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March 2008
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Relationship of A1C to Glucose Concentrations in Children With Type 1 Diabetes: Assessments by high-frequency glucose determinations by sensors
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 381-385. doi:
Clinical Predictors of Disease Progression and Medication Initiation in Untreated Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and A1C Less Than 7%
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 386-390. doi:
Diabetes-Related Complications, Glycemic Control, and Falls in Older Adults
Ann V. Schwartz, PHD; Eric Vittinghoff, PHD; Deborah E. Sellmeyer, MD; Kenneth R. Feingold, MD; Nathalie de Rekeneire, MD; Elsa S. Strotmeyer, PHD; Ronald I. Shorr, MD; Aaron I. Vinik, MD, PHD; Michelle C. Odden, MS; Seok Won Park, MD, PHD; Kimberly A. Faulkner, PHD; Tamara B. Harris, MD; for the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 391-396. doi:
Association Between Serum Bioavailable Testosterone Concentration and the Ratio of Glycated Albumin to Glycated Hemoglobin in Men With Type 2 Diabetes
Michiaki Fukui, MD; Muhei Tanaka, MD; Goji Hasegawa, MD; Toshikazu Yoshikawa, MD; Naoto Nakamura, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 397-401. doi:
Spanish Diabetes Self-Management With and Without Automated Telephone Reinforcement: Two randomized trials
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 408-414. doi:
Insulin Restriction and Associated Morbidity and Mortality in Women with Type 1 Diabetes
Ann E. Goebel-Fabbri, PHD; Janna Fikkan, MA; Debra L. Franko, PHD; Kimberly Pearson, MD; Barbara J. Anderson, PHD; Katie Weinger, EDD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 415-419. doi:
Elevated Depression Symptoms, Antidepressant Medicine Use, and Risk of Developing Diabetes During the Diabetes Prevention Program
Richard R. Rubin, PHD; Yong Ma, MS; David G. Marrero, PHD; Mark Peyrot, PHD; Elizabeth L. Barrett-Connor, MD; Steven E. Kahn, MD, CHB; Steven M. Haffner, MD, MPH; David W. Price, MD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; for the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 420-426. doi:
Stress Burden and Diabetes in Two American Indian Reservation Communities
Luohua Jiang, PHD; Janette Beals, PHD; Nancy R. Whitesell, PHD; Yvette Roubideaux, MD, MPH; Spero M. Manson, PHD; the AI-SUPERPFP Team
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 427-429. doi:
Factors Affecting Use of Insulin Pens by Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 430-432. doi:
Reevaluating the Digital Divide: Current Lack of Internet Use Is Not a Barrier to Adoption of Novel Health Information Technology
Alice J. Watson, MBCHB, MRCP, MPH; Alastair G. Bell, BMBCH, MRCP, MBA; Joseph C. Kvedar, MD; Richard W. Grant, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 433-435. doi:
Metabolic and Immunological Features of the Failing Islet-Transplanted Patient
Paolo Fiorina, MD, PHD; Andrea Vergani, MD; Alessandra Petrelli, MD; Francesca D'Addio, MD; Lucilla Monti, MD; Reza Abdi, MD; Emanuele Bosi, MD; Paola Maffi, MD; Antonio Secchi, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 436-438. doi:
Time to Insulin Initiation Cannot Be Used in Defining Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
Sinead Brophy, PHD; Knud Yderstræde, PHD; Didac Mauricio, PHD; Stephen Hunter, PHD; Mohammed Hawa, PHD; Paolo Pozzilli, PHD; Guntram Schernthaner, PHD; Nanette Schoot, PHD; Raffaella Buzzetti, PHD; Helen Davies, PHD; David Leslie, PHD; Rhys Williams, PHD; on behalf of the Action LADA Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 439-441. doi:
Human Insulin Analog–Induced Lipoatrophy
Ximena Lopez, MD; Mariana Castells, MD; Alyne Ricker, MD; Elsa F. Velazquez, MD; Edward Mun, MD; Allison B. Goldfine, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 442-444. doi:
Effect of LDL Cholesterol and Treatment With Losartan on End-Stage Renal Disease in the RENAAL Study
Andrew M. Tershakovec, MD; William F. Keane, MD; Zhongxin Zhang, PHD; Paulette A. Lyle, BS; Gerald B. Appel, MD; Janet B. McGill, MD; Hans-Henrik Parving, MD; Mark E. Cooper, MD, PHD; Shahnaz Shahinfar, MD; Barry M. Brenner, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 445-447. doi:
Is a Failure to Recognize an Increase in Food Intake a Key to Understanding Insulin-Induced Weight Gain?
Miriam Ryan, PHD; M. Barbara E. Livingstone, PHD; Pierre-Henri Ducluzeau, MD, PHD; Agnès Sallé, MD, PHD; Manon Genaitay, BSC; Patrick Ritz, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 448-450. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Improving the Comparability of Diabetes Mortality Statistics in the U.S. and Mexico
Christopher J.L. Murray, MD, DPHIL; Rodrigo H. Dias, BS; Sandeep C. Kulkarni, AB; Rafael Lozano, MD; Gretchen A. Stevens, MSC; Majid Ezzati, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 451-458. doi:
Diabetes- and Nondiabetes-Related Lower Extremity Amputation Incidence Before and After the Introduction of Better Organized Diabetes Foot Care: Continuous longitudinal monitoring using a standard method
Ronan J. Canavan, MB, MRCP; Nigel C. Unwin, DM, FFPHM; William F. Kelly, MD, FRCP; Vincent M. Connolly, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 459-463. doi:
Prevalence of Polyneuropathy in Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes Is Associated With Abdominal Obesity and Macroangiopathy: The MONICA/KORA Augsburg Surveys S2 and S3
Dan Ziegler, MD, PHD, FRCPE; Wolfgang Rathmann, MD, MSPH; Thorsten Dickhaus, MSC; Christa Meisinger, MD, MPH; Andreas Mielck, PHD, MPH; for the KORA Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 464-469. doi:
Breast-Feeding and Type 2 Diabetes in the Youth of Three Ethnic Groups: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Case-Control Study
Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, PHD; Dana Dabelea, MD, PHD; Archana Pande Lamichhane, MS; Ralph B. D'Agostino, Jr., PHD; Angela D. Liese, PHD; Joan Thomas, MS; Robert E. McKeown, PHD; Richard F. Hamman, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 470-475. doi:
Associations Between Diabetes and Clinical Markers of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Among Community-Dwelling Black and White Men
Aruna V. Sarma, PHD; James P. Burke, PHD; Debra J. Jacobson, MS; Michaela E. McGree, BS; Jennifer St. Sauver, PHD; Cynthia J. Girman, DRPH; Michael M. Lieber, MD; William Herman, MD, PHD; Jill Macoska, PHD; James E. Montie, MD; Steven J. Jacobsen, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 476-482. doi:
Evidence of a Relationship Between Infant Birth Weight and Later Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation in a Chinese Population
Xinhua Xiao, MD; Zhen-Xin Zhang, MD; Harvey Jay Cohen, MD; Heng Wang, MD; Wenhui Li, MD; Tong Wang, MB; Tao Xu, PHD; Aimin Liu, MD; Ming-Ying Gai, MD; Shen Ying, MB; Ole Schmitz, MD; Zeng Yi, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 483-487. doi:
Plasma Glucose Regulation and Mortality in Pima Indians
Nan Hee Kim, MD, PHD; Meda E. Pavkov, MD, PHD; Helen C. Looker, MBBS; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD; Peter H. Bennett, MB, FRCP; Robert L. Hanson, MD, MPH; Jeffrey M. Curtis, MD, MPH; Maurice L. Sievers, MD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 488-492. doi:
Relationship of Glycemic Control, Exogenous Insulin, and C-Peptide Levels to Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality Over a 16-Year Period in People With Older-Onset Diabetes: The Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy (WESDR)
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 493-497. doi:
Incidence and Determinants of Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery in Type 2 Diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study
Ashley Makepeace, MBBS; Wendy A. Davis, MPH, PHD; David G. Bruce, MD, FRACP; Timothy M.E. Davis, PHD, FRACP
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 498-500. doi:
Influence of Elevated Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Levels on Treatment Changes in Type 2 Diabetes
Jaco Voorham, MSC; Flora M. Haaijer-Ruskamp, PHD; Ronald P. Stolk, MD, PHD; Bruce H.R. Wolffenbuttel, MD, PHD; Petra Denig, PHD; the Groningen Initiative to Analyze Type 2 Diabetes Treatment (GIANTT) Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 501-503. doi:
Coffee Consumption Is Associated With Higher Plasma Adiponectin Concentrations in Women With or Without Type 2 Diabetes: A prospective cohort study
Catherine J. Williams, MPH; Jessica L. Fargnoli; Janice J. Hwang, MD; Rob M. van Dam, PHD; George L. Blackburn, MD, PHD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD; Christos S. Mantzoros, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 504-507. doi:
Are Primary Care Physicians More Likely to Record Diabetes on Death Certificates?
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 508-510. doi:
Trends and Disparities in U.S. Emergency Department Visits for Hypoglycemia, 1993–2005
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 511-513. doi:
Cognitive Function in Children and Subsequent Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 514-516. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Skin Autofluorescence: A tool to identify type 2 diabetic patients at risk for developing microvascular complications
Esther G. Gerrits, MD; Helen L. Lutgers, MD; Nanne Kleefstra, MD; Reindert Graaff, MSC, PHD; Klaas H. Groenier, PHD; Andries J. Smit, MD, PHD; Rijk O. Gans, MD, PHD; Henk J. Bilo, MD, PHD, FRCP
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 517-521. doi:
Multi-Site Testing With a Point-of-Care Nerve Conduction Device Can Be Used in an Algorithm to Diagnose Diabetic Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy
Bruce A. Perkins, MD, MPH; Andrej Orszag, MD; Jaspreet Grewal, MD; Eduardo Ng, MD; Mylan Ngo, RRT; Vera Bril, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 522-524. doi:
FreeStyle Navigator Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Use in Children With Type 1 Diabetes Using Glargine-Based Multiple Daily Dose Regimens: Results of a pilot trial Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) Study Group
Stuart Weinzimer, MD; Dongyuan Xing, MPH; Michael Tansey, MD; Rosanna Fiallo-Scharer, MD; Nelly Mauras, MD; Tim Wysocki, PHD; Roy Beck, MD, PHD; William Tamborlane, MD; Katrina Ruedy, MSPH; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 525-527. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
A Risk Score for Type 1 Diabetes Derived From Autoantibody-Positive Participants in the Diabetes Prevention Trial–Type 1
Jay M. Sosenko, MD; Jeffrey P. Krischer, PHD; Jerry P. Palmer, MD; Jeffrey Mahon, MD; Catherine Cowie, PHD; Carla J. Greenbaum, MD; David Cuthbertson, MS; John M. Lachin, SCD; Jay S. Skyler, MD; the Diabetes Prevention Trial–Type 1 Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 528-533. doi:
The Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Nonreceptor 22 (PTPN22) Is Associated With High GAD Antibody Titer in Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults: Non Insulin Requiring Autoimmune Diabetes (NIRAD) Study 3
Antonio Petrone, PHD; Concetta Suraci, MD; Marco Capizzi, MD; Andrea Giaccari, MD, PHD; Emanuele Bosi, MD; Claudio Tiberti, ATA; Efisio Cossu, MD; Paolo Pozzilli, MD; Alberto Falorni, MD; Raffaella Buzzetti, MD; for the NIRAD Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 534-538. doi:
Effect of Aging on Glucose Homeostasis: Accelerated deterioration of β-cell function in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance
Ervin Szoke, MD; Muhammad Z. Shrayyef, MD; Susan Messing, MS; Hans J. Woerle, MD; Timon W. van Haeften, MD; Christian Meyer, MD; Asimina Mitrakou, MD; Walkyria Pimenta, MD; John E. Gerich, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 539-543. doi:
Relationship of Retinal Vascular Caliber With Diabetes and Retinopathy: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Thanh Tan Nguyen, MBBS; Jie Jin Wang, PHD; A. Richey Sharrett, MD, DRPH; F.M. Amirul Islam, PHD; Ronald Klein, MD, MPH; Barbara E.K. Klein, MD, MPH; Mary Frances Cotch, PHD; Tien Yin Wong, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 544-549. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
A Prospective Study of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Women
Xuemei Sui, MD; Steven P. Hooker, PHD; I-Min Lee, MD, SCD; Timothy S. Church, MD, PHD; Natalie Colabianchi, PHD; Chong-Do Lee, EDD; Steven N. Blair, PED
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 550-555. doi:
Prediction of Mortality Using Measures of Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction in the Diabetic and Nondiabetic Population: The MONICA/KORA Augsburg Cohort Study
Dan Ziegler, MD, FRCPE; Christian P. Zentai, MD; Siegfried Perz, MSC; Wolfgang Rathmann, MD, MSPH; Burkhard Haastert, PHD; Angela Döring, MD; Christa Meisinger, MD; for the KORA Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 556-561. doi:
Should Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Be Included in the Definition of Metabolic Syndrome?: A cross-sectional comparison with Adult Treatment Panel III criteria in nonobese nondiabetic subjects
Giovanni Musso, MD; Roberto Gambino, MD; Simona Bo, MD; Barbara Uberti, MD; Giampaolo Biroli, MD; Gianfranco Pagano, MD; Maurizio Cassader, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 562-568. doi:
Objectively Measured Time Spent Sedentary Is Associated With Insulin Resistance Independent of Overall and Central Body Fat in 9- to 10-Year-Old Portuguese Children
Luis B. Sardinha, PHD; Lars Bo Andersen, PHD; Sigmund A. Anderssen, PHD; Ana L. Quitério, MSC; Rui Ornelas, MSC; Karsten Froberg, PHD; Chris J. Riddoch, PHD; Ulf Ekelund, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 569-575. doi:
Overweight Latino Children and Adolescents Have Marked Endothelial Dysfunction and Subclinical Vascular Inflammation in Association With Excess Body Fat and Insulin Resistance
A. Enrique Caballero, MD; Kelb Bousquet-Santos, DSC; Ludivina Robles-Osorio, MD; Valeria Montagnani, RN; Geetha Soodini, MD; Sriurai Porramatikul, MD; Osama Hamdy, MD; Antonio C.L. Nobrega, MD, DSC; Edward S. Horton, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 576-582. doi:
Quantifying the Excess Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by Body Habitus Measurements Among Australian Aborigines Living in Remote Areas
Srinivas Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, MBBS, MPH; Wendy E. Hoy, FRACP; Zhiqiang Wang, PHD; Jonathan Shaw, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 585-586. doi:
Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome Among U.S. Adolescents Using the Definition From the International Diabetes Federation
Earl S. Ford, MD, MPH; Chaoyang Li, MD, PHD; Guixiang Zhao, MD, PHD; William S. Pearson, PHD; Ali H. Mokdad, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 587-589. doi:
Optimal Cut Points of Waist Circumference for the Clinical Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome in the Japanese Population
Yuka Matoba, MD; Toyoshi Inoguchi, MD, PHD; Shigeru Nasu, MD; Shizu Suzuki, MD; Toshihiko Yanase, MD, PHD; Hajime Nawata, MD, PHD; Ryoichi Takayanagi, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 590-592. doi:
Osteoprotegerin, Thiazolidinediones Treatment, and Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Ariane Sultan, MD; Antoine Avignon, MD; Florence Galtier, MD; Christophe Piot, MD; Denis Mariano-Goulart, MD; Anne Marie Dupuy, MD; Jean Paul Cristol, MD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 593-595. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 616-621. doi:
Should We Screen for Risk of Type 1 Diabetes?
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, 622-623. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
The Rosigliazone Meta-Analysis: Lessons for the future
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, e10. doi:
Dramatic Improvement of Subcutaneous Insulin Resistance with Nafamostat Ointment Treatment
Satoshi Kawashima, MD; Hideaki Kaneto, MD, PHD; Ken'ya Sakamoto, MD, PHD; Ikuko Honsho, MD; Tetsuyuki Yasuda, MD, PHD; Akio Kuroda, MD, PHD; Toshihiko Shiraiwa, MD, PHD; Ryuichi Kasami, MD; Taka-aki Matsuoka, MD, PHD; Yoshimitsu Yamasaki, MD, PHD; Munehide Matsuhisa, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, e11. doi:
BMI May Be Better Than Waist Circumference for Defining Metabolic Syndrome in Japanese Women
Masaru Sakurai, MD, PHD; Toshinari Takamura, MD, PHD; Katsuyuki Miura, MD, PHD; Shuichi Kaneko, MD, PHD; Hideaki Nakagawa, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, e12. doi:
Diabetic Ketoacidosis: the Usual Villain or a Scapegoat?: A novel cause of severe metabolic acidosis in type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, e13. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Routine Psychological Screening in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes and Their Parents: a Notion Whose Time Has Come?: Response to Cameron et al.
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, e14. doi:
Routine Psychological Screening in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes and Their Parents: a Notion Whose Time Has Come?: Response to de Wit and Snoek
Diabetes Care March 2008, Vol.31, e15. doi: