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December 2007
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Recruitment to a Clinical Trial Improves Glycemic Control in Patients With Diabetes
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 2989-2992. doi:
Lipid, Glycemic, and Insulin Responses to Meals Rich in Saturated, cis-Monounsaturated, and Polyunsaturated (n-3 and n-6) Fatty Acids in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Meena Shah, PHD; Beverley Adams-Huet, MS; Linda Brinkley, RD; Scott M. Grundy, MD, PHD; Abhimanyu Garg, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 2993-2998. doi:
Burden of Comorbid Medical Conditions and Quality of Diabetes Care
Jewell H. Halanych, MD, MSC; Monika M. Safford, MD; Wendy C. Keys, MPH; Sharina D. Person, PHD; James M. Shikany, DRPH; Young-Il Kim, PHD; Robert M. Centor, MD; Jeroan J. Allison, MD, MSC
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 2999-3004. doi:
Diabetes, Depression, and Death: A randomized controlled trial of a depression treatment program for older adults based in primary care (PROSPECT)
Hillary R. Bogner, MD, MSCE; Knashawn H. Morales, SCD; Edward P. Post, MD, PHD; Martha L. Bruce, PHD, MPH
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3005-3010. doi:
Glycemic Effects of Moderate Alcohol Intake Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A multicenter, randomized, clinical intervention trial
Iris Shai, RD, PHD; Julio Wainstein, MD; Ilana Harman-Boehm, MD; Itamar Raz, MD; Drora Fraser, PHD; Assaf Rudich, MD, PHD; Meir J. Stampfer, MD, DRPH
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3011-3016. doi:
Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Treatment-Naive Elderly Patients: Benefits and risks of vildagliptin monotherapy
Richard E. Pratley, MD; Julio Rosenstock, MD; F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, MD; Mary Ann Banerji, MD; Anja Schweizer, PHD; Andre Couturier, MSC; Sylvie Dejager, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3017-3022. doi:
Continuous Home Monitoring of Glucose: Improved glycemic control with real-life use of continuous glucose sensors in adult subjects with type 1 diabetes
Satish K. Garg, MD; William C. Kelly, BS; Mary K. Voelmle, MS, FNP, CDE; Peter J. Ritchie, BA; Peter A. Gottlieb, MD; Kim K. McFann, PHD; Samuel L. Ellis, PHARMD, CDE
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3023-3025. doi:
Targeting Glucose in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Has glucose, insulin, and potassium infusion missed the target?
Ajay Chaudhuri, MD; Michael Miller, PHD; Richard Nesto, MD; Noah Rosenberg, MD; Paresh Dandona, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3026-3028. doi:
Diabetes or Impaired Glucose Tolerance: Does the label matter?
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3029-3030. doi:
Flexible Intensive Versus Conventional Insulin Therapy in Insulin-Naive Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: An open-label, randomized, controlled, crossover clinical trial of metabolic control and patient preference
Christof Kloos, MD; Alexander Sämann, MD; Thomas Lehmann, DSC; Anke Braun, MD; Barbara Heckmann; Ulrich A. Müller, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3031-3032. doi:
Perception of Offspring Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Their Adult Offspring
Masakazu Nishigaki, RN, MHLTHSC; Koji Kobayashi, RN, PHD; Takako Hitomi, RN, MHLTHSC; Taeko Yokomura, RN; Mitsunao Yokoyama, MD, PHD; Naoto Seki, MD, PHD; Keiko Kazuma, RN, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3033-3034. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Trends in Hospitalizations for Diabetes Among Children and Young Adults: United States, 1993–2004
Joyce M. Lee, MD, MPH; Megumi J. Okumura, MD; Gary L. Freed, MD, MPH; Ram K. Menon, MD; Matthew M. Davis, MD, MAPP
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3035-3039. doi:
Influence of Family History of Diabetes on Incidence and Prevalence of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of the Adult: Results from the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3040-3045. doi:
Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices and Sources of Information for Diabetic Patients in Lahore, Pakistan
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3046-3047. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Influence of Flickering Light on the Retinal Vessels in Diabetic Patients
Aleksandra Mandecka, MD; Jens Dawczynski, MD; Marcus Blum, MD; Nicolle Müller, DNUTR; Christoph Kloos, MD; Gunter Wolf, MD; Walthard Vilser, MS; Heike Hoyer, MS; Ulrich Alfons Müller, MD, MSC
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3048-3052. doi:
Atrophy of Foot Muscles in Diabetic Patients Can Be Detected With Ultrasonography
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3053-3057. doi:
Neurovascular Factors in Wound Healing in the Foot Skin of Type 2 Diabetic Subjects
Singhan T.M. Krishnan, MRCP; Cristian Quattrini, MD; Maria Jeziorska, PHD; Rayaz A. Malik, MRCP, PHD; Gerry Rayman, FRCP, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3058-3062. doi:
Evaluation of Polyneuropathy Markers in Type 1 Diabetic Kidney Transplant Patients and Effects of Islet Transplantation: Neurophysiological and skin biopsy longitudinal analysis
Ubaldo Del Carro, MD; Paolo Fiorina, MD, PHD; Stefano Amadio, MD; Luisa De Toni Franceschini, MD; Alessandra Petrelli, MD; Stefano Menini, PHD; Filippo Martinelli Boneschi, MD, PHD; Stefania Ferrari, MD; Giuseppe Pugliese, MD, PHD; Paola Maffi, MD; Giancarlo Comi, MD; Antonio Secchi, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3063-3069. doi:
Incidences, Treatments, Outcomes, and Sex Effect on Survival in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease by Diabetes Status in Australia and New Zealand (1991–2005)
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3070-3076. doi:
Microvascular and C-Fiber Function in Diabetic Charcot Neuroarthropathy and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3077-3079. doi:
C-Reactive Protein in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Wolfgang Otter, MD; Michael Winter, MD; Wittich Doering, MD; Eberhard Standl, MD; Oliver Schnell, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3080-3082. doi:
Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A Levels Are Related to Glycemic Control but Not to Lipid Profile or Hemostatic Parameters in Type 2 Diabetes
Silvia Pellitero, MD; Jordi L. Reverter, MD, PHD; Eduarda Pizarro, MD, PHD; Maria Cruz Pastor, MD, PHD; Maria Luisa Granada, MD, PHD; Dolors Tàssies, MD, PHD; Juan-Carlos Reverter, MD, PHD; Isabel Salinas, MD, PHD; Anna Sanmartí, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3083-3085. doi:
Low Serum Angiogenin Concentrations in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Janusz Siebert, MD, PHD; Magdalena Reiwer-Gostomska, MD; Zofia Babińska, MD; Jolanta Myśliwska, MD, PHD; Andrzej Myśliwski, MD, PHD; Ewa Skopińska-Różewska, MD, PHD; Ewa Sommer, MD; Piotr Skopiński, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3086-3087. doi:
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults in a South Asian Population of the U.K.
Abigail C. Britten, BSC; Karen Jones, BSC; Carina Törn, PHD; Magnus Hillman, PHD; Birgitte Ekholm; Sudhesh Kumar, MD, FRCP; Anthony H. Barnett, MD, FRCP; Marilyn Ann Kelly, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3088-3090. doi:
GAD Antibody in Multiplex Diabetic Pedigrees of Chinese
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3091-3092. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Intrahepatic Fat Accumulation and Alterations in Lipoprotein Composition in Obese Adolescents: A perfect proatherogenic state
Anna M.G. Cali, MD; Tosca L. Zern, PHD; Sara E. Taksali, MPH; Ana Mayra de Oliveira, MD; Sylvie Dufour, PHD; James D. Otvos, PHD; Sonia Caprio, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3093-3098. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome and Incident End-Stage Peripheral Vascular Disease: A 14-year follow-up study in elderly Finns
Jianjun Wang, MD; Sanna Ruotsalainen, MD; Leena Moilanen, MD; Päivi Lepistö, MD; Markku Laakso, MD; Johanna Kuusisto, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3099-3104. doi:
Does Waist Circumference Predict Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Beyond Commonly Evaluated Cardiometabolic Risk Factors?
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3105-3109. doi:
Gene Expression of Adiponectin Receptors in Human Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Is Related to Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Parameters and Is Altered in Response to Physical Training
Matthias Blüher, MD; Catherine J. Williams, BS; Nora Klöting, PHD; Alex Hsi, BS; Karen Ruschke, PHD; Andreas Oberbach, PHD; Mathias Fasshauer, MD; Janin Berndt; Michael R. Schön, MD; Alicja Wolk, DMSC; Michael Stumvoll, MD; Christos S. Mantzoros, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3110-3115. doi:
Waist Circumference Thresholds Provide an Accurate and Widely Applicable Method for the Discrimination of Diabetes
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3116-3118. doi:
Change in Albuminuria Is Predictive of Cardiovascular Outcome in Normotensive Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Microalbuminuria
Adrienne A.M. Zandbergen, MD, PHD; Liffert Vogt, MD; Dick de Zeeuw, MD, PHD; Steven W.J. Lamberts, MD, PHD; Rob J.T.H. Ouwendijk, MD, PHD; Marinus G.A. Baggen, MD, PHD; Aart H. Bootsma, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3119-3121. doi:
Simvastatin Reduces Plasma Osteoprotegerin in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Microalbuminuria
Birgitte Nellemann, RF; Lars C. Gormsen, MD; Jens Dollerup, MSC; Ole Schmitz, MD; Carl E. Mogensen, MD; Lars M. Rasmussen, MD; Søren Nielsen, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3122-3124. doi:
Lifestyle Intervention and Adipokine Levels in Subjects at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: The Study on Lifestyle intervention and Impaired glucose tolerance Maastricht (SLIM)
Eva Corpeleijn, PHD; Edith J.M. Feskens, PHD; Eugène H.J.M. Jansen, PHD; Marco Mensink, MD, PHD; Wim H.M. Saris, MD, PHD; Ellen E. Blaak, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3125-3127. doi:
Impaired Postprandial Blood Flow in Adipose Tissue May Be an Early Marker of Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes
George Dimitriadis, MD, DPHIL; Vaia Lambadiari, MD; Panayota Mitrou, MD; Eirini Maratou, PHD; Eleni Boutati, MD; Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, PHD; Theofanis Economopoulos, MD; Sotirios A. Raptis, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3128-3130. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Diabetes, the Metabolic Syndrome, and Ischemic Stroke: Epidemiology and possible mechanisms
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3131-3140. doi:
Lessons From the Avandia Controversy: A new paradigm for the development of drugs to treat type 2 diabetes
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, 3141-3144. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Effects of Maternal Diabetes on Visual Evoked Potentials and Early Psychomotor Development of the Offspring
Mario Brinciotti, MD; Maria Matricardi, MD, PHD; Antonietta Colatrella, MD; Francesco Torcia, MD; Francesco Fallucca, MD; Angela Napoli, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e128. doi:
Islet Autotransplantation Restores Normal Glucose Tolerance in a Patient With Chronic Pancreatitis
Severine Illouz, PHD; M'Balu Webb, MSC; Cristina Pollard, BA; Patrick Musto, FCA(SA); Kieran O'Reilly, MBCHB; David Berry, MD; Ashley Dennison, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e130. doi:
Possible Relevance of HLA-DRB1*0403 Haplotype in Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by α-Lipoic Acid, Used as a Dietary Supplement
Tetsuya Yamada, MD, PHD; Junta Imai, MD, PHD; Yasushi Ishigaki, MD, PHD; Yoshinori Hinokio, MD, PHD; Yoshitomo Oka, MD, PHD; Hideki Katagiri, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e131. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
The Role of Iron in Diabetes and Its Complications: Reponse to Swaminathan et al.
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e132. doi:
On Real-Time Estimates of Blood Glucose Levels: Response to Treviño
Oliver J. Gibson, MENG; Andrew J. Farmer, FRCGP; Patrick E. McSharry, DPHIL; Lionel Tarassenko, DPHIL
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e133. doi:
On Real-Time Estimates of Blood Glucose Levels: Response to Gibson et al.
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e134. doi:
Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone Levels, and the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Response to Reis et al.
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e135. doi:
Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone Levels, and the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Community-Dwelling Older Adults : Response to Lippi et al.
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e136. doi:
Strong Association Between Time Watching Television and Blood Glucose Control in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes : Response to Margeirsdottir et al.
Alessandro Giannattasio, MD; Francesca Lugani, MD; Angela Pistorio, MD, PHD; Nicola Minuto, MD; Renata Lorini, MD; Giuseppe d'Annunzio, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e137. doi:
Effect of Periodontitis on Overt Nephropathy and End-Stage Renal Disease in Type 2 Diabetes : Response to Shultis et al.
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e138. doi:
Effect of Periodontitis on Overt Nephropathy and End-Stage Renal Disease in Type 2 Diabetes : Response to Varon
Wendy A. Shultis, PHD; E. Jennifer Weil, MD; Helen C. Looker, MBBS; Jeffrey M. Curtis, MD, MPH; Marc Shlossman, DDS, MS; Robert J. Genco, DDS, PHD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e139. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome in Hypertensive Patients: Correlation Between Anthropometric Data and Laboratory Findings : Response to Bulhões and Araújo
Ticiana C. Rodrigues, MD; Caroline K. Kramer, MD; Thais Steemburgo, RD; Valesca Dall'Alba, RD; Mirela J. Azevedo, MD
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e140. doi:
Consensus Statement on the Worldwide Standardization of the Hemoglobin A1C Measurement: the American Diabetes Association, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and the International Diabetes Federation : Response to the Consensus Committee
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e141. doi:
Corneal Sensitivity Is Reduced and Relates to the Severity of Neuropathy in Patients with Diabetes : Response to Tavakoli et al.
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e142. doi:
Corneal Sensitivity Is Reduced and Relates to the Severity of Neuropathy in Patients With Diabetes : Response to Dash
Mitra Tavakoli, MSC; Panagiotis A. Kallinikos, PHD; Nathan Efron, PHD; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD, FRCP; Rayaz A. Malik, PHD, MRCP
Diabetes Care December 2007, Vol.30, e143. doi: