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Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Improved Clinical Outcomes Associated With Metformin in Patients With Diabetes and Heart Failure
Dean T. Eurich, BSP, MSC; Sumit R. Majumdar, MD, MPH; Finlay A. McAlister, MD, MSC; Ross T. Tsuyuki, BSC(PHARM), PHARMD, MSC; Jeffrey A. Johnson, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2345-2351. doi:
An Endocrinologist-Supported Intervention Aimed at Providers Improves Diabetes Management in a Primary Care Site: Improving Primary Care of African Americans with Diabetes (IPCAAD) 7
Lawrence S. Phillips, MD; David C. Ziemer, MD; Joyce P. Doyle, MD; Catherine S. Barnes, PHD; Paul Kolm, PHD; William T. Branch, MD; Jane M. Caudle, MLN; Curtiss B. Cook, MD; Virginia G. Dunbar, BS; Imad M. El-Kebbi, MD; Daniel L. Gallina, MD; Risa P. Hayes, PHD; Christopher D. Miller, MD; Mary K. Rhee, MD; Dennis M. Thompson, PHD; Clyde Watkins, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2352-2360. doi:
Glycemic Characteristics in Continuously Monitored Patients With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Normative values
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2361-2366. doi:
Hyperglycemia Is Associated With Adverse Outcomes in Patients Receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2367-2371. doi:
Frequency and Timing of Severe Hypoglycemia Affects Spatial Memory in Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Tamara Hershey, PHD; Dana C. Perantie, BS; Stacie L. Warren, BA; Emily C. Zimmerman, BA; Michelle Sadler, RN, BSN, CDE; Neil H. White, MD, CDE
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2372-2377. doi:
Effect of Carbohydrate Ingestion on the Glycemic Response of Type 1 Diabetic Adolescents During Exercise
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2537-2538. doi:
Food Group Consumption and Glycemic Control in People With and Without Type 2 Diabetes : The ATTICA study
Emilia Papakonstantinou, MS, RD; Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, PHD; Christos Pitsavos, MD, PHD; Christina Chrysohoou, MD, PHD; Antonis Zampelas, PHD; Yannis Skoumas, MD; Christodoulos Stefanadis, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2539-2540. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Depressive Symptoms: The association revisited
Loretta Vileikyte, MD, PHD; Howard Leventhal, PHD; Jeffrey S. Gonzalez, PHD; Mark Peyrot, PHD; Richard R. Rubin, PHD; Jan S. Ulbrecht, MD; Adam Garrow, DPM, PHD; Christine Waterman, MSC; Peter R. Cavanagh, PHD, DSC; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2378-2383. doi:
Mortality in Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: A population-based study
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2384-2387. doi:
Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Insulin Resistance, and Insulin Secretion in Individuals With Normal Glucose Tolerance and in Subjects With Impaired Glucose Regulation: The Telde Study
Francisco J. Nóvoa, MD, PHD; Mauro Boronat, MD; Pedro Saavedra, PHD; Juan M. Díaz-Cremades, MD, PHD; Valois F. Varillas, MD; Fátima La Roche, MD; María P. Alberiche, MD; Armando Carrillo, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2388-2393. doi:
Mothers’ Experiences of Serious Life Events Increase the Risk of Diabetes-Related Autoimmunity in Their Children
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2394-2399. doi:
Type 2 Diabetes, Muscle Strength, and Impaired Physical Function: The tip of the iceberg?
Avan Aihie Sayer, FRCP; Elaine M. Dennison, MRCP; Holly E. Syddall, MSC; Helen J. Gilbody, BSC; David I.W. Phillips, FRCP; Cyrus Cooper, FRCP
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2541-2542. doi:
Psychological Insulin Resistance in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes : The scope of the problem
William H. Polonsky, PHD, CDE; Lawrence Fisher, PHD; Susan Guzman, PHD; Leonel Villa-Caballero, MD; Steven V. Edelman, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2543-2545. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Dose Response of Inhaled Dry-Powder Insulin and Dose Equivalence to Subcutaneous Insulin Lispro
Klaus M. Rave, MD; Leszek Nosek, MD; Amparo de la Peña, PHD; Mary Seger, MS; Charles S. Ernest, II, BS; Lutz Heinemann, PHD; Richard P. Batycky, PHD; Douglas B. Muchmore, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2400-2405. doi:
Specific Effects of Biliopancreatic Diversion on the Major Components of Metabolic Syndrome: A long-term follow-up study
Nicola Scopinaro, MD; Giuseppe Maria Marinari, MD; Giovanni Bruno Camerini, MD; Francesco Saverio Papadia, MD; Gian Franco Adami, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2406-2411. doi:
Evaluating the Clinical Accuracy of Two Continuous Glucose Sensors Using Continuous Glucose–Error Grid Analysis
William L. Clarke, MD; Stacey Anderson, MD; Leon Farhy, PHD; Marc Breton, PHD; Linda Gonder-Frederick, PHD; Daniel Cox, PHD; Boris Kovatchev, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2412-2417. doi:
Glucommander: A computer-directed intravenous insulin system shown to be safe, simple, and effective in 120,618 h of operation
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2418-2423. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Validation of Insulin Resistance Indexes in a Stable Renal Transplant Population
Leendert H. Oterdoom, BSC; Aiko P.J. de Vries, MD; Willem J. van Son, MD, PHD; Jaap J. Homan van der Heide, MD, PHD; Rutger J. Ploeg, MD, PHD; Ron T. Gansevoort, MD, PHD; Paul E. de Jong, MD, PHD; Rijk O.B. Gans, MD, PHD; Stephan J.L. Bakker, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2424-2429. doi:
A Prevalent Amino Acid Polymorphism at Codon 98 (Ala98Val) of the Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1α Is Associated With Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young and Younger Age at Onset of Type 2 Diabetes in Asian Indians
Shekher Anuradha, MSC; Venkatesan Radha, MSC, PHD; Raj Deepa, MPHIL, PHD; Torben Hansen, MD, PHD; Bendix Carstensen, MSCI; Oluf Pedersen, MD, DMSCI; Viswanathan Mohan, MD, FRCP, PHD, DSC, FNASC
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2430-2435. doi:
Glycemic Status and Development of Kidney Disease: The Framingham Heart Study
Caroline S. Fox, MD, MPH; Martin G. Larson, SCD; Eric P. Leip, MS; James B. Meigs, MD; Peter W.F. Wilson, MD; Daniel Levy, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2436-2440. doi:
Longitudinal Predictors of Reduced Mobility and Physical Disability in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2441-2447. doi:
The Influence of Age, Duration of Diabetes, Cataract, and Pupil Size on Image Quality in Digital Photographic Retinal Screening
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2448-2453. doi:
Metabolic Control of Diabetes Is Associated With an Improved Response of Diabetic Retinopathy to Panretinal Photocoagulation
Maria G. Kotoula, MD; George N. Koukoulis, MD; Elias Zintzaras, PHD; Constantinos H. Karabatsas, MD; Dimitrios Z. Chatzoulis, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2454-2457. doi:
Comparison of the Effects of Vitamins and/or Mineral Supplementation on Glomerular and Tubular Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2458-2464. doi:
Glycated and Oxidized Protein Degradation Products Are Indicators of Fasting and Postprandial Hyperglycemia in Diabetes
Naila Ahmed, PHD; Roya Babaei-Jadidi, MD, PHD; Scott K. Howell, BS; Paul J. Thornalley, PHD; Paul J. Beisswenger, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2465-2471. doi:
Insulin Sensitivity and Associated Risk Factors in Mexican Children and Adolescents
Rodolfo Cisneros-Tapia, MD; Francisco A. Navarrete, MD; Ana C. Gallegos, MS; Alma E. Robles-Sardin, MS; Rosa O. Méndez, MS; Mauro E. Valencia, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2546-2547. doi:
Hepatitis C Virus Infection : Evidence for an association with type 2 diabetes
Alessandro Antonelli, MD; Clodoveo Ferri, MD; Poupak Fallahi, MD; Alessandro Pampana, MD; Silvia Martina Ferrari; Fernando Goglia, PHD; Ele Ferrannini, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2548-2550. doi:
Plasma Glucose at Hospital Admission and Previous Metabolic Control Determine Myocardial Infarct Size and Survival in Patients With and Without Type 2 Diabetes: The Langendreer Myocardial Infarction and Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patients Assessment (LAMBDA)
Juris J. Meier, MD; Silvia Deifuss, MD; Andreas Klamann, MD; Volker Launhardt, MD; Wolff H. Schmiegel, MD, PHD; Michael A. Nauck, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2551-2553. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome / Insulin Resistance Syndrome / Pre-Diabetes
Lipid, Lipoproteins, C-Reactive Protein, and Hemostatic Factors at Baseline in the Diabetes Prevention Program
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2472-2479. doi:
The Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome Did Not Increase in Mexico City Between 1990–1992 and 1997–1999 Despite More Central Obesity
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2480-2485. doi:
Serum Ferritin Is Associated With Visceral Fat Area and Subcutaneous Fat Area
Tomoyuki Iwasaki, MD, PHD; Atsushi Nakajima, MD, PHD; Masato Yoneda, MD, PHD; Yoshihiko Yamada, MD, PHD; Koji Mukasa, MD, PHD; Koji Fujita, MD; Nobutaka Fujisawa, MD, PHD; Koichiro Wada, MD, PHD; Yasuo Terauchi, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2486-2491. doi:
High Incidence of Glucose Intolerance in Asian-Indian Subjects With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Ambady Ramachandran, MD, PHD, DSC, FRCP; Snehalatha Chamukuttan, MSC, DPHIL, DSC; Sathyamurthy Immaneni, MD, DM; Ravi Marimuthu Shanmugam, MD, DM; Nalini Vishnu, MSC; Vijay Viswanathan, MD, PHD; Tuomilehto Jaakko, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2492-2496. doi:
Elevated C-Reactive Protein Is a Predictor of the Development of Diabetes in a General Japanese Population: The Hisayama Study
Yasufumi Doi, MD; Yutaka Kiyohara, MD; Michiaki Kubo, MD; Toshiharu Ninomiya, MD; Yoshiyuki Wakugawa, MD; Koji Yonemoto, PHD; Masanori Iwase, MD; Mitsuo Iida, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2497-2500. doi:
Smoking and Incidence of Diabetes Among U.S. Adults: Findings from the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study
Capri Gabrielle Foy, PHD, MS; Ronny A. Bell, PHD; Deborah F. Farmer, PHD; David C. Goff, Jr., MD, PHD; Lynne E. Wagenknecht, DRPH
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2501-2507. doi:
Relation of Characteristics of Metabolic Syndrome to Short-Term Prognosis and Effects of Intensive Statin Therapy After Acute Coronary Syndrome: An analysis of the Myocardial Ischemia Reduction with Aggressive Cholesterol Lowering (MIRACL) trial
Gregory G. Schwartz, MD, PHD; Anders G. Olsson, MD, PHD; Michael Szarek, MS; William J. Sasiela, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2508-2513. doi:
High Plasma Level of Remnant-Like Particle Cholesterol in the Metabolic Syndrome
Akira Satoh, MD; Hisashi Adachi, MD; Makoto Tsuruta, MD; Yuji Hirai, MD; Akiko Hiratsuka, MD; Mika Enomoto, MD; Kumiko Furuki, MD; Asuka Hino, PHD; Tomohiro Takeuchi, MD; Tsutomu Imaizumi, MD, FACC
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2514-2518. doi:
Decreased β-Cell Function in Overweight Latino Children With Impaired Fasting Glucose
Marc J. Weigensberg, MD; Geoff D.C. Ball, PHD; Gabriel Q. Shaibi, BA; Martha L. Cruz, PHD; Michael I. Goran, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2519-2524. doi:
Urinary Albumin Excretion and Its Relation With C-Reactive Protein and the Metabolic Syndrome in the Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes
Auke H. Brantsma, MD; Stephan J.L. Bakker, MD, PHD; Hans L. Hillege, MD, PHD; Dick de Zeeuw, MD, PHD; Paul E. de Jong, MD, PHD; Ronald T. Gansevoort, MD, PHD; the PREVEND Study Group
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2525-2530. doi:
Women Living Alone Have an Increased Risk to Develop Diabetes, Which Is Explained Mainly by Lifestyle Factors
Jonas Lidfeldt, MD, PHD; Christina Nerbrand, MD, PHD; Göran Samsioe, MD, PHD; Carl-David Agardh, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2531-2536. doi:
The Metabolic Syndrome in Uygur and Kazak Populations
Weili Yan, PHD; Xiaoyan Yang, MD; Yujian Zheng, PHD; Dongliang Ge, PHD; Yuanming Zhang, MD; Zimei Shan, BS; Ha Simu, MD; Musilin Sukerobai, MD; Ren Wang, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2554-2555. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Diabetes During Diarrhea-Associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome : A systematic review and meta-analysis
Rita S. Suri, MD; William F. Clark, MD; Nick Barrowman, PHD; Jeffrey L. Mahon, MD, MSC; Heather R. Thiessen-Philbrook, MMATH; M. Patricia Rosas-Arellano, MD, PHD; Kelly Zarnke, MD, MSC; Jocelyn S. Garland, MD; Amit X. Garg, MD, MA, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2556-2562. doi:
Adventure Travel and Type 1 Diabetes : The complicating effects of high altitude
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2563-2572. doi:
Evaluating the Safety of Diabetes Drugs : Perspective of a Food and Drug Administration insider
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2573-2576. doi:
2nd International Symposium on Triglycerides and HDL : Metabolic syndrome
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2577-2584. doi:
Metformin and Heart Failure : Innocent until proven guilty
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2585-2587. doi:
Letters: Observations
Glial Cell Line–Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Vitreous of Patients With Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Nami Nishikiori, MD; Yoshinori Mitamura, MD; Asako Tashimo, MD; Yasushi Nakamura, MD; Takayuki Harada, MD; Makoto Osanai, MD; Norimasa Sawada, MD; Kenji Ohtsuka, MD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2588. doi:
Determinants of Response to Insulin Therapy Following Failure of Oral Agents in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2589-2590. doi:
Kremezin (AST-120) Delays the Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in Japanese Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2590. doi:
Isolated Bibrachial Plexopathy in a Patient With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2591-2592. doi:
Proposal for the Reconsideration of the Definition of Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2592-2593. doi:
Infancy-Onset Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2593-2594. doi:
Use of Insulin Glargine During Pregnancy in Seven Type 1 Diabetic Women
Jorien M. Woolderink, MD; Aren J. van Loon, MD, PHD; Fred Storms, MD; Loek de Heide, MD; Klaas Hoogenberg, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2594-2595. doi:
Concordance Between the 2005 International Diabetes Federation Definition for Diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome With the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III and the World Health Organization Definitions
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2588a-2589. doi:
Sex Differences of Age-Dependent Changes of Insulin Sensitivity in Japanese Nondiabetic Subjects
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2590a-2591. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Who Are Not Using Insulin : Response to Welschen et al
Nanne Kleefstra, MD; Sebastiaan T. Houweling, MD; Evert van Ballegooie, MD, PHD; Henk J.G. Bilo, MD, PHD, FRCP
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2596. doi:
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Who Are Not Using Insulin : Response to Welschen et al. and Kleefstra et al
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2597. doi:
C-Reactive Protein for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in the Metabolic Syndrome
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2598-2599. doi:
Reduction in Cardiovascular Events With Atorvastatin in 2,532 Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Lipid-Lowering Arm (ASCOT-LLA)
Neil R. Poulter, FRCP; Peter S. Sever, FRCP; Björn Dahlöf, MD; Hans Wedel, PHD; for the ASCOT Steering Committee and the ASCOT Investigators
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2595a-2596. doi:
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Who Are Not Using Insulin : Response to Kleefstra et al. and Davidson
Laura M.C. Welschen, MSC; Evelien Bloemendal, MSC; Giel Nijpels, MD, PHD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD; Wim A.B. Stalman, MD, PHD; Lex M. Bouter, PHD
Diabetes Care October 2005, Vol.28, 2597a-2598. doi: