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Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Lowering of LDL Cholesterol Rather Than Moderate Weight Loss Improves Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilatation in Obese Women With Previous Gestational Diabetes
Robert Bergholm, MD; Mirja Tiikkainen, MD; Satu Vehkavaara, MD, PHD; Marjo Tamminen, MD; Kari Teramo, MD, PHD; Aila Rissanen, MD, PHD; Hannele Yki-Järvinen, MD, FRCP, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1667-1672. doi:
Weight Loss in Combination With Physical Activity Improves Endothelial Dysfunction in Human Obesity
Angela Sciacqua, MD; Mafalda Candigliota, MD; Roberto Ceravolo, MD; Angela Scozzafava, MD; Flora Sinopoli, PHD; Andrea Corsonello, MD; Giorgio Sesti, MD; Francesco Perticone, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1673-1678. doi:
Motivational Brochures Increase the Number of Medicare-Eligible Persons With Diabetes Making Therapeutic Footwear Claims
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1679-1684. doi:
Addition of Nateglinide to Rosiglitazone Monotherapy Suppresses Mealtime Hyperglycemia and Improves Overall Glycemic Control
Vivian Fonseca, MD; George Grunberger, MD; Shamita Gupta, PHARMD; Sharon Shen, MS; James E. Foley, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1685-1690. doi:
Evaluation of the Impact of Chiropodist Care in the Secondary Prevention of Foot Ulcerations in Diabetic Subjects
Johannes Plank, MD; Waltraud Haas, RN; Ivo Rakovac, MSC; Evelyn Görzer, MD; Romana Sommer, MD; Andrea Siebenhofer, MD; Thomas R. Pieber, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1691-1695. doi:
Surrogate End Points for the Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathic Foot Ulcers
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1696-1700. doi:
The Efficacy and Safety of Dermagraft in Improving the Healing of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Results of a prospective randomized trial
William A. Marston, MD; Jason Hanft, DPM; Paul Norwood, MD; Richard Pollak, DPM; for the Dermagraft Diabetic Foot Ulcer Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1701-1705. doi:
Changes in Aerobic Capacity and Visceral Fat but not Myocyte Lipid Levels Predict Increased Insulin Action After Exercise in Overweight and Obese Men
Seng Khee Gan, MBBS, FRACP; Adamandia D. Kriketos, PHD; Bronwyn A. Ellis, BSC; Campbell H. Thompson, MD, DPHIL; Edward W. Kraegen, PHD; Donald J. Chisholm, MBBS, FRACP
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1706-1713. doi:
Antihyperglycemic Effect of Oolong Tea in Type 2 Diabetes
Kazuaki Hosoda, BS; Ming-Fu Wang, PHD; Mei-Ling Liao, MS; Chin-Kuang Chuang, MD; Miyuki Iha, BS; Beverly Clevidence, PHD; Shigeru Yamamoto, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1714-1718. doi:
A Simple Meal Plan Emphasizing Healthy Food Choices Is as Effective as an Exchange-Based Meal Plan for Urban African Americans With Type 2 Diabetes
David C. Ziemer, MD; Kathy J. Berkowitz, RN, FNP, CDE; Rita M. Panayioto, RD, LD, CDE; Imad M. El-Kebbi, MD; Victoria C. Musey, MD; Lynda A. Anderson, PHD; Nancy S. Wanko, MS, RD, LD; Margaret L. Fowke, RD, LD, MPA; Carol W. Brazier, RD, LD; Virginia G. Dunbar, BS; Wrenn Slocum, RN, MPH; Gael M. Bacha, RN; Daniel L. Gallina, MD; Curtiss B. Cook, MD; Lawrence S. Phillips, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1719-1724. doi:
Two-Hour Insulin Determination Improves the Ability of Abdominal Fat Measurement to Identify Risk for the Metabolic Syndrome
Fernando F. Ribeiro-Filho, MD, PHD; Alessandra N. Faria, MD, PHD; Narcia E.B. Kohlmann, RN; Maria-Teresa Zanella, MD, PHD; Sandra R.G. Ferreira, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1725-1730. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
The Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Diabetic Retinopathy in the Australian Population
Robyn J. Tapp; Jonathan E. Shaw, MD; C. Alex Harper, MD; Maximilian P. de Courten, MD; Beverley Balkau, PHD; Daniel J. McCarty, PHD; Hugh R. Taylor, MD; Timothy A. Welborn, PHD; Paul Z. Zimmet, MD; on behalf of the AusDiab Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1731-1737. doi:
A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Breakfast, Dinner, or Bedtime Administration of Insulin Glargine in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Andreas Hamann, MD; Stephan Matthaei, MD; Christoph Rosak, MD; Louise Silvestre, MD; for the HOE901/4007 Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1738-1744. doi:
Inflammatory Markers, Adiponectin, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the Pima Indian
Jonathan Krakoff, MD; Tohru Funahashi, MD, PHD; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD; Casper G. Schalkwijk, MD; Sachiyo Tanaka, BS; Yuji Matsuzawa, MD, PHD; Sayuko Kobes, BS; P. Antonio Tataranni, MD; Robert L. Hanson, MD, MPH; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; Robert S. Lindsay, MB, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1745-1751. doi:
Type 2 Diabetes and Subsequent Incidence of Breast Cancer in the Nurses’ Health Study
Karin B. Michels, SCD; Caren G. Solomon, MD; Frank B. Hu, MD; Bernard A. Rosner, PHD; Susan E. Hankinson, SCD; Graham A. Colditz, MD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1752-1758. doi:
Intensified Blood Glucose Monitoring Improves Glycemic Control in Stable, Insulin-Treated Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes : The Diabetes Outcomes in Veterans Study (DOVES)
Glen H. Murata, MD; Jayendra H. Shah, MD; Richard M. Hoffman, MD; Christopher S. Wendel, MS; Karen D. Adam, RN; Patricia A. Solvas, RN; Syed U. Bokhari, MD; William C. Duckworth, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1759-1763. doi:
Prevalence and Major Risk Factors of Reduced Flow Volume in Lower Extremities With Normal Ankle-Brachial Index in Japanese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Eiji Suzuki, MD; Katsuya Egawa, MD; Yoshihiko Nishio, MD; Hiroshi Maegawa, MD; Masanobu Tsuchiya, MD; Masakazu Haneda, MD; Hitoshi Yasuda, MD; Shigehiro Morikawa, MD; Toshiro Inubushi, PHD; Atsunori Kashiwagi, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1764-1769. doi:
Age- and Sex-Specific Prevalence of Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation in 11 Asian Cohorts
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1770-1780. doi:
Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome Among Omani Adults
Jawad A. Al-Lawati, MD, MPH; Ali J. Mohammed, MD, MSC; Halima Q. Al-Hinai, MD; Pekka Jousilahti, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1781-1785. doi:
High Incidence of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes in Liguria, Italy, From 1989 to 1998
Mario Cotellessa, MD; Paola Barbieri, MD; Massimo Mazzella, MD; Stefano Bonassi, PHD; Laura Minicucci, MD; Renata Lorini, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1786-1789. doi:
The Health Care Costs of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in the U.S.
Adam Gordois, MSC; Paul Scuffham, PHD; Arran Shearer, MSC; Alan Oglesby, MPH; Janet Ash Tobian, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1790-1795. doi:
Cost Effectiveness of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Major Coronary Events in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Michael Brandle, MD; Mayer B. Davidson, MD; David L. Schriger, MD, MPH; Brett Lorber, MD, MPH; William H. Herman, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1796-1801. doi:
Treating Hypertension in Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1802-1805. doi:
Identification and Management of Diabetic Nephropathy in the Diabetes Clinic
Kathrine J. Craig, BSC; Kieron Donovan, MD; Margaret Munnery, RN; David R. Owens, MD; John D. Williams, MD; Aled O. Phillips, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1806-1811. doi:
Steroids in Adult Men With Type 1 Diabetes: A tendency to hypogonadism
Eveline W.C.M. van Dam, MD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD; Eef G.W.M. Lentjes, MD, PHD; Fred P.T.H.M. Romijn; Yvo M. Smulders, MD, PHD; Wendy J. Post; Johannes A. Romijn, MD, PHD; H. Michiel J. Krans, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1812-1818. doi:
Köbberling Type of Familial Partial Lipodystrophy: An underrecognized syndrome
Karen L. Herbst, MD, PHD; Lisa R. Tannock, MD; Samir S. Deeb, PHD; Jonathan Q. Purnell, MD; John D. Brunzell, MD; Alan Chait, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1819-1824. doi:
Correlation Between Midthigh Low- Density Muscle and Insulin Resistance in Obese Nondiabetic Patients in Korea
Dolmi Kim, MD; Suyoun Nam, MD, PHD; Chulwoo Ahn, MD, PHD; Kyungwook Kim, MD; Soojee Yoon, MD; Junuh Kim, MD; Bongsoo Cha, MD, PHD; Sungkil Lim, MD, PHD; Kyungrae Kim, MD, PHD; Hyunchul Lee, MD, PHD; Kapbum Huh, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1825-1830. doi:
Developing a Screening Program to Detect Sight-Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy in South India
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1831-1835. doi:
l-Arginine-Induced Vasodilation of the Renal Vasculature Is Not Altered in Hypertensive Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Christian Delles, MD; Markus P. Schneider, MD; Sebastian Oehmer, MD; Erwin H. Fleischmann, MD; Roland E. Schmieder, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1836-1840. doi:
On the Association Between Diabetes and Mental Disorders in a Community Sample: Results from the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1841-1846. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Recent Antihyperglycemic Prescribing Trends for U.S. Privately Insured Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1847-1851. doi:
Rapid Increase in the Use of Oral Antidiabetic Drugs in the United States, 1990–2001
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1852-1855. doi:
Human Epidermal Growth Factor Enhances Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Man Wo Tsang, MD; Wan Keung R. Wong, PHD; Chi Sang Hung, MD; Kwok-Man Lai, DPODM; Wegin Tang, BSC; Elaine Y.N. Cheung, MD; Grace Kam, MD; Leo Leung, BSC; Chi Wai Chan, MD; Chung Min Chu, MD; Edward K.H. Lam, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1856-1861. doi:
Effects of the Early ACE Inhibition in Diabetic Nonthrombolyzed Patients With Anterior Acute Myocardial Infarction
Claudio Borghi, MD; Stefano Bacchelli, MD; Daniela Degli Esposti, MD; Ettore Ambrosioni, MD; on behalf of the SMILE Study Investigators
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1862-1868. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Association Between Serum Testosterone Concentration and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Men With Type 2 Diabetes
Michiaki Fukui, MD; Yoshihiro Kitagawa, MD; Naoto Nakamura, MD; Mayuko Kadono, MD; Shinichi Mogami, MD; Chizuko Hirata, MD; Naoko Ichio, MD; Katsuya Wada, MD; Goji Hasegawa, MD; Toshikazu Yoshikawa, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1869-1873. doi:
Ulcer Recurrence Following First Ray Amputation in Diabetic Patients: A cohort prospective study
Luca Dalla Paola, MD; Ezio Faglia, MD; Maurizio Caminiti, MD; Giacomo Clerici, MD; Sasa Ninkovic, MD; Valter Deanesi, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1874-1878. doi:
Percent Change in Wound Area of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Over a 4-Week Period Is a Robust Predictor of Complete Healing in a 12-Week Prospective Trial
Peter Sheehan, MD; Peter Jones, MSC; Antonella Caselli, MD; John M. Giurini, DPM; Aristidis Veves, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1879-1882. doi:
Cutaneous Blood Flow in Type 2 Diabetic Individuals After an Acute Bout of Maximal Exercise
Sheri R. Colberg, PHD; Henri K. Parson, PHD; D. Robb Holton, MA; Tanja Nunnold, MA; Aaron I. Vinik, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1883-1888. doi:
Relation Between Serum 3-Deoxyglucosone and Development of Diabetic Microangiopathy
Hitomi Kusunoki, MD; Satoshi Miyata, MD, PHD; Takeshi Ohara, MD, PHD; Bing-Fen Liu, MD, PHD; Atsuko Uriuhara, MD; Hiroshi Kojima, MD; Kotaro Suzuki, MD; Hiroyuki Miyazaki, MD; Yumiko Yamashita, MD; Kayo Inaba, MD; Masato Kasuga, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1889-1894. doi:
The Association Between Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy and Mortality in Individuals With Diabetes: A meta-analysis
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1895-1901. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Hypoglycemia in Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1902-1912. doi:
Lessons Learned: Challenges in interpreting diabetes concepts in the Navajo language
Melvina McCabe, MD; Frank Morgan, BA; Melissa Smith, BA; Ella Yazzie; Anthony Spencer; Helen Curley; Rick Begay; Dorothy Gohdes, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1913-1914. doi:
Lung Dysfunction in Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1915-1918. doi:
Should Postprandial Glucose Be Measured and Treated to a Particular Target? Yes.
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1919-1921. doi:
Inflammation and Insulin Resistance
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1922-1926. doi:
Weight Loss and Endothelial Function in Obesity
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1927-1928. doi:
Testosterone and Atherosclerosis Progression in Men
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1929-1931. doi:
Screening for Celiac Disease in Children With Type 1 Diabetes : Two views of the controversy
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1932-1939. doi:
Letters: Observations
Status of Research Funded by the American Diabetes Association—Year 4
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1940. doi:
Validation of Interstitial Fluid Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Cystic Fibrosis
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1940-1941. doi:
The Effect of Oral Glucosamine Sulfate on Insulin Sensitivity in Human Subjects
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1941-1942. doi:
Multiple Tumors in Mitochondrial Diabetes Associated With tRNALeu(UUR) Mutation at Position 3264
Yoshihiko Suzuki, MD; Susumu Suzuki, MD; Matsuo Taniyama, MD; Taro Muramatsu, MD; Shigeo Ohta, PHD; Yoshitomo Oka, MD; Yoshihito Atsumi, MD; Kempei Matsuoka, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1942-1943. doi:
Increasing Pneumococcal Immunizations Among People With Diabetes Using Patient Reminders
Deb K. Bjorsness, MPH, RD, CDE; Katherine M. Pellett, MSN, RN, CS, ANP; JoAnne Unruh, RN; Debora R. Snipes, LPN; Susan L. Hannula, RNC; Janet M. McDowall, RN, BSN; Jeanine A. Ford, RN; Dorothy Gohdes, MD; Steven D. Helgerson, MD, MPH; Todd S. Harwell, MPH
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1943-1945. doi:
The Ability of Foot Compensation to Added Weight Is Reduced in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1946. doi:
Vietnamese Type 2 Diabetic Subjects With Normal BMI but High Body Fat
Le Nguyen Trung Duc Son, MD; Tran Thi Minh Hanh, PHD, MD; Kaoru Kusama, MSC; Yoko Ichikawa, MSC; Nguyen Thi Kim Hung, MD; Shigeru Yamamoto, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1946-1947. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
No Association Between the MTHFR Gene Polymorphism and Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Without Overt Nephropathy: Response to Maeda et al.
Keiji Yoshioka, MD; Toshihide Yoshida, MD; Yasuto Takakura, MD; Akinori Kogure, MD; Tsunekazu Umekawa, MD; Hitoshi Toda, MD; Toshikazu Yoshikawa, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1947-1948. doi:
Diabetic Retinopathy Possibly Results From Poor Blood Sugar Control Associated With MTHFR Gene Polymorphism in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Response to Yoshioka et al.
Makiko Maeda, MS; Isamu Yamamoto, MD; Masakatsu Fukuda, MD, PHD; Mari Nishida, BS; Junko Fujitsu, MS; Shinpei Nonen, MS; Tsuyoshi Igarashi, MD, PHD; Takashi Motomura, MD, PHD; Makiko Inaba, MD; Yasushi Fujio, MD, PHD; Junichi Azuma, MD
Diabetes Care June 2003, Vol.26, 1948. doi: