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Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Improved Prandial Glucose Control With Lower Risk of Hypoglycemia With Nateglinide Than With Glibenclamide in Patients With Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young Type 3
Tiinamaija Tuomi, MD, PHD; Elina H. Honkanen, MD; Bo Isomaa, MD; Leena Sarelin, RN; Leif C. Groop, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 189-194. doi:
Additive Beneficial Effects of Fenofibrate Combined With Candesartan in the Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemic Hypertensive Patients
Kwang Kon Koh, MD; Michael J. Quon, MD, PHD; Seung Hwan Han, MD; Wook-Jin Chung, MD; Jeong Yeal Ahn, MD; Jeong-a Kim, PHD; Yonghee Lee, PHD; Eak Kyun Shin, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 195-201. doi:
Effects of Intravenous Nicorandil Before Reperfusion for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Stress Hyperglycemia
Hideki Ishii, MD; Satoshi Ichimiya, MD, PHD; Masaaki Kanashiro, MD, PHD; Tetsuya Amano, MD, PHD; Tatsuaki Matsubara, MD, PHD; Toyoaki Murohara, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 202-206. doi:
Whole-Grain, Bran, and Cereal Fiber Intakes and Markers of Systemic Inflammation in Diabetic Women
Lu Qi, MD, PHD; Rob M. van Dam, PHD; Simin Liu, MD, PHD; Mary Franz, MS; Christos Mantzoros, MD, PHD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 207-211. doi:
Identification of Linguistic Barriers to Diabetes Knowledge and Glycemic Control in Chinese Americans With Diabetes
William C. Hsu, MD; Sophia Cheung, MS; Emmelyn Ong, MA; Kathy Wong, MSPH; Susan Lin, BS; Kenneth Leon, BA; Katie Weinger, EDD; George L. King, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 415-416. doi:
Diet Therapy With Diacylglycerol Oil Delays the Progression of Renal Failure in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Nephropathy
Kunio Yamamoto, MS; Kazuichi Tomonobu, MS; Hideki Asakawa, MD, PHD; Katsuto Tokunaga, MD, PHD; Tadashi Hase, MS; Ichiro Tokimitsu, PHD; Noriko Yagi, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 417-419. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Presence of Diabetes Risk Factors in a Large U.S. Eighth-Grade Cohort
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 212-217. doi:
Spectrum and Prevalence of Atherogenic Risk Factors in 27,358 Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Cross-sectional data from the German diabetes documentation and quality management system (DPV)
K. Otfried Schwab, MD; Jürgen Doerfer, MD; Wolfgang Hecker, MD; Jürgen Grulich-Henn, MD; Dagobert Wiemann, MD; Olga Kordonouri, MD; Peter Beyer, MD; Reinhard W. Holl, MD; on behalf of the DPV Initiative of the German Working Group for Pediatric Diabetology
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 218-225. doi:
Prevalence of Diabetes and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Korea: Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey 2001
S.M. Kim, MD; J.S. Lee, PHD; J. Lee, PHD; J.K. Na, MD; J.H. Han, MD; D.K. Yoon, MD; S.H. Baik, MD; D.S. Choi, MD; K.M. Choi, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 226-231. doi:
Understanding Exercise Beliefs and Behaviors in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 236-240. doi:
Comparison of Weighted Performance Measurement and Dichotomous Thresholds for Glycemic Control in the Veterans Health Administration
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 241-246. doi:
Diabetes Reporting as a Cause of Death: Results from the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study
Laura N. McEwen, PHD; Catherine Kim, MD, MPH; Mary Haan, MPH, DRPH; Debashis Ghosh, PHD; Paula M. Lantz, PHD, MS; Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH; Monika M. Safford, MD; David Marrero, PHD; Theodore J. Thompson, MS; William H. Herman, MD, MPH; the TRIAD Study Group*
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 247-253. doi:
Increased Cancer-Related Mortality for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Who Use Sulfonylureas or Insulin
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 254-258. doi:
The Impact of Patient Preferences on the Cost-Effectiveness of Intensive Glucose Control in Older Patients With New-Onset Diabetes
Elbert S. Huang, MD, MPH; Morgan Shook, BA; Lei Jin, PHD; Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH; David O. Meltzer, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 259-264. doi:
Cost-Effectiveness and Net Benefit of Enhanced Treatment of Depression for Older Adults With Diabetes and Depression
Wayne Katon, MD; Jürgen Unützer, MD, MPH; Ming-Yu Fan, PHD; John W. Williams, Jr, MD, MHS; Michael Schoenbaum, PHD; Elizabeth H.B. Lin, MD, MPH; Enid M. Hunkeler, MA
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 265-270. doi:
An Epidemiologic Profile of Children With Diabetes in the U.S.
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 420-421. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Multicentric, Randomized, Controlled Trial to Evaluate Blood Glucose Control by the Model Predictive Control Algorithm Versus Routine Glucose Management Protocols in Intensive Care Unit Patients
Johannes Plank, MD; Jan Blaha, MD; Jeremy Cordingley, MBBS; Malgorzata E. Wilinska, PHD; Ludovic J. Chassin, PHD; Cliff Morgan, PHD; Stephen Squire, BSC; Martin Haluzik, PHD; Jaromir Kremen, MD; Stepan Svacina, PHD; Wolfgang Toller, MD; Andreas Plasnik, MD; Martin Ellmerer, PHD; Roman Hovorka, PHD; Thomas R. Pieber, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 271-276. doi:
The Effect of Smoking Cessation and Subsequent Resumption on Absorption of Inhaled Insulin
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 277-282. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Monocyte Telomere Shortening and Oxidative DNA Damage in Type 2 Diabetes
Mike J. Sampson, MD; Mark S. Winterbone, BSC; Jackie C. Hughes, BSC; Nicoletta Dozio, PHD; David A. Hughes, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 283-289. doi:
Testing the Accelerator Hypothesis: Body size, β-cell function, and age at onset of type 1 (autoimmune) diabetes
Dana Dabelea, MD, PHD; Ralph B. D’Agostino, Jr, PHD; Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, PHD; David J. Pettitt, MD; Giuseppina Imperatore, MD, PHD; Larry M. Dolan, MD; Catherine Pihoker, MD; Teresa A. Hillier, MD; Santica M. Marcovina, PHD; Barbara Linder, MD; Andrea M. Ruggiero, MD, PHD; Richard F. Hamman, MD, DRPH; for the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study Group
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 290-294. doi:
Periodontal Changes in Children and Adolescents With Diabetes : A case-control study
Evanthia Lalla, DDS; Bin Cheng, PHD; Shantanu Lal, DDS; Sid Tucker, DDS; Ellen Greenberg, MS; Robin Goland, MD; Ira B. Lamster, DDS
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 295-299. doi:
Altered D-Chiro-Inositol Urinary Clearance in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Jean-Patrice Baillargeon, MD, MSC; Evanthia Diamanti-Kandarakis, MD; Richard E. Ostlund, Jr, MD; Teimuraz Apridonidze, MD; Maria J. Iuorno, MD; John E. Nestler, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 300-305. doi:
Middle-Aged Premenopausal Women With Type 1 Diabetes Have Lower Bone Mineral Density and Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasound Than Nondiabetic Women
Elsa S. Strotmeyer, PHD; Jane A. Cauley, DRPH; Trevor J. Orchard, MD; Ann R. Steenkiste, MS; Janice S. Dorman, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 306-311. doi:
Sexual Function and Endocrine Profile in Fertile Women With Type 1 Diabetes
Andrea Salonia, MD; Roberto Lanzi, MD; Marina Scavini, MD; Marina Pontillo, PHD; Elisa Gatti, MD; Giovanna Petrella, MD; Giada Licata, MD; Rossella E. Nappi, MD; Emanuele Bosi, MD; Alberto Briganti, MD; Patrizio Rigatti, MD; Francesco Montorsi, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 312-316. doi:
Serum Lipids and the Progression of Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Merlin C. Thomas, MBCHB, PHD, FRACP; Milla Rosengård-Bärlund, MD; Vashti Mills, BSC; Mats Rönnback, MD; Stephen Thomas, PHD, MRCP; Carol Forsblom, MD, DMSC; Mark E. Cooper, MBBS, PHD; Marja-Riitta Taskinen, MD, DMSC; Giancarlo Viberti, MD, FRCP; Per-Henrik Groop, MD, DMSC
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 317-322. doi:
Albumin and Fibrinogen Synthesis and Insulin Effect in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Normoalbuminuria
Paolo Tessari, MD; Edward Kiwanuka, MD; Renato Millioni, BSC; Monica Vettore; Lucia Puricelli, BSC; Michela Zanetti, MD, PHD; Antonella Gucciardi, PHD; Marina Tosolini, BSC; Paola Cogo, MD; Virgilio Carnielli, MD; Antonio Tiengo, MD; Rocco Barazzoni, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 323-328. doi:
High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A 7-year follow-up study
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 329-333. doi:
Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Predicts Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in Type 1 Diabetic Patients With Diabetic Nephropathy
Anne Sofie Astrup, MD; Lise Tarnow, DMSC; Peter Rossing, DMSC; Birgitte V. Hansen; Jannik Hilsted, DMSC; Hans-Henrik Parving, DMSC
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 334-339. doi:
Neuropathy Among the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Cohort 8 Years After Trial Completion
Catherine L. Martin, MS; James Albers, MD, PHD; William H. Herman, MD, MPH; Patricia Cleary, MS; Barbara Waberski, MS; Douglas A. Greene, MD; Martin J. Stevens, MD; Eva L. Feldman, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 340-344. doi:
Improving Metabolic Control Leads to Better Working Memory in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes
Christopher M. Ryan, PHD; Martin I. Freed, MD; Julie A. Rood, MS; Alexander R. Cobitz, MD, PHD; Brian R. Waterhouse, MS; Mark W.J. Strachan, FRCP(ED)
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 345-351. doi:
Impact of Differences in Fasting Glucose and Glucose Tolerance on the Hyperbolic Relationship Between Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Responses
Kristina M. Utzschneider, MD; Ronald L. Prigeon, MD; Darcy B. Carr, MD; Rebecca L. Hull, PHD; Jenny Tong, MD; Jane B. Shofer, MS; Barbara M. Retzlaff, RN; Robert H. Knopp, MD; Steven E. Kahn, MB, CHB
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 356-362. doi:
Hemocue Urine Albumin Point-Of-Care Test Shows Strong Agreement With the Results Obtained With a Large Nephelometer
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 422-423. doi:
Association Between Elevated Serum C-Reactive Protein and Triglyceride Levels in Young Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes
Ana M. Ladeia, MD, PHD; Eridan Stefanelli, MD; Carol Ladeia-Frota, MD; Agnaluce Moreira, PHD; Angela Hiltner, MD; Luis Adan, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 424-426. doi:
Glycemia and Corrected QT Interval Prolongation in Young Type 1 Diabetic Patients: What is the relation?
Bert Suys, MD; Sara Heuten, MD; Daniel De Wolf, MD, PHD; Marc Verherstraeten, ENG; Lieve Op de Beeck, ENG; Dirk Matthys, MD, PHD; Christiaan Vrints, MD, PHD; Raoul Rooman, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 427-429. doi:
Recurrent Comas Due to Secret Self-Administration of Insulin in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 430-431. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Prevalence of Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance in 64-Year-Old Swedish Women : Experiences of using repeated oral glucose tolerance tests
Gerhard Brohall, MD; Carl-Johan Behre, MD; Johannes Hulthe, MD, PHD; John Wikstrand, MD, PHD; Björn Fagerberg, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 363-367. doi:
Association of Systemic Concentrations of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor With Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Type 2 Diabetes : Results from the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg, Survey 4 (KORA S4)
Christian Herder, PHD; Hubert Kolb, PHD; Wolfgang Koenig, MD; Burkhard Haastert, PHD; Sylvia Müller-Scholze, PHD; Wolfgang Rathmann, MD, MSPH; Rolf Holle, PHD; Barbara Thorand, PHD, MPH; H.-Erich Wichmann, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 368-371. doi:
Clustering of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated With the Insulin Resistance Syndrome: Assessment by principal component analysis in young hyperandrogenic women
M. Elisabetta Zanolin, PHD; Flavia Tosi, MD; Giacomo Zoppini, MD; Roberto Castello, MD; Giovanna Spiazzi, MD; Romolo Dorizzi, MD; Michele Muggeo, MD; Paolo Moghetti, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 372-378. doi:
Mesenteric Fat Thickness Is an Independent Determinant of Metabolic Syndrome and Identifies Subjects With Increased Carotid Intima-Media Thickness
Kin Hung Liu, PHD; Yu Leung Chan, MD, FRCR; Wing Bun Chan, MBCHB, FRCP; Juliana Chung Ngor Chan, MD, FRCP; Chiu Wing Winnie Chu, MBCHB, FRCR
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 379-384. doi:
Lifestyle Intervention Is Associated With Lower Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence : The Diabetes Prevention Program
Jeanette S. Brown, MD; Rena Wing, PHD; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD; Leroy M. Nyberg, MD, PHD; John W. Kusek, PHD; Trevor J. Orchard, MD; Yong Ma, MS; Eric Vittinghoff, PHD, MPH; Alka M. Kanaya, MD; for the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 385-390. doi:
Coronary Heart Disease Risk Equivalence in Diabetes Depends on Concomitant Risk Factors
Barbara V. Howard, PHD; Lyle G. Best, MD; James M. Galloway, MD; William James Howard, MD; Kristina Jones, MPH; Elisa T. Lee, PHD; Robert E. Ratner, MD; Helaine E. Resnick, MPH, PHD; Richard B. Devereux, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 391-397. doi:
Coffee, Caffeine, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes : A prospective cohort study in younger and middle-aged U.S. women
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 398-403. doi:
The Importance of Waist Circumference in the Definition of Metabolic Syndrome: Prospective analyses of mortality in men
Peter T. Katzmarzyk, PHD; Ian Janssen, PHD; Robert Ross, PHD; Timothy S. Church, MD, MPH, PHD; Steven N. Blair, PED
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 404-409. doi:
Risk Scores for Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Applied in Some Populations but Not All
Charlotte Glümer, MD, PHD; Dorte Vistisen, MSC, PHD; Knut Borch-Johnsen, DMSC; Stephen Colagiuri, MD; on behalf of the DETECT-2 Collaboration
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 410-414. doi:
Insulin Resistance and the Cluster of Abnormalities Related to the Metabolic Syndrome Are Associated With Reduced Glomerular Filtration Rate in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Salvatore De Cosmo, MD; Roberto Trevisan, MD; Antonio Minenna, MD; Monica Vedovato, MD; Raffaella Viti, MD; Stefano A. Santini, MD; Alessandro R. Dodesini, MD; Paola Fioretto, MD; Vincenzo Trischitta, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 432-434. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Emerging Therapies Mimicking the Effects of Amylin and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 435-449. doi:
Gut and Adipocyte Peptides
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 450-456. doi:
Diabetes and Coronary Risk Equivalency: What does it mean?
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 457-460. doi:
Letters: Observations
Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in the Elderly Population According to IDF, WHO, and NCEP Definitions and Associations With C-Reactive Protein: The KORA Survey 2000
Wolfgang Rathmann, MD, MSPH; Burkhard Haastert, PHD; Andrea Icks, MD, MPH; Guido Giani, PHD; Rolf Holle, PHD; Wolfgang Koenig, MD; Hannelore Löwel, MD; Christa Meisinger, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 461. doi:
Flare-Up of Serum Amylase Prior to Onset of Lethal Ketoacidosis in a Patient With Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes
Jin Takahashi, MD; Koji Nishijima, MD; Ken-ichi Shukunami, MD; Akira Yakihara, MD; Toru Senda, MD; Yoshio Yoshida, MD; Fumikazu Kotsuji, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 461-462. doi:
Betel Nut Chewing Is Independently Associated With Urinary Albumin Excretion Rate in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 462-463. doi:
Effect of Multifactorial Intervention on Diabetic Macular Edema
Ramandeep Singh, MD; Vidya Abhiramamurthy, MBBS; Vishali Gupta, MD; Amod Gupta, MD; Anil Bhansali, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 463-464. doi:
Evaluation of a Diagnostic Algorithm for Hereditary Hemochromatosis in 3,500 Patients With Diabetes
Jan-Uwe Hahn, MD; Michael Steiner, MD; Sabine Bochnig; Hartmut Schmidt, MD; Peter Schuff-Werner, MD; Wolfgang Kerner, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 464-466. doi:
The −8503 G/A Polymorphism of the Adiponectin Receptor 1 Gene Is Associated With Insulin Sensitivity Dependent on Adiposity
Konstantinos Kantartzis, MD; Andreas Fritsche, MD; Fausto Machicao, PHD; Hans-Ulrich Häring, MD; Norbert Stefan, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 464. doi:
On the Weighted-Average Relationship Between Plasma Glucose and HbA1c
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 466. doi:
On the Weighted-Average Relationship Between Plasma Glucose and HbA1c: Response to Treviño
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 466-467. doi:
Hypoglycemia Preceding Fatal Car Collisions
Daniel J. Cox, PHD; Boris Kovatchev, PHD; Karen Vandecar, BS; Linda Gonder-Frederick, PHD; Lee Ritterband, PHD; William Clarke, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 467-468. doi:
Association of Serum Fetuin-A With Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetic and Nondiabetic Subjects
Katsuhito Mori, MD; Masanori Emoto, MD; Hisayo Yokoyama, MD; Takahiro Araki, MD; Megumi Teramura, MD; Hidenori Koyama, MD; Tetsuo Shoji, MD; Masaaki Inaba, MD; Yoshiki Nishizawa, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 468. doi:
Insulin Signaling, Glucose Metabolism, and the Angiotensin II Signaling System: Studies in Bartter’s/Gitelman’s syndromes
Paul A. Davis, PHD; Elisa Pagnin, PHD; Andrea Semplicini, MD; Angelo Avogaro, MD, PHD; Lorenzo A. Calò, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 469-471. doi:
Endogenous Secretory Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Product Levels Are Inversely Associated With HbA1c in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Naoto Katakami, MD, PHD; Munehide Matsuhisa, MD, PHD; Hideaki Kaneto, MD, PHD; Yoshimitsu Yamasaki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 469. doi:
The Use of Insulin Glargine With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 471-472. doi:
Exenatide (Exendin-4)–Induced Pancreatitis: A case report
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 471. doi:
Bowel Dysfunction in Wolfram Syndrome
Zhi Liu, MD; Ryuji Sakakibara, MD; Tomoyuki Uchiyama, MD; Tatsuya Yamamoto, MD; Takashi Ito, MD; Shoichi Ito, MD; Yusuke Awa, MD; Takeo Odaka, MD; Taketo Yamaguchi, MD; Takamichi Hattori, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 472-473. doi:
Objective Evidence for the Reversibility of Nerve Injury in Diabetic Neuropathic Cachexia
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 473-474. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Influence of Glycemic Index/Load on Glycemic Response, Appetite, and Food Intake in Healthy Humans: Response to Alfenas and Mattes
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 474. doi:
Influence of Glycemic Index/Load on Glycemic Response, Appetite, and Food Intake in Healthy Humans: Response to Alfenas and Mattes
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 474-475. doi:
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes: Response to position statement of the American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 476. doi:
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes: Response to Power
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 476-477. doi:
The Effect of Insulin Antibodies on the Metabolic Action of Inhaled and Subcutaneous Insulin: Response to Heise et al.
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 477. doi:
The Effect of Insulin Antibodies on the Metabolic Action of Inhaled and Subcutaneous Insulin: Response to Chantelau et al.
Tim Heise, MD; Susanne Bott, MD; Corinna Tusek, MD; Jens-Armin Stephan, MD; Tom Kawabata, PHD; Deborah Finco-Kent, MS; Cameron Liu, PHD; Alan Krasner, MD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 477-478. doi:
Cost-Effectiveness of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Not Receiving Insulin: Response to Davidson
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 480. doi:
Cost-Effectiveness of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Not Receiving Insulin: Response to Neeser et al.
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 480-481. doi:
An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Methods Used in Screening for Lower-Limb Arterial Disease in Diabetes: Response to Williams et al.
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 481. doi:
An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Methods Used in Screening for Lower-Limb Arterial Disease in Diabetes: Response to Janssen and Chantelau
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 481-482. doi:
Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Metabolic Syndrome: Response to Oh et al.
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 482. doi:
Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Metabolic Syndrome: Response to Masulli and Vaccaro
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 482-483. doi:
The Effectiveness of β-Blockers After Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Response to McDonald et al.
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 483. doi:
The Effectiveness of β-Blockers After Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Bell
Charlotte G. McDonald, MD, MSC, FRCPC; Sumit R. Majumdar, MD, MPH, FRCPC; Jeffrey L. Mahon, MD, MSC, FRCPC; Jeffrey A. Johnson, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 483-484. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes and Autism: Is there a link?: Response to Freeman et al.
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 484-485. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes and Autism: Is there a link?: Response to Harjutsalo and Tuomilehto
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 485. doi:
Metformin in Pregnancy: Its time has not yet come
Florence M. Brown, MD; Jennifer Wyckoff, MD; Janet A. Rowan, FRACP; Lois Jovanovic, MD; David A. Sacks, MD; Gerald G. Briggs, BPHARM
Diabetes Care February 2006, Vol.29, 485-486. doi: