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Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Effective Exercise Modality to Reduce Insulin Resistance in Women With Type 2 Diabetes
Darcye J. Cuff, MSC; Graydon S. Meneilly, MD; Alan Martin, PHD; Andrew Ignaszewski, MD, FRCPC; Hugh D. Tildesley, MD; Jiri J. Frohlich, MD, FRCPC
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 2977-2982. doi:
Use of Thiazolidinediones and Risk of Heart Failure in People With Type 2 Diabetes: A retrospective cohort study
Thomas E. Delea, MBA; John S. Edelsberg, MD, MPH; May Hagiwara, PHD; Gerry Oster, PHD; Lawrence S. Phillips, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 2983-2989. doi:
French Multicentric Survey of Outcome of Pregnancy in Women With Pregestational Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 2990-2993. doi:
Cigarette Smoking and the Risk of Gestational and Pregestational Diabetes in Two Consecutive Pregnancies
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 2994-2998. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Complications in Young Adults With Early-Onset Type 2 Diabetes: Losing the relative protection of youth
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 2999-3005. doi:
Pathways of Infant and Childhood Growth That Lead to Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3006-3010. doi:
HBsAg Carrier Status and the Association Between Gestational Diabetes With Increased Serum Ferritin Concentration in Chinese Women
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3011-3016. doi:
Applying Diabetes-Related Prevention Quality Indicators to a National Cohort of Veterans With Diabetes
Drew A. Helmer, MD; Chin-Lin Tseng, DRPH; Michael Brimacombe, PHD; Mangala Rajan, MBA; Nikolay Stiptzarov, MA; Leonard Pogach, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3017-3023. doi:
The Singapore Impaired Glucose Tolerance Follow-Up Study: Does the ticking clock go backward as well as forward?
Moh-Sim Wong, MD; Ken Gu, PHD; Derrick Heng, MD; Suok-Kai Chew, MD; Loy-Soong Chew, MD; E. Shyong Tai, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3024-3030. doi:
High Prevalence of Diabetes in Adana, a Southern Province of Turkey
Adnan Gokcel, MD; Akatli Kursat Ozsahin, MD; Nurzen Sezgin, MD; Hatice Karakose, MD; Melek Eda Ertorer, MD; Muhsin Akbaba, MD; Nuh Baklaci, MD; Aysegul Sengul, MD; Nilgun Guvener, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3031-3034. doi:
Influence of Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction on the Development of Type 2 Diabetes: The CARDIA study
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3035-3041. doi:
The Relationship Between Provider Coordination and Diabetes-Related Foot Outcomes
James S. Wrobel, DPM; Martin P. Charns, DBA; Paula Diehr, PHD; Jeffrey M. Robbins, DPM; Gayle E. Reiber, PHD; Kristin M. Bonacker, BA; Linda B. Haas, PHC, RN, CDE; Leonard Pogach, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3042-3047. doi:
Integrating Medical Management With Diabetes Self-Management Training: A randomized control trial of the Diabetes Outpatient Intensive Treatment program
William H. Polonsky, PHD, CDE; Jay Earles, PSYD; Susan Smith, MSN, BC-ADM; Donna J. Pease, ANP/GNP, CDE; Mary Macmillan, BSC, BCOP; Reed Christensen, MD; Thomas Taylor, MD; Judy Dickert, MD; Richard A. Jackson
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3048-3053. doi:
Inconsistent Use of Diabetes Medications, Diabetes Complications, and Mortality in Older Mexican Americans Over a 7-Year Period: Data from the Hispanic Established Population for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly
Yong-Fang Kuo, PHD; Mukaila A. Raji, MD; Kyriakos S. Markides, PHD; Laura A. Ray, MS; David V. Espino, MD; James S. Goodwin, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3054-3060. doi:
Controlled Trial of a Multifaceted Intervention for Improving Quality of Care for Rural Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Sumit R. Majumdar, MD, MPH, FRCPC; Lisa M. Guirguis, BSC, PHARM, MSC; Ellen L. Toth, MD, FRCPC; Richard Z. Lewanczuk, MD, PHD, FRCPC; T.K. Lee, MD, FRCPC; Jeffrey A. Johnson, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3061-3066. doi:
General Quality of Life in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes: Relationship to patient management and diabetes-specific family conflict
Lori M.B. Laffel, MD, MPH; Alexa Connell, BA; Laura Vangsness, BA; Ann Goebel-Fabbri, PHD; Abigail Mansfield, MA; Barbara J. Anderson, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3067-3073. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Pramlintide Reduces Postprandial Glucose Excursions When Added to Regular Insulin or Insulin Lispro in Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes: A dose-timing study
Christian Weyer, MD; Alan Gottlieb, PA; Dennis D. Kim, MD; Karen Lutz, PHD; Sherwyn Schwartz, MD; Maria Gutierrez, MD; Yan Wang, PHD; James A. Ruggles, PHD; Orville G. Kolterman, MD; David G. Maggs, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3074-3079. doi:
The Treat-to-Target Trial: Randomized addition of glargine or human NPH insulin to oral therapy of type 2 diabetic patients
Matthew C. Riddle, MD; Julio Rosenstock, MD; John Gerich, MD; on behalf of the Insulin Glargine 4002 Study Investigators
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3080-3086. doi:
Insulin Detemir Is Characterized by a Consistent Pharmacokinetic Profile Across Age-Groups in Children, Adolescents, and Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Thomas Danne, MD; Kerstin Lüpke, MD; Kerstin Walte, RN; Wolfgang von Schuetz, MD; Mari-Anne Gall, DMSC
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3087-3092. doi:
Archimedes: A trial-validated model of diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3093-3101. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Association of the p22phox Component of NAD(P)H Oxidase With Susceptibility to Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3111-3115. doi:
Prevalence of Delayed Gastric Emptying in Diabetic Patients and Relationship to Dyspeptic Symptoms: A prospective study in unselected diabetic patients
M. Samsom; J.R. Vermeijden; A.J.P.M. Smout; E. van Doorn; J. Roelofs; P.S. van Dam; E.P. Martens; S.J. Eelkman-Rooda; G.P. van Berge-Henegouwen
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3116-3122. doi:
Semiquantitative Analysis of the Histopathological Features of the Neuropathic Foot Ulcer: Effects of pressure relief
Alberto Piaggesi, MD; Paolo Viacava, MD; Loredana Rizzo, MD; Giuseppe Naccarato, MD; Fabio Baccetti, MD; Marco Romanelli, MD; Virna Zampa, MD; Stefano Del Prato, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3123-3128. doi:
Effects of Stress Hyperglycemia on Acute Myocardial Infarction: Role of inflammatory immune process in functional cardiac outcome
Raffaele Marfella, MD, PHD; Mario Siniscalchi, MD, PHD; Katherine Esposito, MD; Ausilia Sellitto, MD; Umberto de Fanis, MD; Ciro Romano, MD, PHD; Michele Portoghese, MD; Silvio Siciliano, MD; Francesco Nappo, MD, PHD; Ferdinando Carlo Sasso, MD, PHD; Nicola Mininni, MD; Federico Cacciapuoti, MD; Giacomo Lucivero, MD, PHD; Riccardo Giunta, MD; Mario Verza, MD; Dario Giugliano, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3129-3135. doi:
Symptoms of Common Maternal Infections in Pregnancy and Risk of Islet Autoimmunity in Early Childhood
Lars C. Stene, MS, PHD; Katherine Barriga, MSPH; Jill M. Norris, MPH, PHD; Michelle Hoffman, RN; Georgeanna Klingensmith, MD; Henry A. Erlich, PHD; George S. Eisenbarth, MD, PHD; Marian Rewers, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3136-3141. doi:
Sex Differences in the Prognostic Importance of Diabetes in Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease Undergoing Coronary Angiography
Michelle M. Graham, MD; William A. Ghali, MD, MPH; Peter D. Faris, PHD; P. Diane Galbraith, BN; Colleen M. Norris, PHD; Merril L. Knudtson, MD; APPROACH Investigators
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3142-3147. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome / Insulin Resistance Syndrome / Pre-Diabetes
Effects of Pioglitazone Versus Diet and Exercise on Metabolic Health and Fat Distribution in Upper Body Obesity
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3148-3152. doi:
The Metabolic Syndrome as Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes: The San Antonio Heart Study
Carlos Lorenzo, MD; Mayor Okoloise, MS; Ken Williams, MS; Michael P. Stern, MD; Steven M. Haffner, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3153-3159. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Follow-up Report on the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3160-3167. doi:
Dealing With Complexity in Clinical Diabetes : The value of Archimedes
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3168-3171. doi:
Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3172-3178. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome/Insulin Resistance Syndrome/Pre-Diabetes: New section in Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3179. doi:
The Coming of Age of the Metabolic Syndrome
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3180-3181. doi:
Diabetes Modeling
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3182-3183. doi:
Is Treatment of Insulin Resistance Beneficial Independent of Glycemia?
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3184-3186. doi:
Letter: Observations
Screening for Adrenal Antibodies in Children With Type 1 Diabetes and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3187-3188. doi:
Predictive Value of Autoantibodies to IA-2 for Insulin Requirements in Japanese Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes
Tsuguhito Ota, MD, PHD; Toshinari Takamura, MD, PHD; Yukihiro Bando, MD, PHD; Rika Usuda, MD, PHD; Yukihiro Nagai, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3188-3189. doi:
Prognostic Value of the Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness for the Presence and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Andreas Melidonis, MD, PHD; Ioannis A. Kyriazis, MD, PHD; Areti Georgopali, MD; Michalis Zairis, MD; Anastasios Lyras, MD; Theodoros Lambropoulos, MD, PHD; Dimitrios Matsaidonis, MD, PHD; Stefanos Foussas, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3189-3190. doi:
Test Strips for Blood Glucose Monitors Are Not Always Accurate
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3190. doi:
Sirolimus-Induced Interstitial Pneumonitis in an Islet Transplant Recipient
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3191. doi:
No Deterioration in Glycemic Control in HNF-1α Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young Following Transfer From Long-Term Insulin to Sulphonylureas
Maggie Shepherd, PHD; Ewan R. Pearson, MB BCHIR; Jane Houghton, MSC; Gill Salt, BSC; Sian Ellard, PHD; Andrew T. Hattersley, DM
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3191-3192. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis: Together at last
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3192-3193. doi:
Serum Amylase and Lipase in Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3193-3194. doi:
Rosiglitazone Lowers Blood Pressure and Increases Arterial Compliance in Postmenopausal Women With Type 2 Diabetes
Suzy Y. Honisett, PHD; Lily Stojanovska, PHD; Krishnankutty Sudhir, PHD; Bronwyn A. Kingwell, PHD; Tye Dawood, BSC; Paul A. Komesaroff, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3194-3195. doi:
Deficiency in the Detection of Microalbuminuria by Urinary Dipstick in Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3195-3196. doi:
Extreme Altitude Mountaineering and Type 1 Diabetes: The Cho Oyu Alpinisti in Alta Quota Expedition
Paola Pavan, MD; Patrizio Sarto, MD; Laura Merlo, MD; Dario Casara, MD; Andrea Ponchia, MD; Renata Biasin, MD; Donatella Noventa, MD; Angelo Avogaro, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3196-3197. doi:
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma Following Rapid Correction of Hyperglycemia
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3197-3198. doi:
Clinical Worth of Adiponectin Levels in Obesity and Glycemic Control of Japanese Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Katsunori Nonogaki, MD, PHD; Hiroaki Kumano, MD, PHD; Yoshihiko Ootsuka; Aya Takeuchi; Naohiko Nonogaki, MD, PHD; Tomifusa Kuboki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3198. doi:
Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged Men and Women
Raquel Villegas, PHD; Ivan J. Perry, MD, PHD; Don Creagh, MB; Rita Hinchion, SRN; Domhnall O’Halloran, MD
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3198-3199. doi:
Letter: Comments and Responses
Amputation and Mortality in New-Onset Diabetic Foot Ulcers Stratified by Etiology: Response to Moulik, Mtonga, and Gill
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3199-3200. doi:
Amputation and Mortality in New-Onset Diabetic Foot Ulcers Stratified by Etiology: Response to Williams, Price, and Harding
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3200. doi:
Patients on Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs: Another High-Risk Group for Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Lean and Pajonk
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3200-3201. doi:
Patients on Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs: Another High-Risk Group for Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Hardy and Breier
Diabetes Care November 2003, Vol.26, 3202-3203. doi: