings
Christophe E.M. De Block, MD, PHD; Ivo H. De Leeuw, MD, PHD; Johannes J.P.M. Bogers, MD, PHD; Paul A. Pelckmans, MD, PHD; Margareta M. Ieven, PHARM, PHD; Eric A.E. Van Marck, MD, PHD; Kristien L. Van Acker, MD, PHD; Luc F. Van Gaal, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 82-88. doi:
Effect of Long-Term Exposure to Insulin Lispro on the Induction of Antibody Response in Patients With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
S. Edwin Fineberg, MD; Jie Huang, PHD; Rocco Brunelle, MS; K. S. Gulliya, PHD; James H. Anderson, Jr, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 89-96. doi:
Life Course Influences on Insulin Resistance: Findings from the British Women’s Heart and Health Study
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 97-103. doi:
Independent Factors Associated With Major Depressive Disorder in a National Sample of Individuals With Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 104-111. doi:
Prevalence and Concomitants of Glucose Intolerance in European Obese Children and Adolescents
Cecilia Invitti, MD; Gabriele Guzzaloni, MD; Luisa Gilardini, MD; Francesco Morabito, MD; Giancarlo Viberti, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 118-124. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
A Randomized Trial of Sibutramine in the Management of Obese Type 2 Diabetic Patients Treated With Metformin
Steven J. McNulty, MD; Ehud Ur, MB, FRCP; Gareth Williams, MD, FRCP Edin; For the Multicenter Sibutramine Study Group
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 125-131. doi:
Intrarenal Hemodynamic Changes After Captopril Test in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A duplex Doppler sonography study
Hiromichi Taniwaki, MD; Eiji Ishimura, MD; Takahiko Kawagishi, MD; Naoki Matsumoto, MD; Masayuki Hosoi, MD; Masanori Emoto, MD; Tetsuo Shoji, MD; Shigeichi Shoji, MD; Tatsuya Nakatani, MD; Masaaki Inaba, MD; Yoshiki Nishizawa, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 132-137. doi:
Metformin as an Adjunct Therapy in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance: A randomized controlled trial
Jill Hamilton, MD; Elizabeth Cummings, MD; Vera Zdravkovic, MD; Diane Finegood, PHD; Denis Daneman, MB, BCH
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 138-143. doi:
The Relationship Between Dysglycemia and Atherosclerosis in South Asian, Chinese, and European Individuals in Canada: A randomly sampled cross-sectional study
Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD, MSC; Sonia Anand, MD, MSC; Qi Long Yi, MSC; Vladimir Vuksan, PHD; Eva Lonn, MD, MSC; Koon Teo, MBBCH; Klas Malmberg, MD, PHD; Matthew McQueen, MBCHB; Salim Yusuf, MD, MBBS, DPHIL; For the SHARE Investigators*
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 144-149. doi:
Optimal Dose of Candesartan for Renoprotection in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Nephropathy: A double-blind randomized cross-over study
Kasper Rossing, MD; Per K. Christensen, MD; Birgitte V. Hansen; Bendix Carstensen; Hans-Henrik Parving, Prof., DMSC, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 150-155. doi:
Autoregulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes During Isradipine Therapy
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 156-162. doi:
Discordance Between HbA1c and Fructosamine: Evidence for a glycosylation gap and its relation to diabetic nephropathy
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 163-167. doi:
l-Arginine: An Ultradian-Regulated Substrate Coupled With Insulin Oscillations in Healthy Volunteers
Adrien Schaefer, PHD; Chantal Simon, PHD; Antoine Viola; François Piquard, PHD; Bernard Geny, PHD; Gabrielle Brandenberger, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 168-171. doi:
Rosiglitazone Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients
Annaswamy Raji, MD; Ellen W. Seely, MD; Shannon A. Bekins, BA; Gordon H. Williams, MD; Donald C. Simonson, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 172-178. doi:
Promoter Polymorphisms −359T/C and −303A/G of the Catalytic Subunit p110β Gene of Human Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Are Not Associated With Insulin Secretion or Insulin Sensitivity in Finnish Subjects
Maija Kossila; Jussi Pihlajamäki, MD; Päivi Kärkkäinen, MSC; Raija Miettinen, MSC; Päivi Kekäläinen, MD; Ilkka Vauhkonen, MD; Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, MD; Markku Laakso, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 179-182. doi:
Comparison of an Insulin Analog, Insulin Aspart, and Regular Human Insulin With No Insulin in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 183-186. doi:
Relation of Birth Weight to Fasting Insulin, Insulin Resistance, and Body Size in Adolescence
Maureen A. Murtaugh, PHD; David R. Jacobs, Jr., PHD; Antoinette Moran, MD; Julia Steinberger, MD; Alan R. Sinaiko, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 187-192. doi:
Determinants of Fetal Growth at Different Periods of Pregnancies Complicated by Gestational Diabetes Mellitus or Impaired Glucose Tolerance
Ute M. Schaefer-Graf, MD; Siri L. Kjos, MD; Ömer Kilavuz, MD; Andreas Plagemann, MD; Martin Brauer, MD; Joachim W. Dudenhausen, MD; Klaus Vetter, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 193-198. doi:
A Cross-Sectional Study of the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Structure and Function of Nonstenotic Arteries of the Lower Limb
David N. O’Neal, MD; George Dragicevic; Kevin G. Rowley, PHD; Mohamed Z. Ansari, MD; Nicholas Balazs, MSC; Alicia Jenkins, MD; James D. Best, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 199-205. doi:
Excess Physical Limitations Among Adults With Diabetes in the U.S. Population, 1997–1999
Blythe Ryerson, MPH; Edward F. Tierney, MPH; Theodore J. Thompson, MS; Michael M. Engelgau, MD; Jing Wang, MPH; Edward W. Gregg, PHD; Linda S. Geiss, MA
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 206-210. doi:
Reviews/Commentaries/Position Statements
Diabetic Muscle Infarction: An underdiagnosed complication of long-standing diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 211-215. doi:
Effects of Injectable or Implantable Progestin-Only Contraceptives on Insulin-Glucose Metabolism and Diabetes Risk
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 216-225. doi:
Diabetic Retinopathy
Donald S. Fong, MD, MPH; Lloyd Aiello, MD, PHD; Thomas W. Gardner, MD; George L. King, MD; George Blankenship, MD; Jerry D. Cavallerano, OD, PHD; Fredrick L. Ferris, III, MD; Ronald Klein, MD, MPH; American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 226-229. doi:
Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 230-237. doi:
The Cost of Preventing Diabetes: What do we know and what do we need to know?
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 238-239. doi:
Non-HDL Cholesterol: Into the Spotlight
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 240-242. doi:
Is Metformin Cardioprotective?
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 243-244. doi:
Letters: Observations
Comparison of Glycemic and Lipid Response to Pioglitazone Treatment in Mexican-Americans and Non-Hispanic Caucasians With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 245-246. doi:
Diabetic Vasculopathy and Alcohol Tolerance Trait in Type 2 Diabetes
Yoshihiko Suzuki, MD; Matsuo Taniyama, MD; Tarou Muramatsu, MD; Susumu Higuchi, MD; Shigeo Ohta, PhD; Yoshihito Atsumi, MD; Kempei Matsuoka, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 246-247. doi:
Screening Using Compressed Digital Retinal Images Successfully Identifies Retinopathy
Graham P. Leese, MD, FRCP; Angela Ellingford, BSC; Andrew D. Morris, MD, FRCP; John D. Ellis, MPH, FRCOphthal; Scott Cunningham, BSC
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 247. doi:
Indications That Phototherapy Is a Risk Factor for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 247-248. doi:
Celiac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes
Francesca Lazzarotto, MD; Daniela Basso, MD; Mario Plebani, MD; Alessandro Moscon, TCH; Renato Zanchetta, MD; Corrado Betterle, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 248-249. doi:
Influence of Alcohol Intake and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 Phenotype on Peripheral Neuropathy of Diabetes
Yoshihiko Suzuki, MD; Matsuo Taniyama, MD; Taniyama Muramatsu, MD; Shigeo Ohta, PHD; Yoshito Atsumi, MD; Kempei Matsuoka, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 249. doi:
High Prevalence of Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome in Overweight/Obese Preadolescent Hong Kong Chinese Children Aged 9–12 Years
Rita Y.T. Sung, MD, FRCP; Peter C.Y. Tong, PHD, MRCP; Chung-Wah Yu, MB, BS, MPhil; Patrick W.C. Lau, PHD; Geoffrey T.F. Mok, MB, BS, MRCP; Man-Ching Yam, MB, BS, MRCP; Peggo K.W. Lam, MPhil; Juliana C.N. Chan, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 250-251. doi:
Effect of Structured Group Education on Glycemic Control and Hypoglycemia in Insulin-Treated Patients
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 251. doi:
Relationship of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Polymorphism With Obesity in Type 2 Diabetes
Jonathan H. van Tilburg, PHD; Cisca Wijmenga, PHD; Harm van Bakel, MSC; Leida Rozeman, MSC; Peter L. Pearson, PHD; Timon W. van Haeften, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 251-252. doi:
Decreased Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Fasting Levels in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 252. doi:
Docosahexaenoic Acid But Not Eicosapentaenoic Acid Increases LDL Particle Size in Treated Hypertensive Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Richard J. Woodman, MMedSci; Trevor A. Mori, PHD; Valerie Burke, MD; Ian B. Puddey, MD; Gerald F. Watts, MD, PHD; James D. Best, MD; Lawrence J. Beilin, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 253. doi:
The Human Insulin Analogue Aspart Is Not the Almighty Solution for Insulin Allergy
Hiroshi Takata, MD; Yoshitaka Kumon, MD; Fumiaki Osaki, MD; Chizuru Kumagai, MD; Kaoru Arii, MD; Yukio Ikeda, MD; Tadashi Suehiro, MD; Kozo Hashimoto, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 253-254. doi:
Intensive Diabetes Management May Improve Pregnancy : Outcomes in Chinese gravidas with impaired glucose tolerance
Xilin Yang, PHD; Bridget Hsu-Hage, PHD; Ling Dong, MD; Ping Shao, MD; Hua Wang, MD; Huiguang Tian, PHD; Yue Chen; Hong Zhang, MD
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 254-255. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Screening Is More Sensitive for Detecting Thyroid Abnormalities in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 255. doi:
Thyroid Antibody Screening in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes : Response to Hoffman
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 255-256. doi:
Reproducibility of the Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Matches Previous Reports and the Intended Use of the Product
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 256. doi:
Response to Mastrototaro and Gross
Diabetes Care January 2003, Vol.26, 256-257. doi: