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July 2008
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Isolated Hyperglycemia at 1 Hour on Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Pregnancy Resembles Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Predicting Postpartum Metabolic Dysfunction
Ravi Retnakaran, MD; Ying Qi, MSC; Mathew Sermer, MD; Philip W. Connelly, PHD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Anthony J.G. Hanley, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1275-1281. doi:
Effect of Supervised Progressive Resistance-Exercise Training Protocol on Insulin Sensitivity, Glycemia, Lipids, and Body Composition in Asian Indians With Type 2 Diabetes
Anoop Misra, MD; Narendra K. Alappan, MD; Naval K. Vikram, MD; Kashish Goel, MBBS; Nidhi Gupta, MBBS; Kanchan Mittal, DPT; Suryaprakash Bhatt, MSC; Kalpana Luthra, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1282-1287. doi:
Long-Term Outcome and Disability of Diabetic Patients Hospitalized for Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A 6.5-year follow-up study
Edouard Ghanassia, MD; Laetitia Villon, MD; Jean-François Thuan dit Dieudonné, MD; Catherine Boegner, MD; Antoine Avignon, MD; Ariane Sultan, MD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1288-1292. doi:
The Prospective Contribution of Hostility Characteristics to High Fasting Glucose Levels: The moderating role of marital status
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1293-1298. doi:
Weight Loss Strategies Associated With BMI in Overweight Adults With Type 2 Diabetes at Entry Into the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Trial
Hollie A. Raynor, PHD, RD; Robert W. Jeffery, PHD; Andrea M. Ruggiero, MS; Jeanne M. Clark, MD, MPH; Linda M. Delahanty, MS, RD; for the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Research Group
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1299-1304. doi:
Adjust to Target in Type 2 Diabetes: Comparison of a simple algorithm with carbohydrate counting for adjustment of mealtime insulin glulisine
Richard M. Bergenstal, MD; Mary Johnson, RN, CDE; Margaret A. Powers, PHD, RD, CDE; Alan Wynne, MD; Aleksandra Vlajnic, MD; Priscilla Hollander, MD; Marc Rendell, MD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1305-1310. doi:
Intake of Fruit, Vegetables, and Fruit Juices and Risk of Diabetes in Women
Lydia A. Bazzano, MD, PHD; Tricia Y. Li, MD, MS; Kamudi J. Joshipura, BDS, MS, SCD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1311-1317. doi:
Dietary Behaviors Predict Glycemic Control in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes
Sanjeev N. Mehta, MD, MPH; Lisa K. Volkening, MA; Barbara J. Anderson, PHD; Tonja Nansel, BSN, PHD; Jill Weissberg-Benchell, PHD; Tim Wysocki, PHD; Lori M.B. Laffel, MD, MPH; for the Family Management of Childhood Diabetes Study Steering Committee
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1318-1320. doi:
Long-Term Follow-Up of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test–Derived Glucose Tolerance and Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity Indexes in Subjects With Glucokinase Mutations (MODY2)
Delphine Martin, MD; Christine Bellanné-Chantelot, PHD; Inge Deschamps, MD; Philippe Froguel, MD, PHD; Jean-Jacques Robert, MD, PHD; Gilberto Velho, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1321-1323. doi:
Improving Treatment of Depression Among Latinos With Diabetes Using Project Dulce and IMPACT
Todd P. Gilmer, PHD; Chris Walker, MPH; Elizabeth D. Johnson, MSW; Athena Philis-Tsimikas, MD; Jürgen Unützer, MD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1324-1326. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Association Between Renal Failure and Foot Ulcer or Lower-Extremity Amputation in Patients With Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1331-1336. doi:
Trends in Diabetes, High Cholesterol, and Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease Among U.S. Adults: 1988–1994 to 1999–2004
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1337-1342. doi:
Dietary Patterns, Insulin Resistance, and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the Whitehall II Study
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1343-1348. doi:
Longitudinal Association of Glucose Metabolism With Retinopathy: Results from the Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study
Robyn J. Tapp, PHD; Gabriella Tikellis, PHD; Tien Y. Wong, MD; C. Alex Harper, MD; Paul Z. Zimmet, MD; Jonathan E. Shaw, MD; on behalf of the Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1349-1354. doi:
Plasma Carotenoids and Onset of Dysglycemia in an Elderly Population: Results of the Epidemiology of Vascular Ageing Study
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1355-1359. doi:
Relationship Between Risk Factors and Mortality in Type 1 Diabetic Patients in Europe: The EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study (PCS)
Sabita S. Soedamah-Muthu, PHD; Nish Chaturvedi, MD; Daniel R. Witte, PHD; Lynda K. Stevens, MSC; Massimo Porta, MD; John H. Fuller, FRCP; for the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1360-1366. doi:
Burden and Rates of Treatment and Control of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Obesity: The Framingham Heart Study
Esther A. Molenaar, MSC; Shih-Jen Hwang, PHD; Ramachandran S. Vasan, MD; Diederick E. Grobbee, MD, PHD; James B. Meigs, MD, MPH; Ralph B. D'Agostino, Sr., PHD; Daniel Levy, MD; Caroline S. Fox, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1367-1372. doi:
Periodontal Disease and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and its Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1373-1379. doi:
Differences in the Pattern of Antibiotic Prescription Profile and Recurrence Rate for Possible Urinary Tract Infections in Women With and Without Diabetes
Caroline Schneeberger; Ronald P. Stolk, MD, PHD; J. Hans DeVries, MD, PHD; Peter M. Schneeberger, MD, PHD; Ron M. Herings, PHD, FISPE; Suzanne E. Geerlings, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1380-1385. doi:
Inflammation Among Women With a History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Diagnosed Diabetes in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1386-1388. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Trends in High-Risk HLA Susceptibility Genes Among Colorado Youth With Type 1 Diabetes
Kendra Vehik, MPH, PHD; Richard F. Hamman, MD, DRPH; Dennis Lezotte, PHD; Jill M. Norris, MPH, PHD; Georgeanna J. Klingensmith, MD; Marian Rewers, MD, PHD; Dana Dabelea, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1392-1396. doi:
Adipose Tissue Lipolysis Is Upregulated in Lean and Obese Men During Acute Resistance Exercise
Athanasios Chatzinikolaou, MSC; Ioannis Fatouros, PHD; Anatoli Petridou, PHD; Athanasios Jamurtas, PHD; Alexandra Avloniti, PHD; Ioannis Douroudos, MSC; George Mastorakos, MD; Christina Lazaropoulou, BSC; Ioannis Papassotiriou, PHD; Symeon Tournis, MD; Asimina Mitrakou, MD; Vassilis Mougios, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1397-1399. doi:
Increased Shear Rate Resistance and Fastest Kinetics of Erythrocyte Aggregation in Diabetes Measured With Ultrasound
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1400-1402. doi:
Too Much Glucagon, Too Little Insulin: Time course of pancreatic islet dysfunction in new-onset type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1403-1404. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Global Coronary Heart Disease Risk Assessment of Individuals With the Metabolic Syndrome in the U.S.
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1405-1409. doi:
Adipokines and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in an Aboriginal Canadian Population: The Sandy Lake Health and Diabetes Project
Sylvia H. Ley, RD; Stewart B. Harris, MD; Philip W. Connelly, PHD; Mary Mamakeesick, RPN; Joel Gittelsohn, PHD; Robert A. Hegele, MD; Ravi Retnakaran, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Anthony J.G. Hanley, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1410-1415. doi:
Sex Differences in Diabetes Risk and the Effect of Intensive Lifestyle Modification in the Diabetes Prevention Program
Leigh Perreault, MD; Yong Ma, MS; Sam Dagogo-Jack, MD; Edward Horton, MD; David Marrero, MD; Jill Crandall, MD; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD; for the Diabetes Prevention Program
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1416-1421. doi:
Association of Intrauterine Exposure to Maternal Diabetes and Obesity With Type 2 Diabetes in Youth: The SEARCH Case-Control Study
Dana Dabelea, MD; Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, PHD; Archana P. Lamichhane, MD; Ralph B. D'Agostino, Jr., MD; Angela D. Liese, PHD; Kendra S. Vehik, MD; K.M. Venkat Narayan, MD; Phillip Zeitler, MD; Richard F. Hamman, MD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1422-1426. doi:
Retinol-Binding Protein 4 and Insulin Resistance in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Samantha K. Hutchison, MBBS; Cheryce Harrison, BBNSC; Nigel Stepto, PHD; Caroline Meyer, PHD; Helena J. Teede, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1427-1432. doi:
Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia: You can't have one without the other
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1433-1438. doi:
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Antagonism Improves Vasodilation During Hyperinsulinemia in Metabolic Syndrome
Manfredi Tesauro, MD; Francesca Schinzari, MD; Valentina Rovella, MD; Domenico Melina, MD; Nadia Mores, MD; Angela Barini, MD; Marco Mettimano, MD; Davide Lauro, MD; Micaela Iantorno, MD; Michael J. Quon, MD, PHD; Carmine Cardillo, MD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1439-1441. doi:
Assessment of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity and Cardiac Diastolic Function in Subjects With and Without the Metabolic Syndrome: HDL cholesterol is independently associated with cardiovascular function
Stijntje D. Roes, MD; Reza Alizadeh Dehnavi, MD; Jos J.M. Westenberg, PHD; Hildo J. Lamb, MD; Bart J.A. Mertens, PHD; Jouke T. Tamsma, MD; Albert de Roos, MD
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1442-1444. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Rosiglitazone and Risk of Cancer: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1455-1460. doi:
Approaches to Treatment of Pre-Diabetes and Obesity and Promising New Approaches to Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1461-1466. doi:
Death to Carbohydrate Counting?
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, 1467-1468. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Improved Peripheral Perfusion During Endothelin-A Receptor Blockade in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Critical Limb Ischemia
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, e56. doi:
“Mind the Gap” When Managing Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, e58. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Cognitive Function in Children and Subsequent Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Ollson, Hulting, and Montgomery
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, e59. doi:
Cognitive Function in Children and Subsequent Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Batty, Gale, and Deary
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, e60. doi:
Abdominal Fat and Sleep Apnea: the Chicken or the Egg?: Response to Pillar and Shehadeh
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, e61. doi:
Abdominal Fat and Sleep Apnea: the Chicken or the Egg?: Response to Oltmanns
Diabetes Care July 2008, Vol.31, e62. doi: