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September 2008
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Impact of Disease Management on Utilization and Adherence With Drugs and Tests: The case of diabetes treatment in the Florida: A Healthy State (FAHS) program
Patrick Thiebaud, PHD; Michael Demand, PHD; Scott A. Wolf, DO, MPH; Linda L. Alipuria, PHD; Qin Ye, MD, PHD; Peter R. Gutierrez, MA
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1717-1722. doi:
Two-Year Pulmonary Safety and Efficacy of Inhaled Human Insulin (Exubera) in Adult Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Julio Rosenstock, MD; William T. Cefalu, MD; Priscilla A. Hollander, MD; Andre Belanger, MD; Freddy G. Eliaschewitz, MD; Jorge L. Gross, MD; Solomon S. Klioze, PHD; Lisa B. St. Aubin, DVM, MPVM; Howard Foyt, MD, PHD; Masayo Ogawa, MD; William T. Duggan, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1723-1728. doi:
Young Women With Type 1 Diabetes Have Lower Bone Mineral Density That Persists Over Time
Lucy D. Mastrandrea, MD, PHD; Jean Wactawski-Wende, PHD; Richard P. Donahue, PHD; Kathleen M. Hovey, MS; Angela Clark, BSN; Teresa Quattrin, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1729-1735. doi:
Coincidence of a Novel KCNJ11 Missense Variant R365H With a Paternally Inherited 6q24 Duplication in a Patient With Transient Neonatal Diabetes
Juraj Staník, MD; Mark Lethby; Sarah E. Flanagan, PHD; Daniela Gašperíková, PHD; Beata Milošovičová, MD; Margaret Lever; Hilary Bullman; Lejla Zubcevic; Andrew T. Hattersley, MD, FRCP; Sian Ellard, PHD, MRCPATH; Frances M. Ashcroft, DSC, PHD; Iwar Klimeš, MD, DSC
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1736-1737. doi:
Neurological Features and Enzyme Therapy in Patients With Endocrine and Exocrine Pancreas Dysfunction Due to CEL Mutations
Mette Vesterhus, MD; Helge Ræder, MD, PHD; Harald Aurlien, MD; Clara G. Gjesdal, MD, PHD; Cecilie Bredrup, MD; Pål I. Holm, MD; Anders Molven, PHD; Laurence Bindoff, MD, PHD; Arnold Berstad, MD, PHD; Pål R. Njølstad, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1738-1740. doi:
Retrospective Assessment of Islet Cell Autoantibodies in Pancreas Organ Donors
Stavros Diamantopoulos, MD; Gloria Allende, MS; Joseph M. Ferreira; Gaetano Ciancio, MD; George W. Burke, MD; Alberto Pugliese, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1741-1742. doi:
Wolfram Syndrome (Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetes, Optic Atrophy, and Deafness): Clinical and genetic study
Giuseppe d'Annunzio, MD; Nicola Minuto, MD; Elena D'Amato, PHD; Teresa de Toni, MD; Fortunato Lombardo, MD; Lorenzo Pasquali, MD; Renata Lorini, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1743-1745. doi:
Multisystemic Therapy for Adolescents With Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes: Reduced diabetic ketoacidosis admissions and related costs over 24 months
Deborah Ellis, PHD; Sylvie Naar-King, PHD; Thomas Templin, PHD; Maureen Frey, PHD; Phillippe Cunningham, PHD; Ashli Sheidow, PHD; Nedim Cakan, MD; April Idalski, MSW
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1746-1747. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
The Missed Patient With Diabetes: How access to health care affects the detection of diabetes
Xuanping Zhang, PHD; Linda S. Geiss, MA; Yiling J. Cheng, PHD; Gloria L. Beckles, MD; Edward W. Gregg, PHD; Henry S. Kahn, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1748-1753. doi:
Mitigating Case Mix Factors by Choice of Glycemic Control Performance Measure Threshold
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1754-1760. doi:
Explaining the Decline in Early Mortality in Men and Women With Type 2 Diabetes: A population-based cohort study
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1761-1766. doi:
The Relationship of Reduced Peripheral Nerve Function and Diabetes With Physical Performance in Older White and Black Adults: The Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study
Elsa S. Strotmeyer, PHD, MPH; Nathalie de Rekeneire, MD; Ann V. Schwartz, PHD; Kimberly A. Faulkner, PHD; Helaine E. Resnick, PHD; Bret H. Goodpaster, PHD; Ronald I. Shorr, MD; Aaron I. Vinik, MD; Tamara B. Harris, MD; Anne B. Newman, MD, MPH; for the Health ABC Study
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1767-1772. doi:
Association Between Parental History of Type 2 Diabetes and Glycemic Control in Urban African Americans
Lucy Gong; Wen Hong Linda Kao, PHD; Frederick L. Brancati, MD, MHS; Marian Batts-Turner, MSN, RN, CDE; Tiffany L. Gary, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1773-1776. doi:
Dietary Patterns and Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Jennifer A. Nettleton, PHD; Lyn M. Steffen, PHD, MPH, RD; Hanyu Ni, PHD, MPH; Kiang Liu, PHD; David R. Jacobs, Jr., PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1777-1782. doi:
Diabetes and Other Disorders of Glycemia in a Rural South African Community: Prevalence and associated risk factors
Ayesha A. Motala, MD; Tonya Esterhuizen, MSC; Eleanor Gouws, MPH; Fraser J. Pirie, MD; Mahomed A.K. Omar, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1783-1788. doi:
Genetic Determinants and Epidemiology of Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes: Results from a British cohort of children and adults
Amanda I. Adler, MD, PHD; Brian S.F. Shine, MD, MS; Parinya Chamnan, MD, MPH; Charles S. Haworth, MD; Diana Bilton, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1789-1794. doi:
Prevalence, Characteristics, and Prognostic Significance of HFE Gene Mutations in Type 2 Diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study
Timothy M.E. Davis, FRACP; John Beilby, PHD; Wendy A. Davis, PHD; John K. Olynyk, FRACP; Gary P. Jeffrey, FRACP; Enrico Rossi, PHD; Conchita Boyder, MSC; David G. Bruce, FRACP
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1795-1801. doi:
Association of Brominated Flame Retardants With Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome in the U.S. Population, 2003–2004
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1802-1807. doi:
Diabetes in Patients With Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease
Claudia Becker, PHD; Gunnar P. Brobert, PHD; Saga Johansson, MD, PHD; Susan S. Jick, DSC; Christoph R. Meier, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1808-1812. doi:
Obesity and Undiagnosed Diabetes in the U.S.
Christina C. Wee, MD, MPH; Mary Beth Hamel, MD, MPH; Annong Huang, MD, MPH, PHD; Roger B. Davis, SCD; Murray A. Mittleman, MD, DRPH; Ellen P. McCarthy, PHD, MPH
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1813-1815. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Sustained Weight Loss Following 12-Month Pramlintide Treatment as an Adjunct to Lifestyle Intervention in Obesity
Steve R. Smith, MD; Louis J. Aronne, MD; Colleen M. Burns, PHD; Nicole C. Kesty, PHD; Amy E. Halseth, PHD; Christian Weyer, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1816-1823. doi:
A New Luminescence Assay for Autoantibodies to Mammalian Cell–Prepared Insulinoma-Associated Protein 2
Peter D. Burbelo, PHD; Hiroki Hirai, MD, PHD; Hannah Leahy, BA; Ake Lernmark, MD; Sten A. Ivarsson, MD; Michael J. Iadarola, PHD; Abner Louis Notkins, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1824-1826. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Acute Modulation of Toll-Like Receptors by Insulin
Husam Ghanim, PHD; Priya Mohanty, MD; Rupali Deopurkar, MD, PHD; Ching Ling Sia, BSC; Kelly Korzeniewski, BSC; Sanaa Abuaysheh, BSC; Ajay Chaudhuri, MD; Paresh Dandona, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1827-1831. doi:
Progression of Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A 7-year follow-up study
Seung-Hyun Ko, MD, PHD; Shin-Ae Park, MD; Jae-Hyoung Cho, MD, PHD; Ki-Ho Song, MD, PHD; Kun-Ho Yoon, MD, PHD; Bong-Yun Cha, MD, PHD; Ho-Young Son, MD, PHD; Ki-Dong Yoo, MD, PHD; Keon-Woong Moon, MD, PHD; Yong-Moon Park, MD, PHD; Yu-Bai Ahn, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1832-1836. doi:
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Neuropathy in a Canadian First Nation Community
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1837-1841. doi:
Retinal Arteriolar Dilation Predicts Retinopathy in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Ning Cheung, MBBS; Sophie L. Rogers, MEPI; Kim C. Donaghue, MBBS, PHD; Alicia J. Jenkins, MBBS, MD; Gabriella Tikellis, PHD; Tien Yin Wong, MBBS, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1842-1846. doi:
Prognostic Value of the Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism of the ACE Gene in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects: Results from the Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes, Hypertension, Microalbuminuria or Proteinuria, Cardiovascular Events, and Ramipril (DIABHYCAR), Diabete de type 2, Nephropathie et Genetique (DIAB2NEPHROGENE), and Survie, Diabete de type 2 et Genetique (SURDIAGENE) studies
Samy Hadjadj, MD, PHD; Frédéric Fumeron, PHD; Ronan Roussel, MD, PHD; Pierre-Jean Saulnier, MD; Yves Gallois, PHARMD, PHD; Amos Ankotche, MD; Florence Travert, MD; Charbel Abi Khalil, MD; Aurélie Miot, MSC; François Alhenc-Gelas, MD, PHD; Michel Lievre, MD, PHD; Michel Marre, MD, PHD; on behalf of the DIABHYCAR, DIAB2NEPHROGENE, and SURDIAGENE study groups
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1847-1852. doi:
Associations of Renal Vascular Resistance With Albuminuria and Other Macroangiopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1853-1857. doi:
Maternal Lipids as Strong Determinants of Fetal Environment and Growth in Pregnancies With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Ute M. Schaefer-Graf, MD; Kristof Graf, MD; Irina Kulbacka, MD; Siri L. Kjos, MD; Joachim Dudenhausen, MD; Klaus Vetter, MD; Emilio Herrera, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1858-1863. doi:
Oxidation, Type 2 Diabetes, and Coronary Heart Disease: A Complex Interaction: Findings from a population-based study
Saverio Stranges, MD, PHD; Joan M. Dorn, PHD; Richard P. Donahue, PHD; Richard W. Browne, PHD; Jo L. Freudenheim, PHD; Kathleen M. Hovey, MSC; Maurizio Trevisan, MD, MSC
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1864-1866. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Subsequent Pregnancy After Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Frequency and risk factors for recurrence in Korean women
Soo Heon Kwak, MD; Hae Sung Kim, MD; Sung Hee Choi, MD; Soo Lim, MD; Young Min Cho, MD; Kyong Soo Park, MD, PHD; Hak C. Jang, MD, PHD; Moon Young Kim, MD, PHD; Nam H. Cho, MD, PHD; Boyd E. Metzger, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1867-1871. doi:
Influence of Maternal Obesity on Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion in Offspring
Geltrude Mingrone, MD, PHD; Melania Manco, MD; Maria Elena Valera Mora, MD; Caterina Guidone, MD; Amerigo Iaconelli, MD; Donatella Gniuli, MD; Laura Leccesi, MD; Chiara Chiellini, PHD; Giovanni Ghirlanda, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1872-1876. doi:
Preanalytical, Analytical, and Computational Factors Affect Homeostasis Model Assessment Estimates
Susan E. Manley, PHD, FRCPATH; Stephen D. Luzio, PHD, FRCPATH; Irene M. Stratton, MSC; Tara M. Wallace, MD, MRCP; Penelope M.S. Clark, PHD, FRCPATH
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1877-1883. doi:
Occupation-Related Differences in the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome
Miguel-Angel Sánchez-Chaparro, MD; Eva Calvo-Bonacho, MD; Arturo González-Quintela, MD; Carlos Fernández-Labandera, MD; Martha Cabrera, MD; Juan-Carlos Sáinz, MD; Ana Fernández-Meseguer, MD; José R. Banegas, MD; Luis-Miguel Ruilope, MD; Pedro Valdivielso, MD; Javier Román-García, MD; on behalf of the Ibermutuamur Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (ICARIA) Study Group
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1884-1885. doi:
Reciprocal Association of Plasma IGF-1 and Interleukin-6 Levels With Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Nondiabetic Subjects
Elena Succurro, MD; Francesco Andreozzi, MD; Angela Sciaqua, MD; Marta Letizia Hribal, PHD; Francesco Perticone, MD; Giorgio Sesti, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1886-1888. doi:
Association Between Raised Blood Pressure and Dysglycemia in Hong Kong Chinese
Bernard M.Y. Cheung, PHD; Nelson M.S. Wat, FRCP; Annette W.K. Tso, MRCP(UK); Sidney Tam, FACB; G. Neil Thomas, PHD; Gabriel M. Leung, MD; Hung Fat Tse, MD; Jean Woo, MD; Edward D. Janus, MD; Chu Pak Lau, MD; Tai Hing Lam, MD; Karen S.L. Lam, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1889-1891. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Cognitive Function in Children With Type 1 Diabetes: A meta-analysis
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1892-1897. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome and Incident Diabetes: Current state of the evidence
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1898-1904. doi:
Ocular Associations of Diabetes Other Than Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1905-1912. doi:
Glycemic Control in Diabetes: A Tale of Three Studies
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, 1913-1919. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
A 4-mm Needle Reduces the Risk of Intramuscular Injections Without Increasing Backflow to Skin Surface in Lean Diabetic Children and Adults
Niels H. Birkebaek, MD, PHD; Jan Solvig, MD; Birtha Hansen, CAND CUR; Christina Jorgensen, MSC PHARM; Jorgen Smedegaard, MD; Jens S. Christiansen, MD, DMSC
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, e65. doi:
Variation in the CDKAL1 Gene Is Associated With the Titer of Antibodies to GAD
Axel Haupt, MD; Martina Guthoff, MD; Baptist Gallwitz, MD; Hans-Ulrich Haring, MD; Andreas Fritsche, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, e66. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
High Serum Uric Acid as a Novel Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Dehghan et al.
Chia-Yen Dai, MD, MS; Wan-Long Chuang, MD, PHD; Chi-Kong Ho, MD; Tsan-Teng Ou, MD; Jee-Fu Huang, MD; Ming-Yen Hsieh, MD, MS; Ming-Lung Yu, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, e67. doi:
High Serum Uric Acid as a Novel Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Dehghan et al.
Giuseppe Lippi, MD; Giovanni Targher, MD; Martina Montagnana, MD; Gian Luca Salvagno, MD; Gian Cesare Guidi, MD
Diabetes Care September 2008, Vol.31, e68. doi: