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July 2006
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition
Combined Treatment With Exercise Training and Acarbose Improves Metabolic Control and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Profile in Subjects With Mild Type 2 Diabetes
Henrik Wagner, MD; Marie Degerblad, MD; Anders Thorell, MD; Jonas Nygren, MD; Agneta Ståhle, PHD; Jeanette Kuhl, MD; Torkel B. Brismar, MD; John Öhrvik, PHD; Suad Efendic, MD; Peter N. Båvenholm, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1471-1477. doi:
Efficacy and Safety of Atorvastatin in the Prevention of Cardiovascular End Points in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes: The Atorvastatin Study for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Endpoints in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (ASPEN)
Robert H. Knopp, MD; Michael d’Emden, MD; Johan G. Smilde, MD, PHD; Stuart J. Pocock, PHD; on behalf of the ASPEN Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1478-1485. doi:
The Effect of Glucose Variability on the Risk of Microvascular Complications in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1486-1490. doi:
Glucose Control Influences Glomerular Filtration Rate and Its Prediction in Diabetic Subjects
Vincent Rigalleau, MD, PHD; Catherine Lasseur, MD; Christelle Raffaitin; Caroline Perlemoine, MD; Nicole Barthe, PHARMD; Philippe Chauveau, MD; Christian Combe, MD, PHD; Henri Gin, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1491-1495. doi:
Impact of Glycemic Control on Survival of Diabetic Patients on Chronic Regular Hemodialysis: A 7-year observational study
Takeshi Oomichi, MD; Masanori Emoto, MD; Tsutomu Tabata, MD; Tomoaki Morioka, MD; Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, MD; Hideki Tahara, MD; Tetsuo Shoji, MD; Yoshiki Nishizawa, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1496-1500. doi:
Dietary Fibers and Glycemic Load, Obesity, and Plasma Adiponectin Levels in Women With Type 2 Diabetes
Lu Qi, MD, PHD; James B. Meigs, MD, MPH; Simin Liu, MD, SCD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DRPH; Christos Mantzoros, MD, SCD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1501-1505. doi:
Increased Adiposity at Diagnosis in Younger Children With Type 1 Diabetes Does Not Persist
Samantha L. Clarke, MND; Maria E. Craig, PHD, FRACP; Sarah P. Garnett, MND, PHD; Albert K. Chan, MAPPSTAT; Christopher T. Cowell, FRACP; Janine M. Cusumano, RN; Olga Kordonouri, MD; Abi Sambasivan, MBBCHIR; Kim C. Donaghue, PHD, FRACP
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1651-1653. doi:
Walking Faster: Distilling a complex prescription for type 2 diabetes management through pedometry
Steven T. Johnson, MSC; Linda J. McCargar, PHD, RD; Gordon J. Bell, PHD; Catrine Tudor-Locke, PHD, FACSM; Vicki J. Harber, PHD; Rhonda C. Bell, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1654-1655. doi:
Should Group Education Classes Be Separated by Type of Diabetes?
Arlene Smaldone, DNSC, CPNP, CDE; Om P. Ganda, MD; Sheila McMurrich, BA; Keri Hannagan, BA; Susan Lin, BS; A. Enrique Caballero, MD; Katie Weinger, EDD, RN
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1656-1658. doi:
Epidemiology/Health Services/Psychosocial Research
Assessing the Impact of Visual Acuity on Quality of Life in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Using the Short Form-36
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1506-1511. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Continuous Glucose Monitoring–Guided Insulin Adjustment in Children and Adolescents on Near-Physiological Insulin Regimens: A randomized controlled trial
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1512-1517. doi:
The Prevalence, Severity, and Impact of Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1518-1522. doi:
Blood Pressure and Hematocrit in Diabetes and the Role of Endothelial Responses in the Variability of Blood Viscosity
Beatriz Y. Salazar-Vazquez, MD, MSC; Marcos Intaglietta, PHD; Martha Rodríguez-Morán, MD, MSC, PHD; Fernando Guerrero-Romero, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1523-1528. doi:
Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity and Periventricular White Matter Hyperintensities in Type 2 Diabetes
Vera Novak, MD, PHD; David Last, PHD; David C. Alsop, PHD; Amir M. Abduljalil, PHD; Kun Hu, PHD; Lukas Lepicovsky; Jerry Cavallerano, OD, PHD; Lewis A. Lipsitz, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1529-1534. doi:
IGF-Binding Protein-1 Levels Are Related to Insulin-Mediated Glucose Disposal and Are a Potential Serum Marker of Insulin Resistance
Betty A. Maddux, BS; Adelene Chan, BS; Lawrence J. Mandarino, PHD; Ira D. Goldfine, MD; Elena A. De Filippis, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1535-1537. doi:
Long-Term Clinical Effects of Epalrestat, an Aldose Reductase Inhibitor, on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: The 3-year, multicenter, comparative Aldose Reductase Inhibitor-Diabetes Complications Trial
Nigishi Hotta, MD; Yasuo Akanuma, MD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD; Kempei Matsuoka, MD; Yoshitomo Oka, MD; Motoaki Shichiri, MD; Takayoshi Toyota, MD; Mitsuyoshi Nakashima, MD; Isao Yoshimura, PHD; Nobuo Sakamoto, MD; Yukio Shigeta, MD; the ADCT Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1538-1544. doi:
Effect of Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor γ Agonist Treatment on Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Patients With Insulin-Requiring Type 2 Diabetes
Howard N. Hodis, MD; Wendy J. Mack, PHD; Ling Zheng, PHD; Yanjie Li, MD; Mina Torres, MS; Diego Sevilla, PA; Yolanda Stewart, BS; Barbara Hollen, MPH; Karla Garcia, BA; Petar Alaupovic, PHD; Thomas A. Buchanan, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1545-1553. doi:
Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia After Gastric Bypass Surgery Is Not Accompanied by Islet Hyperplasia or Increased β-Cell Turnover
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1554-1559. doi:
Is Nonalbuminuric Renal Insufficiency in Type 2 Diabetes Related to an Increase in Intrarenal Vascular Disease?
Richard J. MacIsaac, BSC(HONS), PHD, MBBS, FRACP; Sianna Panagiotopoulos, BSC(HONS), PHD; Karen J. McNeil, MBBS, FRACP, MPH+TM; Trudy J. Smith, BSC, MAPPSC; Con Tsalamandris, MBBS; Huming Hao, MD, DMU; P. Geoffrey Matthews, MBBS, PHD, DDU, FRACP; Merlin C. Thomas, MBCHB, FRACP, PHD; David A. Power, FRACP, PHD; George Jerums, MBBS, FRACP, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1560-1566. doi:
Physical Activity, Cardiovascular Fitness, and Insulin Sensitivity Among U.S. Adolescents: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2002
Giuseppina Imperatore, MD, PHD; Yiling J. Cheng, MD, PHD; Desmond E. Williams, MD, PHD; Janet Fulton, PHD; Edward W. Gregg, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1567-1572. doi:
Prospective Study of Diabetes and Risk of Hip Fracture: The Nurses’ Health Study
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1573-1578. doi:
The Relationship Between Diabetes and Infectious Hospitalizations in Renal Transplant Recipients
M. Cecilia Lansang, MD, MPH; Linan Ma, MSPH; Jesse D. Schold, MSTAT, MED; Herwig-Ulf Meier-Kriesche, MD; Bruce Kaplan, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1659-1660. doi:
Lipoprotein(a) as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease in a Prospectively Followed Cohort of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Barbara Kollerits, MPH; Martin Auinger, MD; Veronika Reisig, MD; Thomas Kästenbauer, PHD, MSC; Arno Lingenhel, PHD; Karl Irsigler, MD; Rudolf Prager, MD; Florian Kronenberg, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1661-1663. doi:
Elevated Serum Osteoprotegerin Levels Are Associated With Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1664-1666. doi:
Absence of Sexual Dimorphism in the Symptomatic Responses to Hypoglycemia in Adults With and Without Type 1 Diabetes
Jacqueline Geddes, MRCP(UK); Roderick E. Warren, MRCP(UK); Andrew J. Sommerfield, MRCP(UK); Vincent McAulay, MD; Mark W.J. Strachan, MD; Kate V. Allen, MRCP(UK); Ian J. Deary, PHD; Brian M. Frier, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1667-1669. doi:
Kidney Graft and Patient Survival With and Without a Simultaneous Pancreas Utilizing Contralateral Kidneys From the Same Donor
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1670-1672. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
A Prospective Study of Dairy Intake and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Women
Simin Liu, MD, SCD; Hyon K. Choi, MD, DRPH; Earl Ford, MD; Yiqing Song, MD, SCD; Anna Klevak, PHD; Julie E. Buring, SCD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DRPH
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1579-1584. doi:
Ethnicity, Obesity, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Women: A 20-year follow-up study
Iris Shai, PHD; Rui Jiang, MD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD; Meir J. Stampfer, MD; Walter C. Willett, MD; Graham A. Colditz, MD; Frank B. Hu, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1585-1590. doi:
The Metabolic Syndrome Is Frequent in Klinefelter’s Syndrome and Is Associated With Abdominal Obesity and Hypogonadism
Anders Bojesen, MD, PHD; Kurt Kristensen, MD, PHD; Niels H. Birkebaek, MD, PHD; Jens Fedder, MD, PHD; Leif Mosekilde, MD, DMSCI; Paul Bennett, MD; Peter Laurberg, MD, DMSCI; Jan Frystyk, MD, DMSCI; Allan Flyvbjerg, MD, DMSCI; Jens S. Christiansen, MD, DMSCI; Claus H. Gravholt, MD, DMSCI
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1591-1598. doi:
Are Obesity-Related Metabolic Risk Factors Modulated by the Degree of Insulin Resistance in Adolescents?
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1599-1604. doi:
Promoting Physical Activity in a Low-Income Multiethnic District: Effects of a Community Intervention Study to Reduce Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: A community intervention reducing inactivity
Anne Karen Jenum, MD, MPH, PHD; Sigmund A. Anderssen, PHD; Kåre I. Birkeland, MD, PHD; Ingar Holme, PHD; Sidsel Graff-Iversen, MD, PHD; Catherine Lorentzen, MSC; Yngvar Ommundsen, PHD; Truls Raastad, PHD; Ann Kristin Ødegaard, BSC; Roald Bahr, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1605-1612. doi:
Risk of Progression to Type 2 Diabetes Based on Relationship Between Postload Plasma Glucose and Fasting Plasma Glucose
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1613-1618. doi:
Use of HbA1c in Predicting Progression to Diabetes in French Men and Women: Data from an Epidemiological Study on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome (DESIR)
Celine Droumaguet, MD, MSC; Beverley Balkau, PHD; Dominique Simon, MD, PHD; Emile Caces, MSC; Jean Tichet, MD; Marie Aline Charles, MD; Eveline Eschwege, MD; the DESIR Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1619-1625. doi:
Hypoadiponectinemia and Proinflammatory State: Two Sides of the Same Coin?: Results From the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg Survey 4 (KORA S4)
Christian Herder, PHD; Hans Hauner, MD; Burkhard Haastert, PHD; Karin Röhrig; Wolfgang Koenig, MD; Hubert Kolb, PHD; Sylvia Müller-Scholze, PHD; Barbara Thorand, PHD, MPH; Rolf Holle, PHD; Wolfgang Rathmann, MD, MSPH
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1626-1631. doi:
Short Stature and the Risk of Adiposity, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes in Middle Age: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), 1988–1994
Keiko Asao, MD, MPH; W.H. Linda Kao, PHD; Kesha Baptiste-Roberts, MPH; Karen Bandeen-Roche, PHD; Thomas P. Erlinger, MD, MPH; Frederick L. Brancati, MD, MHS
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1632-1637. doi:
A Strong Dose-Response Relation Between Serum Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Diabetes: Results from the National Health and Examination Survey 1999–2002
Duk-Hee Lee, MD, PHD; In-Kyu Lee, MD, PHD; Kyungeun Song, MD, PHD; Michael Steffes, MD, PHD; William Toscano, PHD; Beth A. Baker, MD, PHD; David R. Jacobs, Jr, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1638-1644. doi:
Hypoadiponectinemia Is Associated With Progression Toward Type 2 Diabetes and Genetic Variation in the ADIPOQ Gene Promoter
Peter E.H. Schwarz, MD; Gordon W. Towers, PHD; Sabine Fischer, MD; Suresh Govindarajalu, MD; Jan Schulze, MD; Stephan R. Bornstein, MD; Markolf Hanefeld, MD; Francis Vasseur, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1645-1650. doi:
Risk Associated With the Metabolic Syndrome Versus the Sum of Its Individual Components
Johan Sundström, MD, PHD; Erik Vallhagen; Ulf Risérus, BM, MMED, PHD; Liisa Byberg, MMED, PHD; Björn Zethelius, MD, PHD; Christian Berne, MD, PHD; Lars Lind, MD, PHD; Erik Ingelsson, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1673-1674. doi:
Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements
A Systematic Review of Interventions to Improve Diabetes Care in Socially Disadvantaged Populations
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1675-1688. doi:
Does the Metabolic Syndrome Exist?
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1689-1692. doi:
The Metabolic Syndrome (Emperor) Wears No Clothes
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1693-1696. doi:
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: A call to action from the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1697-1699. doi:
Third Annual World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome: Mediators, antecedents, and measurement
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1700-1706. doi:
Glucose Variability and Complications
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1707-1709. doi:
Letters: Observations
Implantable Pump Therapy Restores Metabolic Control and Quality of Life in Type 1 Diabetic Patients With Buschke’s Nonsystemic Scleroderma
Sabine Baillot-Rudoni, MD; Dominique Apostol, MD; Geneviève Vaillant, MD; Jean-Marcel Brun, MD; Eric Renard, MD, PHD; on behalf of the EVADIAC Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1710. doi:
Possible Problem With Optipen Pro-1: Should diabetic patients continue to use this product?
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1710-1711. doi:
Improvement of Type 2 Diabetes in a Lung Cancer Patient Treated With Erlotinib
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1711. doi:
Insulin Allergy and Immunologic Insulin Resistance Caused by Interleukin-6 in a Patient With Lung Cancer
Satomi Mizuhashi, MD; Keigo Nakamura, MD, PHD; Yasumichi Mori, MD, PHD; Mitsuhiko Noda, MD; Koji Nakanishi, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1711-1712. doi:
Relapse of Diabetes After Interruption of Chronic Administration of Anti–Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Antibody Infliximab: A case observation
Babak Yazdani-Biuki, MD; Thomas Mueller, MD; Hans-Peter Brezinschek, MD; Josef Hermann, MD; Winfried Graninger, MD; Thomas C. Wascher, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1712-1713. doi:
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Sardinia: Results from an early, universal screening procedure
Cinzia Murgia, MD; Rachele Berria, MD; Luigi Minerba, MD; Barbara Malloci, MD; Claudia Daniele, MD; Pierina Zedda, RN; M. Giovanna Ciccotto, MD; Simonetta Sulis, MD; Michela Murenu, MD; Franco Tiddia, MD; Mario Manai, MD; Gian Benedetto Melis, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1713-1714. doi:
Areca Nut Chewing Is Associated With Metabolic Syndrome: Role of tumor necrosis factor-α, leptin, and white blood cell count in betel nut chewing–related metabolic derangements
Fu-Mei Chung, MS; Dao-Ming Chang, MD; Miao-Pei Chen, MS; Jack C.-R. Tsai, MD, MPH; Yi-Hsin Yang, PHD; Tien-Yu Shieh, PHD; Shyi-Jang Shin, MD, PHD; Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen, PHD; Tong-Yuan Tai, MD, PHD; Yau-Jiunn Lee, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1714. doi:
An Epidemiologic Study on the Prevalence of Diabetes, Glucose Intolerance, and Metabolic Syndrome in the Adult Population of the Republic of Cyprus
Theodoros Loizou, MD; Stavros Pouloukas, PHD; Charalambos Tountas, MD; Anastasia Thanopoulou, MD; Vasilios Karamanos, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1714-1715. doi:
The Metabolic Syndrome and Glucose Tolerance Status Deterioration Over 23-Year Follow-Up
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1715-1716. doi:
A Rare but Serious Side Effect of Levofloxacin: Hypoglycemia in a geriatric patient
Mehmet Kanbay, MD; Timucin Aydogan, MD; Rifat Bozalan, MD; Ayse Isik, MD; Burak Uz, MD; Arif Kaya, MD; Ali Akcay, MD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1716-1717. doi:
The Prevalence and Management of Diabetes in Rural India
Clara K. Chow, MBBS; P. Krishnam Raju, MBBS; Rama Raju, MBBS; K. Srinath Reddy, MD; Magnolia Cardona, MPH; David S. Celermajer, PHD; Bruce C. Neal, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1717-1718. doi:
Cigarette Smoking Affects Urinary Liver-Type Fatty Acid–Binding Protein Concentration in Patients With Early Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1717. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Validity of Glycemic Index Estimates in the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study: Response to Liese et al.
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1718-1719. doi:
A Single Factor Underlies the Metabolic Syndrome: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Response to Pladevall et al.
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1719-1720. doi:
A Single Factor Underlies the Metabolic Syndrome: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Response to McCaffery et al.
Manel Pladevall, MD, MS; Bonita Singal, MD, PHD; L. Keoki Williams, MD, MPH; Carlos Brotons, MD, PHD; Heidi Guyer, MPH; Josep Sadurni, MD; Carles Falces, MD; Manuel Serrano-Rios, MD, PHD; Rafael Gabriel, MD, PHD; Jonathan E. Shaw, MD, FRACP; Paul Z. Zimmet, MD, PHD; Steven Haffner, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care July 2006, Vol.29, 1720. doi: