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November 2006
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition
Quality of Diabetes Care in the Middle- and High-Income Group Populace: The Delhi Diabetes Community (DEDICOM) survey
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2341-2348. doi:
Parity and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study
Wanda K. Nicholson, MD, MPH, MBA; Keiko Asao, MD, PHD; Frederick Brancati, MD, MHS; Josef Coresh, MD, PHD; James S. Pankow, PHD; Neil R. Powe, MD, MPH, MBA
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2349-2354. doi:
Durability of Insulin Pump Use in Pediatric Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Jamie R. Wood, MD; Elaine C. Moreland, MD; Lisa K. Volkening, BA; Britta M. Svoren, MD; Deborah A. Butler, MSW; Lori M.B. Laffel, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2355-2360. doi:
Long-Term Efficacy of Metformin Therapy in Nonobese Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Cynthia R. Ong, MD; Lynda M. Molyneaux, RN; Maria I. Constantino, BINFOTECH; Stephen M. Twigg, MD, PHD; Dennis K. Yue, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2361-2364. doi:
Oral Treatment With α-Lipoic Acid Improves Symptomatic Diabetic Polyneuropathy: The SYDNEY 2 trial
Dan Ziegler, MD, FRCPE; Alexander Ametov, MD; Alexey Barinov, MD; Peter J. Dyck, MD; Irina Gurieva, MD; Phillip A. Low, MD; Ullrich Munzel, PHD; Nikolai Yakhno, MD; Itamar Raz, MD; Maria Novosadova, MD; Joachim Maus, MD; Rustem Samigullin, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2365-2370. doi:
Comparison of Glargine Insulin Versus Rosiglitazone Addition in Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetic Patients on Metformin Plus Sulfonylurea
Curtis Triplitt, PHARMD; Leonard Glass, MD; Yoshiniro Miyazaki, MD; Estela Wajcberg, MD; Amalia Gastaldelli, PHD; Elena De Filippis, MD; Eugenio Cersosimo, MD, PHD; Ralph A. DeFronzo, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2371-2377. doi:
Analysis of Efficacy and Safety in Patients Aged 65–75 Years at Randomization: Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS)
H. Andrew W. Neil, DSC; David A. DeMicco, PHARMD; Don Luo, PHD; D. John Betteridge, PHD; Helen M. Colhoun, MD; Paul N. Durrington, MD; Shona J. Livingstone, MSC; John H. Fuller, FRCP; Graham A. Hitman, MD; on behalf of the CARDS Study Investigators
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2378-2384. doi:
Does Coffee Consumption Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Individuals With Impaired Glucose?
Besa Smith, MPH; Deborah L. Wingard, PHD; Tyler C. Smith, MS; Donna Kritz-Silverstein, PHD; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2385-2390. doi:
Clinical Experience With U-500 Regular Insulin in Obese, Markedly Insulin-Resistant Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2504-2505. doi:
The Natural History of LDL Control in Type 2 Diabetes : A prospective study of adherence to lipid guidelines
Diana Rucker, MD, MSC; Jeffrey A. Johnson, PHD; T.K. Lee, MD; Dean T. Eurich, MSC; Richard Z. Lewanczuk, MD, PHD; Scot H. Simpson, PHARMD, MSC; Ellen L. Toth, MD; Sumit R. Majumdar, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2506-2508. doi:
Epidemiology/Health Services/Psychosocial Research
Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes in Philadelphia Is Higher in Black Than White Children From 1995 to 1999: Epidemic or misclassification?
Terri H. Lipman, PHD, CRNP; Abbas F. Jawad, PHD; Kathryn M. Murphy, PHD, RN; Alan Tuttle, MSW, LCSW; Rebecca L. Thompson, RN, BSN, CDE; Sarah J. Ratcliffe, PHD; Lorraine E. Levitt Katz, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2391-2395. doi:
Trends in Hyperinsulinemia Among Nondiabetic Adults in the U.S.
Chaoyang Li, MD, PHD; Earl S. Ford, MD, MPH; Lisa C. McGuire, PHD; Ali H. Mokdad, PHD; Randie R. Little, PHD; Gerald M. Reaven, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2396-2402. doi:
Health Care Use and Costs in the Decade After Identification of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: A population-based study
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2403-2408. doi:
The Burden and Treatment of Diabetes in Elderly Individuals in the U.S.
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2415-2419. doi:
Design and Validation of a Population-Based Definition of the Metabolic Syndrome
Carlos A. Aguilar-Salinas, MD; Rosalba Rojas, MD; Clicerio Gonzalez-Villalpando, MD; Francisco J. Gómez-Pérez, MD; Roopa Mehta, MD; Gustavo Olaiz, MD, PHD; Juan A. Rull, MD; David R. Cox, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2420-2426. doi:
Prevalence and Determinants of Insulin Resistance Among U.S. Adolescents: A population-based study
Joyce M. Lee, MD, MPH; Megumi J. Okumura, MD; Matthew M. Davis, MD, MAPP; William H. Herman, MD, MPH; James G. Gurney, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2427-2432. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Evaluation of a New Measure of Blood Glucose Variability in Diabetes
Boris P. Kovatchev, PHD; Erik Otto, MBA; Daniel Cox, PHD; Linda Gonder-Frederick, PHD; William Clarke, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2433-2438. doi:
Hematocrit, Independent of Chronic Kidney Disease, Predicts Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes in Chinese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Peter C.Y. Tong, PHD; Alice P.S. Kong, MBCHB; Wing-Yee So, MBCHB; Margaret H.L. Ng, MD; Xilin Yang, PHD; Maggie C.Y. Ng, PHD; Ronald C.W. Ma, MA; Chung-Shun Ho, PHD; Christopher W.K. Lam, PHD; Chun-Chung Chow, MBCHB; Clive S. Cockram, MD; Juliana C.N. Chan, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2439-2444. doi:
Combination of Multiple Genetic Risk Factors Is Synergistically Associated With Carotid Atherosclerosis in Japanese Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Yoshimitsu Yamasaki, MD, PHD; Naoto Katakami, MD, PHD; Ken’ya Sakamoto, MD, PHD; Hideaki Kaneto, MD, PHD; Munehide Matsuhisa, MD, PHD; Hiroshi Sato, MD, PHD; Masatsugu Hori, MD, PHD; Masakazu Haneda, MD, PHD; Atsunori Kashiwagi, MD, PHD; Yasushi Tanaka, MD, PHD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD, PHD; Shin-ichi Kuno, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2445-2451. doi:
Clinical Benefit of a Gluten-Free Diet in Type 1 Diabetic Children With Screening-Detected Celiac Disease: A population-based screening study with 2 years’ follow-up
Dorte Hansen, MD, PHD; Bendt Brock-Jacobsen, MD, DMS; Elisabeth Lund, MD; Christina Bjørn, MD; Lars P. Hansen, MD; Christian Nielsen, CS; Claus Fenger, MD, DMS; Søren T. Lillevang, MD, PHD; Steffen Husby, MD, DMS
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2452-2456. doi:
Plasma Retinol-Binding Protein-4 Concentrations Are Elevated in Human Subjects With Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Type 2 Diabetes
Young Min Cho, MD, PHD; Byung-Soo Youn, PHD; Hyewon Lee, MS; Namseok Lee, MS; Sung-Shik Min, MS; Soo Heon Kwak, MD; Hong Kyu Lee, MD, PHD; Kyong Soo Park, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2457-2461. doi:
Sustained Virological Response Correlates With Reduction in the Incidence of Glucose Abnormalities in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Rafael Simó, MD; Albert Lecube, MD; Joan Genescà, MD; Joan Ignaci Esteban, MD; Cristina Hernández, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2462-2466. doi:
Cigarette Smoking Is Associated With Low Glomerular Filtration Rate in Male Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Salvatore De Cosmo, MD; Olga Lamacchia, MD; Anna Rauseo, MD; Raffaella Viti, MD; Loreto Gesualdo, MD; Alessandra Pilotti, MD; Vincenzo Trischitta, MD; Mauro Cignarelli, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2467-2470. doi:
Polymorphism of the 3′-Untranslated Region of the Leptin Receptor Gene, but Not the Adiponectin SNP45 Polymorphism, Predicts Type 2 Diabetes: A population-based study
Monica Nannipieri, MD; Rosalinda Posadas, PHD; Alessandra Bonotti, BM; Ken Williams; Clicerio Gonzalez-Villalpando, MD; Michael P. Stern, MD; Ele Ferrannini, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2509-2511. doi:
HbA1c Values Determine the Outcome of Intrasheath Injection of Triamcinolone for Diabetic Flexor Tenosynovitis
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2512-2514. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Metabolic Syndrome: Prevalence and prediction of mortality in elderly individuals
Giovanni Ravaglia, MD; Paola Forti, MD; Fabiola Maioli, MD; Luciana Bastagli, MD; Martina Chiappelli, MD; Fausta Montesi, MD; Luigi Bolondi, MD; Christopher Patterson, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2471-2476. doi:
Obese Women and the Relation Between Cardiovascular Risk Profile and Hormone Therapy, Glucose Tolerance, and Psychosocial Conditions
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2477-2482. doi:
Celiac Disease and Risk of Subsequent Type 1 Diabetes: A general population cohort study of children and adolescents
Jonas F. Ludvigsson, MD, PHD; Johnny Ludvigsson, MD, PHD; Anders Ekbom, MD, PHD; Scott M. Montgomery, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2483-2488. doi:
Association of Pro12Ala Polymorphism in Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor γ With Pre-Diabetic Phenotypes : Meta-analysis of 57 studies on nondiabetic individuals
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2489-2497. doi:
Associations of Adiponectin Levels With Incident Impaired Glucose Metabolism and Type 2 Diabetes in Older Men and Women : The Hoorn Study
Marieke B. Snijder, PHD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD; Jacob C. Seidell, PHD; Lex M. Bouter, PHD; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD, PHD; Giel Nijpels, MD, PHD; Tohru Funahashi, PHD; Yuji Matsuzawa, MD, PHD; Iichiro Shimomura, MD, PHD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2498-2503. doi:
Is the Third Component of Metabolic Syndrome Really Predictive of Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetic Patients?
Matteo Monami, MD; Lorella Lambertucci, MD; Andrea Ungar, MD; Maria Pieri, MD; Giulio Masotti, MD; Niccolò Marchionni, MD; Edoardo Mannucci, MD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2515-2517. doi:
Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements
Effects of Different Modes of Exercise Training on Glucose Control and Risk Factors for Complications in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A meta-analysis
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2518-2527. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2528-2538. doi:
Brain Imaging in Patients With Diabetes: A systematic review
Barbera van Harten, MD; Frank-Erik de Leeuw, MD, PHD; Henry C. Weinstein, MD, PHD; Philip Scheltens, MD, PHD; Geert Jan Biessels, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2539-2548. doi:
Glycemic Treatment in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2549-2555. doi:
Letters: Observations
On the Weighted-Average Relationship Between Plasma Glucose and HbA1c
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2556-2557. doi:
Mutations in the Hereditary Hemochromatosis Gene Are Not Associated With the Increased Body Iron Stores Observed in Overweight and Obese Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
José I. Botella-Carretero, MD, PHD; Manuel Luque-Ramírez, MD; Francisco Álvarez-Blasco, MD; José L. San Millán, PHD; Héctor F. Escobar-Morreale, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2556. doi:
Is Pregnancy Outcome Worse in Type 2 Than in Type 1 Diabetic Women?
Natalia Hillman, MD; Lucrecia Herranz, MD, PHD; Pilar M. Vaquero, MD; Africa Villarroel, MD; Alberto Fernandez, BM; Luis F. Pallardo, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2557-2558. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Glucose Abnormalities in Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis: Response to Lecube et al.
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2558-2559. doi:
Glucose Abnormalities in Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis: Response to Gentilucci et al.
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2559-2560. doi:
A Clinical Screening Tool Identifies Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults: Response to Fourlanos et al.
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2560. doi:
A Clinical Screening Tool Identifies Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults: Response to Davis et al.
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2560-2561. doi:
Efficacy and Safety of Atorvastatin in the Prevention of Cardiovascular End Points in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes: The Atorvastatin Study for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Endpoints in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (ASPEN): Response to Knopp
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2561. doi:
Efficacy and Safety of Atorvastatin in the Prevention of Cardiovascular End Points in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes: The Atorvastatin Study for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Endpoints in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (ASPEN): Response to Gazi and Mikhailidis
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2561-2562. doi:
Prediction of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Occurrence Using Commonly Available Clinical Information: Response to Boyko et al.
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2562-2563. doi:
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes–2006: Response to the American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2563-2564. doi:
Prediction of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Occurrence Using Commonly Available Clinical Information: Response to Leese and Morris
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2563. doi:
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes–2006: Response to Tseng
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2564-2565. doi:
Does the Metabolic Syndrome Exist: Response to Grundy
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2565. doi:
Does the Metabolic Syndrome Exist?: Response to Davidson
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2565-2566. doi:
The Metabolic Syndrome (Emperor) Wears No Clothes: Response to Kahn
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2566. doi:
The Metabolic Syndrome (Emperor) Wears No Clothes: Response to Oda
Diabetes Care November 2006, Vol.29, 2566-2567. doi: