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May 2006
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Structured Personal Diabetes Care in Primary Health Care Affects Only Women’s HbA1c
Anni B.S. Nielsen, MA, RN, PHD; Niels de Fine Olivarius, MD; Dorte Gannik, MS, DSCSOC; Charlotte Hindsberger, MS, PHD; Hanne Hollnagel, DMSC
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 963-969. doi:
A Clinical Screening Tool Identifies Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
Spiros Fourlanos, MD; Christine Perry, MD; Mark S. Stein, MD; Jim Stankovich, MD; Leonard C. Harrison, MD; Peter G. Colman, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 970-975. doi:
Diet of Adolescents With and Without Diabetes: Trading candy for potato chips?
Vicki S. Helgeson, PHD; Laura Viccaro, BA; Dorothy Becker, MBBCH; Oscar Escobar, MD; Linda Siminerio, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 982-987. doi:
Association of Breast-feeding and Early Childhood Overweight in Children From Mothers With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Ute M. Schaefer-Graf, MD; Reinhard Hartmann, MD; Julia Pawliczak; Doerte Passow; Michael Abou-Dakn, MD; Klaus Vetter, MD; Olga Kordonouri, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1105-1107. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Parent Perceptions of Caring for Adolescents With Type 2 Diabetes
Shelagh A. Mulvaney, PHD; David G. Schlundt, PHD; Eniola Mudasiru, BS; Mary Fleming, BS; Ann M. Vander Woude, MSN; William E. Russell, MD; Tom A. Elasy, MD; Russell Rothman, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 993-997. doi:
Blood Glucose and Coronary Artery Disease in Nondiabetic Patients
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 998-1001. doi:
Mealtime Interactions Relate to Dietary Adherence and Glycemic Control in Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1002-1006. doi:
Diabetes as a Tracer Condition in International Benchmarking of Health Systems
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1007-1011. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
The Use of Insulin Pumps With Meal Bolus Alarms in Children With Type 1 Diabetes to Improve Glycemic Control
H. Peter Chase, MD; Brian Horner, MS; Kim McFann, PHD; Hannah Yetzer, MS; Jana Gaston, RD; Carolyn Banion, PNP; Rosanna Fiallo-Scharer, MD; Robert Slover, MD; Georgeanna Klingensmith, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1012-1015. doi:
Improvement of Glycemic Control, Triglycerides, and HDL Cholesterol Levels With Muraglitazar, a Dual (α/γ) Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor Activator, in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled With Metformin Monotherapy: A double-blind, randomized, pioglitazone-comparative study
David M. Kendall, MD; Cindy J. Rubin, MD; Pharis Mohideen, MD; Jean-Marie Ledeine, MSC; Rene Belder, MD; Jorge Gross, MD; Paul Norwood, MD; Michael O’Mahony, MD; Kenneth Sall, MD; Greg Sloan, MD; Anthony Roberts, MBBS; Fred T. Fiedorek, MD; Ralph A. DeFronzo, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1016-1023. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Monitoring Kidney Function in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Incipient and Overt Diabetic Nephropathy
Peter Rossing, DMSC; Kasper Rossing, MD; Peter Gæde, MD; Oluf Pedersen, DMSC; Hans-Henrik Parving, DMSC
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1024-1030. doi:
Increased Plasma Amylin in Type 1 Diabetic Patients After Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation: A sign of impaired β-cell function?
Marietta Stadler, MD; Christian Anderwald, MD, MPHARM; Tina Karer, MD; Andrea Tura, PHD; Thomas Kästenbauer, PHD; Martin Auinger, MD; Christian Bieglmayer, MD; Oswald Wagner, MD; Florian Kronenberg, MD; Peter Nowotny; Giovanni Pacini, DSC; Rudolf Prager, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1031-1038. doi:
Role of Genetic Polymorphism Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ2 Pro12Ala on Ethnic Susceptibility to Diabetes in South-Asian and Caucasian Subjects: Evidence for heterogeneity
Venkatesan Radha, PHD; Karani S. Vimaleswaran, MSC; Hunsur Narayan S. Babu, MSC; Nicola Abate, MD; Manisha Chandalia, MD; Pankaj Satija, MD; Scott M. Grundy, MD, PHD; Saurabh Ghosh, PHD; Partha P. Majumder, PHD; Raj Deepa, PHD; Sathyanarayana M.R. Rao, PHD; Viswanathan Mohan, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1046-1051. doi:
The Effects of the Pro12Ala Polymorphism of the Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ2 Gene on Glucose/Insulin Metabolism Interact With Prenatal Exposure to Famine
Susanne R. de Rooij, MSC; Rebecca C. Painter, MD, MSC; David I.W. Phillips, PHD, FRCP; Clive Osmond, PHD; Michael W.T. Tanck, PHD; Joep C. Defesche, PHD; Patrick M.M. Bossuyt, PHD; Robert P.J. Michels, MD, PHD; Otto P. Bleker, MD, PHD, FRCOG; Tessa J. Roseboom, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1052-1057. doi:
Burden of Infection and Insulin Resistance in Healthy Middle-Aged Men
José-Manuel Fernández-Real, MD, PHD; Abel López-Bermejo, MD, PHD; Joan Vendrell, MD, PHD; Maria-José Ferri, MD; Mónica Recasens, MD; Wifredo Ricart, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1058-1064. doi:
Immune Reactivity to a Glb1 Homologue in a Highly Wheat-Sensitive Patient With Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease
Majid Mojibian, MLD; Habiba Chakir, PHD; Amanda J. MacFarlane, PHD; David E. Lefebvre, BSC; John R. Webb, PHD; Claire Touchie, MD; Jacob Karsh, MD; Jennifer A. Crookshank, MSC; Fraser W. Scott, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1108-1110. doi:
Plasma sRAGE Is Independently Associated With Urinary Albumin Excretion in Type 2 Diabetes
Per M. Humpert, MD; Stefan Kopf; Zdenka Djuric, MD; Thoralf Wendt, MD; Michael Morcos, MD; Peter P. Nawroth, MD; Angelika Bierhaus, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1111-1113. doi:
Is Peripheral Neuropathy Associated With Retinopathy and Albuminuria in Individuals With Impaired Glucose Metabolism?: The 1999–2000 AusDiab
Elizabeth L.M. Barr, MPH; Tien Y. Wong, MD, PHD; Robyn J. Tapp, PHD; C. Alex Harper, MD; Paul Z. Zimmet, MD, PHD; Robert Atkins, MSC, MD; Jonathan E. Shaw, MD; on behalf of the AusDiab Steering Committee
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1114-1116. doi:
Association of Nephrin Gene Polymorphisms With Type 2 Diabetes in a Japanese Population : The Funagata Study
Makoto Daimon, MD; Guijin Ji, PHD; Toshihide Oizumi, MD; Takashi Kido, MS; Masanori Baba, MS; Yumi Jimbu, MD; Wataru Kameda, MD; Shinji Susa, MD; Hiroshi Yamaguchi, MD; Hiroshi Ohnuma, MD; Masaaki Muramatsu, MD; Takeo Kato, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1117-1119. doi:
Contrasting Testosterone Concentrations in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Rashmi Tomar, MD; Sandeep Dhindsa, MD; Ajay Chaudhuri, MD; Priya Mohanty, MD; Rajesh Garg, MD; Paresh Dandona, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1120-1122. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Antihypertensive Medications and the Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1065-1070. doi:
Effect of Rosiglitazone on Endothelial Function and Inflammatory Markers in Patients With the Metabolic Syndrome
Katherine Esposito, MD, PHD; Miryam Ciotola, MD; Diego Carleo, MD; Bruno Schisano, BT; Franco Saccomanno, MD; Ferdinando Carlo Sasso, MD; Domenico Cozzolino, MD; Roberta Assaloni, MD; Domenico Merante, MD; Antonio Ceriello, MD; Dario Giugliano, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1071-1076. doi:
Association of Elevated Serum Ferritin Levels and the Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnant Women: The Camden Study
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1077-1082. doi:
Metformin Improves Endothelial Vascular Reactivity in First-Degree Relatives of Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Metabolic Syndrome and Normal Glucose Tolerance
Luiz Guilherme Kraemer de Aguiar, MD; Luciana R. Bahia, MD; Nivaldo Villela, MD, PHD; Camila Laflor, MSC; Fernando Sicuro, MSC; Nicolas Wiernsperger, PHD; Daniel Bottino, MD, PHD; Eliete Bouskela, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1083-1089. doi:
Common Presence of Non–Transferrin-Bound Iron Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Duk-Hee Lee, MD; Ding Yong Liu, PHD; David R. Jacobs, Jr., PHD; Hai-Rim Shin, MD; Kyungeun Song, MD; In-Kyu Lee, MD; Bowan Kim, MD; Robert C. Hider, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1090-1095. doi:
Proinflammatory Cytokines, Insulin Resistance, and Insulin Secretion in Chronic Hepatitis C patients: A case-control study
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1096-1101. doi:
A Proposal for the Cutoff Point of Waist Circumference for the Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome in the Japanese Population
Kazuo Hara, MD, PHD; Yumi Matsushita, PHD; Momoko Horikoshi, MD, PHD; Nobuo Yoshiike, MD, PHD; Tetsuji Yokoyama, PHD; Heizo Tanaka, MD, PHD; Takashi Kadowaki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1123-1124. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Coronary, Cerebral, and Peripheral Vascular Disease in a Large Dutch Population With Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Jamal S. Rana, MD, PHD; Angelique C. Jansen, MD, PHD; Aeilko H. Zwinderman, PHD; Max Nieuwdorp, MD; Emily S. van Aalst-Cohen, MD, PHD; J. Wouter Jukema, MD, PHD; Mieke D. Trip, MD, PHD; John J.P. Kastelein, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1125-1127. doi:
Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in Individuals With Central Obesity in a Rural Japanese Population: The Tanno and Sobetsu Study
Hirofumi Ohnishi, MD, PHD; Shigeyuki Saitoh, MD, PHD; Satoru Takagi, MD, PHD; Nobuo Katoh, MD; Yu Chiba, MD; Hiroshi Akasaka, MD; Yosuke Nakamura, MD; Kazuaki Shimamoto, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1128-1129. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Contributions of β-Cell Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance to the Pathogenesis of Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Impaired Fasting Glucose
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1130-1139. doi:
Glucose Abnormalities in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Epidemiology and pathogenesis
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1140-1149. doi:
Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: A consensus statement from the American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1150-1159. doi:
Cardiovascular Disease
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1160-1166. doi:
Antihypertensive Therapy and the Risk of New-Onset Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1167-1169. doi:
Counterpoint: Impaired Fasting Glucose: The Case Against the New American Diabetes Association Guidelines
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1173-1175. doi:
Letters: Observations
The Biogun: A novel way of eradicating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization in diabetic foot ulcers
Cuong Nguyen Dang, MCRP; Ramzana Anwar, DPODM; Gwen Thomas, DPODM; Yemparala D.M. Prasad, MRCP; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD; Rayaz A. Malik, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1176. doi:
Higher Levels of HDL Cholesterol Are Associated With a Decreased Likelihood of Albuminuria in Patients With Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes: Response to Molitch et al.
Bogna Wierusz-Wysocka, MD; Dorota A. Zozulinska, MD; Aleksandra Araszkiewicz, MD; Dorota Pisarczyk-Wiza, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1176-1177. doi:
Integrating Pediatric Diabetes Education Into Routine Clinical Care: The Families, Adolescents and Children’s Teamwork Study (FACTS)
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1177. doi:
Prostatic Cancer, Hypogonadism, and Insulin Resistance: A case report
John A. Kiayias, MD; Eugenia D. Vlachou, PHD; Sofoklis Bakides, MD; Eudokia Petridou, MD; Ilias N. Migdalis, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1178-1179. doi:
A Case of Type 1 Diabetes Followed by Methimazole-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1179-1180. doi:
Favorable Effects of Early Insulin Secretion by Nateglinide on Postprandial Hyperlipidemia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1180. doi:
Association of hGrb10 Genetic Variations With Type 2 Diabetes in Caucasian Subjects
Rosa Di Paola, PHD; Ester Ciociola, PHD; Watip Boonyasrisawat, MS; David Nolan, BS; Jill Duffy, BS; Giuseppe Miscio, PHD; Carmela Cisternino, BSC; Grazia Fini, BSC; Vittorio Tassi, MD, PHD; Alessandro Doria, MD, PHD; Vincenzo Trischitta, MD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1181-1183. doi:
Transient Diabetes Associated With Withdrawal of Lithium Therapy
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1181. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Change in HbA1c as a Measure of Quality of Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1183-1184. doi:
Change in HbA1c as a Measure of Quality of Diabetes Care: Response to Spitz
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1184-1185. doi:
Proposal for the Reconsideration of the Definition of Gestational Diabetes: Response to Omori and Jovanovic
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1185. doi:
Proposal for the Reconsideration of the Definition of Gestational Diabetes: Response to Dawood
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1185. doi:
The Effect of Monochromatic Infrared Energy on Sensation in Subjects With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study: Response to Burke
Judy K. Clifft, PT, MS; Richard J. Kasser, PT, PHD; Timothy S. Newton, PT, DPT, OCS, CWS; Andrew J. Bush, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1186-1187. doi:
Ischemia Imaging and Plaque Imaging in Diabetes: Complementary Tools to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Management: Response to Raggi et al.
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1187. doi:
Cut Points of Waist Circumference: Response to Sone and Colleagues
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1188-1189. doi:
Cut Points of Waist Circumference: Response to Oda
Diabetes Care May 2006, Vol.29, 1189. doi: