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Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Severe Hypo-α-Lipoproteinemia During Treatment With Rosiglitazone
Anita Sarker, MB, BS, MSC; Robert K. Semple, MA, MB, BCHIR; Sean F. Dinneen, MD; Stephen O’Rahilly, MD; Steven C. Martin, MD, DRMEDSC
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2577-2580. doi:
Reduced Hospitalizations and Death Associated With Influenza Vaccination Among Patients With and Without Diabetes
Anthony D. Heymann, MB, MHA; Yonaton Shapiro, MD; Gabriel Chodick, PHD, MHA; Varda Shalev, MD; Ehud Kokia, MD, MHA; Eyal Kramer, MD; Joshua Shemer, MD, MHA
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2581-2584. doi:
Effect of Rosiglitazone Versus Insulin on the Pancreatic β-Cell Function of Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2585-2589. doi:
Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Versus Multiple Daily Injections: The impact of baseline A1c
Ravi Retnakaran, MD; Jackie Hochman, MD; J. Hans DeVries, MD; Helene Hanaire-Broutin, MD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD; Vincent Melki, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2590-2596. doi:
Induction of Long-term Glycemic Control in Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic Patients Is Associated With Improvement of β-Cell Function
Yanbing Li, MD; Wen Xu, MD; Zhihong Liao, MD, PHD; Bin Yao, MD; Xiahua Chen, MD; Zhimin Huang, MD; Guoliang Hu, MD; JianPing Weng, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2597-2602. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Physical Activity and Television Viewing in Relation to Risk of Undiagnosed Abnormal Glucose Metabolism in Adults
David W. Dunstan, PHD; Jo Salmon, PHD; Neville Owen, PHD; Timothy Armstrong, PHD; Paul Z. Zimmet, MD; Timothy A. Welborn, PHD; Adrian J. Cameron, MPH; Terence Dwyer, PHD; Damien Jolley, MSC; Jonathan E. Shaw, MD; on behalf of the AusDiab Steering Committee
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2603-2609. doi:
The Blood Glucose Monitoring Communication Questionnaire: An instrument to measure affect specific to blood glucose monitoring
Korey K. Hood, PHD; Deborah A. Butler, MSW; Lisa K. Volkening, BA; Barbara J. Anderson, PHD; Lori M.B. Laffel, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2610-2615. doi:
Direct Health Care Costs of Diabetic Patients in Spain
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2616-2621. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Insulin (Exubera) Compared With Subcutaneous Insulin Therapy in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Results of a 6-month, randomized, comparative trial
Teresa Quattrin, MD; André Bélanger, MD; Nancy J.V. Bohannon, MD; Sherwyn L. Schwartz, MD; for the Exubera Phase III Study Group
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2622-2627. doi:
Effects of Exenatide (Exendin-4) on Glycemic Control Over 30 Weeks in Sulfonylurea-Treated Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
John B. Buse, MD, PHD; Robert R. Henry, MD; Jenny Han, MS; Dennis D. Kim, MD; Mark S. Fineman, BS; Alain D. Baron, MD; for the Exenatide-113 Clinical Study Group
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2628-2635. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Explanations for the High Risk of Diabetes-Related Amputation in a Caribbean Population of Black African Descent and Potential for Prevention
Anselm J.M. Hennis, MRCP, PHD; Henry S. Fraser, FRCP, PHD; Ramesh Jonnalagadda, MS; John Fuller, FRCP; Nish Chaturvedi, MRCP, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2636-2641. doi:
Home Monitoring of Foot Skin Temperatures to Prevent Ulceration
Lawrence A. Lavery, DPM, MPH; Kevin R. Higgins, DPM; Dan R. Lanctot, BS; George P. Constantinides, MS; Ruben G. Zamorano, MSW, MPH; David G. Armstrong, DPM; Kyriacos A. Athanasiou, PHD, PE; C. Mauli Agrawal, PHD, PE
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2642-2647. doi:
Renal Impairment Associated With Diabetes in the Elderly
Elise Wasén, MD; Raimo Isoaho, MD, PHD; Kari Mattila, PHD; Tero Vahlberg, MSC; Sirkka-Liisa Kivelä, MD, PHD; Kerttu Irjala, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2648-2653. doi:
Preventative Effects of Rosiglitazone on Restenosis After Coronary Stent Implantation in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Donghoon Choi, MD, PHD; Soo-Kyung Kim, MD; Sung-Hee Choi, MD; Young-Guk Ko, MD; Chul-Woo Ahn, MD, PHD; Yangsoo Jang, MD, PHD; Sung-Kil Lim, MD, PHD; Hyun-Chul Lee, MD, PHD; Bong-Soo Cha, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2654-2660. doi:
Different Patterns of Insulin Resistance in Relatives of Type 1 Diabetic Patients With Retinopathy or Nephropathy : The Genesis France-Belgium Study
Samy Hadjadj, MD, PHD; Franck Péan, PHD; Yves Gallois, PHD; Philippe Passa, MD; Robert Aubert, PHD; Laurent Weekers, MD; Vincent Rigalleau, MD, PHD; Bernard Bauduceau, MD; Amine Bekherraz, MD; Ronan Roussel, MD, PHD; Bernard Dussol, MD; Michel Rodier, MD; Richard Marechaud, MD; Pierre J. Lefebvre, MD, PHD; Michel Marre, MD, PHD; for the Genesis France-Belgium Study
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2661-2668. doi:
Diabetes Is the Main Factor Accounting for the High Ferritin Levels Detected in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Albert Lecube, MD; Cristina Hernández, MD; Joan Genescà, MD; Joan I. Esteban, MD; Rosend Jardí, MD; Lydia García, MD; Rafael Simó, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2669-2675. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome / Insulin Resistance Syndrome / Pre-Diabetes
Does the Metabolic Syndrome Improve Identification of Individuals at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and/or Cardiovascular Disease?
Michael P. Stern, MD; Ken Williams, MS; Clicerio González-Villalpando, MD; Kelly J. Hunt, PHD; Steven M. Haffner, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2676-2681. doi:
The Impact of Abnormalities in IGF and Inflammatory Systems on the Metabolic Syndrome
Kalpana Kaushal, MD; Adrian H. Heald, DM; Kirk W. Siddals, PHD; Manjinder S. Sandhu, PHD; David B. Dunger, FRCP; John M. Gibson, FRCP; Nick J. Wareham, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2682-2688. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome as a Predictor of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes : The Casale Monferrato Study
Graziella Bruno, MD; Franco Merletti, MD; Annibale Biggeri, MD; Giuseppe Bargero, MD; Stefania Ferrero, MD; Cristina Runzo, MD; Stefano Prina Cerai, MD; Gianfranco Pagano, MD; Paolo Cavallo-Perin, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2689-2694. doi:
IDDM1 and Multiple Family History of Type 1 Diabetes Combine to Identify Neonates at High Risk for Type 1 Diabetes
Ezio Bonifacio, PHD; Michael Hummel, MD; Markus Walter, MD; Sandra Schmid, PHD; Anette-G. Ziegler, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2695-2700. doi:
Glycemic Index and Dietary Fiber and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2701-2706. doi:
Risk Factors for the Metabolic Syndrome: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, 1985–2001
Mercedes R. Carnethon, PHD; Catherine M. Loria, PHD; James O. Hill, PHD; Stephen Sidney, MD; Peter J. Savage, MD; Kiang Liu, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2707-2715. doi:
Postabsorptive and Insulin-Stimulated Energy Homeostasis and Leucine Turnover in Offspring of Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Guido Lattuada, PHD; Lucia Piceni Sereni, MD; Dora Ruggieri, PHD; Antonella Scollo, RN; Stefano Benedini, MD, PHD; Francesca Ragogna, PHD; Federica Costantino, PHD; Alberto Battezzati, MD, PHD; Livio Luzi, MD; Gianluca Perseghin, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2716-2722. doi:
Brief Report
Declining Mortality Rate Among People With Diabetes in North Dakota, 1997–2002
Edward F. Tierney, MPH; Betsy L. Cadwell, MSPH; Michael M. Engelgau, MD, MS; Larry Shireley, MS, MPH; Sherri L. Parsons, MT (ASCP), BB; Kathy Moum, MA; Linda S. Geiss, MA
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2723-2725. doi:
Intrahepatic Lipids Are Predicted by Visceral Adipose Tissue Mass in Healthy Subjects
Claus Thamer, MD; Jürgen Machann, PHD; Michael Haap, MD; Norbert Stefan, MD; Emanuela Heller, MD; Birgit Schnödt, MD; Michael Stumvoll, MD; Claus Claussen, MD; Andreas Fritsche, MD; Fritz Schick, MD, PHD; Hans Häring, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2726-2729. doi:
Serum Chelatable Redox-Active Iron Is an Independent Predictor of Mortality After Myocardial Infarction in Individuals With Diabetes
Mahmoud Sulieman, MD; Rabea Asleh, MSC; Zvi I. Cabantchik, MD, PHD; William Breuer, PHD; Doron Aronson, MD; Abeer Suleiman, BSC; Rachel Miller-Lotan, PHD; Haim Hammerman, MD; Andrew P. Levy, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2730-2732. doi:
Acute Respiratory Viral Infections Aggravate Arterial Endothelial Dysfunction in Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Elhadi Aburawi, MD; Petru Liuba, MD, PHD; Erkki Pesonen, MD, PHD; Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, MD, PHD; Sture Sjöblad, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2733-2735. doi:
Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Asymptomatic Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2736-2738. doi:
Effects of Mixing Glargine and Short-Acting Insulin Analogs on Glucose Control
Walid Kaplan, MD; Luisa M. Rodriguez, MD; O’Brian E. Smith, PHD; Morey W. Haymond, MD; Rubina A. Heptulla, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2739-2740. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Role of Chromium in Human Health and in Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2741-2751. doi:
Use of Aspirin to Reduce Risks of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Diabetes: Clinical and research challenges
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2752-2754. doi:
Diet and Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2755-2760. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome: In search of a clinical role
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2761-2763. doi:
Decreasing Restenosis Following Angioplasty: The potential of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ agonists
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2764-2766. doi:
Letters: Observations
The Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation on Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetic Individuals With Different Haptoglobin Phenotypes
Andrew P. Levy, MD, PHD; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD, MSC; Rachel Miller-Lotan, PHD; Robert Ratner, MD; Matthew McQueen, MBCHB; Eva Lonn, MD; Janice Pogue, MSC
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2767. doi:
Effect of Controlling Hyperglycemia With Diet on QT Abnormalities in Newly Diagnosed Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2767-2768. doi:
Impact of Metformin on Glucose Metabolism in Nondiabetic, Obese African Americans: A placebo-controlled, 24-month randomized study
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2768-2769. doi:
Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels Do Not Correspond to Autoimmunity in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2769-2770. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Orlistat Augments Postprandial Increases in Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 in Obese Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Response to Damci et al.
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2770. doi:
Orlistat Augments Postprandial Increases In Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 in Obese Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Response to Horowitz et al.
Taner Damci, MD; Serap Yalin, MD; Huriye Balci, PHD; Zeynep Osar, MD; Ustun Korugan, MD; Mucahit Ozyazar, MD; Hasan Ilkova, MD
Diabetes Care November 2004, Vol.27, 2771. doi: