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March 2007
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition
Factors Influencing Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes During Acute- and Maintenance-Phase Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder With Bupropion
Patrick J. Lustman, PHD; Monique M. Williams, MD; Gregory S. Sayuk, MD; Billy D. Nix; Ray E. Clouse, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 459-466. doi:
The Impact of Glycemic Control on Neonatal Outcome in Singleton Pregnancies Complicated by Gestational Diabetes
Víctor Hugo González-Quintero, MD, MPH; Niki B. Istwan, RN; Debbie J. Rhea, MPH; Lorna I. Rodriguez, MD; Amanda Cotter, MD; Jena Carter, MD; Antoaneta Mueller, MD; Gary J. Stanziano, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 467-470. doi:
Effects of Medical Therapy on Insulin Resistance and the Cardiovascular System in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 471-478. doi:
Prevalence and Treatment of Low HDL Cholesterol Among Primary Care Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: An unmet challenge for cardiovascular risk reduction
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 479-484. doi:
Does Dairy Calcium Intake Enhance Weight Loss Among Overweight Diabetic Patients?
Danit R. Shahar, RD, PHD; Relly Abel, RD, MSC; Asher Elhayany, MD; Hillel Vardi, MSC; Drora Fraser, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 485-489. doi:
Effect of Point-of-Care on Maintenance of Glycemic Control as Measured by A1C
John R. Petersen, PHD; Jane B. Finley, BS; Anthony O. Okorodudu, PHD; Amin A. Mohammad, PHD; James J. Grady, PHD; Mandeep Bajaj, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 713-715. doi:
Tai Chi Chuan Exercise Decreases A1C Levels Along With Increase of Regulatory T-Cells and Decrease of Cytotoxic T-Cell Population in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Shu-Hui Yeh, PHD; Hau Chuang, MS; Li-Wei Lin, MS; Chiu-Yueh Hsiao, MS; Pei-Wen Wang, MD; Kuender D. Yang, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 716-718. doi:
Exercise Reduces Resistin and Inflammatory Cytokines in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Nikolaos P. Kadoglou, MD; Despina Perrea, PHD; Fotios Iliadis, MD; Nikoleta Angelopoulou, MD; Christos Liapis, FACS, FRCS; Miltiadis Alevizos, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 719-721. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services / Psychosocial Research
Discordance in Perceptions of Barriers to Diabetes Care Between Patients and Primary Care and Secondary Care
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 490-495. doi:
Glycemic and Risk Factor Control in Type 1 Diabetes: Results from 13,612 patients in a national diabetes register
Katarina Eeg-Olofsson, MD; Jan Cederholm, MD, PHD; Peter M. Nilsson, MD, PHD; Soffia Gudbjörnsdóttir, MD; Björn Eliasson, MD; for the Steering Committee of the Swedish National Diabetes Register
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 496-502. doi:
Increasing Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes in 0- to 17-Year-Old Colorado Youth
Kendra Vehik, MPH; Richard F. Hamman, MD, DRPH; Dennis Lezotte, PHD; Jill M. Norris, MPH, PHD; Georgeanna Klingensmith, MD; Clifford Bloch, MD; Marian Rewers, MD, PHD; Dana Dabelea, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 503-509. doi:
An Accurate Risk Score Based on Anthropometric, Dietary, and Lifestyle Factors to Predict the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
Matthias B. Schulze, DRPH; Kurt Hoffmann, PHD; Heiner Boeing, PHD; Jakob Linseisen, PHD; Sabine Rohrmann, PHD; Matthias Möhlig, MD; Andreas F.H. Pfeiffer, MD; Joachim Spranger, MD; Claus Thamer, MD; Hans-Ulrich Häring, MD; Andreas Fritsche, MD; Hans-Georg Joost, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 510-515. doi:
Association of Television Viewing With Fasting and 2-h Postchallenge Plasma Glucose Levels in Adults Without Diagnosed Diabetes
David W. Dunstan, PHD; Jo Salmon, PHD; Genevieve N. Healy, MPH; Jonathan E. Shaw, MD; Damien Jolley, MSC; Paul Z. Zimmet, MD; Neville Owen, PHD; on behalf of the AusDiab Steering Committee
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 516-522. doi:
Serum Zinc Level and Coronary Heart Disease Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Minna Soinio, MD; Jukka Marniemi, PHD; Markku Laakso, MD; Kalevi Pyörälä, MD; Seppo Lehto, MD; Tapani Rönnemaa, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 523-528. doi:
Pesticide Exposure and Self-Reported Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the Agricultural Health Study
Tina M. Saldana, PHD; Olga Basso, PHD; Jane A. Hoppin, SCD; Donna D. Baird, PHD; Charles Knott, MPA; Aaron Blair, PHD; Michael C.R. Alavanja, DRPH; Dale P. Sandler, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 529-534. doi:
Diabetes and Coronary Heart Disease in Filipino-American Women: Role of growth and life-course socioeconomic factors
Claudia Langenberg, MD; Maria Rosario G. Araneta, PHD; Jaclyn Bergstrom, MS; Michael Marmot, FRCP; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 535-541. doi:
Clinical Depression Versus Distress Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Not just a question of semantics
Lawrence Fisher, PHD; Marilyn M. Skaff, PHD; Joseph T. Mullan, PHD; Patricia Arean, PHD; David Mohr, PHD; Umesh Masharani, MD; Russell Glasgow, PD; Grace Laurencin, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 542-548. doi:
Perceptions of Psychosocial Factors and the Insulin Pump
Marilyn D. Ritholz, PHD; Arlene Smaldone, DNSC, CPNP, CDE; Jarim Lee, BA; Astrid Castillo, BA; Howard Wolpert, MD; Katie Weinger, EDD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 549-554. doi:
Randomized Trial of Behavioral Family Systems Therapy for Diabetes: Maintenance of effects on diabetes outcomes in adolescents
Tim Wysocki, PHD; Michael A. Harris, PHD; Lisa M. Buckloh, PHD; Debbie Mertlich, LCSW; Amanda S. Lochrie, PHD; Nelly Mauras, MD; Neil H. White, MD, CDE
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 555-560. doi:
Prospective Study of Hyperglycemia and Cancer Risk
Pär Stattin, MD, PHD; Ove Björ, BSC; Pietro Ferrari, BSC; Annekatrin Lukanova, MD, PHD; Per Lenner, MD, PHD; Bernt Lindahl, MD, PHD; Göran Hallmans, MD, PHD; Rudolf Kaaks, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 561-567. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Classification of Distinct Baseline Insulin Infusion Patterns in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes on Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy
Paul-Martin Holterhus, MD; Rainer Odendahl, MD; Sandra Oesingmann; Rudolf Lepler, MD; Verena Wagner, MD; Olaf Hiort, MD; Reinhard Holl, MD; the German/Austrian DPV Initiative and the German Pediatric CSII Working Group
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 568-573. doi:
Improving Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Ratios Using Telemedicine-Based Digital Retinal Imaging Technology: The Vine Hill Study
Cathy R. Taylor, DRPH, MSN, RN; Lawrence M. Merin, BA, RBP; Amy M. Salunga, MSN, RN; Joseph T. Hepworth, PHD; Terri D. Crutcher, MSN, RN; Denis M. O’Day, MD; Bonita A. Pilon, DSN, RN
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 574-578. doi:
Two-Year Safety and Efficacy of Inhaled Human Insulin (Exubera) in Adult Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Jay S. Skyler, MD; Lois Jovanovic, MD; Sol Klioze, PHD; Joann Reis, RN; William Duggan, PHD; for the Inhaled Human Insulin Type 1 Diabetes Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 579-585. doi:
An Off-the-Shelf Instant Contact Casting Device for the Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A randomized prospective trial versus traditional fiberglass cast
Alberto Piaggesi, MD; Silvia Macchiarini, DPM; Loredana Rizzo, MD; Francesca Palumbo, MD; Anna Tedeschi, MD; Laura Ambrosini Nobili, DPM; Elisa Leporati, DPM; Vincenzo Scire, DPM; Ilaria Teobaldi, DPM; Stefano Del Prato, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 586-590. doi:
Dual Endothelin Receptor Blockade Acutely Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Patients With Insulin Resistance and Coronary Artery Disease
Gunvor Ahlborg, MD, PHD; Alexey Shemyakin, MD; Felix Böhm, MD, PHD; Adrian Gonon, MD, PHD; John Pernow, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 591-596. doi:
Altered Kidney Graft High-Energy Phosphate Metabolism in Kidney-Transplanted End-Stage Renal Disease Type 1 Diabetic Patients: A cross-sectional analysis of the effect of kidney alone and kidney-pancreas transplantation
Paolo Fiorina, MD,PHD; Gianluca Perseghin, MD; Francesco De Cobelli, MD; Chiara Gremizzi, MD; Alessandra Petrelli, MD; Lucilla Monti, MD; Paola Maffi, MD; Livio Luzi, MD; Antonio Secchi, MD; Alessandro Del Maschio, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 597-603. doi:
Effect of Cardiac Resynchronization on Morbidity and Mortality of Diabetic Patients With Severe Heart Failure
Uta C. Hoppe, MD; Nick Freemantle, PHD; John G.F. Cleland, MD; Monique Marijianowski, PHD; Erland Erdmann, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 722-724. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Circulating Soluble Transferrin Receptor According to Glucose Tolerance Status and Insulin Sensitivity
José Manuel Fernández-Real, MD, PHD; José Maria Moreno; Abel López-Bermejo, MD, PHD; Berta Chico; Joan Vendrell, MD, PHD; Wifredo Ricart, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 604-608. doi:
Risk Factors Associated With the Onset and Progression of Posttransplantation Diabetes in Renal Allograft Recipients
Kyu Yeon Hur, MD, PHD; Myoung Soo Kim, MD, PHD; Yu Seun Kim, MD, PHD; Eun Seok Kang, MD, PHD; Jae Hyun Nam, MD, PHD; So Hun Kim, MD; Chung Mo Nam, PHD; Chul Woo Ahn, MD, PHD; Bong Soo Cha, MD, PHD; Soon Il Kim, MD, PHD; Hyun Chul Lee, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 609-615. doi:
Circulating Visfatin Is Associated With Parameters of Iron Metabolism in Subjects With Altered Glucose Tolerance
José Manuel Fernández-Real, MD, PHD; José María Moreno; Berta Chico; Abel López-Bermejo, MD, PHD; Wifredo Ricart, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 616-621. doi:
Association Between Serum Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Insulin Resistance Among Nondiabetic Adults: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2002
Duk-Hee Lee, MD, PHD; In-Kyu Lee, MD, PHD; Soo-Hee Jin, PHD; Michael Steffes, MD, PHD; David R. Jacobs, Jr., PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 622-628. doi:
Proteomic Identification of Urinary Biomarkers of Diabetic Nephropathy
Paturi V. Rao, MD; Xinfang Lu, MS; Melissa Standley, BS; Patrick Pattee, BS; Gundupalle Neelima, MD; Gudige Girisesh, MD; K.V. Dakshinamurthy, MD; Charles T. Roberts, Jr., PHD; Srinivasa R. Nagalla, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 629-637. doi:
Prediction of Diabetic Nephropathy Using Urine Proteomic Profiling 10 Years Prior to Development of Nephropathy
Hasan H. Otu, PHD; Handan Can, PHD; Dimitrios Spentzos, MD; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD; Robert L. Hanson, MD, MPH; Helen C. Looker, MBBS; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; Manuel Monroy, MD; Towia A. Libermann, PHD; S. Ananth Karumanchi, MD; Ravi Thadhani, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 638-643. doi:
Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity in Relation to Fasting Glucose in Healthy Subjects
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 644-648. doi:
Impaired Skin Microvascular Reactivity in Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
Cristian Quattrini, MD, MPHIL; Nigel D. Harris, PHD; Rayaz A. Malik, PHD, MRCP; Solomon Tesfaye, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 655-659. doi:
Rate of Healing of Neuropathic Ulcers of the Foot in Diabetes and Its Relationship to Ulcer Duration and Ulcer Area
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 660-663. doi:
Impact of Disease Characteristics on the Efficacy of Duloxetine in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
Dan Ziegler, MD, FRCP(E); Yili L. Pritchett, PHD; Fujun Wang, PHD; Durisala Desaiah, PHD; Michael J. Robinson, MD; Jerry A. Hall, MD; Amy S. Chappell, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 664-669. doi:
Advanced Glycation End Products and Antioxidant Status in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With and Without Peripheral Artery Disease
Annunziata Lapolla, MD; Francesco Piarulli, MD; Giovanni Sartore, MD; Antonio Ceriello, MD; Eugenio Ragazzi, MD; Rachele Reitano, MD; Lorenzo Baccarin, MLT; Barbara Laverda, MD; Domenico Fedele, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 670-676. doi:
Progressive Loss of β-Cell Function Leads to Worsening Glucose Tolerance in First-Degree Relatives of Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Miriam Cnop, MD, PHD; Josep Vidal, MD, PHD; Rebecca L. Hull, PHD; Kristina M. Utzschneider, MD; Darcy B. Carr, MD; Todd Schraw, PHD; Philipp E. Scherer, PHD; Edward J. Boyko, MD; Wilfred Y. Fujimoto, MD; Steven E. Kahn, MB, CHB
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 677-682. doi:
Habitual Physical Activity Is Associated With Intrahepatic Fat Content in Humans
Gianluca Perseghin, MD; Guido Lattuada, PHD; Francesco De Cobelli, MD; Francesca Ragogna, PHD; Georgia Ntali, MD; Antonio Esposito, MD; Elena Belloni, MD; Tamara Canu; Ileana Terruzzi, PHD; Paola Scifo, PHD; Alessandro Del Maschio, MD; Livio Luzi, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 683-688. doi:
NOS3 Polymorphisms Are Associated With Arterial Stiffness in Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 689-693. doi:
Deficit of Somatostatin in the Vitreous Fluid of Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema
Rafael Simó, MD; Esther Carrasco, PHD; Alex Fonollosa, PHD; Josep García-Arumí, MD; Roser Casamitjana, MD; Cristina Hernández, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 725-727. doi:
Elevated Endothelial Microparticles Following Consecutive Meals Are Associated With Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes
Maarten E. Tushuizen, MD; Rienk Nieuwland, PHD; Cees Rustemeijer, MD, PHD; Bert E. Hensgens, PHD; Augueste Sturk, PHD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD, FRCP; Michaela Diamant, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 728-730. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Television Viewing Is Associated With Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Hispanic Elders
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 694-700. doi:
The Effect of Menopause on the Metabolic Syndrome Among Korean Women: The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 701-706. doi:
Insulin Resistance, the Metabolic Syndrome, and Complication Risk in Type 1 Diabetes: “Double diabetes” in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 707-712. doi:
Characterizing Young Patients With Diabetes and Non–ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
Rajendra H. Mehta, MD, MS; Sarah Milford-Beland, MS; Eric D. Peterson, MD, MPH; Deepak L. Bhatt, MD; Michael E. Farkouh, MD; Gerald X. Brogan, MD; W. Brian Gibler, MD; E. Magnus Ohman, MD; Matthew T. Roe, MD, MHS
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 731-733. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Spectrum of Liver Disease in Type 2 Diabetes and Management of Patients With Diabetes and Liver Disease
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 734-743. doi:
Physical Activity of Moderate Intensity and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A systematic review
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 744-752. doi:
Impaired Fasting Glucose and Impaired Glucose Tolerance: Implications for care
David M. Nathan, MD; Mayer B. Davidson, MD; Ralph A. DeFronzo, MD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD, FRCP; Robert R. Henry, MD; Richard Pratley, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 753-759. doi:
Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, 760-765. doi:
Letters: Observations
Beneficial Effects of a 4-Week Exercise Program on Plasma Concentrations of Adhesion Molecules
Anke Tönjes, MD; Markus Scholz, PHD; Mathias Fasshauer, MD; Jürgen Kratzsch, PHD; Fauci Rassoul, PHD; Michael Stumvoll, MD; Matthias Blüher, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, e1. doi:
Letters: Comments and Responses
Increased Adiposity at Diagnosis in Younger Children With Type 1 Diabetes Does Not Persist: Response to d’Annunzio et al.
Kim C. Donaghue, PHD; Samantha L. Clarke, MND; Maria E. Craig, PHD; Sarah P. Garnett, MND, PHD; Albert K. Chan, MAPPSTAT; Christopher T Cowell, MB, BS
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, e10. doi:
Cigarette Smoking Is Associated With Low Glomerular Filtration Rate in Male Patients With Type 2 Diabetes : Response to De Cosmo et al.
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, e2. doi:
Cigarette Smoking Is Associated With Low Glomerular Filtration Rate in Male Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Saito et al.
Salvatore De Cosmo, MD; Olga Lamacchia, MD; Loreto Gesualdo, MD; Vincenzo Trischitta, MD; Mauro Cignarelli, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, e3. doi:
Plasma Retinol-Binding Protein-4 Concentrations Are Elevated in Human Subjects With Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Type 2 Diabetes : Response to Cho et al.
Shai Gavi, DO, PHD; Saima Qurashi, MD; Mark M. Melendez, MD; Dennis C. Mynarcik, PHD; Margaret A. McNurlan, PHD; Marie C. Gelato, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, e7. doi:
Increased Adiposity at Diagnosis in Younger Children With Type 1 Diabetes Does Not Persist: Response to Clarke et al.
Giuseppe d’Annunzio, MD; Valentina Emmanuele, MD; Angela Pistorio, MD; Vera Morsellino, MD; Renata Lorini, MD
Diabetes Care March 2007, Vol.30, e9. doi: