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June 2008
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
A Step Backward—or Is it Forward?
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1093-1096. doi:
Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1260-1266. doi:
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Proliferation of Colo-357 Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells and Survival of Patients With Pancreatic Carcinoma Are Not Altered by Insulin Glargine
Saskia Erbel, PHD; Christina Reers, PHD; Volker W. Eckstein, PHD; Jörg Kleeff, MD; Markus W. Büchler, MD; Peter P. Nawroth, MD; Robert A. Ritzel, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1105-1111. doi:
Treatment Satisfaction and Quality of Life With Insulin Glargine Plus Insulin Lispro Compared With NPH Insulin Plus Unmodified Human Insulin in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes
Simon G. Ashwell, MD; Clare Bradley, PHD; James W. Stephens, MS; Elke Witthaus, MD; Philip D. Home, DM, DPHIL
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1112-1117. doi:
Screening for Depressive Symptoms: Validation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) in a Multiethnic Group of Patients With Diabetes in Singapore
Dorit Stahl, MD; Chee Fang Sum, FRCPE; Shin Si Lum, BA; Pei Hsiang Liow, MMED; Yiong Huak Chan, PHD; Swapna Verma, MD; Hong Choon Chua, MMED; Siow Ann Chong, MMED
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1118-1119. doi:
No Apparent Local Effect of Insulin on Microdialysis Continuous Glucose- Monitoring Measurements
Jeroen Hermanides, MD; Iris M. Wentholt, MD; Augustinus A. Hart, PHD; Joost B. Hoekstra, MD, PHD; J. Hans DeVries, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1120-1122. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Diabetic Retinopathy: More Patients, Less Laser: A longitudinal population-based study in Tayside, Scotland
James H. Vallance, MBCHB, BSC, MRCOPHTH; Peter J. Wilson, MBCHB, BSC, MRCSED; Graham P. Leese, MD, FRCP; Ritchie McAlpine, BSC; Caroline J. MacEwen, MD, FRCS, FFSEM FRCOPHTH; John D. Ellis, MPH, PHD, FRCOPHTH
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1126-1131. doi:
Diabetes, Fasting Glucose Levels, and Risk of Ischemic Stroke and Vascular Events: Findings from the Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS)
Bernadette Boden-Albala, MPH, DRPH; Sam Cammack, MS; Ji Chong, MD; Culing Wang, PHD; Clinton Wright, MD, MS; Tatjana Rundek, MD; Mitchell S.V. Elkind, MD, MS; Myunghee C. Paik, PHD; Ralph L. Sacco, MD, MS
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1132-1137. doi:
Liver Enzymes and Incident Diabetes: Findings from the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Potsdam Study
Earl S. Ford, MD, MPH; Matthias B. Schulze, DRPH; Manuela M. Bergmann, PHD; Claus Thamer, MD; Hans-Georg Joost, MD, PHD; Heiner Boeing, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1138-1143. doi:
A New Zealand Linkage Study Examining the Associations Between A1C Concentration and Mortality
Naomi Brewer, MMEDSCI; Craig S. Wright, GRAD DIP; Noémie Travier, MSC; Chris W. Cunningham, PHD; John Hornell, RN; Neil Pearce, DSC; Mona Jeffreys, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1144-1149. doi:
German Diabetes Disease Management Programs Are Appropriate for Restructuring Care According to the Chronic Care Model: An evaluation with the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care instrument
Joachim Szecsenyi, MD, MSC; Thomas Rosemann, PHD; Stefanie Joos, MD; Frank Peters-Klimm, MD; Antje Miksch, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1150-1154. doi:
Long-Term Effects on Medical Costs of Improving Depression Outcomes in Patients With Depression and Diabetes
Wayne J. Katon, MD; Joan E. Russo, MD; Michael Von Korff, SCD; Elizabeth H.B. Lin, MD, MPH; Evette Ludman, PHD; Paul S. Ciechanowski, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1155-1159. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Comparison of the Numerical and Clinical Accuracy of Four Continuous Glucose Monitors
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1160-1164. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Serum Adiponectin and Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Markku Saraheimo, MD; Carol Forsblom, MD, DMSC; Lena Thorn, MD; Johan Wadén, MD; Milla Rosengård-Bärlund, MD; Outi Heikkilä, MD; Kustaa Hietala, MD; Daniel Gordin, MD; Jan Frystyk, MD, DMSC, PHD; Allan Flyvbjerg, MD, DMSC; Per-Henrik Groop, MD, DMSC; on behalf of the FinnDiane Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1165-1169. doi:
Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction and Inflammation in Type 1 Diabetic Patients With or Without Diabetic Nephropathy Followed for 10 Years: Association with mortality and decline of glomerular filtration rate
Anne Sofie Astrup, MD; Lise Tarnow, MD; Lotte Pietraszek; Casper G. Schalkwijk, MD; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD; Hans-Henrik Parving, MD; Peter Rossing, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1170-1176. doi:
Plasma Connective Tissue Growth Factor Is an Independent Predictor of End-Stage Renal Disease and Mortality in Type 1 Diabetic Nephropathy
Tri Q. Nguyen, MD; Lise Tarnow, MD, DMSC; Anders Jorsal; Noelynn Oliver, PHD; Peggy Roestenberg, PHD; Yasuhiko Ito, MD; Hans-Henrik Parving, MD, DMSC; Peter Rossing, MD, DMSC; Frans A. van Nieuwenhoven, PHD; Roel Goldschmeding, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1177-1182. doi:
Altered Neuroendocrine Sleep Architecture in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Kamila Jauch-Chara, MD; Sebastian M. Schmid, MD; Manfred Hallschmid, PHD; Jan Born, PHD; Bernd Schultes, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1183-1188. doi:
Expression of Erythropoietin and Its Receptor in the Human Retina: A comparative study of diabetic and nondiabetic subjects
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1189-1194. doi:
HLA Class II Alleles Specify Phenotypes of Ketosis-Prone Diabetes
Ramaswami Nalini, MD; Lakshmi K. Gaur, PHD; Mario Maldonado, MD; Christiane S. Hampe, PHD; Lucille Rodriguez, LVN; Gilberto Garza, MD; Ake Lernmark, MD; Ashok Balasubramanyam, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1195-1200. doi:
Plantar Fascia Thickness, a Measure of Tissue Glycation, Predicts the Development of Complications in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Maria E. Craig, MBBS, PHD, FRACP; Anthony C. Duffin, PHD; Patricia H. Gallego, MD; Albert Lam, MD, FRACR; Janine Cusumano, RN; Stephen Hing, MBBS, FRACO; Kim C Donaghue, MBBS, PHD, FRACP
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1201-1206. doi:
Sex Hormone–Binding Globulin and Testosterone in Individuals With Childhood Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1207-1213. doi:
The PTPN22 1858T Gene Variant in Type 1 Diabetes Is Associated With Reduced Residual β-Cell Function and Worse Metabolic Control
Antonio Petrone, PHD; Marialuisa Spoletini, PHD; Simona Zampetti; Marco Capizzi, MD; Sara Zavarella, PHD; John Osborn, PHD; Paolo Pozzilli, MD; Raffaella Buzzetti, MD; for the Immunotherapy Diabetes (IMDIAB) Group
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1214-1218. doi:
Rarefaction of the Peripheral Nerve Network in Diabetic Patients Is Associated With a Pronounced Reduction of Terminal Schwann Cells
Christina M. Reinisch, MD; Hannes Traxler, MD; Stefanie Piringer; Stefan Tangl, MS; Alexander Nader, MD; Erwin Tschachler, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1219-1221. doi:
Hypoglycemia Increases Serum Interleukin-6 Levels in Healthy Men and Women
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1222-1223. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Incidence and Risk Factors for New-Onset Diabetes in HIV-Infected Patients: The Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) Study
Stephane De Wit, MD, PHD; Caroline A. Sabin, PHD; Rainer Weber, MD; Signe Westring Worm, MD; Peter Reiss, MD, PHD; Charles Cazanave, MD; Wafaa El-Sadr, MD, MPH; Antonella d'Arminio Monforte, MD, DMSC; Eric Fontas, MD; Matthew G. Law, PHD; Nina Friis-Møller, MD, PHD; Andrew Phillips, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1224-1229. doi:
Liver Enzymes Compared With Alcohol Consumption in Predicting the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: The Kansai Healthcare Study
Kyoko Kogawa Sato, MD, PHD; Tomoshige Hayashi, MD, PHD; Yoshiko Nakamura, MD, PHD; Nobuko Harita, MD; Takeshi Yoneda, MD; Ginji Endo, MD, PHD; Hiroshi Kambe, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1230-1236. doi:
Metabolic Phenotype in the Brothers of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1237-1241. doi:
Cardiorespiratory Fitness as a Feature of Metabolic Syndrome in Older Men and Women: The Dose-Responses to Exercise Training Study (DR's EXTRA)
Maija Hassinen, MSC; Timo A. Lakka, MD; Kai Savonen, MD; Hannu Litmanen, MD; Leena Kiviaho, MSC; David E. Laaksonen, MD; Pirjo Komulainen, MSC; Rainer Rauramaa, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1242-1247. doi:
Distinct Component Profiles and High Risk Among African Americans With Metabolic Syndrome: The Jackson Heart Study
Herman Taylor, MD, MPH; Jiankang Liu, MD, PHD; Gregory Wilson, MS; Sherita H. Golden, MD, MHS; Errol Crook, MD, PHD; Claude D. Brunson, MD; Micheal Steffes, MD; William D. Johnson, PHD; Jung Hye Sung, SCD, MPH
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1248-1253. doi:
Markedly Blunted Metabolic Effects of Fructose in Healthy Young Female Subjects Compared With Male Subjects
Caroline Couchepin, MD; Kim-Anne Lê, MSC; Murielle Bortolotti, MSC; Joana Amarante da Encarnaçao, BSC; Jean-Baptiste Oboni, BSC; Christel Tran, MD; Philippe Schneiter, PHD; Luc Tappy, MD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1254-1256. doi:
Glucose Intolerance and Diabetes Are Observed in the Long-Term Follow-Up of Nonpancreatectomized Patients With Persistent Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia of Infancy Due to Mutations in the ABCC8 Gene
Miquel Gussinyer, PHD; María Clemente, PHD; Rocio Cebrián, MD; Diego Yeste, PHD; Marian Albisu, PHD; Antonio Carrascosa, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1257-1259. doi:
HIV Therapy and Diabetes Risk
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, 1267-1268. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Reversible Focal Hepatic Steatosis in Type 1 Diabetic Patients Treated With Intraperitoneal Insulin Implantable Pump Therapy
Laurent Meyer, MD; Jeremy Jeantroux, MD; Jean Pierre Riveline, MD; François Moreau, MD; Sophie Boivin, MD; Thomas Moser, MD; Michel Pinget, MD; Nathalie Jeandidier, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, e49. doi:
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Induced by Aripiprazole in a 12-Year-Old Boy
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, e50. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Influence of Flickering Light on the Retinal Vessels in Diabetic Patients: Response to Mandecka et al.
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, e51. doi:
Influence of Flickering Light on the Retinal Vessels in Diabetic Patients: Response to Nguyen, Cheung, and Wong
Aleksandra Mandecka, MD; Jens Dawczynski, MD; Marcus Blum, MD; Nicolle Müller, DNUTR; Christoph Kloos, MD; Gunter Wolf, MD; Walthard Vilser, MS; Heike Hoyer, MS; Ulrich Alfons Müller, MD, MSC
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, e52. doi:
Diabetes, Depression, and Death: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Depression Treatment Program for Older Adults Based in Primary Care (PROSPECT): Response to Thombs and Ziegelstein
Hillary R. Bogner, MD, MSCE; Knashawn H. Morales, SCD; Edward P. Post, MD, PHD; Martha L. Bruce, PHD, MPH
Diabetes Care June 2008, Vol.31, e55. doi: