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Editor’s Commentary
7th Inning Stretch
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 1-2. doi:
Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition
Home-Based Resistance Training Is Not Sufficient to Maintain Improved Glycemic Control Following Supervised Training in Older Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
David W. Dunstan, PHD; Robin M. Daly, PHD; Neville Owen, PHD; Damien Jolley, MSC; Elena Vulikh, BSC; Jonathan Shaw, MD; Paul Zimmet, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 3-9. doi:
Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Glargine Versus Ultralente Insulin in the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes
Yogish C. Kudva, MD, MBBS; Ananda Basu, MD; Gregory D. Jenkins, MS; Guillermo M. Pons, MD; Lori L. Quandt, RN; Julie A. Gebel, RN; Debra A. Vogelsang, NP; Steven A. Smith, MD; Robert A. Rizza, MD; William L. Isley, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 10-14. doi:
A Two-Center Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial of Insulin Pump Therapy in Young Children With Diabetes
Darrell M. Wilson, MD; Bruce A. Buckingham, MD; Elizabeth L. Kunselman, RN, CDE; Mary M. Sullivan, RN, MSN, CDE; Helen U. Paguntalan, BS; Stephen E. Gitelman, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 15-19. doi:
Antidiabetic Drugs and Heart Failure Risk in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in the U.K. Primary Care Setting
Shoko Maru, DSC; Gary G. Koch, PHD; Monika Stender, DRSCHUM; Douglas Clark, MBA; Laura Gibowski, MPH; Hans Petri, MD, PHD; Alice D. White, PHD; Ross J. Simpson, Jr., MD, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 20-26. doi:
Epidemiology/Health Services/Psychosocial Research
Periodontal Disease and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes
Aramesh Saremi, MD; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD; Marshall Tulloch-Reid, MB, BS, DSC; Robert L. Hanson, MD, MPH; Maurice L. Sievers, MD; George W. Taylor, DMD, DRPH; Marc Shlossman, DDS, MS; Peter H. Bennett, MB, FRCP; Robert Genco, DDS, PHD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 27-32. doi:
Randomized Effectiveness Trial of a Computer-Assisted Intervention to Improve Diabetes Care
Russell E. Glasgow, PHD; Paul A. Nutting, MD, MSPH; Diane K. King, MS, OTR; Candace C. Nelson, MA; Gary Cutter, PHD; Bridget Gaglio, MPH; Alanna Kulchak Rahm, MS; Holly Whitesides, BS
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 33-39. doi:
Specialist Nurse–Led Clinics to Improve Control of Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia in Diabetes: Economic analysis of the SPLINT trial
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 40-46. doi:
Increased Utilization of Primary Care 5 Years Before Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes: A matched cohort study
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 47-52. doi:
Predictors of Health Care Costs in Adults With Diabetes
Todd P. Gilmer, PHD; Patrick J. O’Connor, MD, MPH; William A. Rush, PHD; A. Lauren Crain, PHD; Robin R. Whitebird, PHD; Ann M. Hanson, BA; Leif I. Solberg, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 59-64. doi:
The Effect of Chronic Pain on Diabetes Patients’ Self-Management
Sarah L. Krein, PHD, RN; Michele Heisler, MD, MPA; John D. Piette, PHD; Fatima Makki, MPH; Eve A. Kerr, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 65-70. doi:
Relationships Between Hyperglycemia and Cognitive Performance Among Adults With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Daniel J. Cox, PHD; Boris P. Kovatchev, PHD; Linda A. Gonder-Frederick, PHD; Kent H. Summers, PHD; Anthony McCall, MD, PHD; Kevin J. Grimm, MA; William L. Clarke, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 71-77. doi:
The Influence of Insulin Use on Glycemic Control: How well do adults follow prescriptions for insulin?
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 78-83. doi:
The Relationship of Disordered Eating Habits and Attitudes to Clinical Outcomes in Young Adult Females With Type 1 Diabetes
Robert C. Peveler, FRCPSYCH; Kathryn S. Bryden, RN; H. Andrew W. Neil, FRCP; Christopher G. Fairburn, FRCPSYCH; Richard A. Mayou, FRCPSYCH; David B. Dunger, FRCP; Hannah M. Turner, DCP
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 84-88. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Acetyl-l-Carnitine Improves Pain, Nerve Regeneration, and Vibratory Perception in Patients With Chronic Diabetic Neuropathy: An analysis of two randomized placebo-controlled trials
Anders A.F. Sima, MD, PHD; Menotti Calvani, MD; Munish Mehra, PHD; Antonino Amato, MD; for the Acetyl-l-Carnitine Study Group
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 89-94. doi:
A Prognostic Role of Mean 24-h Pulse Pressure Level for Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects Under 60 Years of Age
Shigeru Nakano, MD; Kazunori Konishi, MD; Keisuke Furuya, MD; Keigo Uehara, MD; Makoto Nishizawa, MD; Atsushi Nakagawa, MD; Toshikazu Kigoshi, MD; Kenzo Uchida, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 95-100. doi:
Is Atherosclerosis in Diabetes and Impaired Fasting Glucose Driven by Elevated LDL Cholesterol or by Decreased HDL Cholesterol?
Heinz Drexel, MD; Stefan Aczel, MD; Thomas Marte, MD; Werner Benzer, MD; Peter Langer, PHD; Willi Moll, MD; Christoph H. Saely, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 101-107. doi:
Effects of Exercise Training on Glucose Homeostasis: The HERITAGE Family Study
Normand G. Boulé, MA; S. John Weisnagel, MD; Timo A. Lakka, MD, PHD; Angelo Tremblay, PHD; Richard N. Bergman, PHD; Tuomo Rankinen, PHD; Arthur S. Leon, MD; James S. Skinner, PHD; Jack H. Wilmore, PHD; D.C. Rao, PHD; Claude Bouchard, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 108-114. doi:
Electrocardiographic Abnormalities in Individuals With Long-Duration Type 1 Diabetes
Barbara E.K. Klein, MD, MPH; Ronald Klein, MD, MPH; Patrick E. McBride, MD, PHD; Scot E. Moss, MA; Ronald J. Prineas, MD, PHD; Jennifer O. Reinke, BS
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 145-147. doi:
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated With Insulin Resistance in Children Persist Into Late Adolescence
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 148-150. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome/Insulin Resistance Syndrome/Pre-Diabetes
Plasma Concentration of IGF-I Is Independently Associated With Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects With Different Degrees of Glucose Tolerance
Giorgio Sesti, MD; Angela Sciacqua, MD; Marina Cardellini, MD; Maria Adelaide Marini, MD; Raffaele Maio, MD; Marco Vatrano, MD; Elena Succurro, MD; Renato Lauro, MD; Massimo Federici, MD; Francesco Perticone, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 120-125. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome Variables at Low Levels in Childhood Are Beneficially Associated With Adulthood Cardiovascular Risk: The Bogalusa Heart Study
Wei Chen, MD, PHD; Sathanur R. Srinivasan, PHD; Shengxu Li, MD, MPH; Jihua Xu, MD; Gerald S. Berenson, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 126-131. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome Among HIV-Infected Patients: Prevalence, characteristics, and related factors
Carlos Jericó, MD; Hernando Knobel, MD; Milagro Montero, MD; Jordi Ordoñez-Llanos, MD; Ana Guelar, MD; Juan L. Gimeno, MD; Pere Saballs, MD; Jose L. López-Colomés, MD; Juan Pedro-Botet, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 132-137. doi:
Strategies to Identify Adults at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes Prevention Program
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 138-144. doi:
Altered Fat Tissue Distribution in Young Adult Men Who Had Low Birth Weight
Eva Lind Rasmussen, MSC; Charlotte Malis, MSC; Christine Bjørn Jensen, MD, PHD; Jens-Erik Beck Jensen, MD, PHD; Heidi Storgaard, MD, PHD; Pernille Poulsen, MD, PHD; Kasper Pilgaard, MD; Jacob Hagen Schou, MD; Sten Madsbad, MD, DMSC; Arne Astrup, MD, DMSC; Allan Vaag, MD, DMSC, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 151-153. doi:
Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements
α-Glucosidase Inhibitors for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Results from a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis
Floris A. van de Laar, MD; Peter L. Lucassen, MD, PHD; Reinier P. Akkermans, MSC; Eloy H. van de Lisdonk, MD, PHD; Guy E. Rutten, MD, PHD; Chris van Weel, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 154-163. doi:
Diabetic Nephropathy: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment
Jorge L. Gross, MD; Mirela J. de Azevedo, MD; Sandra P. Silveiro, MD; Luís Henrique Canani, MD; Maria Luiza Caramori, MD; Themis Zelmanovitz, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 164-176. doi:
Urologic Complications of Diabetes
Jeanette S. Brown, MD; Hunter Wessells, MD; Michael B. Chancellor, MD; Stuart S. Howards, MD; Walter E. Stamm, MD; Ann E. Stapleton, MD; William D. Steers, MD; Stephen K. Van Den Eeden, PHD; Kevin T. McVary, MD, FACS
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 177-185. doi:
Care of Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: A statement of the American Diabetes Association
Janet Silverstein, MD; Georgeanna Klingensmith, MD; Kenneth Copeland, MD; Leslie Plotnick, MD; Francine Kaufman, MD; Lori Laffel, MD, MPH; Larry Deeb, MD; Margaret Grey, DRPH, CPNP; Barbara Anderson, PHD; Lea Ann Holzmeister, RD, CDE; Nathaniel Clark, MD, MS, RD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 186-212. doi:
Transplantation and Islet Topics
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 213-219. doi:
Early Insulin Therapy for Type 2 Diabetic Patients: More Cost Than Benefit
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 222-224. doi:
Letters: Observations
Itraconazole-Induced Painful Neuropathy in a Man With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 225. doi:
Evaluation of the Portable HealthWear Armband : A device to measure total daily energy expenditure in free-living type 2 diabetic individuals
Diane Mignault, BSC; Maxime St.-Onge, MSC; Antony D. Karelis, PHD; David B. Allison, PHD; Remi Rabasa-Lhoret, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 225-227. doi:
Hypoglycemia Following a Nateglinide Overdose in a Suicide Attempt
Shiho Nakayama, MD; Takahisa Hirose, MD; Hirotaka Watada, MD; Yasushi Tanaka, MD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 227-228. doi:
Increased Prevalence of Diabetes and Obesity in Patients With Salivary Gland Tumors
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 228. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Telecare for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Inadequate Glycemic Control : Response to Montori et al.
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 228-229. doi:
Telecare for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes and Inadequate Glycemic Control : Response to Biermann et al.
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 229-230. doi:
Effect of High-Dose Vitamin E on Insulin Resistance and Associated Parameters in Overweight Subjects : Response to Manning et al.
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 230. doi:
Effect of High-Dose Vitamin E on Insulin Resistance and Associated Parameters in Overweight Subjects : Response to Vale
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 230-231. doi:
Detection of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Asymptomatic Diabetic Subjects : Response to Wackers et al.
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 231-232. doi:
Detection of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Asymptomatic Diabetic Subjects : Response to Bhalodkar and Blum
Frans J.Th. Wackers, MD; Lawrence H. Young, MD; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; Deborah A. Chyun, PhD; for the DIAD Investigators
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 232-233. doi:
Biological Variation in HbA1c Predicts Risk of Retinopathy and Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes : Response to McCarter et al.
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 233. doi:
Biological Variation in HbA1c Predicts Risk of Retinopathy and Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes : Response to Genuth, Lachin, and Nathan
Diabetes Care January 2005, Vol.28, 234-235. doi: