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Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Insulin Pump Therapy in Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1277-1281. doi:
Improvement of Glycemic Control in Subjects With Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes : Comparison of two treatment algorithms using insulin glargine
Melanie Davies, MD; Fred Storms, MD; Simon Shutler, BSC; Monique Bianchi-Biscay, MD; Ramon Gomis, MD, PHD; for the AT.LANTUS Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1282-1288. doi:
The Decline in Blood Glucose Levels Is Less With Intermittent High-Intensity Compared With Moderate Exercise in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1289-1294. doi:
Make Your Diabetic Patients Walk: Long-term impact of different amounts of physical activity on type 2 diabetes
Chiara Di Loreto, MD; Carmine Fanelli, MD; Paola Lucidi, MD; Giuseppe Murdolo, MD; Arianna De Cicco, MD; Natascia Parlanti, MD; Anna Ranchelli, MD; Cristina Fatone, MD; Chiara Taglioni, MD; Fausto Santeusanio, MD; Pierpaolo De Feo, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1295-1302. doi:
Natural History of Kidney Graft Survival, Hypertrophy, and Vascular Function in End-Stage Renal Disease Type 1 Diabetic Kidney-Transplanted Patients: Beneficial impact of pancreas and successful islet cotransplantation
Paolo Fiorina, MD, PHD; Massimo Venturini, MD; Franco Folli, MD, PHD; Claudio Losio, MD; Paola Maffi, MD; Claudia Placidi, MB; Stefano La Rosa, MD; Elena Orsenigo, MD; Carlo Socci, MD; Carlo Capella, MD; Alessandro Del Maschio, MD; Antonio Secchi, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1303-1310. doi:
Two-Year Outcome of a Combination of Weight Loss Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes
J. Bruce Redmon, MD; Kristell P. Reck, RD; Susan K. Raatz, PHD; Joyce E. Swanson, RD; Christine A. Kwong, RD; Hong Ji, MS; William Thomas, PHD; John P. Bantle, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1311-1315. doi:
Underdiagnosis of Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1480-1481. doi:
Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A decision and cost-effectiveness analysis of four screening strategies
Wanda K. Nicholson, MD, MPH; Lee A. Fleisher, MD; Harold E. Fox, MD, MHS; Neil R. Powe, MD, MPH, MBA
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1482-1484. doi:
Long-Term Effects of Low-Calorie Diet on the Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Nondiabetic Patients
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1485-1486. doi:
Fiber and C-Reactive Protein in Diabetes, Hypertension, and Obesity
Dana E. King, MD, MS; Arch G. Mainous, III, PHD; Brent M. Egan, MD; Robert F. Woolson, PHD; Mark E. Geesey, MS
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1487-1489. doi:
Measuring Habitual Walking Speed of People With Type 2 Diabetes: Are they meeting recommendations?
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1503-1504. doi:
Epidemiology/Health Services/Psychosocial Research
Efficient Cutoff Points for Three Screening Tests for Detecting Undiagnosed Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes: An economic analysis
Ping Zhang, PHD; Michael M. Engelgau, MD; Rodolfo Valdez, PHD; Betsy Cadwell, MSPH; Stephanie M. Benjamin, PHD; K.M. Venkat Narayan, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1321-1325. doi:
Work Disability Among Individuals With Diabetes
Michael Von Korff, SCD; Wayne Katon, MD; Elizabeth H.B. Lin, MD, MPH; Gregory Simon, MD, MPH; Paul Ciechanowski, MD, MPH; Evette Ludman, PHD; Malia Oliver; Carolyn Rutter, PHD; Bessie Young, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1326-1332. doi:
Frequency, Severity, and Morbidity of Hypoglycemia Occurring in the Workplace in People With Insulin-Treated Diabetes
Alastair M. Leckie, MFOM; Mairi K. Graham, MSC; Joan B. Grant, BSC; Peter J. Ritchie, BSC; Brian M. Frier, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1333-1338. doi:
Depression and All-Cause and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Among Adults With and Without Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1339-1345. doi:
Measuring Diabetes Self-Care: A psychometric analysis of the Self-Care Inventory-revised with adults
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1346-1352. doi:
Glucose, Lipid, and Blood Pressure Control in Australian Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The 1999–2000 AusDiab
Thomas M. Kemp, FRCP; Elizabeth L.M. Barr, MPH; Paul Z. Zimmet, AO, MD, PHD; Adrian J. Cameron, MPH; Timothy A. Welborn, AO, PHD; Stephen Colagiuri, MD; Patrick Phillips, MD; Jonathan E. Shaw, MD; on behalf of the AusDiab Steering Committee
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1490-1492. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Dose-Response Relationship of Oral Insulin Spray in Healthy Subjects
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1353-1357. doi:
Islet Transplantation Is Associated With an Improvement of Cardiovascular Function in Type 1 Diabetic Kidney Transplant Patients
Paolo Fiorina, MD; Chiara Gremizzi, MD; Paola Maffi, MD; Rossana Caldara, MD; Davide Tavano, MD; Lucilla Monti, MD; Carlo Socci, MD; Franco Folli, MD; Ferruccio Fazio, MD; Ettore Astorri, MD; Alessandro Del Maschio, MD; Antonio Secchi, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1358-1365. doi:
The Beneficial Effects of Pancreas Transplant Alone on Diabetic Nephropathy
Alberto Coppelli, MD; Rosa Giannarelli, MD; Fabio Vistoli, MD; Stefano Del Prato, MD; Gaetano Rizzo, MD; Franco Mosca, MD; Ugo Boggi, MD; Piero Marchetti, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1366-1370. doi:
Casting of Recurrent Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Effective and safe?
Marrigje H. Nabuurs-Franssen, MD; Maya S.P. Huijberts, MD, PHD; Ron Sleegers; Nicolaas C. Schaper, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1493-1494. doi:
A Prospective Study of Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Receptor II (sTNF-RII) and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Among Women With Type 2 Diabetes
Iris Shai, RD, PHD; Matthias B. Schulze, DRPH; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DRPH; Kathryn M. Rexrode, MD, MPH; Meir J. Stampfer, MD, DRPH; Christos Mantzoros, MD, SCD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1376-1382. doi:
Diabetic Retinopathy Is Associated With Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease Incidence : The EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study
Manon V. van Hecke, MD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD, PHD; Bettine C.P. Polak, MD, PHD; John H. Fuller, FRCP; Anne Katrin Sjolie, DSCI; Athanasios Kofinis, MD; Raoul Rottiers, MD; Massimo Porta, MD, PHD; Nish Chaturvedi, MRCP
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1383-1389. doi:
Caffeinated Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and Caffeine in Relation to Plasma C-Peptide Levels, a Marker of Insulin Secretion, in U.S. Women
Tianying Wu, DDS, PHD; Walter C. Willett, MD, DRPH; Susan E. Hankinson, SCD; Edward Giovannucci, MD, SCD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1390-1396. doi:
Dietary Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, Fiber, Simple Sugars, and Insulin Resistance : The Inter99 study
Cathrine Lau, MSC; Kristine Færch, MSC; Charlotte Glümer, MD, PHD; Inge Tetens, MSC, PHD; Oluf Pedersen, MD, DMSC; Bendix Carstensen, MSC; Torben Jørgensen, MD, DMSC; Knut Borch-Johnsen, MD, DMSC
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1397-1403. doi:
Interaction Between Dietary Lipids and Physical Inactivity on Insulin Sensitivity and on Intramyocellular Lipids in Healthy Men
Rodrigue Stettler, MD; Michael Ith, MD, PHD; Kevin J. Acheson, PHD; Jacques Décombaz, PHD; Chris Boesch, MD, PHD; Luc Tappy, MD; Christophe Binnert, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1404-1409. doi:
Serum Adiponectin Is Increased in Type 1 Diabetic Patients With Nephropathy
Markku Saraheimo, MD; Carol Forsblom, MD, DMSC; Johan Fagerudd, MD, DMSC; Anna-Maija Teppo, PHD; Kim Pettersson-Fernholm, MD, DMSC; Jan Frystyk, MD, DMSC, PHD; Allan Flyvbjerg, MD, DMSC; Per-Henrik Groop, MD, DMSC; on behalf of the FinnDiane Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1410-1414. doi:
No Evidence for Genetically Determined Alteration in Insulin Secretion or Sensitivity Predisposing to Type 1 Diabetes: A study of identical twins
Mohammed I. Hawa, BSC; Riccardo Bonfanti, MD; Christina Valeri, MD; Michela Delli Castelli, MD; Huriya Beyan, PHD; R. David G. Leslie, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1415-1418. doi:
Beneficial Effects of Fenofibrate to Improve Endothelial Dysfunction and Raise Adiponectin Levels in Patients With Primary Hypertriglyceridemia
Kwang Kon Koh, MD, PHD, FACC, FAHA; Seung Hwan Han, MD; Michael J. Quon, MD, PHD; Jeong Yeal Ahn, MD; Eak Kyun Shin, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1419-1424. doi:
Foot Small Muscle Atrophy Is Present Before the Detection of Clinical Neuropathy
Robert L. Greenman, PHD; Lalita Khaodhiar, MD; Christina Lima, BA; Thanh Dinh, DPM; John M. Giurini, DPM; Aristidis Veves, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1425-1430. doi:
Influence of an Early-Onset Age of Type 1 Diabetes on Cerebral Structure and Cognitive Function
Stewart C. Ferguson, MRCP; Annette Blane, DCR; Joanna Wardlaw, PHD; Brian M. Frier, MD; Petros Perros, MD; Rory J. McCrimmon, MD; Ian J. Deary, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1431-1437. doi:
Early Microvascular Dysfunction in Healthy Normal-Weight Males With Heredity for Type 2 Diabetes
Gun Jörneskog, MD, PHD; Majid Kalani, MD, PHD; Jeanette Kuhl, MD; Peter Båvenholm, MD, PHD; Abram Katz, MD, PHD; Gustaf Allerstrand, MD; Michael Alvarsson, MD, PHD; Suad Efendic, MD, PHD; Claes-Göran Östenson, MD, PHD; John Pernow, MD, PHD; John Wahren, MD, PHD; Kerstin Brismar, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1495-1497. doi:
Metabolic Alterations in Middle-Aged and Elderly Lean Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1498-1499. doi:
Daily Life Activity and Risk of Developing Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1500-1502. doi:
Nonesterified Fatty Acids as Mediators of Glucose Intolerance in Indian Asian Populations
Jeetesh V. Patel, PHD; Avni Vyas, MPHIL; Dorairaj Prabhakaran, MD; Deepak Bhatnagar, PHD; Paul N. Durrington, FMED SCI; Adrien Heald, DPHIL; Elizabeth A. Hughes, MBCHB; Michael I. Mackness, PHD; K. Srinath Reddy, MD; J. Kennedy Cruickshank, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1505-1507. doi:
A Case of Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Presenting With Diabetes From Early Infancy
Tomohiro Kamoda, MD; Takashi Saito, MD; Hideyo Kinugasa, MD; Nobuaki Iwasaki, MD; Ryo Sumazaki, MD; Youko Mouri, MD; Isho Izumi, MD; Takeki Hirano, MD; Akira Matsui, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1508-1509. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome/Insulin Resistance Syndrome/Pre-Diabetes
Magnesium Intake, C-Reactive Protein, and the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged and Older U.S. Women
Yiqing Song, MD; Paul M. Ridker, MD, MPH; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DRPH; Nancy R. Cook, SCD; Julie E. Buring, SCD; Simin Liu, MD, SCD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1438-1444. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Are Associated With an Increased Likelihood of Inducible Myocardial Ischemia Among Patients With Subclinical Atherosclerosis
Nathan D. Wong, PHD, MPH; Alan Rozanski, MD; Heidi Gransar, MS; Romalisa Miranda-Peats, MPH; Xingping Kang, MD; Sean Hayes, MD; Leslee Shaw, PHD; John Friedman, MD; Donna Polk, MD, MPH; Daniel S. Berman, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1445-1450. doi:
Bimodality of 2-h Plasma Glucose Distributions in Whites: The Rancho Bernardo Study
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1451-1456. doi:
Long-Term Impact of Breast-Feeding on Body Weight and Glucose Tolerance in Children of Diabetic Mothers : Role of the late neonatal period and early infancy
Elke Rodekamp; Thomas Harder, MD, MSCE; Rainer Kohlhoff, MD; Kerstin Franke; Joachim W. Dudenhausen, MD; Andreas Plagemann, MD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1457-1462. doi:
Is the Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome Useful for Predicting Cardiovascular Disease in Asian Diabetic Patients?: Analysis from the Japan Diabetes Complications Study
Hirohito Sone, MD, PHD, FACP; Sachiko Mizuno, PHD; Hitomi Fujii, MD; Yukio Yoshimura, PHD, RD; Yoshimitsu Yamasaki, MD, PHD; Shun Ishibashi, MD, PHD; Shigehiro Katayama, MD, PHD; Yasushi Saito, MD, PHD; Hideki Ito, MD, PHD; Yasuo Ohashi, PHD; Yasuo Akanuma, MD, PHD; Nobuhiro Yamada, MD, PHD; the Japan Diabetes Complications Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1463-1471. doi:
Vital Capacity as a Predictor of Incident Type 2 Diabetes : The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study
Hsin-Chieh Yeh, PHD; Naresh M. Punjabi, MD, PHD; Nae-Yuh Wang, PHD; James S. Pankow, PHD; Bruce B. Duncan, MD, PHD; Frederick L. Brancati, MD, MHS
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1472-1479. doi:
Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Who Are Not Using Insulin: A systematic review
Laura M.C. Welschen, MSC; Evelien Bloemendal, MSC; Giel Nijpels, MD, PHD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD; Wim A.B. Stalman, MD, PHD; Lex M. Bouter, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1510-1517. doi:
Second World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome: Insulin resistance syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1518-1523. doi:
Walking and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1524-1525. doi:
Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1526-1527. doi:
Point: Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients not Receiving Insulin : The sanguine approach
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1528-1530. doi:
Counterpoint: Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients not Receiving Insulin: A waste of money
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1531-1533. doi:
Letters: Observations
Bodily Pain, Poor Physical Functioning, and Poor Glycemic Control in Adults With Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1534. doi:
Herbal Therapies and Diabetes Among Navajo Indians
Melvina McCabe, MD; Dorothy Gohdes, MD; Frank Morgan, BS; Joanne Eakin, MA; Margaret Sanders, PHD; Cheryl Schmitt, MS
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1534-1535. doi:
An Unusual Case of Secondary Diabetes due to Surreptitious Nasal Steroid Use
Sophie Brochier, MD; Orsalia Alexopoulou, MD; Dominique Maiter, MD, PHD; Martin Buysschaert, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1535-1536. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
SF-36 and Diabetes Outcome Measures
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1536-1537. doi:
Initiation of Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Failing Oral Therapy: Response to Raskin et al. and Janka et al.
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1537-1538. doi:
Initiation of Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Failing Oral Therapy: Response to Raskin et al. and Mikhail and Cope
Diabetes Care June 2005, Vol.28, 1538. doi: