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Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Association of Bioavailable, Free, and Total Testosterone With Insulin Resistance: Influence of sex hormone-binding globulin and body fat
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 861-868. doi:
Intraoral Tactile Sensitivity in Adults With Diabetes
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 869-873. doi:
Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Blockade and Renal Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: An Asian perspective from the RENAAL study
Juliana C.N. Chan, MD, FRCP; Nelson M.S. Wat, MBBS, MRCP; Wing-Yee So, MBBS, MRCP; Karen S.L. Lam, MD, FRCP; Chin-Teong Chua, MRCP, FRCP; Kok-Seng Wong, MMED, MRCP, FAMS; Zaki Morad, MRCP, FRCP; Tania Z. Dickson, PHD; Darcy Hille, EMBA; Zhongxin Zhang, PHD; Mark E. Cooper, MBBS, MD, PHD, FRACP; Shahnaz Shahinfar, MD; Barry M. Brenner, MD; Kiyoshi Kurokawa, MD; on behalf of the Asian RENAAL Study Investigators
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 874-879. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Preclinical Atherosclerosis and Inflammation in 61-Year-Old Men With Newly Diagnosed Diabetes and Established Diabetes
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 880-884. doi:
High Incidence of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes in the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada
Leigh A. Newhook, MD; Joseph Curtis, MB; Donna Hagerty, BN; Marie Grant, RN; Andrew D. Paterson, MB; Cheryl Crummel, RN; Tracey Bridger, MD; Patrick Parfrey, MD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 885-888. doi:
C-Reactive Protein and Incident Cardiovascular Events Among Men With Diabetes
Matthias B. Schulze, DRPH; Eric B. Rimm, SCD; Tricia Li, MD; Nader Rifai, PHD; Meir J. Stampfer, MD; Frank B. Hu, MD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 889-894. doi:
Cost Analysis of Human Islet Transplantation for the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes in the Swiss-French Consortium GRAGIL
Adrienne P. Guignard, MPH; José Oberholzer, MD; Pierre-Yves Benhamou, MD, PHD; Sandrine Touzet, MD; Pascal Bucher, MD; Alfred Penfornis, MD, PHD; François Bayle, MD; Laurence Kessler, MD, PHD; Charles Thivolet, MD, PHD; Lionel Badet, MD, PHD; Philippe Morel, MD; Cyril Colin, MD, PHD; On behalf of the GRAGIL Group
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 895-900. doi:
Cost-Effectiveness of Prevention and Treatment of the Diabetic Foot: A Markov analysis
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 901-907. doi:
Role of Simvastatin as an Immunomodulator in Type 2 Diabetes
Maria F. Lopes-Virella, MD, PHD; Marina Mironova, MD, PHD; Elias Stephan, MD; Ramon Durazo-Arvizu, PHD; Gabriel Virella, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 908-913. doi:
Behavioral and Clinical Factors Associated With Depression Among Individuals With Diabetes
Wayne Katon, MD; Michael Von Korff, SCD; Paul Ciechanowski, MD, MPH; Joan Russo, PHD; Elizabeth Lin, MD, MPH; Gregory Simon, MD, MPH; Evette Ludman, PHD; Edward Walker, MD; Terry Bush, PHD; Bessie Young, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 914-920. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Low-Intensity Laser Therapy for Painful Symptoms of Diabetic Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy: A controlled trial
Lorne H. Zinman, FRCPC; Mylan Ngo, BSC; Eduardo T. Ng, MD; Khin T. Nwe, MD; Sven Gogov, MD; Vera Bril, FRCPC
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 921-924. doi:
The Effect of Vitamin Therapy on the Progression of Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis Varies by Haptoglobin Type in Postmenopausal Women
Andrew P. Levy, MD, PHD; Paula Friedenberg, MS; Rachel Lotan, PHD; Pamela Ouyang, MD; Mark Tripputi, MS; Lyall Higginson, MD; Frederick R. Cobb, MD; Jean-Claude Tardif, MD; Vera Bittner, MD; Barbara V. Howard, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 925-930. doi:
Relationship Between GHb Concentration and Erythrocyte Survival Determined From Breath Carbon Monoxide Concentration
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 931-935. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Association of Triglyceride–to–HDL Cholesterol Ratio With Heart Rate Recovery
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 936-941. doi:
The Role of Limited Joint Mobility in Diabetic Patients With an At-Risk Foot
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 942-946. doi:
l-Arginine-Induced Vasodilation of the Renal Vasculature Is Preserved in Uremic Type 1 Diabetic Patients After Kidney and Pancreas but not After Kidney-Alone Transplantation
Francesco De Cobelli, MD; Paolo Fiorina, MD, PHD; Gianluca Perseghin, MD; Marta Magnone, MD; Massimo Venturini, MD; Gianpaolo Zerbini, MD; Alessandro Zanello, MD; Gabriella Mazzolari, MD; Lucilla Monti, MD; Valerio Di Carlo, MD; Antonio Secchi, MD; Alessandro Del Maschio, MD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 947-954. doi:
Eighteen Years of Fair Glycemic Control Preserves Cardiac Autonomic Function in Type 1 Diabetes
Jakob R. Larsen, MD; Hans Sjøholm, MD, PHD; Tore J. Berg, MD, PHD; Leiv Sandvik, MSC, PHD; Magne Brekke, MD; Kristian F. Hanssen, MD, PHD; Knut Dahl-Jørgensen, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 963-966. doi:
Type 2 Diabetes and Intravenous Thrombolysis Outcome in the Setting of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Michael N. Zairis, MD; Anastassios G. Lyras, MD; Stamatis S. Makrygiannis, MD; Paraskevi K. Psarogianni, MD; Evdokia N. Adamopoulou, MD; Stelios M. Handanis, MD; Apostolos Papantonakos, MD; Spyros K. Argyrakis, MD; Athanasios A. Prekates, MD; Stefanos G. Foussas, MD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 967-971. doi:
Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy Is Associated With Microalbuminuria in Older Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Andrew Moran, MD, MPH; Walter Palmas, MD; Lesley Field, RN, MSN; Jyoti Bhattarai, MD; Joseph E. Schwartz, PHD; Ruth S. Weinstock, MD, PHD; Steven Shea, MD, MS
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 972-977. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome / Insulin Resistance / Pre-Diabetes
Critical Evaluation of Adult Treatment Panel III Criteria in Identifying Insulin Resistance With Dyslipidemia
Youlian Liao, PHD; Soonho Kwon, MD; Sara Shaughnessy, MS, RD; Penny Wallace, MS, RN; Amy Hutto, RN; Alicia J. Jenkins, MD; Richard L. Klein, PHD; W. Timothy Garvey, MD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 978-983. doi:
Brief Reports
Unrecognized Voiding Difficulty in Female Type 2 Diabetic Patients in the Diabetes Clinic: A prospective case-control study
Hong-Jeng Yu, MD; Wei-Chia Lee, MD; Shih-Ping Liu, MD; Tong-Yuag Tai, MD; Huey-Peir Wu, MD; Jun Chen, MD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 988-989. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / Position Statements
Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Diabetes on Restenosis Rates Among Patients Receiving Coronary Angioplasty Stenting
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 990-994. doi:
Future Intervention Trials in Type 1 Diabetes
Terry Wilkin, MD; Johnny Ludvigsson, MD; Carla Greenbaum, MD; Jerry Palmer, MD; Dorothy Becker, MD; Jan Bruining, MD
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 996-997. doi:
Type 2 Diabetes in the Young: The evolving epidemic
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 998-1010. doi:
Insulin Resistance, Cardiovascular Disease, and the Metabolic Syndrome: How well do the emperor’s clothes fit?
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 1011-1012. doi:
Is Poor Glycemic Control Associated With Reduced Red Blood Cell Lifespan?
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 1013-1014. doi:
Letters: Observations
Insulin-Sensitizing Effects of Telmisartan: Implications for treating insulin-resistant hypertension and cardiovascular disease
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 1015. doi:
Passing the Torch at the International Diabetes Federation
Eugene Barrett, MD, PHD; Carolé Mensing, RN, MA, CDE; James Horbowicz; Linda Siminerio, PHD, RN, CDE
Diabetes Care April 2004, Vol.27, 1015-1016. doi: