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August 2008
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Translating the A1C Assay Into Estimated Average Glucose Values
David M. Nathan, MD; Judith Kuenen, MD; Rikke Borg, MD; Hui Zheng, PHD; David Schoenfeld, PHD; Robert J. Heine, MD; for the A1c-Derived Average Glucose (ADAG) Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1473-1478. doi:
Colesevelam HCl Improves Glycemic Control and Reduces LDL Cholesterol in Patients With Inadequately Controlled Type 2 Diabetes on Sulfonylurea-Based Therapy
Vivian A. Fonseca, MD; Julio Rosenstock, MD; Antonia C. Wang, PHD; Kenneth E. Truitt, MD; Michael R. Jones, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1479-1484. doi:
Influence of and Optimal Insulin Therapy for a Low–Glycemic Index Meal in Children With Type 1 Diabetes Receiving Intensive Insulin Therapy
Rochelle L. Ryan, BSC; Bruce R. King, MD, PHD; Donald G. Anderson, FRACP; John R. Attia, MD, PHD; Clare E. Collins, ADVAPD, PHD; Carmel E. Smart, BSC, APD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1485-1490. doi:
Optimizing Postprandial Glycemia in Pediatric Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Using Insulin Pump Therapy: Impact of glycemic index and prandial bolus type
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1491-1495. doi:
Clinical Application of 1,5-Anhydroglucitol Measurements in Patients with Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1α Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young
Jan Skupien, MD, PHD; Sylwia Gorczynska-Kosiorz, PHD; Tomasz Klupa, MD, PHD; Krzysztof Wanic, MD, PHD; Eric A. Button, MS, MBA; Jacek Sieradzki, MD, PHD; Maciej T. Malecki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1496-1501. doi:
Hemodynamic Effects of Fenofibrate and Coenzyme Q10 in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects With Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction
Gerard T. Chew, MD; Gerald F. Watts, DSC; Timothy M.E. Davis, DPHIL; Bronwyn G.A. Stuckey, MD; Lawrence J. Beilin, MD; Peter L. Thompson, MD; Valerie Burke, MD; Philip J. Currie, MD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1502-1509. doi:
Cost-Effectiveness of Intensified Versus Conventional Multifactorial Intervention in Type 2 Diabetes: Results and projections from the Steno-2 study
Peter Gæde, MD, DMSCI; William J. Valentine, PHD; Andrew J. Palmer, MBBS; Daniel M.D. Tucker, MBBS; Morten Lammert, MSC; Hans-Henrik Parving, MD, DMSCI; Oluf Pedersen, MD, DMSCI
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1510-1515. doi:
Diabetes Complications in Youth: Qualitative analysis of parents’ perspectives of family learning and knowledge
Lisa M. Buckloh, PHD; Amanda S. Lochrie, PHD; Holly Antal, PHD; Amy Milkes, MA; J. Atilio Canas, MD; Sally Hutchinson, RN, PHD; Tim Wysocki, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1516-1520. doi:
Monitoring and Discussing Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Improve Psychosocial Well-Being: A randomized controlled trial
Maartje de Wit, MSC; Henriette A. Delemarre-van de Waal, MD, PHD; Jan Alle Bokma, MD; Krijn Haasnoot, MD; Mieke C. Houdijk, MD, PHD; Reinoud J. Gemke, MD, PHD; Frank J. Snoek, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1521-1526. doi:
Blood Glucose Awareness Training Delivered Over the Internet
Daniel Cox, PHD; Lee Ritterband, PHD; Joshua Magee, MA; William Clarke, MD; Linda Gonder-Frederick, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1527-1528. doi:
Evaluation of a Systems Navigator Model for Transition From Pediatric to Adult Care for Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1529-1530. doi:
Impaired Chronotropic Response to Exercise Stress Testing in Patients With Diabetes Predicts Future Cardiovascular Events
P. Michael Ho, MD, PHD; Thomas M. Maddox, MD, SM; Colleen Ross, MS; John S. Rumsfeld, MD, PHD; David J. Magid, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1531-1533. doi:
Association of 1,5-Anhydroglucitol and 2-h Postprandial Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Christoph Stettler, MD; Matthias Stahl, MD; Sabin Allemann, PHD; Peter Diem, MD; Kurt Schmidlin, DMD; Marcel Zwahlen, PHD; Walter Riesen, PHD; Ulrich Keller, MD; Emanuel Christ, MD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1534-1535. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Risks of Nontraumatic Lower-Extremity Amputations in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A population-based cohort study in Sweden
Junmei Miao Jonasson, MD, PHD; Weimin Ye, MD, PHD; Pär Sparén, PHD; Jan Apelqvist, MD, PHD; Olof Nyrén, MD, PHD; Kerstin Brismar, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1536-1540. doi:
Diabetes, Glycemic Control, and Risk of Hospitalization With Pneumonia: A population-based case-control study
Jette B. Kornum, MD; Reimar W. Thomsen, MD, PHD; Anders Riis, MSC; Hans-Henrik Lervang, MD, PHD; Henrik C. Schønheyder, MD, DMSC; Henrik T. Sørensen, MD, DMSC
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1541-1545. doi:
The Rising Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes Is Accounted for by Cases With Lower-Risk Human Leukocyte Antigen Genotypes
Spiros Fourlanos, FRACP, PHD; Michael D. Varney, PHD; Brian D. Tait, PHD; Grant Morahan, PHD; Margo C. Honeyman, PHD; Peter G. Colman, MD, FRACP; Leonard C. Harrison, MD, FRACP, FRCPA, DSC
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1546-1549. doi:
Insulin Sensitivity Measured With Euglycemic Clamp Is Independently Associated With Glomerular Filtration Rate in a Community-Based Cohort
Elisabet Nerpin, MMED; Ulf Risérus, MMED, PHD; Erik Ingelsson, MD, PHD; Johan Sundström, MD, PHD; Magnus Jobs, MSC, PHD; Anders Larsson, MD, PHD; Samar Basu, MSC, PHD; Johan Ärnlöv, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1550-1555. doi:
Economic Benefits of Intensive Insulin Therapy in Critically Ill Patients: The Targeted Insulin Therapy to Improve Hospital Outcomes (TRIUMPH) Project
Archana R. Sadhu, MD; Alfonso C. Ang, PHD; Leslie A. Ingram-Drake; Dorothy S. Martinez, MD; Willa A. Hsueh, MD; Susan L. Ettner, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1556-1561. doi:
Health Care Use and Costs Associated With Use of a Health Club Membership Benefit in Older Adults with Diabetes
Huong Q. Nguyen, PHD; Matthew L. Maciejewski, PHD; Sue Gao, PHD; Elizabeth Lin, MD, MPH; Barbara Williams, PHD; James P. LoGerfo, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1562-1567. doi:
Dietary Patterns and A1C in Japanese Men and Women
Akiko Nanri, MSC; Tetsuya Mizoue, MD, PHD; Daigo Yoshida, MSC; Ryota Takahashi, MD; Ryoichi Takayanagi, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1568-1573. doi:
Increased Risk of Diabetes and Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Dioxins: A 24-year follow-up study of the Yucheng cohort
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1574-1579. doi:
Sexual Dysfunction in Jordanian Diabetic Women
Ruba M. Abu Ali, MD; Rabaa M. Al Hajeri, MD; Yousef S. Khader, SCD; Nadima S. Shegem, MD; Kamel M. Ajlouni, MD, FACE
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1580-1581. doi:
Lifetime Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Individuals With and Without Diabetes Stratified by Obesity Status in the Framingham Heart Study
Caroline S. Fox, MD, MPH; Michael J. Pencina, PHD; Peter W.F. Wilson, MD; Nina P. Paynter, PHD; Ramachandran S. Vasan, MD; Ralph B. D’Agostino, Sr, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1582-1584. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Association Between p.Leu54Met Polymorphism at the Paraoxonase-1 Gene and Plantar Fascia Thickness in Young Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes
Patricia H. Gallego, MD, MSC; Maria E. Craig, MBBS, PHD, FRACP; Anthony C. Duffin, PHD; Bruce Bennetts, PHD, FHGSA; Alicia J. Jenkins, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FRCP; Sabine Hofer, MD; Albert Lam, MD, FRACR; Kim C. Donaghue, MBBS, PHD, FRACP
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1585-1589. doi:
Hyperglycemia Is Associated With Enhanced Thrombin Formation, Platelet Activation, and Fibrin Clot Resistance to Lysis in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Anetta Undas, MD, PHD; Ilona Wiek, MSC; Ewa Stêpień, PHD; Krzysztof Zmudka, MD, PHD; Wiesława Tracz, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1590-1595. doi:
Diminished Alveolar Microvascular Reserves in Type 2 Diabetes Reflect Systemic Microangiopathy
William W. Chance, MSEE; Chanhaeng Rhee, MD; Cuneyt Yilmaz, PHD; D. Merrill Dane, MS; M. Lourdes Pruneda, MSN; Philip Raskin, MD; Connie C.W. Hsia, MD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1596-1601. doi:
GAD65 Autoantibody Responses in Japanese Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adult Patients
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1602-1607. doi:
Differences in the Contribution of the CTLA4 Gene to Susceptibility to Fulminant and Type 1A Diabetes in Japanese Patients
Eiji Kawasaki, MD; Akihisa Imagawa, MD; Hideichi Makino, MD; Miho Uga; Norio Abiru, MD; Toshiaki Hanafusa, MD; Yasuko Uchigata, MD; Katsumi Eguchi, MD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1608-1610. doi:
Epidermal Innervation in Type 1 Diabetic Patients: A 2.5-year prospective study after simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplantation
Petr Boucek, MD; Terezia Havrdova, MD; Ludek Voska, MD; Alena Lodererova, MS; Lan He; Frantisek Saudek, MD; Kvetoslav Lipar, MD; Milos Adamec, MD; Claudia Sommer, MD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1611-1612. doi:
Short-Term Hyperglycemic Dysregulation in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Does Not Change Myocardial Triglyceride Content or Myocardial Function
Sebastiaan Hammer, MSC; Jacqueline T. Jonker, MD; Hildo J. Lamb, MD, PHD; Rutger W. van der Meer, MD; Wendy Zondag, MD; Jan M. Sepers, MD, PHD; Albert de Roos, MD, PHD; Johannes W.A. Smit, MD, PHD; Johannes A. Romijn, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1613-1614. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Serum Bilirubin and Ferritin Levels Link Heme Oxygenase-1 Gene Promoter Polymorphism and Susceptibility to Coronary Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1615-1620. doi:
Association of Acculturation Levels and Prevalence of Diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Namratha R. Kandula, MD, MPH; Ana V. Diez-Roux, MD, PHD; Cheeling Chan, MS; Martha L. Daviglus, MD, PHD; Sharon A. Jackson, PHD; Hanyu Ni, PHD, MPH; Pamela J. Schreiner, MS, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1621-1628. doi:
Preventing Left Ventricular Hypertrophy by ACE Inhibition in Hypertensive Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A prespecified analysis of the Bergamo Nephrologic Diabetes Complications Trial (BENEDICT)
Piero Ruggenenti, MD; Ilian Iliev, MD; Grazia Maria Costa, MD; Aneliya Parvanova, MD; Annalisa Perna, STAT SCI D; Giovanni Antonio Giuliano, DIPL STAT; Nicola Motterlini, STAT SCI D; Bogdan Ene-Iordache, ENG D; Giuseppe Remuzzi, MD, FRCP; the BENEDICT Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1629-1634. doi:
Dysglycemia and a History of Reproductive Risk Factors
Sarah D. McDonald, MD, MSC; Salim Yusuf, MD, DPHIL; Patrick Sheridan, MSC; Sonia S. Anand, MD, PHD; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD, MSC; for the DREAM Trial Investigators
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1635-1638. doi:
Risk of Glucose Intolerance and Diabetes in Hemipancreatectomized Donors Selected for Normal Preoperative Glucose Metabolism
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1639-1643. doi:
Increased Daily Walking Improves Lipid Oxidation Without Changes in Mitochondrial Function in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1644-1649. doi:
One-Hour Plasma Glucose Concentration and the Metabolic Syndrome Identify Subjects at High Risk for Future Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1650-1655. doi:
Dose-Dependent Effect of Rosuvastatin on VLDL–Apolipoprotein C-III Kinetics in the Metabolic Syndrome
Esther M.M. Ooi, PHD; Gerald F. Watts, MD, DSC; Dick C. Chan, PHD; Meifania M. Chen, BSC; Paul J. Nestel, MD; Dmitri Sviridov, MD, PHD; P. Hugh R. Barrett, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1656-1661. doi:
Sex-Specific Association of the Putative Fructose Transporter SLC2A9 Variants With Uric Acid Levels Is Modified by BMI
Anita Brandstätter, PHD; Stefan Kiechl, MD; Barbara Kollerits, MSC; Steven C. Hunt, PHD; Iris M. Heid, PHD; Stefan Coassin, MSC; Johann Willeit, MD; Ted D. Adams, PHD; Thomas Illig, PHD; Paul N. Hopkins, MD, MSPH; Florian Kronenberg, MD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1662-1667. doi:
Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Young Women Following Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1668-1669. doi:
Validation of Prediction of Diabetes by the Archimedes Model and Comparison With Other Predicting Models
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1670-1671. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Comprehensive Foot Examination and Risk Assessment: A report of the Task Force of the Foot Care Interest Group of the American Diabetes Association, with endorsement by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD, FRCP; David G. Armstrong, DPM, PHD; Stephen F. Albert, DPM, CPED; Robert G. Frykberg, DPM, MPH; Richard Hellman, MD, FACP; M. Sue Kirkman, MD; Lawrence A. Lavery, DPM, MPH; Joseph W. LeMaster, MD, MPH; Joseph L. Mills, Sr., MD; Michael J. Mueller, PT, PHD; Peter Sheehan, MD; Dane K. Wukich, MD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1679-1685. doi:
The Impact of Prevention on Reducing the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1686-1696. doi:
Approaches to Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1697-1703. doi:
Translating the A1C Assay
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1704-1707. doi:
Reducing Cardiovascular Disease: Opportunities and consequences
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, 1708-1709. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Evaluation of a System for Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy From Color Fundus Photographs in a Large Population of Patients With Diabetes: Response to Olson et al.
Michael D. Abràmoff, MD, PHD; Meindert Niemeijer, PHD; Maria S.A. Suttorp-Schulten, MD, PHD; Max A. Viergever, PHD; Stephen R. Russell, MD; Bram van Ginneken, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2008, Vol.31, e64. doi: