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Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events With Long-Term Pravastatin in Patients With Diabetes or Impaired Fasting Glucose: Results from the LIPID trial
Anthony Keech, MBBS, FRACP; David Colquhoun, MBBS, FRACP; James Best, MD, FRACP; Adrienne Kirby, MSC; R. John Simes, MD, FRACP; David Hunt, MD, FRACP; Wendy Hague, MBBS, MBA; Elaine Beller, MAPPSTAT; Manjula Arulchelvam, MSC; Jennifer Baker, MBBS, MSC; Andrew Tonkin, MD, FRACP; for the LIPID Study Group
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2713-2721. doi:
Improving Diabetes Processes of Care in Managed Care
Liza L. Ilag, MD, MS; Catherine L. Martin, RN, MS; Bahman P. Tabaei, MPH; Deanna J. M. Isaman, MAS; Ray Burke, MA; Douglas A. Greene, MD; William H. Herman, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2722-2727. doi:
Is HbA1c Affected by Glycemic Instability?
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2728-2733. doi:
Moderate Alcohol Consumption, Estrogen Replacement Therapy, and Physical Activity Are Associated With Increased Insulin Sensitivity: Is abdominal adiposity the mediator?
Jerry R. Greenfield, MBBS, BSC (MED), FRACP; Katherine Samaras, MBBS, PHD, FRACP; Arthur B. Jenkins, BSC, PHD; Paul J. Kelly, MBBS, MD, FRACP; Tim D. Spector, MSC, MD, FRCP; Lesley V. Campbell, MBBS, FRCP, FRACP
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2734-2740. doi:
Sonographic Evaluation of Fetal Growth and Body Composition in Women With Different Degrees of Normal Glucose Metabolism
Elena Parretti, MD; Lucia Carignani, MD; Riccardo Cioni, MD; Elisa Bartoli, MD; Patrizia Borri, MD; Pasquale La Torre, MD; Federico Mecacci, MD; Elisabetta Martini, MD; Gianfranco Scarselli, MD; Giorgio Mello, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2741-2748. doi:
Vitamin C Affects Thrombosis/ Fibrinolysis System and Reactive Hyperemia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease
Dimitris Tousoulis, MD, PHD, FACC; Charalambos Antoniades, MD; Charalambos Tountas, MD; Erini Bosinakou, MD; Maria Kotsopoulou, MD; Pavlos Toutouzas, MD, FESC, FACC; Christodoulos Stefanadis, MD, FESC, FACC
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2749-2753. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Elevated C-Reactive Protein Is a Risk Factor for the Development of Type 2 Diabetes in Japanese Americans
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2754-2757. doi:
The Prevalence and Management of Diabetes in Thai Adults: The International Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease in Asia
Wichai Aekplakorn, PHD; Ronald P. Stolk, PHD; Bruce Neal, PHD; Paibul Suriyawongpaisal, PHD; Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, PHD; Sayan Cheepudomwit, MD; Mark Woodward, PHD; for the InterASIA Collaborative Group
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2758-2763. doi:
Relation of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy to Inflammation and Albuminuria in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Strong Heart Study
Vittorio Palmieri, MD; Russell P. Tracy, PHD; Mary J. Roman, MD; Jennifer E. Liu, MD; Lyle G. Best, MD; Jonathan N. Bella, MD; David C. Robbins, MD; Barbara V. Howard, PHD; Richard B. Devereux, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2764-2769. doi:
Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and the Metabolic Syndrome in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction Without Previously Known Diabetes
Åke Tenerz, MD; Anna Norhammar, MD; Angela Silveira, PHD; Anders Hamsten, MD, PHD; Göran Nilsson, MD, PHD; Lars Rydén, MD, PHD; Klas Malmberg, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2770-2776. doi:
Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease in Middle-Aged Adults With Diabetes
Aaron R. Folsom, MD, MPH; Lloyd E Chambless, PHD; Bruce B. Duncan, MD, PHD; Adam C. Gilbert, MPH; James S. Pankow, MS, PHD; the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study Investigators
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2777-2784. doi:
Alcohol Consumption and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: A 20-year follow-up of the Finnish Twin Cohort Study
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2785-2790. doi:
Diabetes and Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy: A nationwide case-control study
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2791-2795. doi:
Low Insulin Sensitivity (Si = 0) in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Subjects in the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study: Is it associated with components of the metabolic syndrome and nontraditional risk factors?
Steven M. Haffner, MD; Ralph D’Agostino, Jr., PHD; Andreas Festa, MD; Richard N. Bergman, PHD; Leena Mykkänen, MD; Andrew Karter, PHD; Mohammed F. Saad, MD; Lynne E. Wagenknecht, DRPH
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2796-2803. doi:
Decisional Attributes of Patients With Diabetes: The aspirin choice
Victor M. Montori, MD, MSC; Sandra C. Bryant, MS; Annette M. O’Connor, RN, MSCN, PHD; Neal W. Jorgensen; Erin E. Walsh; Steven A. Smith, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2804-2809. doi:
Estrogen Therapy and Risk of Cardiovascular Events Among Women With Type 2 Diabetes
Katherine M. Newton, PHD; Andrea Z. LaCroix, PHD; Susan R. Heckbert, MD, PHD; Linn Abraham, MS; David McCulloch, MD; William Barlow, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2810-2816. doi:
Development of a Reliable and Valid Chinese Version of the Diabetes Empowerment Scale
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2817-2821. doi:
Depression Predicts Increased Incidence of Adverse Health Outcomes in Older Mexican Americans With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2822-2828. doi:
The Role of Active Family Nutritional Support in Navajos’ Type 2 Diabetes Metabolic Control
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2829-2834. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Effects of 3 Months of Continuous Subcutaneous Administration of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 in Elderly Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Graydon S. Meneilly, MD; Nigel Greig, PHD; Hugh Tildesley, MD; Joel F. Habener, MD; Josephine M. Egan, MD; Dariush Elahi, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2835-2841. doi:
Dose-Response Relationships of Inhaled Insulin Delivered via the Aerodose Insulin Inhaler and Subcutaneously Injected Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Dennis Kim, MD; Sunder Mudaliar, MD; Sithipol Chinnapongse, MD; Neelima Chu, MD; Sarah M. Boies, BS; Trent Davis, BS; Ayesh D. Perera, PHD; Robert S. Fishman, MD; David A. Shapiro, MD; Robert Henry, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2842-2847. doi:
Nonremovable, Windowed, Fiberglass Cast Boot in the Treatment of Diabetic Plantar Ulcers: Efficacy, safety, and compliance
Georges Ha Van, MD; Hubert Siney, MD; Agnes Hartmann-Heurtier, MD; Sophie Jacqueminet, MD; Françoise Greau; André Grimaldi, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2848-2852. doi:
HYAFF 11-Based Autologous Dermal and Epidermal Grafts in the Treatment of Noninfected Diabetic Plantar and Dorsal Foot Ulcers: A prospective, multicenter, controlled, randomized clinical trial
Carlo Caravaggi, MD; Roberto De Giglio, MD; Chiara Pritelli, MD; Manuela Sommaria, MD; Sergio Dalla Noce, MD; Ezio Faglia, MD; Manuela Mantero, MD; Giacomo Clerici, MD; Pietro Fratino, MD; Luca Dalla Paola, MD; Giulio Mariani, MD; Roberto Mingardi, MD; Alberto Morabito, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2853-2859. doi:
Characterization of GLP-1 Effects on β-Cell Function After Meal Ingestion in Humans
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2860-2864. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Testing the Accelerator Hypothesis: The relationship between body mass and age at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2865-2870. doi:
Changing Prevalence of Overweight Children and Adolescents at Onset of Insulin-Treated Diabetes
Ingrid M. Libman, MD, PHD; Massimo Pietropaolo, MD; Silva A. Arslanian, MD; Ronald E. LaPorte, PHD; Dorothy J. Becker, MBBCH, FCP
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2871-2875. doi:
Evidence for Heterogeneous Pathogenesis of Insulin-Treated Diabetes in Black and White Children
Ingrid M. Libman, MD, PHD; Massimo Pietropaolo, MD; Silva A. Arslanian, MD; Ronald E. LaPorte, PHD; Dorothy J. Becker, MBBCH, FCP
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2876-2882. doi:
Fasting Plasma Leptin, Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Receptor 2, and Monocyte Chemoattracting Protein 1 Concentration in a Population of Glucose-Tolerant and Glucose-Intolerant Women: Impact on cardiovascular mortality
Lorenzo Piemonti, MD; Giliola Calori, MD; Alessia Mercalli, PHD; Guido Lattuada, PHD; Paolo Monti, PHD; Maria Paola Garancini, MD; Federica Costantino; Giacomo Ruotolo, MD; Livio Luzi, MD; Gianluca Perseghin, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2883-2889. doi:
Tele-Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy With the Retinal Thickness Analyzer
Aljoscha S. Neubauer, MD; Ulrich C. Welge-Lüßen, MD; Martin J. Thiel, MD; Claudia Alge, MD; Siegfried G. Priglinger, MD; Christoph Hirneiß, MD; Michael W. Ulbig, MD; Anselm Kampik, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2890-2897. doi:
PC-1 Amino Acid Variant Q121 Is Associated With a Lower Glomerular Filtration Rate in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Abnormal Albumin Excretion Rates
Salvatore De Cosmo, MD; Roberto Trevisan, MD; Michele Dalla Vestra, MD; Monica Vedovato, MD; Alessandra Argiolas, PHD; Anna Solini, MD; Alois Saller, MD; Francesco Damone, MD; Antonio Tiengo, MD; Vincenzo Trischitta, MD; Paola Fioretto, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2898-2902. doi:
Signs of Nephropathy May Occur Early in Young Adults With Diabetes Despite Modern Diabetes Management: Results from the nationwide population-based Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden (DISS)
Maria Svensson, MD; Göran Sundkvist, MD, PHD; Hans J. Arnqvist, MD, PHD; Elisabeth Björk, MD, PHD; Göran Blohmé, MD, PHD; Jan Bolinder, MD, PHD; Marianne Henricsson, MD, PHD; Lennarth Nyström, PHD; Ole Torffvit, MD, PHD; Ingeborg Waernbaum, MSC; Jan Östman, MD, PHD; Jan W. Eriksson, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2903-2909. doi:
Predictive Properties of Impaired Glucose Tolerance for Cardiovascular Risk Are Not Explained by the Development of Overt Diabetes During Follow-Up
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2910-2914. doi:
Prospective Study of the Association Between the Proline to Alanine Codon 12 Polymorphism in the PPARγ Gene and Type 2 Diabetes
Asli Memisoglu, SCD; Frank B. Hu, MD; Susan E. Hankinson, SCD; Simin Liu, MD; James B. Meigs, MD; David M. Altshuler, MD; David J. Hunter, MD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2915-2917. doi:
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: Prospective study of Japanese men
Susumu S. Sawada, PHD; I-Min Lee, MBBS, SCD; Takashi Muto, MD, PHD; Kazuko Matuszaki, MD, PHD; Steven N. Blair, PED
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2918-2922. doi:
Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Type 1 Diabetes: The importance of glycemic control
Janet K. Snell-Bergeon, MPH; John E. Hokanson, PHD, MPH; Lisa Jensen, RN; Todd MacKenzie, PHD; Gregory Kinney, MPH; Dana Dabelea, MD, PHD; Robert H. Eckel, MD; James Ehrlich, MD; Satish Garg, MD; Marian Rewers, MD, PHD, MPH
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2923-2928. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Enhancing Incretin Action for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2929-2940. doi:
American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, June 2003: Gastrointestinal and dietary aspects of diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2941-2946. doi:
Diabetes and Heart Disease
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2947-2958. doi:
Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2949-2951. doi:
Depression: A Quiet Killer by Any Name
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2952-2953. doi:
Obesity, Insulin Resistance, β-Cell Autoimmunity, and the Changing Clinical Epidemiology of Childhood Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2954-2956. doi:
Letters: Observations
Missense Mutation of Pro387Leu in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B) Is Not Associated With Type 2 Diabetes in a Chinese Han Population
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2957. doi:
Retinopathy Is Associated With Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality in Both Diabetic and Nondiabetic Subjects: The Hoorn Study
Manon V. van Hecke, MD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD; Giel Nijpels, MD, PHD; Annette C. Moll, MD, PHD; Hendrik A. van Leiden, MD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD; Lex M. Bouter, PHD; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD, PHD; Bettine C.P. Polak, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2958. doi:
The Antilipidemic Effects of Ezetimibe in Patients With Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2958-2959. doi:
Severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis Associated With Acute Myocardial Necrosis
Martin Tretjak, MD; Franc Verovnik, MD; Bojan Vujkovac, MD; Cirila Slemenik-Pusnik, MD; Marko Noc, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2959-2960. doi:
A Novel Approach to Preventing Diabetic Ketoacidosis in a Patient Treated With an Insulin Pump
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2960-2961. doi:
Successful Treatment of Insulin Allergy in a Type 1 Diabetic Patient by Means of Constant Subcutaneous Pump Infusion of Insulin
Agnes Sola-Gazagnes, MD; Catherine Pecquet, MD; Régis Radermecker, MD; Laurence Piétri, MD; Fabienne Elgrably, MD; Géérard Slama, MD; Jean-Louis Sélam, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2961-2962. doi:
Glycyrrhizin and Serum Testosterone Concentrations in Male Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2962. doi:
ACE Insertion/Deletion Genotypes and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade in Diabetic Nephropathy: Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2962-2963. doi:
Early Diagnosis of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis in Type 1 Diabetes: The possible role of eosinophilia
Carmine Gazzaruso, MD; Stefano Giordanetti, MD; Pasquale De Cata, MD; Guido Poggi, MD; Pietro Fratino, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2963-2964. doi:
Plasma Levels of Adiponectin Are Associated With Insulin Resistance and Serum Levels of Triglyceride in Japanese Metabolically Obese, Normal-Weight Men With Normal Glucose Tolerance
Akira Katsuki, MD; Yasuhiro Sumida, MD; Hideki Urakawa, MD; Esteban C. Gabazza, MD; Shuichi Murashima, MD; Kazutaka Matsumoto, MD; Kaname Nakatani, MD; Yutaka Yano, MD; Yukihiko Adachi, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2964-2965. doi:
Apolipoprotein B Is an Independent Risk Factor for Microalbuminuria in Taiwanese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2965-2966. doi:
Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The significance of microalbuminuria and different risk factors for atherosclerosis
Maria Matsagoura, MD; Emanouil Andreadis, MD; Emanouil J. Diamantopoulos, MD; Charalambos Vassilopoulos, MD; Nicholas Tentolouris, MD; Nicholas Katsilambros, MD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2966. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Association Between Elevated Testosterone and Development of Microalbuminuria During Puberty in Female Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes: Response to Amin et al.
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2966-2967. doi:
Acute Stress Is Not Responsible for Glucose Dysregulation in Chronic Schizophrenia: Response to Shiloah et al.
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2967-2968. doi:
The Effect of Weight Loss on Endothelial Functions in Obesity: Response to Sciacqua et al.
Katherine Esposito, MD; Carmen Di Palo, MD, PHD; Raffaele Marfella, MD, PHD; Dario Giugliano, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2968-2969. doi:
Modem Transmission of Glucose Values Reduces the Costs of and Need for Clinic Visits: Response to Chase et al.
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2969. doi:
Modem Transmission of Glucose Values Reduces the Costs of and Need for Clinic Visits: Response to Perlemuter and Yomtov
Diabetes Care October 2003, Vol.26, 2969-2970. doi: